80 research outputs found

    Corneoscleral junction angle in healthy eyes assessed objectively

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    Purpose: To introduce a fully objective method to measure corneoscleral junction (CSJ) angle and evaluate the CSJ angle in healthy eyes. Methods: Corneoscleral topography (Eye Surface Profiler, ESP) was acquired from the right eye of 105 healthy Caucasian subjects, ranging from 18 to 59 years old. From the raw anterior eye height data, the topographic limbus was automatically demarcated in 360 semi-meridians. Further, in limbal location, the CSJ angle was automatically calculated from corneoscleral height data using neighbouring auxiliary points for angle calculation. Additionally, CSJ angle was statistically analysed regionally. Results: The mean CSJ angle was 177.5 ± 1.1°. There is a mean difference of 7.7 ± 3.7° between the steepest (smallest) and flattest (largest) CSJ angle within the same eye. There exist statistically significant differences between temporal (178.2 ± 1.4°) and nasal (176.4 ± 1.1°) regions (paired t-test, p < 0.001), and between superior (178.1 ± 1.1°) and inferior (177.9 ± 1.1°) regions (p = 0.038). CSJ angle is correlated with limbus position (r = 0.43, p < 0.001). Conclusion: CSJ angle is rotationally asymmetric. CSJ varies regionally, being the smallest (steepest) in the nasal region. Significant rough changes in CSJ angle were observed for some healthy individuals

    Broadly sampled multigene analyses yield a well-resolved eukaryotic tree of life

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    Author Posting. © The Authors, 2010. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Oxford University Press for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Systematic Biology 59 (2010): 518-533, doi:10.1093/sysbio/syq037.An accurate reconstruction of the eukaryotic tree of life is essential to identify the innovations underlying the diversity of microbial and macroscopic (e.g. plants and animals) eukaryotes. Previous work has divided eukaryotic diversity into a small number of high-level ‘supergroups’, many of which receive strong support in phylogenomic analyses. However, the abundance of data in phylogenomic analyses can lead to highly supported but incorrect relationships due to systematic phylogenetic error. Further, the paucity of major eukaryotic lineages (19 or fewer) included in these genomic studies may exaggerate systematic error and reduces power to evaluate hypotheses. Here, we use a taxon-rich strategy to assess eukaryotic relationships. We show that analyses emphasizing broad taxonomic sampling (up to 451 taxa representing 72 major lineages) combined with a moderate number of genes yield a well-resolved eukaryotic tree of life. The consistency across analyses with varying numbers of taxa (88-451) and levels of missing data (17-69%) supports the accuracy of the resulting topologies. The resulting stable topology emerges without the removal of rapidly evolving genes or taxa, a practice common to phylogenomic analyses. Several major groups are stable and strongly supported in these analyses (e.g. SAR, Rhizaria, Excavata), while the proposed supergroup ‘Chromalveolata’ is rejected. Further, extensive instability among photosynthetic lineages suggests the presence of systematic biases including endosymbiotic gene transfer from symbiont (nucleus or plastid) to host. Our analyses demonstrate that stable topologies of ancient evolutionary relationships can be achieved with broad taxonomic sampling and a moderate number of genes. Finally, taxonrich analyses such as presented here provide a method for testing the accuracy of relationships that receive high bootstrap support in phylogenomic analyses and enable placement of the multitude of lineages that lack genome scale data

    The ocean sampling day consortium

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    Ocean Sampling Day was initiated by the EU-funded Micro B3 (Marine Microbial Biodiversity, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology) project to obtain a snapshot of the marine microbial biodiversity and function of the world’s oceans. It is a simultaneous global mega-sequencing campaign aiming to generate the largest standardized microbial data set in a single day. This will be achievable only through the coordinated efforts of an Ocean Sampling Day Consortium, supportive partnerships and networks between sites. This commentary outlines the establishment, function and aims of the Consortium and describes our vision for a sustainable study of marine microbial communities and their embedded functional traits

