501 research outputs found

    Blended-Learning: the Responses From Non-English Students in the Indonesian Tertiary Context

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    The process of language teaching and learning has undergone major changes due to the developments of technology. The use of technology in education field has paved the way for higher education institution to innovatively shape their modern media in a language teaching and learning. Subsequently, the implementation of blended-learning has aroused at the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia for approximately one and a half year ago to maximize the use of technology. Most lecturers in all study programs have increasingly utilized the social network sites such as Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc. for the successfulness of blended-learning. This present study aims at exploring the students' responses on how blended-learning might be used to develop their language learning and discovering their attitudes towards the implementation of blended-learning as an interactional teaching and learning tool in English for Business course. Employing a qualitative in form of a case study, eighty-two undergraduate students from study program of Informatics Engineering were observed, interviewed, and distributed questionnaires. The data were performed to collect the students' responses and students' attitudes toward the implementation of blended-learning in the process of their language learning. The findings were found out that most students from Informatics Engineering major showed their positive responses and positive attitudes using blended learning for the language teaching and learning. They also gained some educational benefits for their English language development. Thus, this blended learning brings us to the new trend for language teaching and learning media in order to motivate the students in enhancing their language acquisition

    Desain Dan Implementasi Protokol Kriptografi Untuk Aplikasi Secure Chat Pada Multiplatform Sistem Operasi

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    Permasalahan yang terkait dengan keamanan informasi adalah masalah kerahasiaan, otentikasi dan keutuhan data serta nir-penyangkalan. Salah satu teknik yang dapat digunakan untuk melindungi informasi adalah dengan menggunakan kriptografi. Mekanisme kriptografi digunakan untuk membangun protokol kriptografi yang bertujuan untuk mencapai fungsi yang terkait keamanan informasi. Pada penelitian ini penulis membuat desain dan implementasi protokol kriptografi pada aplikasi Secure Chat yang dapat dijalankan pada multiplatform sistem operasi. Protokol kriptografi hasil perancangan telah diimplementasikan pada aplikasi Secure Chat untuk mengamankan komunikasi chat antar pengguna dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java

    Implementasi Uji Korelasi untuk Pengujian Sub Kunci pada Algoritma Kriptografi Block Cipher Present Menggunakan Bahasa Pemrograman C++

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    Kriptografi merupakan salah satu teknik dalam mengamankan suatu informasi berklasifikasi. Penerapan suatu aplikasi kriptografi dalam mengamankan suatu informasi tidak lepas dari pemilihan kekuatan algoritma kriptografi yang digunakan. Pada algoritma kriptografi block cipher, salah satu komponen pembangun yang harus diperhatikan adalah key schedule, untuk menghasilkan sub kunci yang digunakan pada proses enkripsi/dekripsi. Metode uji korelasi merupakan salah satu metode yang digunakan untuk menguji kekuatan algoritma kriptografi block cipher. Penelitian paper ini akan membuat implementasi pengujian korelasi menggunakan bahasa pemrograman C++, yang dterapkan pada block cipher PRESENT sebagai salah satu algoritma yang banyak digunakan saat ini

    Diagnosis and Treatment of Ewing Sarcoma

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    Ewing's sarcoma is a Malignant small round cell neoplasm that mostly affects the young age on the body axis and long bones. The incidence is quite rare yet it is notorious for its poor prognosis. Certain characteristics of the patient could determine the prognosis. Diagnosis is often made late due to the deep situated mass or the axial situated mass. Imaging beginning from plain radiograph to CT and MRI is necessary to support the diagnosis and determine the stage of the disease. Diagnosis establishment still requires histopathological examination now supported with spesific immnuohistochemistry staining. Histopathological results could also be used to evaluate prognosis in the form of response towards chemotherapy. Management of Ewing's sarcoma requires systemic chemotherapy combined with surgery or radiotherapy for local control. Chemotherapy protocols for Ewing's sarcoma is continuously developed for intensification using supportive modality treatment advancements. Local control on Ewing's sarcoma is performed by combining surgery and radiotherapy. The defect after surgery can now be reconstructed to increase the quality of life

    Effectiveness of first-aid training in school among high school students in Kulon Progo, Indonesia

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    Background: The cardiovascular disease was the main cause of death throughout the world. The first aid that should be taken by the first responder or witness was an important part in the chain of survival out of the hospital that could improve the prognosis and avoid the rest of the symptoms. Hence, it is important for common people to know and possess the skill, especially the cardiopulmonary resuscitation, to handle the emergency situation. Schools became the appropriate place to organize the first-aid training because the students were more conditioned in emotional, social and cultural terms.Methods: This study utilized the quasi-experiment method. The total number of subjects was 124 students who studied in Kalibawang 1st State Senior High School, and in Samigaluh 1st State Senior High School, both of them school is located in Kulon Progo district, Indonesia. The subjects were divided into three groups using three different methods, namely lecturing-discussion, poster demonstration, and audio-visual media.Results: The pre-test and post-test results showed that there was a knowledge improvement after the training using the lecturing (p=0.000), poster (p=0.000) and audio-visual methods (p=0.000). The cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills in the lecturing (p=0.000), poster (p=0.000) and audio-visual methods (p=0.000) groups showed the improvement after the first-aid training in school.Conclusions: This study proved that the first-aid training in the school gave effect on the improvement of the knowledge and skill in handling the emergency situation, particularly the cardiac arrest through cardiopulmonary resuscitation

