65 research outputs found

    Температурное поле в кристалле иттрий-алюминиевого граната при двухстадийном выращивании

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    Установлено существование оптимального значения теплопроводности, при котором достигается наиболее равномерное распределение модуля температурного градиента на фронте кристаллизации

    Dual role of striatal astrocytes in behavioral flexibility and metabolism in the context of obesity

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    Brain circuits involved in metabolic control and reward-associated behaviors are potent drivers of feeding behavior and are both dramatically altered in obesity, a multifactorial disease resulting from genetic and environmental factors. In both mice and human, exposure to calorie-dense food has been associated with increased astrocyte reactivity and pro-inflammatory response in the brain. Although our understanding of how astrocytes regulate brain circuits has recently flourish, whether and how striatal astrocytes contribute in regulating food-related behaviors and whole-body metabolism is still unknown. In this study, we show that exposure to enriched food leads to profound changes in neuronal activity and synchrony. Chemogenetic manipulation of astrocytes activity in the dorsal striatum was sufficient to restore the cognitive defect in flexible behaviors induced by obesity, while manipulation of astrocyte in the nucleus accumbens led to acute change in whole-body substrate utilization and energy expenditure. Altogether, this work reveals a yet unappreciated role for striatal astrocyte as a direct operator of reward-driven behavior and metabolic control

    A neuronal circuit driven by GLP-1 in the olfactory bulb regulates insulin secretion

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    Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) stimulates insulin secretion and holds significant pharmacological potential. Nevertheless, the regulation of energy homeostasis by centrally-produced GLP-1 remains partially understood. Preproglucagon cells, known to release GLP-1, are found in the olfactory bulb (OB). We show that activating GLP-1 receptors (GLP-1R) in the OB stimulates insulin secretion in response to oral glucose in lean and diet-induced obese male mice. This is associated with reduced noradrenaline content in the pancreas and blocked by an α2-adrenergic receptor agonist, implicating functional involvement of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). Inhibiting GABAA receptors in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN), the control centre of the SNS, abolishes the enhancing effect on insulin secretion induced by OB GLP-1R. Therefore, OB GLP-1-dependent regulation of insulin secretion relies on a relay within the PVN. This study provides evidence that OB GLP-1 signalling engages a top-down neural mechanism to control insulin secretion via the SNS

    Postprandial hyperglycemia stimulates neuroglial plasticity in hypothalamic POMC neurons after a balanced meal

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    Mechanistic studies in rodents evidenced synaptic remodeling in neuronal circuits that control food intake. However, the physiological relevance of this process is not well defined. Here, we show that the firing activity of anorexigenic POMC neurons located in the hypothalamus is increased after a standard meal. Postprandial hyperactivity of POMC neurons relies on synaptic plasticity that engages pre-synaptic mechanisms, which does not involve structural remodeling of synapses but retraction of glial coverage. These functional and morphological neuroglial changes are triggered by postprandial hyperglycemia. Chemogenetically induced glial retraction on POMC neurons is sufficient to increase POMC activity and modify meal patterns. These findings indicate that synaptic plasticity within the melanocortin system happens at the timescale of meals and likely contributes to short-term control of food intake. Interestingly, these effects are lost with a high-fat meal, suggesting that neuroglial plasticity of POMC neurons is involved in the satietogenic properties of foods.Contrôle nerveux de la prise alimentaire et du métabolisme par une molécule neurale d'adhésion cellulaireISITE " BFCRéseau d'Innovation sur les Voies de Signalisation en Sciences de la Vi

    The Addiction-Susceptibility TaqIA/Ankk1 Controls Reward and Metabolism Through D2 Receptor-Expressing Neurons