    In Vitro Antifungal Activity of Ibrexafungerp (SCY-078) Against Contemporary Blood Isolates From Medically Relevant Species of Candida: A European Study

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    BackgroundIbrexafungerp (SCY-078) is the newest oral and intravenous antifungal drug with broad activity, currently undergoing clinical trials for invasive candidiasis. ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to assess the in vitro activity of ibrexafungerp and comparators against a collection of 434 European blood isolates of Candida. MethodsIbrexafungerp, caspofungin, fluconazole, and micafungin minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) were collected from 12 European laboratories for 434 blood isolates, including 163 Candida albicans, 108 Candida parapsilosis, 60 Candida glabrata, 40 Candida tropicalis, 29 Candida krusei, 20 Candida orthopsilosis, 6 Candida guilliermondii, 2 Candida famata, 2 Candida lusitaniae, and 1 isolate each of Candida bracarensis, Candida catenulata, Candida dubliniensis, and Candida kefyr. MICs were determined by the EUCAST broth microdilution method, and isolates were classified according to recommended clinical breakpoints and epidemiological cutoffs. Additionally, 22 Candida auris from different clinical specimens were evaluated. ResultsIbrexafungerp MICs ranged from 0.016 to >= 8 mg/L. The lowest ibrexafungerp MICs were observed for C. albicans (geometric MIC 0.062 mg/L, MIC range 0.016-0.5 mg/L) and the highest ibrexafungerp MICs were observed for C. tropicalis (geometric MIC 0.517 mg/L, MIC range 0.06->= 8 mg/L). Modal MICs/MIC(50)s (mg/L) against Candida spp. were 0.125/0.06 for C. albicans, 0.5/0.5 for C. parapsilosis, 0.25/0.25 for C. glabrata, 0.5/0.5 for C. tropicalis, 1/1 for C. krusei, 4/2 for C. orthopsilosis, and 0.5/0.5 for C. auris. Ibrexafungerp showed activity against fluconazole- and echinocandin-resistant isolates. If adopting wild-type upper limits, a non-wild-type phenotype for ibrexafungerp was only observed for 16/434 (3.7%) isolates: 11 (4.6%) C. parapsilosis, 4 (5%) C. glabrata, and 1 (2.5%) C. tropicalis. ConclusionIbrexafungerp showed a potent in vitro activity against Candida.This study received funding from SCYNEXIS. The funder was not involved in the study design, collection, analysis, interpretation of data, the writing of the article, or the decision to submit it for publication. CM-A is a recipient of a grant from Fundació n ONCE (Oportunidad al Talento). EE, AG, NJ, CM-A, and GQ have received grant support from Consejerı́a de Educación, Universidades e Investigación del Gobierno Vasco (GIC15 IT-990-16), Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria del Gobierno de España (FIS PI11/00203), and UPV/EHU (UFI 11/25). All authors declare no other competing interests

    Syndromes of self-reported psychopathology for ages 18-59 in 29 societies

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    This study tested the multi-society generalizability of an eight-syndrome assessment model derived from factor analyses of American adults' self-ratings of 120 behavioral, emotional, and social problems. The Adult Self-Report (ASR; Achenbach and Rescorla 2003) was completed by 17,152 18-59-year-olds in 29 societies. Confirmatory factor analyses tested the fit of self-ratings in each sample to the eight-syndrome model. The primary model fit index (Root Mean Square Error of Approximation) showed good model fit for all samples, while secondary indices showed acceptable to good fit. Only 5 (0.06%) of the 8,598 estimated parameters were outside the admissible parameter space. Confidence intervals indicated that sampling fluctuations could account for the deviant parameters. Results thus supported the tested model in societies differing widely in social, political, and economic systems, languages, ethnicities, religions, and geographical regions. Although other items, societies, and analytic methods might yield different results, the findings indicate that adults in very diverse societies were willing and able to rate themselves on the same standardized set of 120 problem items. Moreover, their self-ratings fit an eight-syndrome model previously derived from self-ratings by American adults. The support for the statistically derived syndrome model is consistent with previous findings for parent, teacher, and self-ratings of 11/2-18-year-olds in many societies. The ASR and its parallel collateral-report instrument, the Adult Behavior Checklist (ABCL), may offer mental health professionals practical tools for the multi-informant assessment of clinical constructs of adult psychopathology that appear to be meaningful across diverse societies

