1,308 research outputs found

    Correlación clínico-patológica de las microvacuolas o ‘glistenings’ en 100 lentes intraoculares (lios) AcrySof® explantados

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    Propósito:analizar los LIOs acrílicos hidrofóbicos AcrySof® de nuestro banco de lentes explantados para establecer la presencia de microvacuolas (glistenings), determinar su frecuencia y definir si existe una correlación con los datos clínicos para cada uno.Materiales y Métodos: se realizó análisis clínico-patológico de todos los lentes hidrofóbicos AcrySof® (n=100) que hacen parte del banco de más de 5.000 explantes de nuestro laboratorio. Se efectuó evaluación microscópica y se determinó la presencia de las microvacuolas; adicionalmente se estimó la severidad de las mismas y se hizo una correlación con los datos clínicos para cada lente.Resultados:el análisis foto microscópico reveló la presencia de microvacuolas en 43 de los 100 LIOs evaluados. Las microvacuolas fueron clasificadas como eves en 14 casos, moderadas en 17 y marcadas en 12. Del total de lentes con microvacuolas solamente en 6 casos se hizo el diagnóstico clínico de las mismas.Conclusiones: estas observaciones nos permiten concluir que a menudo se pasa por alto el diagnóstico de esta entidad. Esta entidad es más común de lo que muchos estiman. No existen en la actualidad criterios uniformes sobre el tiempo de seguimiento posoperatorio; de ahí la razón por la que no se diagnostican correctamente las microvacuolas y la controversia entre los cirujanos y los investigadores persist

    Heterogeneous Photocatalytic Degradation of Ibuprofen Over TiO2–Ag Supported on Activated Carbon from Waste Tire Rubber

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    In recent years it has been discovered that some common use medicines, such as ibuprofen and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, are found in water sources in concentrations that have the potential to affect aquatic organisms. On the other hand, waste used tires are a massive problem for the environment due to the leaching of toxic compounds to soils and water. Also, the exposition to environmental conditions can make them sources of vectors like mosquitoes. In this work, three activated carbon (AC) catalysts derived from waste tire rubber, titanium dioxide and silver were synthesized using the sol–gel method. Morphological characterizations such as SEM and TEM were performed in which, the agglomeration of titanium particles and silver crystals on the surface of the AC is evident. In the XRD analysis, the presence of elemental silver nanoparticles was detected. In the diffuse reflectance spectroscopy analysis, the decrease in the titanium band gap, as well as activity in the visible spectrum, was observed. The photocatalytic tests were performed at pH 3 and 7 in the presence of UV/Vis radiation. These tests show that there are differences between the catalyst in both, UV and visible regions. Adsorption is a major phenomenon for the removal of ibuprofen, followed by photolytic decomposition. In visible spectra, the catalysts show a good performance for the removal of ibuprofen

    Chitosan microparticles as injectable scaffolds for tissue engineering applications

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    [Excerpt] Microparticles may be used as a support for the adhesion and proliferation of cells. Therefore, the combination of isolated particles and previously incubated cells on their surface may have potential to be used, in the form of a suspension with media, as an injectable scaffold in the context of tissue regeneration: on expects that the particles might agglomerate after the implantation as a consequence of cells proliferation and extracellular matrix production. [...]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Análisis de las capacidades de innovación tecnológica en un sistema regional aeroespacial localizado mediante un modelo PLS -SEM

