31 research outputs found

    Karcinom jezika s endobronhijalnom metastazom: rijedak slučaj

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    Endobronchial metastases of extrapulmonary malignant tumors are quite rare. We present a patient with endobronchial metastasis previously operated for tongue carcinoma. A 71-year-old female patient presented with the complaint of cough. She had a history of tongue carcinoma operation 2 years before. Chest x-ray revealed an air-fluid level in the lower zone of the right hemithorax. There was a big cavitary lesion in the right lower lobe and bilateral multiple nodular lesions, some of which had cavity formation on computed tomography. Bronchoscopy revealed a polypoid lesion with necrotic appearance and pathologic examination showed squamous cell carcinoma. The lesion was accepted as a metastasis of tongue carcinoma after evaluation of the materials taken from the tongue on previous operation. There was no finding suggestive of local recurrence; however, the patient died from hemoptysis and respiratory insufficiency. In conclusion, endobronchial metastasis should be considered in patients with extrapulmonary malignancies and bronchoscopic examination should be performed in such cases, even in the presence of atypical radiological findings.Endobronhijalne metastaze ekstrapulmonalnih zloćudnih tumora vrlo su rijetke. Prikazuje se bolesnica s endobronhijalnom metastazom, koja je prethodno operirana zbog karcinoma jezika. Bolesnica u dobi od 71 godine žalila se na kašalj. Anamneza je pokazala da je bolesnica bila operirana zbog karcinoma jezika dvije godine ranije. Rentgenografijom prsišta otkrivena je razina zraka i tekućine u donjem dijelu desnog hemitoraksa. Nađena je velika kavitarna lezija u desnom donjem režnju te obostrano višestruke nodularne lezije od kojih su neke pokazale stvaranje kaviteta na kompjutoriziranoj tomografiji. Bronhoskopski je otkrivena polipoidna lezija nekrotičnog izgleda, a patološki je opisana kao karcinom pločastih stanica. Nakon procjene materijala prethodno uzetog tijekom operacije jezika zaključeno je da lezija predstavlja metastazu podrijetlom iz karcinoma jezika. Nijedan nalaz nije upućivao na lokalni recidiv karcinoma, a bolesnica je umrla od hemoptize i respiracijske insuficijencije. U zaključku, na endobronhijalne metastaze treba misliti kod bolesnika s ekstrapulmonalnim zloćudnim bolestima i provesti bronhoskopski pregled, čak i kod atipičnih radioloških nalaza

    Evaluation of patients with fibrotic interstitial lung disease: Preliminary results from the Turk-UIP study

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    OBJECTIVE: Differential diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is important among fibrotic interstitial lung diseases (ILD). This study aimed to evaluate the rate of IPF in patients with fibrotic ILD and to determine the clinical-laboratory features of patients with and without IPF that would provide the differential diagnosis of IPF. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study included the patients with the usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) pattern or possible UIP pattern on thorax high-resolution computed tomography, and/or UIP pattern, probable UIP or possible UIP pattern at lung biopsy according to the 2011 ATS/ERSARS/ALAT guidelines. Demographics and clinical and radiological data of the patients were recorded. All data recorded by researchers was evaluated by radiology and the clinical decision board. RESULTS: A total of 336 patients (253 men, 83 women, age 65.8 +/- 9.0 years) were evaluated. Of the patients with sufficient data for diag-nosis (n=300), the diagnosis was IPF in 121 (40.3%), unclassified idiopathic interstitial pneumonia in 50 (16.7%), combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema (CPFE) in 40 (13.3%), and lung involvement of connective tissue disease (CTD) in 16 (5.3%). When 29 patients with definite IPF features were added to the patients with CPFE, the total number of IPF patients reached 150 (50%). Rate of male sex (p<0.001), smoking history (p<0.001), and the presence of clubbing (p=0.001) were significantly high in patients with IPE None of the women <50 years and none of the men <50 years of age without a smoking history were diagnosed with IPE Presence of at least 1 of the symptoms suggestive of CTD, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and antinuclear antibody (FANA) positivity rates were significantly higher in the non-IPF group (p<0.001, p=0.029, p=0.009, respectively). CONCLUSION: The rate of IPF among patients with fibrotic ILD was 50%. In the differential diagnosis of IPF, sex, smoking habits, and the presence of clubbing are important. The presence of symptoms related to CTD, ESR elevation, and EANA positivity reduce the likelihood of IPF

