375 research outputs found

    Canine parvovirus : a predicting canine model for sepsis

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    Research Areas: Veterinary SciencesBackground: Sepsis is a severe condition associated with high prevalence and mortality rates. Parvovirus enteritis is a predisposing factor for sepsis, as it promotes intestinal bacterial translocation and severe immunosuppression. This makes dogs infected by parvovirus a suitable study population as far as sepsis is concerned. The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the differences between two sets of SIRS (Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) criteria in outcome prediction: SIRS 1991 and SIRS 2001. The possibility of stratifying and classifying septic dogs was assessed using a proposed animal adapted PIRO (Predisposition, Infection, Response and Organ dysfunction) scoring system. Results: The 72 dogs enrolled in this study were scored for each of the PIRO elements, except for Infection, as all were considered to have the same infection score, and subjected to two sets of SIRS criteria, in order to measure their correlation with the outcome. Concerning SIRS criteria, it was found that the proposed alterations on SIRS 2001 (capillary refill time or mucous membrane colour alteration) were significantly associated with the outcome (OR = 4.09, p < 0.05), contrasting with the 1991 SIRS criteria (p = 0.352) that did not correlate with the outcome. No significant statistical association was found between Predisposition (p = 1), Response (p = 0.1135), Organ dysfunction (p = 0.1135), total PIRO score (p = 0.093) and outcome. To explore the possibility of using the SIRS criteria as a fast decision-making tool, a Fast-andFrugal tree (FFT) was created with a sensitivity of 92% and a specificity of 29%. Conclusion: These results suggest that increasing the SIRS criteria specificity may improve their prognostic value and their clinical usefulness. In order to improve the proposed PIRO scoring system outcome prediction ability, more specific criteria should be added, mainly inflammatory and organ dysfunction biomarkers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    This text proposes to show the language theories of the utterance linguistics, and to suggest the more adequate one to the written material of the Distance Learning System/UNITINS. The basic idea is that the perception when the partipants interact using language has got aims and purposes to get: relationships they want, effects to cause, and behaviours for triggering. The participant intends to act over the other one to provide reactions.Este texto tem como proposta apresentar as concep&ccedil;&otilde;es de linguagem, discutidas pela lingu&iacute;stica da enuncia&ccedil;&atilde;o, e sugerir a mais adequada &agrave; produ&ccedil;&atilde;o do material impresso do Sistema EaD-UNITINS. O ponto de partida &eacute; a percep&ccedil;&atilde;o de que, quando os sujeitos interagem pela linguagem, t&ecirc;m objetivos e fins a serem atingidos: rela&ccedil;&otilde;es que desejam estabelecer, efeitos que pretendem causar e comportamentos que esperam desencadear, ou seja, pretendem atuar um sobre o outro, de maneira a obter determinadas rea&ccedil;&otilde;es


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    A fisioterapia dermato-funcional é uma área do conhecimento em plena expansão, caracterizada por fornecer serviço nos três níveis de atenção à saúde, tratando diferentes patologiasde âmbito estético e reparador. A Universidade Potiguar (UNP) é uma instituição pioneira no estado do Rio Grande do Norte no serviço de fisioterapia dermato-funcional e oportuniza àpopulação carente o acesso a tratamentos de alto custo, com a utilização de recursos avançados neste segmento. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar as características da população atendida na Clínica Escola de Fisioterapia Dermato-Funcional da UnP. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, retrospectivo, no qual, foram analisados os prontuários de 863 pacientes que freqüentaram o serviço de fisioterapia dermato-funcional, de 2000 a 2009. Observou-se uma variação no públicode pacientes que frequentou o serviço, constatando-se que, no ano de 2001, o percentual de homens que procurou o serviço foi de, no máximo, 4,4%, aumentado para 30,27% em 2009.Foram atendidos quase 100 pacientes anualmente, tratando diferentes patologias, em destaque a adiposidade. Os pacientes realizaram, na maioria dos casos, de 01 a 05 sessões, com importante índice de abandono. Esse abandono pode estar relacionado a frequentes interrupções dosatendimentos devido ao período de férias ou mudanças na estrutura curricular semestralmente e isso pode ser considerado uma das limitações dessa assistência.Retrospective survey of the attendances outpatient physical therapy dermato-functional University PotiguarPhysical therapy is a dermato-functional knowledge area in full expansion, characterized by providing three levels of service in health care, treating different pathologies within aestheticand restorative. The University Potiguar – UNP is a pioneer institution in the state of Rio Grande 42 do Norte in the physiotherapy service dermato-functional and takes advantage of the poor access to high-cost treatments with the use of advanced features in this segment. The aim of this studywas to determine the characteristics of the population served in Clinical Dermatology, School of Physiotherapy Functional UNP. It is a descriptive, retrospective study, which analyzed the medicalrecords of 863 patients who attended physiotherapy service dermato-functional, from 2000 to 2009. There was a change in public patients attending the physiotherapy service dermato-functional, noting that in 2001 the percentage of men attending the service was up to 4.4% increased to 30.27% in 2009. We served almost 100 patients annually, treating different diseases, highlighted adiposity. Patients were, in most cases, 01 to 05 sessions, with significant dropout rate. This dropmay be related to frequent interruptions of attendance due to vacation or changes in curriculum structure every six months and may be considered one of the limitations of this assistance.Key words: Public Health. Aesthetics. Dermatology. Physical Therapy