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    A methodological proposal is presented whose objective is to analyze the technological innovation capabilities of an aerospace regional innovation system (hereinafter ARIS) through a Partial Least Squares Structural Equations Model -PLS SEM. The model conceives that capacities and resources affect the technological learning of the system. The methodology is of a mixed sequential exploratory type. Through the method of deductive reasoning, the variables of the model are configured, which lead to the construction of an instrument that is tested with the companies associated with the ARIS of Antioquia - Colombia, based on the information obtained, we proceed to validate the consistency and reliability of the technological innovation capabilities (hereinafter TIC) measurement and evaluation system, through Cronbach's alpha coefficient to, finally, refine and improve the model from the application of PLS ​​SEM. In the improvement exercise based on the results, the use of variables that are not representative for the system is discarded. It is concluded that the set of variables selected for the system allows consolidating a construct that allowed measuring and evaluating the CTI, providing information on the levels of development of capabilities in the observed period of time. In addition, the incidence of technological learning is evidenced by the relationship of CTI accumulated by the system. Se realizó el análisis de las capacidades de innovación tecnológica (CIT) de un Sistema Regional de Innovación Aeroespacial (SRIA), a través de un modelo PLS-SEM. El modelo concibe que las CIT inciden en el aprendizaje tecnológico del sistema. La metodología utilizada configuró un instrumento que fue puesto a prueba con las empresas asociadas SRIA, seguido, se procedió a validar la consistencia y fiabilidad del sistema de medición y evaluación de las CIT, a través del coeficiente alfa de cronbach’s para, finalmente, refinar a partir de la aplicación PLS SEM, apartando las variables que no fueron representativas para el sistema. Se concluye que el conjunto de variables seleccionadas, consolida un constructo que facilita la medición y evaluación y otorga información de los niveles de desarrollo de las CIT en el periodo de observación y de la incidencia del aprendizaje tecnológico evidenciado en la acumulación de las CIT del SRIA. The analysis of the technological innovation capabilities (TIC) of a Regional Aerospace Innovation System (RAIS) was carried out through a PLS-SEM model. The model conceives that TIC influence the technological learning of the system. The methodology used configured an instrument that was tested with RAIS partner companies, followed, the consistency and reliability of the TIC measurement and evaluation system was then validated, through the cronbach's alpha coefficient and, finally, refined through the PLS SEM application, removing the variables that were not representative for the system. It is concluded that the set of variables selected consolidates a construct that facilitates measurement and evaluation and provides information on the levels of TIC development in the observation period and the incidence of technological learning evidenced in the accumulation of TIC in the RAIS

    From contigs towards chromosomes: automatic improvement of long read assemblies (ILRA)

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    Recent advances in long read technologies not only enable large consortia to aim to sequence all eukaryotes on Earth, but they also allow individual laboratories to sequence their species of interest with relatively low investment. Long read technologies embody the promise of overcoming scaffolding problems associated with repeats and low complexity sequences, but the number of contigs often far exceeds the number of chromosomes and they may contain many insertion and deletion errors around homopolymer tracts. To overcome these issues, we have implemented the ILRA pipeline to correct long read-based assemblies. Contigs are first reordered, renamed, merged, circularized, or filtered if erroneous or contaminated. Illumina short reads are used subsequently to correct homopolymer errors. We successfully tested our approach by improving the genome sequences of Homo sapiens, Trypanosoma brucei, and Leptosphaeria spp., and by generating four novel Plasmodium falciparum assemblies from field samples. We found that correcting homopolymer tracts reduced the number of genes incorrectly annotated as pseudogenes, but an iterative approach seems to be required to correct more sequencing errors. In summary, we describe and benchmark the performance of our new tool, which improved the quality of novel long read assemblies up to 1 Gbp. The pipeline is available at GitHub: https://github.com/ThomasDOtto/ILRA

    Sistema de posicionamiento robótico para captura de señales de ultrasonido en END por el método de inmersión

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    Robotic platforms created to place devices or sensors at specific coordinates, are efficient systems for automation of positioning tasks when taking actions on or acquiring signals from an exact point, are needed. In that sense, the methodology of the design and implementation of a mechatronic platform to position an ultrasonic transducer over an inspection grid, in automatically or remote manual way, is described through this article. The reason for robotic positioning of this transducer is to acquire ultrasonic signals coming from a piece which is wanted to be evaluated, containing information form that piece. The designed system is able to ensure a mean uncertainty in the position measurement around 1.1% and 2% on axis X and Y, and to save the digitized ultrasonic signals in an electronic sheet.Las plataformas robóticas creadas para el posicionamiento de herramientas o de sensores constituyen sistemas eficaces para aplicar el control numérico a la automatización de tareas donde se requiere trasladar y ubicar con cierta precisión alguna acción determinada o desde donde se necesita adquirir algún tipo de variable física. En ese sentido, a lo largo de este artículo se describe la metodología desarrollada para el diseño e implementación de una plataforma mecatrónica para el posicionamiento automático o manual remoto de un transductor ultrasónico sobre una grilla de inspección, de tal manera que sea posible la captura de las señales de ultrasonido provenientes de la pieza a inspeccionar, y que contienen información del estado de ésta. El sistema diseñado logra asegurar una incertidumbre promedio en la posición del 1,1% y del 2% en los ejes X e Y, y entrega el banco de señales digitalizadas de ultrasonido en una hoja electrónica