    Afyon-Sandıklı yöresi nohut (Cicer arietinum L. ) kök nödüllerinden izole edilen Rhizobium bakterilerinin en etken suşlarının saptanması

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    Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.[Abstarct Not Available

    İzmir ve çevresindeki gıda üretiminde çalışan taşıyıcılardan izole edilen Staphylococcus aureus suşlarının identifikasyonu; epidemiyolojik ve filogenetik olarak gruplandırılması

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    Staphylococcus aureus sağlıklı insanların deri ve nazal boşluklarında yaygın bulunabilen bir bakteridir. Gıda kaynaklı rahatsızlıkların gıda çalışanları aracılığı ile dağılması dünya genelinde yaygın bir problemdir. Bu çalışmanın amacı da İzmir ili ve çevresinde gıda endüstrisi çalışanlarındaki S. aureus taşıyıcılığını analiz etmek, fenotipik olarak tanılanıp moleküler tiplendirmesinin yapılmasıdır. Tüm S. aureus suşları gıda endüstrisi çalışanlarının burun deliklerinden izole edilmiştir. Suşların karakterizasyonu ve tiplendirmesi fenotipik testler, antibiyotik duyarlılık testi, multilokus sekans tiplendirmesi (MLST) ve pulsed-field jel elektroforezi (PFGE) ile yapılmıştır. Çalışmada 1358 kişiden numune alınmıştır. Bunların arasından 64 kişi (% 4,71) S. aureus bakımından pozitif nazal taşıyıcı olarak saptanmıştır. % 14,06 sıda Metisiline dirençli S. aureus (MRSA) olarak tanımlanmıştır. Tüm izolatlara uygulanan PFGE analizi sonucunda tüm S. aureus suşları arasında % 80 üzerinde benzerlik gösterenler 13 pulsotipe ayrılmışlardır. MLST analizi sonucunda da 9 toplumsal kaynaklı MRSA (TK-MRSA) suşları 7 farklı sekans tip (ST6, ST12, ST15, ST97, ST188, ST737 ve ST837) göstermişlerdir. Türkiye' de gıda endüstrisi çalışanlarındaki MRSA taşıyıcılığı ile ilgili sınırlı sayıda çalışma bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışma suşların coğrafik dağılımları ile ilgili bilgi vermesinden dolayı oldukça önemlidir. Bu çalışmada olduğu gibi Türkiye' den yeni kayıtların gösterilmesi ile bu organizmanın dağılım tablosuna açıklık getirilebilecektir.Staphylococcus aureus is a common bacterium found on the skin and nasal passages of healthy people. The spread of food borne diseases via food handlers is a common and persistent problem all over the world. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus carriage among the food industry workers in Izmir, and to investigate phenotypic and molecular typing of these isolates. All of S. aureus strains isolated from food industry workers' nostril. Characterization and molecular typing of the strains was performed by phenotypic tests, antibiotic sensitivity test, multilocus sequence typing (MLST), and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Among the 1358 people investigated, 64 (4.71%) nasal carriage were found to be positive for S. aureus. Methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA) represented 14.06% of the isolates. PFGE analysis of all S. aureus strains revealed 13 pulsotypes with 80% cutoff similarity. MLST typing of 9 Community associated MRSA (CA-MRSA) strains showed 7 different sequence types (ST6, ST12, ST15, ST97, ST188, ST737, and ST837). In Turkey, there are limited data on the molecular typing of MRSA obtained from food industry workers. This study is extremely important because it provides information to the geographic distribution of strains. As new records are released in Turkey, the distribution table of these organisms will be clearer