818 research outputs found

    A Response to Professor Robert A. Friedlander

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    Educational Software Audit

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    This article describes an audit in the IT field, namely the audit of software using the example of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University. The most significant goal of the audit is to discover the full list of programs installed on the enterprise's machines. This list should include all software products without exception: both used by employees to solve their daily questions, and those programs that were not used at all, but simply downloaded for interest. It is noted, including incorrectly deleted software that has retained its fingerprints in the system. In the work, a comparison was made of the most well-known and used products of Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager and Kaspersky Security Center and a comparative integration of all the information that collects these funds was performed. Collecting and processing data on the software installed on the machines of an educational institution is a time-consuming task. The system of automated software audit connects remotely to computers on the local network and accumulates data about the software installed on them. To improve this process, a program with the necessary interface has been written, which allows obtaining a database that contains data about all computers with the software installed on them. This will further make it possible to formulate recommendations for the further development of the computer park on the example of KPU

    A Response to Dr. Evyatar Levine

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    Multiphoton Dissociation of HeH+ below the He+(1s) + H(1s) Threshold

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    We discuss the strong-field dynamics of HeH+, the simplest stable heteronuclear molecule, focusing on identifying a laser regime for which there is a sufficient dissociation signal for experimental measurement. We numerically solve the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation to obtain total dissociation probabilities, kinetic energy release spectra, and momentum distributions for wavelengths from 800 nm to 2400 nm. The suitability of this simple system as a prototype for understanding the strong-field nuclear dynamics of heteronuclear dissociation is discussed

    Stabilization of carbon nanotubes by filling with inner tubes: An optical spectroscopy study on double-walled carbon nanotubes under hydrostatic pressure

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    The stabilization of carbon nanotubes via the filling with inner tubes is demonstrated by probing the optical transitions in double-walled carbon nanotube bundles under hydrostatic pressure with optical spectroscopy. Double-walled carbon nanotube films were prepared from fullerene peapods and characterized by HRTEM and optical spectroscopy. In comparison to single-walled carbon nanotubes, the pressure-induced redshifts of the optical transitions in the outer tubes are significantly smaller below \sim10 GPa, demonstrating the enhanced mechanical stability due to the inner tube already at low pressures. Anomalies at the critical pressure Pd_d\approx12 GPa signal the onset of the pressure-induced deformation of the tubular cross-sections. The value of Pd_d is in very good agreement with theoretical predictions of the pressure-induced structural transitions in double-walled carbon nanotube bundles with similar average diameters.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Media Pembelajaran Riset Operasi untuk Metode Duality Linier Programming Berbasis Multimedia

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    Berdasarkan hasil koesioner yang diperoleh dari 30 mahasiswa yang pernah mengambil mata kuliah Riset Operasi, jumlah prosentase mahasiswa yang tidak memahami materi Duality Linier Programming lebih banyak daripada mahasiswa yang paham akan materi Duality Linier Programming, 23 mahasiswa memerlukan sebuah aplikasi pembelajaran Duality Linier Programming. Dari 94 mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah Riset Operasi, mahasiswa yang mendapat nilai quiz Duality Linier Programming D dan E sebesar 34,04 %. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu pembelajaran mata kuliah Riset Operasi khususnya materi Duality Linier Programming. Dengan adanya media pembelajaran berbasis multimedia ini diharapkan mahasiswa dapat meningkatkan pemahaman dan minat belajar mengenai Duality Linier Programming.Metode penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan mengidentifikasi permasalahan, pengumpulan data melalui metode literature, interview dan koesioner. Metode literatur dilakukan dengan studi pustaka yaitu membaca dan membandingkan buku dan artikel yang terkait. Wawancara dilakukan kepada dosen pengampu mata kuliah Riset Operasi. Penyebaran koesioner terkait tentang perhitungan materi Duality Linier Programming. Data yang terkumpul digunakan untuk menganalisis user, kebutuhan user dan kebutuhan sistem. Hasil analisis digunakan untuk membuat aplikasi pembelajaran Riset Operasi untuk metode Duality Linier Programming berbasis multimedia dengan menggunakan software Adobe Flash CS3.Hasil penelitian ini adalah aplikasi multimedia sebagai Media Pembelajaran Riset Operasi untuk metode Duality Linier Programming. Aplikasi telah diuji coba menggunakan black box test dan alpha test. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi pembelajaran ini dapat membantu proses pembelajaran mahasiswa dan dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu pembelajaran Riset Operasi untuk metode Duality Linier Programming

    Analisis Kekuatan Tabung Gas Lpg Dengan Bahan Baja Sg295 Dan Komposit Menggunakan Metode Elemen Hingga

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    Semakin berkembangnya pola kehidupan masyarakat dewasa ini, maka masyarakat konsumen menuntut adanya penyediaan tabung gas LPG yang lebih aman dan terjaminnya perlindungan konsumen. Permasalahannya adalah kualitas dan kinerja tabung gas LPG 3 kg yang kurang memenuhi standar dan keselamatan bagi konsumen. Terutama disebabkan dengan beredarnya tabung gas LPG ilegal yang tidak memenuhi Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI 1452:2007) ICS 23.020.30 Badan Standarisasi Nasional (BSN) yang berakibat pada keselamatan konsumen. Dari hasil analisis tegangan yang terjadi pada tabung LPG 3 kg menggunakan material SG295 dan komposit GFRP, didapatkan tegangan von mises. Pada komposit GFRP dilakukan variasi orientasi serat yaitu: 0,0,0, (0,90,0), (0,45,0), (0,45,90), dan (0,90,45) dan didapatkan tegangan maksimum. Dalam laporan ini juga didapatkan faktor keamanan dan berat rasio komposit

    Fórmula quadratura para computação integral singular de tipo especial

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    In this paper we develop the quadrature formula for the singular integral with the Cauchy kernel from the fractional Riemann-Liouville integral. The derivation is based on the quadrature formula obtained previously to calculate the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral. During the development of the quadrature formula to calculate a singular integral with the Cauchy kernel, we use the formulas for the exact calculation of Cauchy type integral principal value. The formula for the remainder of the quadrature formula is derived. The error estimation was performed. A special case of the developed quadrature formula was considered. The calculations were performed in Wolfram Mathematica system.En este artículo desarrollamos la fórmula para la integral singular con el núcleo de Cauchy a partir de la integral fraccional de Riemann-Liouville. La derivación se basa en la fórmula de cuadratura obtenida anteriormente para calcular la integral fraccional de Riemann-Liouville. Durante el desarrollo de la fórmula de cuadratura para calcular una integral singular con el núcleo de Cauchy, usamos las fórmulas para el cálculo exacto del valor principal integral del tipo de Cauchy. Se deriva la fórmula para el resto de la fórmula de cuadratura. La estimación del error se realizó. Se consideró un caso especial de fórmula de cuadratura desarrollada. Los cálculos se realizaron en el sistema Wolfram Mathematica.Fórmula para a integral singular com o núcleo de Cauchy da integral fracionária de Riemann-Liouville. A derivação é baseada na fórmula de quadratura obtida anteriormente para calcular a integral fracional de Riemann-Liouville. Durante o desenvolvimento da fórmula de quadratura para calcular uma integral singular com o kernel de Cauchy, usamos as fórmulas para o cálculo exato do valor principal integral do tipo Cauchy. A fórmula para o restante da fórmula de quadratura é derivada. A estimativa de erro foi realizada. Um caso especial da fórmula de quadratura desenvolvida foi considerado. Os cálculos foram realizados no sistema Wolfram Mathematica