    Comportamento de interação e vocalização do tapir centro-americano Tapirus bairdii de Talamanca, Costa Rica

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    Baird’s tapir is considered globally endangered, but most aspects of its ecology and natural history are still unknown. There are scarce previous reports regarding interaction behavior and vocalization for the species; this work is considered the first detailed description of call not only for T. bairdii, but the first for a tapir in the wild. Here we present observations on interaction behavior and the analyses of the first wild vocalizations for Baird’s Tapir from Talamanca, Costa Rica. We distinguish two types of calls. The first call was composed of two notes (average 0.625 ± 0.069 s and 0.323 ± 0.080 s, respectively) with a dominant frequency of 4,940 ± 248.3 Hz. The second call was composed of a single note (average 1.121±0.063) with a dominant frequency of 6,471 ± 704.1 Hz. Interaction is probably due to resource availability, and vocalizations likely reflect communication between bonding pairs or to avoid agonistic behavior. These observations provide clues into social interaction and use of vocal traits for communication among wild tapirs, as well as may contribute for future analyses regarding the phylogenetic signal within the genus.Keywords: Bonding pairs, communication, Perissodactyla, social interaction.O tapir centro-americano é considerado em perigo globalmente, mas a maioria dos aspectos de sua ecologia e história natural ainda é desconhecida. Existem poucos relatórios anteriores sobre o comportamento de interação e de vocalização para as espécies; este trabalho é considerado a primeira descrição detalhada da vocalização não somente para T. bairdii, mas a primeira para uma anta na natureza. No presente trabalho, apresentam-se observações sobre o comportamento de interação e as análises das primeiras vocalizações selvagens para o tapir centro-americano de Talamanca, Costa Rica. Distinguimos dois tipos de chamadas. A primeira chamada foi composta por duas notas (média 0,625 ± 0,069 s e 0,323 ± 0,080 s, respectivamente) com uma frequência dominante de 4.940 ± 248,3 Hz. A segunda chamada foi composta por uma única nota (média 1,121 ± 0,063) com uma frequência dominante de 6.471 ± 704,1 Hz. A interação é provavelmente devido à disponibilidade de recursos, e as vocalizações provavelmente refletem a comunicação entre casais ou para evitar comportamentos agonísticos. Essas observações fornecem indícios de interação social e do uso de traços vocais para a comunicação entre antas selvagens, além de poder contribuir para futuras análises do sinal filogenético no gênero.Palavras-chave: casais, comunicação, interação social, Perissodactyla

    Fault detection in unmanned aerial vehicles via orientation signals and machine learning