    Genomic Ancestry of North Africans Supports Back-to-Africa Migrations

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    North African populations are distinct from sub-Saharan Africans based on cultural, linguistic, and phenotypic attributes; however, the time and the extent of genetic divergence between populations north and south of the Sahara remain poorly understood. Here, we interrogate the multilayered history of North Africa by characterizing the effect of hypothesized migrations from the Near East, Europe, and sub-Saharan Africa on current genetic diversity. We present dense, genome-wide SNP genotyping array data (730,000 sites) from seven North African populations, spanning from Egypt to Morocco, and one Spanish population. We identify a gradient of likely autochthonous Maghrebi ancestry that increases from east to west across northern Africa; this ancestry is likely derived from “back-to-Africa” gene flow more than 12,000 years ago (ya), prior to the Holocene. The indigenous North African ancestry is more frequent in populations with historical Berber ethnicity. In most North African populations we also see substantial shared ancestry with the Near East, and to a lesser extent sub-Saharan Africa and Europe. To estimate the time of migration from sub-Saharan populations into North Africa, we implement a maximum likelihood dating method based on the distribution of migrant tracts. In order to first identify migrant tracts, we assign local ancestry to haplotypes using a novel, principal component-based analysis of three ancestral populations. We estimate that a migration of western African origin into Morocco began about 40 generations ago (approximately 1,200 ya); a migration of individuals with Nilotic ancestry into Egypt occurred about 25 generations ago (approximately 750 ya). Our genomic data reveal an extraordinarily complex history of migrations, involving at least five ancestral populations, into North Africa

    The Expanded mtDNA Phylogeny of the Franco-Cantabrian Region Upholds the Pre-Neolithic Genetic Substrate of Basques

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    The European genetic landscape has been shaped by several human migrations occurred since Paleolithic times. The accumulation of archaeological records and the concordance of different lines of genetic evidence during the last two decades have triggered an interesting debate concerning the role of ancient settlers from the Franco-Cantabrian region in the postglacial resettlement of Europe. Among the Franco-Cantabrian populations, Basques are regarded as one of the oldest and more intriguing human groups of Europe. Recent data on complete mitochondrial DNA genomes focused on macrohaplogroup R0 revealed that Basques harbor some autochthonous lineages, suggesting a genetic continuity since pre-Neolithic times. However, excluding haplogroup H, the most representative lineage of macrohaplogroup R0, the majority of maternal lineages of this area remains virtually unexplored, so that further refinement of the mtDNA phylogeny based on analyses at the highest level of resolution is crucial for a better understanding of the European prehistory. We thus explored the maternal ancestry of 548 autochthonous individuals from various Franco-Cantabrian populations and sequenced 76 mitogenomes of the most representative lineages. Interestingly, we identified three mtDNA haplogroups, U5b1f, J1c5c1 and V22, that proved to be representative of Franco-Cantabria, notably of the Basque population. The seclusion and diversity of these female genetic lineages support a local origin in the Franco-Cantabrian area during the Mesolithic of southwestern Europe, ∼10,000 years before present (YBP), with signals of expansions at ∼3,500 YBP. These findings provide robust evidence of a partial genetic continuity between contemporary autochthonous populations from the Franco-Cantabrian region, specifically the Basques, and Paleolithic/Mesolithic hunter-gatherer groups. Furthermore, our results raise the current proportion (≈15%) of the Franco-Cantabrian maternal gene pool with a putative pre-Neolithic origin to ≈35%, further supporting the notion of a predominant Paleolithic genetic substrate in extant European populations