11 research outputs found

    Personnel Selection with Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods in the Ready-to-Wear Sector

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    The selection of personnel to be recruited for businesses is a significant problem. This study discusses the problem of selecting a person to be hired to use a machine with various specific features in a textile factory. It was aimed to select the most suitable candidate for the job. MCDM methods were used to make an analytical selection away from subjectivity. In this study, real-life business procedures were performed. The Weighted Scoring (WS) method was used for preselection. Important criteria weights for the factory were determined with the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) and Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluations (PROMETHEE) methods were used to make a correct selection among the candidates. The most suitable candidate for the job was selected with the methodology followed. The study differs from other studies in the literature with the evaluation criteria, combination of methods, the methodology followed

    Bir Tekstil İşletmesinde Çok Ölçütlü Karar Verme Yöntemleri ile Personellerin Değerlendirilmesi

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    DergiPark: 602165trakyaiibfGünümüzde rekabetortamı hızla değişmekte ve işletmeler değişime uyum sağlayabilen, yaratıcıdüşünceleri ortaya çıkarabilen çalışana ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Değişen rekabetortamına uyum sağlayamayan personelin çıkarılmasına karar verilmektedir. Personelçıkarma nitel ve nicel karar kriterleri ile çok kriterli karar verme problemidir.Karar verme sürecinde doğru ve verimsiz olan adayı seçmek gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmadabir tekstil işletmesinde personel çıkarma gerçekleştirirken önemli olankriterler uzman kişi tarafından belirlenmiştir. AHP yöntemi ile kriterlerarasındaki önem dereceleri belirlenmiştir. Önem dereceleri dikkate alınaraktekstil işletmesinde alternatifler kriterlere göre işletmede çalışan uzman kişiile puanlandırılmıştır. ANP yöntemi ile oluşturulan kriterlerin alt kriterleribelirlenmiştir. Karar matrisi oluşturularak AHP, ANP ve TOPSIS yöntemlerininsonuçları karşılaştırılmıştır.

    Ranking of sustainability criteria for industrial symbiosis applications based on ANP

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    Enterprises have started to establish partnerships both to use their internal resources efficiently and to increase their environmental performance. Partnerships and interoperability of enterprises with different processes enable them to benefit more from their benefits. Moving towards the local and regional economy, these partnerships that increase environmental and own resources have created industrial symbiosis practices. Industrial ecology fields are established in these applications. Both environmental and economic gains can be achieved through the efficient use of resources by enterprises and the minimization of wastes. For the sustainability of these partnerships to be established by enterprises, they need to analyze the measures they take internally. In this study, the concept of industrial symbiosis and the criteria that are effective for the sustainability of these industrial symbiosis are evaluated. Analytical network process method is used.  Thus, the industrial symbiosis infrastructures to be established by enterprises have been enabled to move strategically

    Maintenance Planning of Railway Vehicles with AHP, COPRAS and Integer Programming Integration

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    Lojistik sektöründe demiryolu taşımacılığının güvenli, kesintisiz ve verimli olarak sağlanması, müşteri beklentilerinin zamanında ve tam olarak karşılanması amacıyla araç bakımlarının zamanında yaptırılması, hazır bulunurluklarının sağlanması şarttır. Bakım faaliyetleri genel olarak maliyetli ve kısıtlı kaynaklar altında yapılan işlemlerden oluşmaktadır. İşletmelerin bakım ihtiyaçlarının tam olarak karşılanması ancak sistematik ve etkin bakım planlama modellerinin kullanılması ile mümkün olmaktadır. Demiryolu araçlarının üretim ve bakım maliyetlerinin düşünüldüğünden çok daha yüksek olması, araçların kullanım ömürlerinin 70-80 yıla kadar uzaması, olası kazaların sonuçlarının düşünülenden daha çok zararlar vermesi demiryolu araçlarının bakımının önemini ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Tüm bunların yanı sıra demiryolu işletmelerinin de bakım konusundaki tutumlarını etkileyen birçok unsur bulunmaktadır. İşletme politikası, bütçe kısıtları, kısa ve orta vadeli taşıma planları, müşteri beklentileri bu unsurların başında gelmektedir. Tüm bu sorunlar ve kısıtlar altında, bir demiryolu tren işletmecisinin bakım optimizasyonu için sahip olduğu yük vagonlarının kritiklik seviyeleri AHP-COPRAS kombinasyonu ile belirlenmiş ve bu vagonlar için bir yıllık bakım planı tam sayılı programlama modeli ile elde edilmiştir. Bu birlikteliğin oluşturduğu çözüm sayesinde işletmenin taşıma faaliyetlerini minimum düzeyde etkileyecek bir yıllık revizyon bakım planı oluşturulmuştur.In the logistics sector, maintenance of vehicles on time and ensuring their availability are essential to ensure safe, uninterrupted and efficient rail transport and to meet customer expectations in a timely and complete manner. Maintenance activities generally consist of costly and limited resources. It is only possible to meet the maintenance needs of the enterprises by using systematic and effective maintenance planning models. The production and maintenance costs of railway vehicles are higher than they are considered, the service life of the vehicles goes up to 70-80 years, and the possible accident results can be very hazardous, which shows the importance of maintenance of railway vehicles. In addition to these, there are many factors that affect the attitude of the railway enterprises on maintenance. Business policy, budget constraints, short- and medium-term transport plans and customer expectations are the most important factors. Under all these problems and constraints, the critical level of freight wagons owned by a railway train operator for maintenance optimization has been determined with the AHP-COPRAS combination and a one-year maintenance plan for these wagons has been obtained with an integer programming model. Thanks to the solution created by this cooperation, an annual revision maintenance plan has been created to minimize the transportation activities of the enterprise