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    [EN] This work proposes an actuator fault detection and isolation scheme for a quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) under a data-driven approach using machine learning techniques. In this approach, an implicit model of the system is built through the information provided by the onboard sensors of the UAV. First, using a tailored flying platform, vibrations corresponding to the orientation, angular position and linear acceleration were captured with the UAV flying in hover mode under nominal conditions. This data is processed by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for feature extraction. Subsequently, faults in the actuators are induced through a cut in each of the UAV propellers which generate a reduction in the thrust of the rotors. These data are also projected into the PCA subspace and compared to the nominal data. Hotelling’s T 2 statistic is used to discern between nominal data and data when the vehicle exhibits an actuator fault. Finally, the developed algorithms were complemented with k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) and support vector machine (SVM) classification algorithms. The results show a correct classification rate of 89.6 % (k-NN) and 92.4 % (SVM) respectively for 423 validation datasets.[ES] Este trabajo propone un esquema de detección y localización de fallas en los actuadores de un vehículo aéreo no tripulado (VANT) del tipo cuadrirrotor. Para ello, se considera un enfoque basado en datos haciendo uso de técnicas de aprendizaje de máquina. En este enfoque se construye un modelo implícito del sistema a través de la información proporcionada por los sensores del VANT. Primero, a través de un plataforma de vuelo de tipo giroscópica, se captan las vibraciones correspondientes a la orientación, posición angular y aceleración lineal cuando el vehículo se encuentra en vuelo estacionario en condiciones nominales. Estos datos se procesan mediante Análisis en Componentes Principales (PCA) para la extracción de características. Posteriormente, se induce una falla a los actuadores a través de un recorte en cada una de las hélices del VANT que ocasionan una reducción del empuje generado por los rotores. Estos datos se proyectan también al subespacio de componentes principales y se comparan con los datos nominales. Para discernir entre los datos nominales y los datos cuando el vehículo presenta falla, se emplea el estadístico T2 de Hotelling. Finalmente, el desarrollo se complementa con los algoritmos de clasificación de k-vecinos más cercanos (k-NN) y de máquina de vectores de soporte (SVM). Los resultados muestran una tasa de clasificación correcta del 89.6 % (k-NN) y 92.4 %(SVM) respectivamente para 423 conjuntos de datos de validación.López-Estrada, FR.; Méndez-López, A.; Santos-Ruiz, I.; Valencia-Palomo, G.; Escobar-Gómez, E. (2021). Detección de fallas en vehículos aéreos no tripulados mediante señales de orientación y técnicas de aprendizaje de máquina. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial. 18(3):254-264. https://doi.org/10.4995/riai.2020.14031OJS254264183Alos, A., Dahrouj, Z., 2020. Detecting contextual faults in unmanned aerial vehicles using dynamic linear regression and k-nearest neighbour classifier. Gyroscopy and Navigation 11, 94-104. https://doi.org/10.1134/S2075108720010046Baskaya, E., Bronz, M., Delahaye, D., 2017. Fault detection & diagnosis for small uavs via machine learning, in: Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2017 IEEE/AIAA 36th, IEEE. pp. 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1109/DASC.2017.8102037Benini, A., Ferracuti, F., Monteriu, A., Radensleben, S., 2019. Fault detection of a VTOL UAV using acceleration measurements, in: 2019 18th European Control Conference (ECC), IEEE. pp. 3990-3995. https://doi.org/10.23919/ECC.2019.8796198Freeman, P., Pandita, R., Srivastava, N., Balas, G.J., 2013. Model-based and data-driven fault detection performance for a small UAV. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 18, 1300-1309. https://doi.org/10.1109/TMECH.2013.2258678Gertler, J., 2015. Fault detection and diagnosis. Encyclopedia of Systems and Control, 417-422. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4471-5058-9_223Ghalamchi, B., Mueller, M., 2018. Vibration-based propeller fault diagnosis for multicopters, in: 2018 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), IEEE. pp. 1041-1047. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICUAS.2018.8453400Guo, K., Liu, L., Shi, S., Liu, D., Peng, X., 2019. UAV sensor fault detection using a classifier without negative samples: A local density regulated optimization algorithm. 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    Eficiencia energética de computadores personales: un análisis comparativo

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    The demand for electricity related to Information and Communication Technologies is constantly growing and contributing significantly to the increase in global greenhouse gas emissions. To reduce this harmful growth, it is necessary to approach the problem from different perspectives. One of them is to implement changes of scale, such as migrating, if possible, algorithms and processes to more energy efficient resources. In this context, this article explores the possibility of running scientific and engineering programs on personal computers and compares the energy efficiency obtained on these devices with that of more powerful computers and even supercomputers. As an anecdote, it shows how the energy efficiency obtained for the same workloads in personal computers is similar to that of some supercomputers included in the Green500 ranking.La demanda de electricidad relacionada con las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación está en constante crecimiento y contribuyendo significativamente al aumento de las emisiones globales de gases de efecto invernadero. Para reducir este crecimiento nocivo, es necesario abordar el problema desde diferentes perspectivas. Una de ellas es implementar cambios de escala, como migrar, si es posible, algoritmos y procesos a recursos energéticamente más eficientes. En este contexto, este artículo explora la posibilidad de ejecutar programas científicos y de ingeniería en computadores personales y compara la eficiencia energética obtenida en estos dispositivos con la de computadores más potentes e incluso supercomputadores. Como anécdota, se muestra cómo la eficiencia energética obtenida para las mismas cargas de trabajo en computadores personales es similar a la de algunos supercomputadores incluidos en el ranking Green500.Investigación financiada parcialmente por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICIU) junto con el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), proyecto PGC2018-098813-B-C31