    Sistem Konstitutif Dalam UU No 15 Tahun 2001 Tentang Merek Bagi UMKM

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    Basically, legal protection against trademark is to prevent the act of unfair competition. This can be done by prohibiting another person to commit a breach of trademark law. For this purpose, trademark has been regulated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No.15 of 2001 regarding Trademark (referred herewith as Trademark Law). The role of trademark becomes significantly important in protecting industrial rights in intellectual works, maintaining fair competition, and encouraging fair and free trade. Under Trademark Law No. 15 of 2001, trademark registration system is based on constitutive system. Trademark Law No. 15 of 2001 sets out requirements, procedures for registration, registration fee and other proceedings. Based on this system, the trade mark owners have the right of registered trade mark by prohibiting other parties from using it without their permission. The trademark registration system, however, is hard for Small and Medium Size Microenterprise to observe, so that prevent it from registering the trade mark. This article provides an analysis of the challenge of the implementation of , constitutive system under Trademark Law No. 15 of 2001 for Small and Medium Size Microenterprise. The point of this article is to point out that, in the light of the trade mark system, the question of the gap between the Small and Medium Size Microenterprise and big business still remains the proble

    Hubungan Kekerabatan Jamur Pelapuk Putih Pleurotus Spp. Dengan Analisis Isoenzim

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    Pleurotus spp. is anedible mushroom commonly found on stem of wide leaftrees or other wooden plants in the forest. A number ofPleurotus species are found in Indonesia, and some of themhave been cultivated. An accurate technique is needed toidentify the species of Pleurotus correctly; one of the methodis the isoenzyme technique. Apart from its simplicity, cheapnessand quickness, this method also gives accurate informationon phylogenetic relationship among the Pleurotusspp. The technique was used to determine phylogeneticrelationship in 6 isolates of Pleurotus spp., i.e., Pleurotussp.8, Pleurotus sp.6, Pleurotus sp.1, Pleurotus sp.7, andPleurotus sp.9, using the GOT System. Results of the analysisindicated that all the Pleurotus isolates tested produced twobands with similar thickness, except for Pleurotus sp.1 thatproduced one band that move to the cathode (-). Anotherisolate of Pleurotus spp. produced bands tend to move to theanode (+). The genetic distances between Pleurotus sp.8was similar to that of Pleurotus sp.9, while that of Pleurotussp.6 was similar to Pleurotus sp.7. Genetic distances ofPleurotus sp.8 or Pleurotus sp.9 was similar to Pleurotus sp.6or Pleurotus sp.7, with the longest distance on Pleurotussp.1. Pleurotus sp.1 showed a different migration distance,where one of the isoenzym band tend to move to thecathode (-). This indicated that Pleurotus sp.1 has differentphylogenetic relationship with the other Pleurotus spp

    The Determinants of Corporate Community Contributions: Some Insights From Indonesian Firms

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    Penelitian ini menginvestigasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi praktik filantropi (philantrophy/community contributions/giving) di Indonesia, dengan menggunakan dua perspektif teori, stakeholder dan legitimasi teori. 41 Perusahaan publik yang pada periode tahun 2008-2011 digunakan sebagai sampel. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tipe kepemilikan dan industri mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap jumlah rupiah filantropi yang diberikan Perusahaan. Lebih jauh, hasil ini menyatakan bahwa Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) dan Perusahaan-Perusahaan dalam sektor industri high-profile lebih banyak terlibat dalam aktivitas filantropi (community contributions). Hasil penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap literatur terkait determinan-determinan aktivitas filantropi (community contributions)

    Pelayanan Bus Kampus terhadap Mahasiswa Universitas Riau di Pekanbaru

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    This study aims to see and find out how the campus bus service to students. The population of this research is Student bus users campuses, research was conducted at the University of Riau Pekanbaru object of study is the Student bus users campus, average per / week as many as 2464 sample of this research is Student bus users campus, method used Quota sampling with consideration average per / day fluctuate, the number of bus stops are in the main, the average bus capacity 3x 90, ability Writer. sample size of this study are 96 students at the University of Riau. Then the data were analyzed using quantitative descriptive. Based on the analysis, it was found that student users Bus dominated by FAPERIKA with percentages26% this is because the farthest distance from the bus ride to reach faculty FAPERIKA and views from the campus bus user forces dominated by force in 2015 with a percentage of 39.58%, this is due to for force generation 2015 is classified as dense lecture schedule, not many peer networks, mostly parents of students have not facilitate private vehicles, therefore the students often use the campus bus for personal use. facilities and infrastructure of the bus to facilities bus by category comfortably as many as 48 people with a percentage of 50%, response facilities stop choosing less comfortable are 72 people with a percentage of 75% due to overcrowding at the shelter, sometimes do not have a place to sit while waiting for the bus to arrive because bus turnaround quite long, and if the rain splash hujan.hal this which causes less comfortable students. We recommend that facilities need to be added/enlarged his stops. for the fleet of bus user states do not need the addition of a fleet of 65 people with a percentage of 67.70%. Student responses to the Operational hour bus stating unfavorable approximately as many as 59 people with a percentage of 61.46%, this is due to a less than optimal operational hours therefore critical operations clock needs to be improved
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