3,881 research outputs found

    Lillian Lil Hardin Armstrong (1898-1971)

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    Zircon dissolution in a ductile shear zone, Monte Rosa granite gneiss, northern Italy

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    The sizes, distributions and shapes of zircon grains within variably deformed granite gneiss from the western Alps have been studied. Zircon shows numerous indicators of a metamorphic response in both the host gneiss and a 5 cm wide continuous ductile shear zone, within which the zircon grain sizes range from <1 µm to >50 µm. However, the very fine grain sizes are virtually absent from grain boundaries. Within this zone, zircons consistently have more rounded and embayed margins, which are interpreted as evidence of dissolution in response to fluid influx during shearing. Zircons are preferentially located near metamorphic muscovite in both the host gneiss and the shear zone and tend to show the poorest crystal shape, indicating that fluids linked to the formation and presence of muscovite may enhance both the crystallization of zircon and its subsequent dissolution. Larger zircon crystals typically show a brittle response to deformation when adjacent to phyllosilicates, with fractures consistently perpendicular to the (001) mica cleavage. The variety of metamorphic behaviour observed for zircon indicates that it may be highly reactive in sub-solidus mid-crustal metamorphic environments

    A lattice NRQCD computation of the bag parameters for ΔB\Delta B = 2 operators

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    We present an update of our NRQCD calculation of BBB_B at β\beta=5.9 with increased statistics. We also discuss a calculation of BSB_S, which is relevant to the width difference in the BsBˉsB_s-\bar{B}_s mixing.Comment: LATTICE99 (Heavy Quarks), 3 pages, 2 figures, espcrc2.st

    A hybrid parametrical wave prediction model

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    The development of a numerical wave prediction model incorporating a parametrical wind-sea model and a characteristic swell model is described. The parametrical model is an extension of an earlier two-parameter model to the full five Jonswap spectral parameters. An application is presented in which the model is used to hindcast severe wave conditions in the North Sea as part of an engineering study to define long-term extreme wave statistics for the area. The limitations of the model and the needs for future research are discussed

    The combined use of imaging approaches to assess drug release from multicomponent solid dispersions

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    PURPOSE: Imaging methods were used as tools to provide an understanding of phenomena that occur during dissolution experiments, and ultimately to select the best ratio of two polymers in a matrix in terms of enhancement of the dissolution rate and prevention of crystallization during dissolution. METHODS: Magnetic resonance imaging, ATR-FTIR spectroscopic imaging and Raman mapping have been used to study the release mechanism of a poorly water soluble drug, aprepitant, from multicomponent amorphous solid dispersions. Solid dispersions were prepared based on the combination of two selected polymers - Soluplus, as a solubilizer, and PVP, as a dissolution enhancer. Formulations were prepared in a ratio of Soluplus:PVP 1:10, 1:5, 1:3, and 1:1, in order to obtain favorable properties of the polymer carrier. RESULTS: The crystallization of aprepitant during dissolution has occurred to a varying degree in the polymer ratios 1:10, 1:5, and 1:3, but the increasing presence of Soluplus in the formulation delayed the onset of crystallization. The Soluplus:PVP 1:1 solid dispersion proved to be the best matrix studied, combining the abilities of both polymers in a synergistic manner. CONCLUSIONS: Aprepitant dissolution rate has been significantly enhanced. This study highlights the benefits of combining imaging methods in order to understand the release process

    Clay Sediments from Basaltic Terrains: Implications for Sedimentary Processes on Mars

