5 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Variasi Pemberian Snack Bar Ubi Jalar Kedelai Hitam Terhadap Kadar Superoksida Dismutase (SOD) Darah

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    Background: Snack bar from sweet potatoes and black soybeans is low GI, fat and calorie snack which haveantioxidant content, such as β-carotene, anthocyanin, isoflavone, and antioxidant activity, so can be an alternativesnack for patients with DM type 2. Antioxidants intake can prevent the oxidative stress that lead micro- and macrovascularcomplications in DM type 2. Antioxidant intake may preserve endogen antioxidant capacity, which is can bedetermined by analyzing SOD concentration.Objective: analyze effect variety of Snack bar from sweet potatoes and black soybeans consume to SOD concentration.Methods: experimental post-pretest research used 3 varieties of sweet potato's color (red, yellow, and purple)interventions. SOD concentration was analyzed by colorimetric. Statistic data was analyzed by dependent t-test andOne Way Anova.Results: No different between groups interventions Snack bar from purple, yellow or red sweet potatoes (p=0,122).Group with snack bar from purple sweet potatoes intervention has lowest SOD decreasing percentage among otherintervention groups.Conclusion: Consume snack bar form purple sweet potatoes and black soybeans can preserve SOD concentrationbetter than consume snack bar form yellow or red sweet potatoes and black soybean

    Snack Bar Rendah Fosfor Dan Protein Berbasis Produk Olahan Beras

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    Latar Belakang: Hiperfosfatemia merupakan gangguan metabolisme pada pasien gagal ginjal kronik. Strategi diet untuk menurunkan kadar fosfor dalam darah adalah mengonsumsi makanan rendah fosfor, protein dan rasio fosfor-protein, antara lain beras dan putih telur. Modifikasi makanan selingan berupa snack bar menggunakan produk olahan beras dan putih telur dapat menghasilkan produk yang menarik dengan kandungan zat gizi lebih baik. Tujuan: Menganalisis kandungan zat gizi, rasio fosfor-protein, densitas kamba, daya patah, serta tingkat kesukaan snack bar dengan berbagai produk olahan beras.Metode: Penelitian eksperimental acak lengkap 1 faktor yaitu 3 jenis produk olahan beras meliputi sereal beras, rice krispi, dan brondong beras. Penelitian pendahuluan menunjukkan snack bar dengan penambahan putih telur 20% adalah yang paling disukai panelis sehingga digunakan sebagai formulasi tetap pada penelitian utama. Penelitian utama berupa pembuatan snack bar menggunakan berbagai produk olahan beras. Data kandungan zat gizi, rasio fosfor-protein, densitas kamba, dan daya patah dianalisis menggunakan uji One Way ANOVA dilanjutkan uji Tukey dan LSD. Tingkat kesukaan dianalisis menggunakan uji Friedman dilanjutkan uji Wilcoxon.Hasil: Dalam berat takaran saji 45 g, formulasi sereal beras mengandung 194, 78 kkal energi, 2,44 g protein, 58,13 mg fosfor, dan rasio fosfor-protein 23,74 mg/g. Formulasi rice krispi mengandung 193,20 kkal energi, 2,61 g protein, 71,55 mg fosfor, dan rasio fosfor-protein 27,27 mg/g. Formulasi brondong beras mengandung 202,66 kkal energi, 3,25 g protein, 77,77 mg fosfor, dan rasio fosfor-protein 23,80 mg/g. Terdapat perbedaan tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap warna dan tekstur yang bermakna tetapi tidak pada aroma dan rasa snack bar.Kesimpulan: Semua formulasi snack bar secara umum memenuhi syarat kandungan zat gizi dan masih dapat diterima oleh panelis. Formulasi snack bar yang direkomendasikan adalah sereal beras

    Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Terigu dengan Tepung Tempe dan Tepung Ubi Jalar Kuning terhadap Kadar Protein, Kadar β-Karoten, dan Mutu Organoleptik Roti Manis

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    Background: Increased of high protein and β-carotene food consumption is expected may prevent PEM and VAD. Tempeh is a high-protein food stuff, while orange-fleshed sweet potato had high β-carotene content. Sweet bread with substitution of tempeh and orange-fleshed sweet potato flours is expected could be an alternative food which had high protein and β-carotene content. Objective: Analyze the effect of tempeh and orange-fleshed sweet potato flour substitution on protein and β-carotene content, and organoleptic quality of sweet bread. Method: An one factor completely randomized experimental study used 5 level of tempeh and orange-fleshed sweet potato flour substitution, which were 0%:0%, 0%:25%, 10%:15%, 15%:10%, and 25%:0%. Statistical analysis of protein and β-carotene content used One Way ANOVA followed by Tukey and Duncan test, while analysis of organoleptic quality used Friedman and Wilcoxon test. Result: Sweet bread with 25% tempeh flour substitution had the highest protein content (14.38%) and 25% orange-fleshed sweet potato flour substitution had the highest β-carotene content (0.24 mg/100 g). Substitution of 25% orange-fleshed sweet potato flour and substitution of 10% tempeh -15% orange-fleshed sweet potato flour had significant effect on β-carotene content. Tempeh and orange-fleshed sweet potato flour substitution also had significant effect on color, aroma, texture, and taste of sweet bread, but had no but had no significant effect on its protein content. Conclusion: Tempeh flour substitution increased protein content in sweet bread and orange-fleshed sweet potato flour increased its β-carotene content. Sweet bread with 10% tempeh-15% orange-fleshed sweet potato flour substitution were recommended