102 research outputs found

    A Tale of Two Paces

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    After decades of economic expansion, largely at the expense of environmental quality, new trends in environmental governance are taking shape in Asia. This paper analyses these developments in China, India, Vietnam and Indonesia. It finds that environmental governance within a “traditional” agenda of environmental protection remains severely hampered by capacity constraints. Simultaneously, all four countries have embarked on ambitious policy initiatives to address climate change and promote clean technologies, signaling an important shift in national priorities. The paper discusses possible implications of these trends, sketching possible scenarios for the further development of environmental governance

    The Relationship between Antimicrobial Use and Antimicrobial Resistance in Europe

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    In Europe, antimicrobial resistance has been monitored since 1998 by the European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (EARSS). We examined the relationship between penicillin nonsusceptibility of invasive isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae (an indicator organism) and antibiotic sales. Information was collected on 1998-99 resistance data for invasive isolates of S. pneumoniae to penicillin, based on surveillance data from EARSS and on outpatient sales during 1997 for beta-lactam antibiotics and macrolides. Our results show that in Europe antimicrobial resistance is correlated with use of beta-lactam antibiotics and macrolides

    Paediatric CT scan usage and referrals of children to computed tomography in Germany-a cross-sectional survey of medical practice and awareness of radiation related health risks among physicians

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Computed tomography (CT) is a major source of ionizing radiation exposure in medical diagnostic. Compared to adults, children are supposed to be more susceptible to health risks related to radiation. The purpose of a cross-sectional survey among office-based physicians in Germany was the assessment of medical practice in paediatric CT referrals and to investigate physicians' knowledge of radiation doses and potential health risks of radiation exposure from CT in children.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A standardized questionnaire was distributed to all paediatricians and surgeons in two defined study areas. Furthermore, the study population included a random sample of general practitioners in the two areas. The questionnaire covered the frequency of referrals for paediatric CT examinations, the medical diagnoses leading to paediatric CT referrals, physicians' knowledge of radiation doses and potential health risks of radiation exposure from CT in children.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 295 (36.4%) physicians responded. 59% of the doctors had not referred a child to CT in the past year, and approximately 30% referred only 1-5 children annually. The most frequent indications for a CT examination in children were trauma or a suspected cancer. 42% of the referrals were related to minor diagnoses or unspecific symptoms. The participants underestimated the radiation exposure due to CT and they overestimated the radiation exposure due to conventional X-ray examinations.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In Germany, the frequency of referrals of children to computed tomography is moderate. The knowledge on the risks from radiation exposure among office-based physicians in our sample varied, but there was a tendency to underestimate potential CT risks. Advanced radiological training might lead to considerable amendments in terms of knowledge and practice of CT referral.</p

    EFSA NDA Panel (EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies), 2013. Scientific Opinion on Dietary Reference Values for vitamin C

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    Why East Germany Did Not Become a New Mezzogiorno

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    Economic integration is generally thought to favour convergence in the economic performance of previously separated regions; but this is far from universally true, as the experience of the members of the Eurozone testifies. The paper considers the two sharply contrasting cases of East and West German convergence following reunification and the enduring poverty of the Italian Mezzogiorno since Italian unification a century and a half ago. In both countries, political integration delivers much higher consumption in the lagging relative to the leading region than of per capita GDP. Consumption convergence can be supported by transfers but ‘production’ convergence ultimately requires catch-up in the production of tradeables. The paper demonstrates the radically different performance of the tradeable sector in the two cases, and suggests that this may be the result of differences in labour market flexibility, in investment performance and in the social norms required for the production of complex manufacturing

    Interaktive Whiteboards – der Einzug einer neuen Lerntechnologie. Herausforderungen fĂŒr die Schulen und fĂŒr die Lehramtsausbildung

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    Dass interaktive Whiteboards grundsĂ€tzlich das Potenzial haben, Lehren und Lernen in Schulen und Hochschulen durch Mehrwerte zu bereichern, wird von Kenner/inne/n der Technologie kaum noch in Frage gestellt. Nach einer Phase des oft ungesteuerten Experimentierens liegen inzwischen genug dokumentierte Erfahrungen vor, um der Technologie eine nachhaltige Zukunft in der Lehrpraxis zuzusprechen. Folgerichtig gibt es einen Trend, immer mehr RĂ€ume in Schulen – aber auch SeminarrĂ€ume an Hochschulen – mit dieser Technologie auszustatten. So sehen sich in der Praxis immer mehr Lehrende mit einer neuen Lerntechnologie konfrontiert, mit der sie noch nicht gut vertraut sind. Ziel des Beitrags ist es zu zeigen, wie die Praxis der Nutzung von interaktiven Whiteboards an Schulen derzeit beschaffen ist, welche Herausforderungen sich daraus fĂŒr die Lehramtsausbildung ergeben und wie die UniversitĂ€t OsnabrĂŒck – als Hochschule mit Schwerpunkt Lehramtsausbildung – mit dieser Situation umgeht. Außerdem soll durch den Beitrag fĂŒhlbar werden, welchen Nutzen diese Technologie eigentlich hat und warum Didaktiker sich um sie bemĂŒhen. (DIPF/Orig.
