4,040 research outputs found

    Fusing deep learned and hand-crafted features of appearance, shape, and dynamics for automatic pain estimation

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    Automatic continuous time, continuous value assessment of a patient's pain from face video is highly sought after by the medical profession. Despite the recent advances in deep learning that attain impressive results in many domains, pain estimation risks not being able to benefit from this due to the difficulty in obtaining data sets of considerable size. In this work we propose a combination of hand-crafted and deep-learned features that makes the most of deep learning techniques in small sample settings. Encoding shape, appearance, and dynamics, our method significantly outperforms the current state of the art, attaining a RMSE error of less than 1 point on a 16-level pain scale, whilst simultaneously scoring a 67.3% Pearson correlation coefficient between our predicted pain level time series and the ground truth

    More Benefits of Semileptonic Rare B Decays at Low Recoil: CP Violation

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    We present a systematic analysis of the angular distribution of Bbar -> Kbar^\ast (-> Kbar pi) l^+ l^- decays with l = e, mu in the low recoil region (i.e. at high dilepton invariant masses of the order of the mass of the b-quark) to account model-independently for CP violation beyond the Standard Model, working to next-to-leading order QCD. From the employed heavy quark effective theory framework we identify the key CP observables with reduced hadronic uncertainties. Since some of the CP asymmetries are CP-odd they can be measured without B-flavour tagging. This is particularly beneficial for Bbar_s,B_s -> phi(-> K^+ K^-) l^+ l^- decays, which are not self-tagging, and we work out the corresponding time-integrated CP asymmetries. Presently available experimental constraints allow the proposed CP asymmetries to be sizeable, up to values of the order ~ 0.2, while the corresponding Standard Model values receive a strong parametric suppression at the level of O(10^-4). Furthermore, we work out the allowed ranges of the short-distance (Wilson) coefficients C_9,C_10 in the presence of CP violation beyond the Standard Model but no further Dirac structures. We find the Bbar_s -> mu^+ mu^- branching ratio to be below 9*10^-9 (at 95% CL). Possibilities to check the performance of the theoretical low recoil framework are pointed out.Comment: 18 pages, 3 fig.; 1 reference and comment on higher order effects added; EOS link fixed. Minor adjustments to Eqs 4.1-4.3 to match the (lower) q^2-cut as given in paper. Main results and conclusions unchanged; v3+v4: treatment of exp. uncert. in likelihood-function in EOS fixed and constraints from scan on C9,C10 updated (Fig 2,3 and Eqs 3.2,3.3). Main results and conclusions absolutely unchange

    Complete Anatomy of B -> K*ll and its angular distribution

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    We present a complete and optimal set of observables for the exclusive 4-body B meson decay B -> K*(->K pi) l+l- in the low dilepton mass region, that contains a maximal number of clean observables. This basis of observables is built in a systematic way. We show that all the previously defined observables and any observable that one can construct, can be expressed as a function of this basis. This set of observables contains all the information that can be extracted from the angular distribution in the cleanest possible way. We provide explicit expressions for the full and the uniangular distributions in terms of this basis. The conclusions presented here can be easily extended to the large-q^2 region. We study the sensitivity of the observables to right-handed currents and scalars. Finally, we present for the first time all the symmetries of the full distribution including massive terms and scalar contributions.Comment: 37 pages, 12 Figures. Corrected typo in Eqs. (29) and (44). Results and conclusions unchange