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    Background: A large body of evidence highlights the importance of genetic variants in the development of psychiatric and metabolic conditions. Among these, the TaqIA polymorphism is one of the most commonly studied in psychiatry. TaqIA is located in the gene that codes for the ankyrin repeat and kinase domain containing 1 kinase (Ankk1) near the dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) gene. Homozygous expression of the A1 allele correlates with a 30% to 40% reduction of striatal D2R, a typical feature of addiction, overeating, and other psychiatric pathologies. The mechanisms by which the variant influences dopamine signaling and behavior are unknown. Methods: Here, we used transgenic and viral-mediated strategies to reveal the role of Ankk1 in the regulation of activity and functions of the striatum. Results: We found that Ankk1 is preferentially enriched in striatal D2R-expressing neurons and that Ankk1 loss of function in the dorsal and ventral striatum leads to alteration in learning, impulsivity, and flexibility resembling endophenotypes described in A1 carriers. We also observed an unsuspected role of Ankk1 in striatal D2R-expressing neurons of the ventral striatum in the regulation of energy homeostasis and documented differential nutrient partitioning in humans with or without the A1 allele. Conclusions: Overall, our data demonstrate that the Ankk1 gene is necessary for the integrity of striatal functions and reveal a new role for Ankk1 in the regulation of body metabolism.Altérations du système de récompense dans l'anorexie mentaleRole du biostatus en acides gras polyinsaturés dans les troubles de contrôle exécuti

    Effects of Intracerebroventricular Administration of Neuropeptide Y on Metabolic Gene Expression and Energy Metabolism in Male Rats

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    Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is an important neurotransmitter in the control of energy metabolism. Several studies have shown that obesity is associated with increased levels of NPY in the hypothalamus. We hypothesized that the central release of NPY has coordinated and integrated effects on energy metabolism in different tissues, resulting in increased energy storage and decreased energy expenditure (EE). We first investigated the acute effects of an intracerebroventricular (ICV) infusion of NPY on gene expression in liver, brown adipose tissue, soleus muscle, and sc and epididymal white adipose tissue (WAT). We found increased expression of genes involved in gluconeogenesis and triglyceride secretion in the liver already 2-hour after the start of the NPY administration. In brown adipose tissue, the expression of thermogenic genes was decreased. In sc WAT, the expression of genes involved in lipogenesis was increased, whereas in soleus muscle, the expression of lipolytic genes was decreased after ICV NPY. These findings indicate that the ICV infusion of NPY acutely and simultaneously increases lipogenesis and decreases lipolysis in different tissues. Subsequently, we investigated the acute effects of ICV NPY on locomotor activity, respiratory exchange ratio, EE, and body temperature. The ICV infusion of NPY increased locomotor activity, body temperature, and EE as well as respiratory exchange ratio. Together, these results show that an acutely increased central availability of NPY results in a shift of metabolism towards lipid storage and an increased use of carbohydrates, while at the same time increasing activity, EE, and body temperatur

    Sleep restriction acutely impairs glucose tolerance in rats

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    Chronic sleep curtailment in humans has been related to impairment of glucose metabolism. To better understand the underlying mechanisms, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of acute sleep deprivation on glucose tolerance in rats. A group of rats was challenged by 4-h sleep deprivation in the early rest period, leading to prolonged (16 h) wakefulness. Another group of rats was allowed to sleep during the first 4 h of the light period and sleep deprived in the next 4 h. During treatment, food was withdrawn to avoid a postmeal rise in plasma glucose. An intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT) was performed immediately after the sleep deprivation period. Sleep deprivation at both times of the day similarly impaired glucose tolerance and reduced the early-phase insulin responses to a glucose challenge. Basal concentrations of plasma glucose, insulin, and corticosterone remained unchanged after sleep deprivation. Throughout IVGTTs, plasma corticosterone concentrations were not different between the control and sleep-deprived group. Together, these results demonstrate that independent of time of day and sleep pressure, short sleep deprivation during the resting phase favors glucose intolerance in rats by attenuating the first-phase insulin response to a glucose load. In conclusion, this study highlights the acute adverse effects of only a short sleep restriction on glucose homeostasis