    A novel approach to optimize the maintenance strategies: a case in the hydroelectric power plant

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    Countries need to develop sustainable energy policies based on the principles of environmental sensitivity, reliability, efficiency, economy and uninterrupted service and to maintain their energy supply in order to increase their global competitiveness. In addition to this impact of sustainable energy supply on the global world, maintenance processes in power plants require high costs due to allocated time, materials and labor, and generation loss. Thus, the maintenance needs to be managed within a system. This makes analytical and feasible maintenance planning a necessity in power plants. In this context, this study focuses on maintenance strategy optimization which is the first phase of maintenance planning for one of the large-scale hydroelectric power plants with a direct effect on Turkey's energy supply security with its one fifth share in total generation. In this study, a new model is proposed for the maintenance strategy optimization problem considering the multi-objective and multicriteria structure of hydroelectric power plants with hundreds of complex equipment and the direct effect of these equipment on uninterrupted and cost-effective electricity generation. In the model, two multi-criteria decision-making methods, AHP and COPRAS methods, are integrated with integer programming method and optimal maintenance strategies are obtained for 571 equipment

    Multi-Criteria for the Evaluation of Logistics Centers in Turkey Investment Priority Decision Model Proposal

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    Lojistik merkezlerin kurulması, coğrafi olarak lojistik yolları üzerinde bulunan ülkemizin ekonomik gelişimi için yapılabilecek yatırımlarda stratejik önem arz etmektedir. Yatırım kararı alınması sonrasında oluşturulacak eylem planında ele alınması ve mutlaka çözülmesi gereken en önemli sorun bu merkezlerin ülkemizin hangi bölge veya bölgelerinde olması gerektiğidir. Kuruluş yeri tayin problemlerinin çözülmesinde kullanılan mevcut birçok yöntem olmasına rağmen çok kriterli karar verme yöntemi ilk sıralarda yer almaktadır. Bu çalışmada, TCDD bünyesinde etüt ve fizibilite çalışmaları tamamlanan ve ihale aşamasına gelen 6 adet lojistik merkezi ele alınmıştır. Çalışmanın öncelikli amacı en doğru lojistik merkezin belirlenmesi ve bu merkezin geliştirilmesidir. Lojistik Master Planında belirlenen kriterler doğrultusunda 6 adet lojistik merkez yatırımı Çok Kriterli Karar Verme yöntemlerinden Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci (AHS) ve TOPSIS yöntemleri ile değerlendirilmiştir. AHS yöntemi kullanılarak kriterlerin ağırlıkları belirlenmiş, güncel verilerle karar matrisi oluşturulmuş ve TOPSIS yöntemi ile yatırımların sıralamaları belirlenmiştir.The establishment of logistics centers is strategically important for the investments that can be made for the economic development of our country which is located on the logistics routes geographically. The most important problem that must be addressed and resolved in the action plan, after the investment decision, is that which region or regions of our country should be selected for these centers. Although there are many methods used in solving establishment location problems, the Multiple Criteria Decision Making method is among the most preferred methods. In this study, 6 Logistics Centers, which have completed their survey and feasibility studies and have reached the tender stage within TCDD, have been discussed. The primary aim of the study is to determine the most correct logic center and to develop this center. In line with the criteria determined in the Logistics Master Plan, 6 Logistics Center investments were evaluated using Analytic Hierarchy Process and TOPSIS methods, which are among the Multiple Criteria Decision Making methods. Weights of the criteria were determined by using AHP method, a decision matrix was created with actual data, and the order of investments was determined by TOPSIS method

    Planowanie utrzymania ruchu w elektrowniach wodnych w oparciu o model sztucznej sieci neuronowej wsparty wielokryterialnymi metodami podejmowania decyzji