    Exploring New Physics in the C7-C7' plane

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    The Wilson coefficient C7 governing the radiative electromagnetic decays of B meson has been calculated to a very high accuracy in the Standard Model, but experimental bounds on either the magnitude or the sign of C7 are often model-dependent. In the present paper, we attempt at constraining both the magnitude and sign of C7 using a systematic approach. We consider already measured observables like the branching ratios of B \rightarrow Xs mu+ mu- and B \rightarrow Xs gamma, the isospin and CP asymmetries in B \rightarrow K* gamma, as well as AFB and FL in B \rightarrow K*l+l-. We also discuss the transverse observable AT2 which, once measured, may help to disentangle some of the scenarios considered. We explore the constraints on C7, C9, C10 as well as their chirality-flipped counterparts. Within our framework, we find that we need to extend the constraints up to 1.6 sigma to allow for the "flipped-sign solution" of C7. The SM solution for C7 exhibits a very mild tension if New Physics is allowed in dipole operators only. We provide semi-numerical expressions for all these observables as functions of the relevant Wilson coefficients at the low scale.Comment: 54 pages, 16 figures, 15 tables. Normalization factor introduced for the integrated AFB and FL in Sec.2.5 (Eq.2.35-2.38). Conclusions unchanged. Not updated in JHE

    Implications from clean observables for the binned analysis of B -> K*ll at large recoil

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    We perform a frequentist analysis of q^2-dependent B-> K*(->Kpi)ll angular observables at large recoil, aiming at bridging the gap between current theoretical analyses and the actual experimental measurements. We focus on the most appropriate set of observables to measure and on the role of the q^2-binning. We highlight the importance of the observables P_i exhibiting a limited sensitivity to soft form factors for the search for New Physics contributions. We compute predictions for these binned observables in the Standard Model, and we compare them with their experimental determination extracted from recent LHCb data. Analyzing b->s and b->sll transitions within four different New Physics scenarios, we identify several New Physics benchmark points which can be discriminated through the measurement of P_i observables with a fine q^2-binning. We emphasise the importance (and risks) of using observables with (un)suppressed dependence on soft form factors for the search of New Physics, which we illustrate by the different size of hadronic uncertainties attached to two related observables (P_1 and S_3). We illustrate how the q^2-dependent angular observables measured in several bins can help to unravel New Physics contributions to B-> K*(->Kpi)ll, and show the extraordinary constraining power that the clean observables will have in the near future. We provide semi-numerical expressions for these observables as functions of the relevant Wilson coefficients at the low scale.Comment: 50 pages, 21 figures. Improved form factor analysis, conclusions unchanged. Plots with full resolution. Version published in JHE

    Supersymmetric constraints from Bs -> mu+mu- and B -> K* mu+mu- observables

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    We study the implications of the recent LHCb limit and results on Bs -> mu+mu- and B -> K* mu+mu- observables in the constrained SUSY scenarios. After discussing the Standard Model predictions and carefully estimating the theoretical errors, we show the constraining power of these observables in CMSSM and NUHM. The latest limit on BR(Bs -> mu+mu-), being very close to the SM prediction, constrains strongly the large tan(beta) regime and we show that the various angular observables from B -> K* mu+mu- decay can provide complementary information in particular for moderate tan(beta) values.Comment: 30 pages, 14 figure

    The Benefits of B ---> K* l+ l- Decays at Low Recoil

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    Using the heavy quark effective theory framework put forward by Grinstein and Pirjol we work out predictions for B -> K* l+ l-, l = (e, mu), decays for a softly recoiling K*, i.e., for large dilepton masses sqrt{q^2} of the order of the b-quark mass m_b. We work to lowest order in Lambda/Q, where Q = (m_b, sqrt{q^2}) and include the next-to-leading order corrections from the charm quark mass m_c and the strong coupling at O(m_c^2/Q^2, alpha_s). The leading Lambda/m_b corrections are parametrically suppressed. The improved Isgur-Wise form factor relations correlate the B -> K* l+ l- transversity amplitudes, which simplifies the description of the various decay observables and provides opportunities for the extraction of the electroweak short distance couplings. We propose new angular observables which have very small hadronic uncertainties. We exploit existing data on B -> K* l+ l- distributions and show that the low recoil region provides powerful additional information to the large recoil one. We find disjoint best-fit solutions, which include the Standard Model, but also beyond-the-Standard Model ones. This ambiguity can be accessed with future precision measurements.Comment: 31 pages, 8 figures; Instability near minimal recoil from numerics removed, Fig. 1 replaced and minor shifts in short distance uncertainties in SM predictions; typos corrected and references added; main results and conclusions unchange