    Effects of central gastrin-releasing peptide on glucose metabolism

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    Gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) mediated signals in the central nervous system (CNS) influence many functions associated with energy metabolism. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the central effect of GRP on glucose metabolism in the male rat. Intracerebroventricular (icv) administration of GRP caused an immediate hyperglycaemia which was sustained till the end of the infusion. The rise in plasma glucose levels was accompanied by an increase in endogenous glucose production (EGP), as well as increases in plasma glucagon and insulin concentrations. Furthermore, no differences in plasma corticosterone levels were noted between control and GRP treated rats. These results demonstrate that central GRP increases plasma glucose levels, probably by stimulating pancreatic glucagon release and concomitantly or subsequently endogenous glucose production

    Effects of 6-meals-a-day feeding and 6-meals-a-day feeding combined with adrenalectomy on daily gene expression rhythms in rat epididymal white adipose tissue

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    The master clock in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is assumed to synchronize the tissue-specific rhythms of the peripheral clocks with the environmental day/night changes via neural, humoral and/or behavioral connections. The feeding rhythm is considered an important Zeitgeber for peripheral clocks, as daytime feeding reverses (clock) gene rhythms in the periphery, but not in the SCN. In this study, we investigated the necessity of a daily feeding rhythm for maintaining gene expression rhythms in epididymal white adipose tissue (eWAT). We showed that 7 of 9 rhythmic metabolic/adipokine genes, but not clock genes, lost their rhythmicity upon exposure to 6-meals-a-day feeding. Previously, we showed comparable effects of adrenalectomy on eWAT; therefore, subsequently we investigated the effect of simultaneous disruption of these humoral and behavioral signaling pathways, by exposing adrenalectomized animals to 6-meals-a-day feeding. Interestingly, under these conditions, all the clock genes and 10 of 11 rhythmic metabolic/adipokine genes lost their rhythmicity. These data indicate that adrenal hormones and feeding rhythm are indispensable for maintaining daily rhythms in metabolic/adipokine gene, but not clock gene, expression in eWAT. In contrast, at least one of these two signals should be present in order for eWAT clock gene rhythms to be maintained

    Exposure to dim light at night alters daily rhythms of glucose and lipid metabolism in rats

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    Nocturnal light pollution has been rapidly increasing during the last decades and even though dim artificial light at night (ALAN) has been associated with metabolic diseases, its mechanism is still far from clear. Therefore, the aim of our study was to thoroughly analyze the effects of ALAN on energy metabolism, metabolites, metabolic hormones, and gene expression. Male Wistar rats were kept in either the standard light:dark (12:12) cycle or exposed to ALAN (∼2 lx) during the whole 12-h dark phase for 2 weeks. Energy metabolism was measured in metabolic cages. In addition, we measured plasma and hepatic metabolites, clock and metabolic gene expression in the liver and epididymal adipose tissue, and plasma hormone levels. In ALAN rats, we observed an unexpected transitory daytime peak of locomotor activity and a suppression of the peak in locomotor activity at the beginning of the dark period. These changes were mirrored in the respiratory exchange ratio. Plasma metabolites became arrhythmic, and plasma and hepatic cholesterol levels were increased. Lost rhythmicity of metabolites was associated with disrupted behavioral rhythms and expression of metabolic genes. In the liver, the rhythms of metabolic sensors were either phase-advanced (Ppara, Pgc1a, Nampt) or arrhythmic (Sirt1, Lxra) after ALAN. The rhythmic pattern of Ppara and Sirt1 was abolished in the adipose tissue. In the liver, the amplitude of the daily rhythm in glycogen content was attenuated, the Glut2 rhythm was phase-advanced and Foxo1 lost its daily rhythmicity. Moreover, hepatic Foxo1 and Gck were up-regulated after ALAN. Interestingly, several parameters of lipid metabolism gained rhythmicity (adiponectin, Hmgcs2, Lpl, Srebf1c) in the liver, whereas Noct became arrhythmic in the adipose tissue. Peripheral clock genes maintained their robust oscillations with small shifts in their acrophases. Our data show that even a low level of ALAN can induce changes in the daily pattern of behavior and energy metabolism, and disturb daily rhythms of genes encoding key metabolic sensors and components of metabolic pathways in the liver and adipose tissue. Disturbed metabolic rhythms by ALAN could represent a serious risk factor for the development and progression of metabolic diseases