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    Power plants are the large-scale production facilities with the main purpose of realizing uninterrupted, reliable, efficient, economic and environmentally friendly energy generation. Maintenance is one of the critical factors in achieving these comprehensive goals, which are called as sustainable energy supply. The maintenance processes carried out in order to ensure sustainable energy supply in the power plants should be managed due to the costs arising from time requirement, the use of material and labor, and the loss of generation. In this respect, it is critical that the fault dates are forecasted, and maintenance is performed without failure in power plants consisting of thousands of equipment. In this context in this study, the maintenance planning problem for equipment with high criticality level is handled in one of the large-scale hydroelectric power plants that meet the quintile of Turkey’s energy demand as of the end of 2018. In the first stage, the evaluation criteria determined by the power plant experts are weighted by the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), which is an accepted method in the literature, in order to determine the criticality levels of the equipment in terms of power plant at the next stage. In order to obtain the final priority ranking of the equipment in terms of power plant within the scope of these weights, Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is used because of its advantages compared to other outranking algorithms. As a result of this solution, for the 14 main equipment groups with the highest criticality level determined on the basis of the power plant, periods between two breakdowns are estimated, and maintenance planning is performed based on these periods. In the estimation phase, an artificial neural network (ANN) model has been established by using 11-years fault data for selected equipment groups and the probable fault dates are estimated by considering a production facility as a system without considering the sector for the first time in the literature. With the plan including the maintenance activities that will be carried out before the determined breakdown dates, increasing the generation efficiency, extending the economic life of the power plant, minimizing the generation costs, maximizing the plant availability rate and maximizing profit are aimed. The maintenance plan is implemented for 2 years in the power plant and the unit shutdowns resulting from the selected equipment groups are not met and the mentioned goals are reached.Elektrownie to zakłady produkcyjne o dużej skali, których głównym celem jest nieprzerwane, niezawodne, wydajne, rentowne oraz przyjazne dla środowiska wytwarzanie energii. Utrzymanie ruchu stanowi jeden z kluczowych czynników pozwalających na osiągnięcie tych szeroko zakrojonych celów, które określa się wspólnym mianem zrównoważonych dostaw energii. W elektrowniach, procesami utrzymania ruchu, realizowanymi w celu zapewnienia zrównoważonych dostaw energii, zarządza się z uwzględnieniem kosztów związanych z wymogami czasowymi, kosztów materiałów i robocizny oraz strat wytwarzania energii. Ponieważ elektrownie wykorzystują tysiące różnych urządzeń, niezwykle ważne jest prognozowanie dat wystąpienia uszkodzeń oraz zapewnienie bezawaryjnego utrzymania ruchu. W przedstawionych badaniach, rozważano problem planowania utrzymania ruchu sprzętu o wysokim poziomie krytyczności na przykładzie jednej z dużych elektrowni wodnych, która na koniec 2018 r. pokrywała jedną piątą zapotrzebowania Turcji na energię elektryczną. W pierwszym etapie badań, kryteria oceny określone przez ekspertów zatrudnionych w elektrowni ważono za pomocą powszechnie stosowanej w literaturze metody procesu hierarchii analitycznej (AHP) w celu ustalenia poziomów krytyczności poszczególnych elementów wyposażenia elektrowni. Aby opracować ostateczny ranking priorytetowości elementów wyposażenia elektrowni na podstawie określonych wcześniej wag, zastosowano technikę TOPSIS, która polega na porządkowaniu preferencji na podstawie podobieństwa do idealnego rozwiązania. Techniki tej użyto ze względu na jej zalety, których nie mają inne algorytmy oparte na relacji przewyższania (ang. outranking algorithms). Na podstawie wyników otrzymanych dla 14 głównych grup urządzeń o najwyższym poziomie krytyczności, określonym na podstawie danych pochodzących z elektrowni, oszacowano czasy pomiędzy dwiema awariami, a na ich podstawie zaplanowano działania konserwacyjne. W fazie szacowania, opracowano model sztucznej sieci neuronowej (ANN) w oparciu o dane o uszkodzeniach, które wystąpiły w ostatnich 11 latach działania elektrowni, dla wybranych grup urządzeń. Przewidywane daty wystąpienia uszkodzeń szacowano, po raz pierwszy w literaturze, biorąc pod uwagę zakład produkcyjny jako system, bez uwzględnienia sektora produkcyjnego. Plan obejmuje działania konserwacyjne, które mają być przeprowadzone przed przewidywanymi datami awarii, w celu zwiększenia wydajności wytwarzania energii, przedłużenia żywotności elektrowni, minimalizacji kosztów wytwarzania energii, maksymalizacji wskaźnika dostępności elektrowni oraz maksymalizacji zysków. Opracowany plan konserwacji wdrażano w omawianej elektrowni przez 2 lata. W tym okresie nie odnotowano przerw w pracy jednostek wytwórczych spowodowanych awarią rozważanych grup urządzeń, co oznacza, że wspomniane cele zostały osiągnięte

