10 research outputs found

    Prognostic significance of CD24 and claudin-7 immunoexpression in ductal invasive breast cancer

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    This study aimed to identify the CD24 and CD44 immunophenotypes within invasive ductal breast carcinoma (I DC) subgroups defined by immunohistochesmistry markers and to determine its influence on prognosis as well as its association with the expression of Ki-67, cytokeratins (CK5 and CK 18) and claudin-7. Immunohistochemical expression of CD44 and CD24 alone or in combination was investigated in 95 IDC cases arranged in a tissue microarray (TMA). The association with subgroups defined as luminal A and B; HER2 rich and triple negative, or with the other markers and prognosis was analyzed. CD44(+)/CD24(-) and CD44(-)/CD24(+) were respectively present in 8.4% and 16.8% of the tumors, a lack of both proteins was detected in 6.3%, while CD441(-)/CD24(+) was observed in 45.3% of the tumors. Although there was no significant correlation between subgroups and different phenotypes, the CD44(+)/CD24(-) phenotype was more common in the basal subgroups but absent in HER2 tumors, whereas luminal tumors are enriched in CD44(-)/CD24(+) and CD44(+)/CD24(+) cells. The frequency of CD44(+)/CD24(-) or CD44(-)/CD24(+) was not associated with clinical characteristics or biological markers. There was also no significant association of these phenotypes with the event free (DFS) and overall survival (OS). Single CD44(+) was evident in 57.9% of the tumors and was marginally associated to grading and not to any other tumor characteristics as well as OS and DFS. CD24(+) was positive in 74.7% of the tumors, showing a significant association with estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and Ki-67 and a marginal association with CKI8 and claudin-7. Expression of claudin-7 and Ki-67 did not associate with the cancer subgroups, while a positive association between CK18 and the luminal subgroups was found (P=0.03). CK5, CK18 and Ki-67 expression had no influence in OS or DFS. Single CD24(+) (P=0.07) and claudin-7 positivity (P=0.05) were associated with reduced time of recurrence, suggesting a contribution of these markers to aggressiveness of breast cancer.FAPESPCNP

    Bone marrow stroma in childhood myelodysplastic syndrome: composition, ability to sustain hematopoiesis in vitro, and altered gene expression

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    14 p. : il.We studied bone marrow stromal cell cultures from patients with childhood myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS, refractory anemia with excess of blasts, RAEB) and from matched normal donors. Stromal cell monolayers were characterized as myofibroblasts by the expression of smooth muscle -actin, collagen IV, laminin and fibronectin. When normal cord blood cells were plated onto myelodysplastic stromas, a pathologic cell differentiation was observed, indicating altered myelosupportive properties. cDNA array analysis showed that patient stromas expressed increased levels of thrombospondin-1, collagen-I 2-chain, osteoblast-specific factor-2 and osteonectin, indicating the presence of increased osteoblast content, as confirmed by enhanced alkaline phosphatase synthesis. Alterations in the myelodysplastic stroma environment might contribute to abnormal hematopoiesis in this pathology

    Profile of MicroRNAs Associated with Death Due to Disease Progression in Metastatic Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Patients

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    Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the most common neoplasm of the endocrine system and has an excellent long-term prognosis, with low rates of distant metastatic disease. Although infrequent, there are cases of deaths directly related to PTC, especially in patients with metastatic disease, and the factors that could be associated with this unfavorable outcome remain a major challenge in clinical practice. Recently, research into genetic factors associated with PTC has gained ground, especially mutations in the TERT promoter and BRAF gene. However, the role of microRNAs remains poorly studied, especially in those patients who have an unfavorable outcome at follow-up. This paper aims to evaluate molecular markers related to the different pathological processes of PTC, as well as the histological characteristics of the neoplasm, and to compare this profile with prognosis and death from the disease using an analysis of patients treated for metastatic disease in a single tertiary cancer center. Evaluation of microRNA expression in paraffin-embedded tumor specimens was carried out by quantitative PCR using the TaqMan® Low Density Array (TLDA) system. Metastatic patients who died from progression of PTC had higher expressions of miR-101-3p, miR-17-5p, and miR-191-5p when compared to patients with stable metastatic disease. These findings are of great importance but should be considered as preliminary because of the small sample

    Somatic mutations in early onset luminal breast cancer.

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    Breast cancer arising in very young patients may be biologically distinct; however, these tumors have been less well studied. We characterized a group of very young patients (≤ 35 years) for BRCA germline mutation and for somatic mutations in luminal (HER2 negative) breast cancer. Thirteen of 79 unselected very young patients were BRCA1/2 germline mutation carriers. Of the non-BRCA tumors, eight with luminal subtype (HER2 negative) were submitted for whole exome sequencing and integrated with 29 luminal samples from the COSMIC database or previous literature for analysis. We identified C to T single nucleotide variants (SNVs) as the most common base-change. A median of six candidate driver genes was mutated by SNVs in each sample and the most frequently mutated genes were PIK3CA, GATA3, TP53 and MAP2K4. Potential cancer drivers affected in the present non-BRCA tumors include GRHL2, PIK3AP1, CACNA1E, SEMA6D, SMURF2, RSBN1 and MTHFD2. Sixteen out of 37 luminal tumors (43%) harbored SNVs in DNA repair genes, such as ATR, BAP1, ERCC6, FANCD2, FANCL, MLH1, MUTYH, PALB2, POLD1, POLE, RAD9A, RAD51 and TP53, and 54% presented pathogenic mutations (frameshift or nonsense) in at least one gene involved in gene transcription. The differential biology of luminal early-age onset breast cancer needs a deeper genomic investigation