101 research outputs found

    MacIntyre and Kovesi on the Nature of Moral Concepts

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    Julius Kovesi was a moral philosopher contemporary with Alasdair MacIntyre, and dealing with many of the same questions as MacIntyre. In our view, Kovesi’s moral philosophy is rich in ideas and worth revisiting. MacIntyre agrees: Kovesi’s Moral Notions, he has said, is ‘a minor classic in moral philosophy that has not yet received its due’. Kovesi was not a thinker whose work fits readily into any one tradition. Unlike the later MacIntyre, he was not a Thomistic Aristotelian, nor even an Aristotelian. He saw his viewpoint as Platonic, or perhaps more accurately as Socratic. His writings, unlike MacIntyre’s, have little to say about justice. However, Kovesi did offfer a theory of practical reason. His main contention was that all human social life embodies a set of concepts that govern and guide that life, concepts without which that life would be impossible. These include our moral concepts. For Kovesi, moral concepts are not external to, but constitutive of social life in any of its possible forms. But in the course of his argument he also developed a way of thinking about how concepts work, which we term ‘conceptual functionalism’, and which we will elucidate

    Moral Notions, with Three Papers on Plato

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    Morality is often thought of as non-rational or sub-rational. In Moral Notions, first published in 1967, Julius Kovesi argues that the rationality of morality is built into the way we construct moral concepts. In showing this he also resolves the old Humean conundrum of the relation between 'facts' and 'values'. And he puts forward a method of reasoning that might make 'applied ethics' (at present largely a hodge-podge of opinions) into a constructive discipline. Kovesi's general theory of concepts - important in its own right - is indebted to his interpretation of Plato, and his three papers on Plato, first published here, explain this debt. This new edition of Moral Notions also includes a foreward by Philippa Foot, a biography of the author, and a substantial afterword in which the editors, Robert Ewin and Alan Tapper, explain the signficance of Kovesi's work

    Why Worry about Business Ethics?

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    There are many problems about business ethics. What I want to deal with is only part of the problem: I want to consider just what can properly be expected of business in general terms by way of ethical behaviour and, along with that, what is special about business ethics and how it is related to the personal morality we are all expected to exhibit in our day-to-day lives; I want to consider how it is that ethical confusions arise from people's mistaking the relationship between personal morality and business ethics; and I want to consider what can be done by way of education in business ethics to raise the standards and just what role philosophical ethics can play in that

    Co-Operation and Human Values: A Study of Moral Reasoning

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    Loyalty and virtues

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    Loyalties, and why loyalty should be ignored

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    Loyalty: The police

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    What is wrong with killing people?

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    The Characteristics of the Chemichal Properties of Ultisols Sub Groups in Some Areas of Northern Sumatra

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    The purpose of the study to determine the characteristics of the chemichal properties of ultisols sub groups in some areas of Northern Sumatra. This research uses descriptive method by conducting surveys and soil samples up to 6 sub group of Typic Hapludults, Typic Paleudults, Psammentic Paleudults, Typic Plinthudults, Typic Ochraquults, Typic Paleaquults taken a depth of 0-30 cm at random (purposive random sampling) and composited by each sub group. Parameters analyzed were soil texture, pH, C-organic, total N, total P, P-available, exch.-K, CEC, BS, Al-exch., and aluminum saturation. The results showed that soil texture in each sub group varies the sandy clay, clay, loamy sand, clay loam, clay, and sandy clay loam. Soil pH has a wry criteria except in Typic Paleudults and Typic Paleaquults is very wry. C-organic content, total N, total P, P-available, K-exch, CEC, and BS in each sub group classified in the very low to low criteria except CEC in Typic Paleudults with the criteria moderate. Ultisols sub group has the characteristic physical and chemical properties of different/ varied

    A Novel, Orally Delivered Antibody Therapy and Its Potential to Prevent Clostridioides difficile Infection in Pre-clinical Models

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    Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) is a toxin-mediated infection in the gut and a major burden on healthcare facilities worldwide. We rationalized that it would be beneficial to design an antibody therapy that is delivered to, and is active at the site of toxin production, rather than neutralizing the circulating and luminal toxins after significant damage of the layers of the intestines has occurred. Here we describe a highly potent therapeutic, OraCAb, with high antibody titers and a formulation that protects the antibodies from digestion/inactivation in the gastrointestinal tract. The potential of OraCAb to prevent CDI in an in vivo hamster model and an in vitro human colon model was assessed. In the hamster model we optimized the ratio of the antibodies against each of the toxins produced by C. difficile (Toxins A and B). The concentration of immunoglobulins that is effective in a hamster model of CDI was determined. A highly significant difference in animal survival for those given an optimized OraCAb formulation versus an untreated control group was observed. This is the first study testing the effect of oral antibodies for treatment of CDI in an in vitro gut model seeded with a human fecal inoculum. Treatment with OraCAb successfully neutralized toxin production and did not interfere with the colonic microbiota in this model. Also, treatment with a combination of vancomycin and OraCAb prevented simulated CDI recurrence, unlike vancomycin therapy alone. These data demonstrate the efficacy of OraCAb formulation for the treatment of CDI in pre-clinical models
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