    Evaluation of the Difficulties in the Internet of Things (IoT) with Multi-Criteria Decision-Making

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    The rapid development of technology has increased the desire of all to be on the Internet. The discovery that objects born of the Internet communicate with each other without external factors revealed, with the fourth industrial revolution, the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT). The communication of objects with each other means minimum labor and minimum cost for enterprises. Enterprises that want to transition to the Internet of Things face many difficulties. Identifying and correcting these difficulties can lead to both lost time and high cost. In this study, we investigated the difficulties encountered in the Internet of Things. As a result of the study, the degree of importance of the factors causing these difficulties was determined by multi-criteria decision-making methods and was presented to the enterprises. The main criteria, and the sub-criteria related to these main criteria, were determined. The main purpose of the enterprises transitioning to Industry 4.0 is the communication of things with each other. In this study, we aimed to determine which criteria caused difficulties in the transition to Industry 4.0. Then, the degree of importance of the criteria was determined using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and analytic network process (ANP) methods, in the multi-criteria decision-making. Through the study, we determined which criteria should be taken into consideration by the enterprises that want to transition to the Internet of Things. In this way, enterprises will be able to accelerate that transition by minimizing time and monetary loss

    Afet sonrası geçici depo yeri seçimi ve çok araçlı araç rotalama uygulaması: Kırıkkale ilinde bir uygulama

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    Afetlerin ne zaman ve nerede meydana geleceği belli değildir. Bundan dolayı hem toplumsal yaşam kesintiye uğramakta hem de çevreye zarar vermektedir. Ayrıca, afet sonrası insanların yiyecek, barınma, temizlik gibi ihtiyaçları hızlı ve düzenli bir şekilde karşılanmalıdır. Deprem gibi büyük zararlara neden olan ve birçok yeri kullanılmaz hale getiren afetlerde insanların ihtiyaçlarını karşılayabilmek için geçici deponun konumlandırılması gerekmektedir. Dolayısıyla deprem olmadan önce geçici deponun konumları uygun analitik yöntemlerle belirlenmelidir. Kırıkkale, fay zonlarına olan mesafesi sebebiyle deprem olasılığı yüksek bir ildir. Bunun yanı sıra, Türkiye’nin önemli stratejik sanayi kuruluşlarının üretim tesisleri sınırları içerisinde bulunmaktadır. 43 ilin kesişim noktası olması, özellikle Ankara’ya yakınlığı ve Ankara ile arasında yer alan büyük sanayi kuruluşlarının olması Kırıkkale dışında olası bir depremde Kırıkkale’de konumlandırılacak geçici deponun önemini arttırmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Kırıkkale ilinde geçici depo yeri seçim problemi 3 aşamada ele alınmıştır. Birinci aşamada alternatif dört ilçe, ikinci aşamada alternatif altı lokasyon çok kriterli karar verme yöntemleri kullanılarak altışar farklı sıralama sonucu karşılaştırılmıştır. Geçici deponun konumlandırılacağı yer belirlendikten sonra üçüncü aşamada yiyecek dağıtımının hangi rotalarla dağıtım yapacağı dört ayrı senaryo ile tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmada depo yeri seçim ve dağıtım planlaması için bütünsel bir yaklaşım önerilmiştir

    Shift scheduling solution with hybrid approach in a power plant

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    This study focuses on staff scheduling problems in a natural gas combined cycle power plants with demanding shift systems. Scheduling the personnel working in power plants to the most suitable shift program can be arduous in terms of energy supply security. Natural gas combined cycle power plants are labor units where an expensive resource such as labor is used intensively. The primary aim in these types of enterprises is to ensure maximum employee satisfaction with minimum operating and labor costs. To meet this goal, companies must use various techniques. Shift scheduling models can also be considered as one of the useful tools in this respect. A constraint programming model has been developed for the shift scheduling problem. This model allows personnel to be assigned equally to shifts, minimizing the cost increase due to overtime. The proposed model satisfies the need for electricity generation in a big natural gas combined cycle power plant was operated in Turkey with real data has an acceptable calculation time to obtain the optimal solution. Staff scheduling model with the proposed improvements to the problem is provided close to 33% compared with the present situation. The calculation results show that the constraint programming model gives better results than the current schedule. The specificity of this study can be listed as follows: Firstly; the different model is presented in detail for the personnel scheduling problem, compared with the actual results and the results of the proposed model. Secondly, the personnel scheduling problem is modelled as a task-source match with the standard scheduling logic and modelled effectively with constraint programming. With the model, suitable solutions can be produced in a short time calculation period