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    The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) rover, Curiosity, has been traversing across fluvial, lacustrine, and eolian sedimentary rocks since it touched down in 2012. The CheMin X-ray diffractometer (XRD) on board Curiosity has revealed smectite clay minerals in most fluvio-lacustrine samples and abundant X-ray amorphous materials in all samples analyzed to date. For example, mudstones from the Sheepbed member at the base of the stratigraphic section and the lower part of the Murray formation contain on average ~7 to 20 wt% smectite and ~30 to 46 wt% X-ray amorphous abundances. On Earth, smectite and secondary X-ray amorphous materials are juvenile weathering products that are generated in sedimentary environments and ultimately record the interaction between primary igneous minerals and the hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. For this study, we investigated glacio-fluvio-eolian sediments generated in basaltic terrains as terrestrial analogs for the mudstones from Gale Crater, Mars. This work focuses on the clay sized sediments (<2 m) from these deposits as this grain size hosts the most mineralogically and geochemically altered detritus in sedimentary environments. The goal of investigating basaltic sedimentation is to create a terrestrial reference frame that sheds light on the paleoclimate and paleoaqueous conditions responsible for shaping the ancient sedimentary environments of Mars (e.g., Gale Crater and Jezero Crater)

    Surface terms, Asymptotics and Thermodynamics of the Holst Action

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    We consider a first order formalism for general relativity derived from the Holst action. This action is obtained from the standard Palatini-Hilbert form by adding a topological-like term and can be taken as the starting point for loop quantum gravity and spin foam models. The equations of motion derived from the Holst action are, nevertheless, the same as in the Palatini formulation. Here we study the form of the surface terms of the action for general boundaries as well as the symplectic current in the covariant formulation of the theory. Furthermore, we analyze the behavior of the surface terms in asymptotically flat space-times. We show that the contribution to the symplectic structure from the Holst term vanishes and one obtains the same asymptotic expressions as in the Palatini action. It then follows that the asymptotic Poincare symmetries and conserved quantities such as energy, linear momentum and relativistic angular momentum found here are equivalent to those obtained from the standard Arnowitt, Deser and Misner formalism. Finally, we consider the Euclidean approach to black hole thermodynamics and show that the on-shell Holst action, when evaluated on some static solutions containing horizons, yields the standard thermodynamical relations.Comment: 16 page

    Sediment Sorting and Rounding in a Basaltic Glacio-Fluvio-Aeolian Environment: hrisjkull Glacier, Iceland

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    Sediments and sedimentary rocks preserve a rich history of environment and climate. Identifying these signals requires an understanding of the physical and chemical processes that have affected sedimentary deposits [1]. Such processes include sorting and rounding during transport and chemical alteration through weathering and diagenesis. Although these processes have long been studied in quartz-dominated sedimentary systems [2], a lack of studies of basaltic sedimentary systems limits our interpretations of the environment and climate where mafic source rocks dominate, such as on Mars [3,4]. As part of the SAND-E: Semi-Autonomous Navigation for Detrital Environments project [5], which uses robotic operations to examine physical and chemical changes to sediments in basaltic glacio-fluvialaeolian environments, this research studies changes in sorting and rounding of fluvial-aeolian sediments along a glacier-proximal-to-glacier-distal transect in the outwash-plain of the risjkull glacier in SW Iceland (Fig. 1

    Local spinfoam expansion in loop quantum cosmology

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    The quantum dynamics of the flat Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker and Bianchi I models defined by loop quantum cosmology have recently been translated into a spinfoam-like formalism. The construction is facilitated by the presence of a massless scalar field which is used as an internal clock. The implicit integration over the matter variable leads to a nonlocal spinfoam amplitude. In this paper we consider a vacuum Bianchi I universe and show that by choosing an appropriate regulator a spinfoam expansion can be obtained without selecting a clock variable and that the resulting spinfoam amplitude is local.Comment: 12 page

    Self-organized critical neural networks

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    A mechanism for self-organization of the degree of connectivity in model neural networks is studied. Network connectivity is regulated locally on the basis of an order parameter of the global dynamics which is estimated from an observable at the single synapse level. This principle is studied in a two-dimensional neural network with randomly wired asymmetric weights. In this class of networks, network connectivity is closely related to a phase transition between ordered and disordered dynamics. A slow topology change is imposed on the network through a local rewiring rule motivated by activity-dependent synaptic development: Neighbor neurons whose activity is correlated, on average develop a new connection while uncorrelated neighbors tend to disconnect. As a result, robust self-organization of the network towards the order disorder transition occurs. Convergence is independent of initial conditions, robust against thermal noise, and does not require fine tuning of parameters.Comment: 5 pages RevTeX, 7 figures PostScrip