    On the Universality of CP Violation in Delta F = 1 Processes

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    We show that new physics which breaks the left-handed SU(3)_Q quark flavor symmetry induces contributions to CP violation in Delta F = 1 couplings which are approximately universal, in that they are not affected by flavor rotations between the up and the down mass bases. (Only the short distance contributions are universal, while observables are also affected by hadronic matrix elements.) Therefore, such flavor violation cannot be aligned, and is constrained by the strongest bound from either the up or the down sectors. We use this result to show that the bound from eps'/eps prohibits an SU(3)_Q breaking explanation of the recent LHCb evidence for CP violation in D meson decays. Another consequence of this universality is that supersymmetric alignment models with a moderate mediation scale are consistent with the data, and are harder to probe via CP violating observables. With current constraints, therefore, squarks need not be degenerate. However, future improvements in the measurement of CP violation in D-Dbar mixing will start to probe alignment models.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. Clarifications and references adde

    Bayesian Fit of Exclusive bsˉb \to s \bar\ell\ell Decays: The Standard Model Operator Basis

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    We perform a model-independent fit of the short-distance couplings C7,9,10C_{7,9,10} within the Standard Model set of bsγb\to s\gamma and bsˉb\to s\bar\ell\ell operators. Our analysis of BKγB \to K^* \gamma, BK()ˉB \to K^{(*)} \bar\ell\ell and BsμˉμB_s \to \bar\mu\mu decays is the first to harness the full power of the Bayesian approach: all major sources of theory uncertainty explicitly enter as nuisance parameters. Exploiting the latest measurements, the fit reveals a flipped-sign solution in addition to a Standard-Model-like solution for the couplings CiC_i. Each solution contains about half of the posterior probability, and both have nearly equal goodness of fit. The Standard Model prediction is close to the best-fit point. No New Physics contributions are necessary to describe the current data. Benefitting from the improved posterior knowledge of the nuisance parameters, we predict ranges for currently unmeasured, optimized observables in the angular distributions of BK(Kπ)ˉB\to K^*(\to K\pi)\,\bar\ell\ell.Comment: 42 pages, 8 figures; v2: Using new lattice input for f_Bs, considering Bs-mixing effects in BR[B_s->ll]. Main results and conclusion unchanged, matches journal versio

    New physics reach of the decay mode BˉKˉ0+\bar{B} \to \bar{K}^{*0}\ell^+\ell^-

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    We present a complete method to construct QCD-protected observables based on the exclusive 4-body BB-meson decay BˉKˉ0+\bar{B} \to \bar{K}^{*0}\ell^+\ell^- in the low dilepton mass region. The core of the method is the requirement that the constructed quantities should fulfil the symmetries of the angular distribution. We have identified all symmetries of the angular distribution in the limit of massless leptons and explore: a new non-trivial relation between the coefficients of the angular distribution, the possibility to fully solve the system for the KK^{*} amplitudes, and the construction of non-trivial observables. We also present a phenomenological analysis of the new physics sensitivity of angular observables in the decay based on QCD factorisation. We further analyse the CP-conserving observables, AT(2)A_{T}^{(2)}, AT(3)A_{T}^{(3)} and AT(4)A_{T}^{(4)}. They are practically free of theoretical uncertainties due to the soft form factors for the full range of dilepton masses rather than just at a single point as for AFBA_{FB}. They also have a higher sensitivity to specific new physics scenarios compared to observables such as AFBA_{FB}. Moreover, we critically examine the new physics reach of CP-violating observables via a complete error analysis due to scale dependences, form factors and Λ/mb\Lambda/m_b corrections. We have developed an ensemble method to evaluate the error on observables from Λ/mb\Lambda/m_b corrections. Finally, we explore the experimental prospects of CP-violating observables and find that they are rather limited. Indeed, the CP-conserving (averaged) observables AT(i)A_{T}^{(i)} (with i=2,3,4i=2,3,4) will offer a better sensitivity to large CP phases and may be more suitable for experimental analysis.Comment: 38 pages, 17 figures, updated version to fix a few typo