102 research outputs found

    Meanings of citizenship in Latin America

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    This paper introduces the Latin American debate on citizenship. It examines, first, the general conditions of the emergence of the notion in different countries of the continent. Secondly, it discusses what can be seen as general features assumed by the redefinition of citizenship that underlay its emergence in Latin America, linked to the democratising processes in the last decades. This analysis takes as its main reference the pioneering process of redefinition that took place in Brazil, because it is considered the most elaborate one and has been, to some extent, a reference for other countries in Latin America and elsewhere. Third, in trying to avoid the risks of excessive generalisation, it discusses the different nuances and emphases the notion of citizenship has taken up, as they may not only provide a further understanding of the debate but also highlight the distinctions and specificities of citizenship in different countries. Finally, it focuses on the neoliberal versions of citizenship and the dilemmas these pose to the original democratising meanings and uses of citizenship in Latin America. Keywords: citizenship, Latin America, democratisation, neoliberal citizenship

    State-Society Relations and the Dilemmas of the New Developmentalist State

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    In confronting neoliberal models and their emphasis on state–market alliances, new developmentalism has emerged as a powerful alternative, received with enthusiasm by progressive forces. It has certainly been responsible for unquestionable advances in fighting inequalities, particularly in Latin America where it has been adopted by leftist governments from 2000 on. However, it has been unable to redefine the old formula of a ‘strong, self-sufficient state’ and the centralising political practices characteristic of the ‘old’ developmentalism. Therefore, the article argues that the new developmental state has ended up by draining the potential of participatory democracy, which had brought together hopes for inclusive and sustainable development policies and had announced a new alliance between state and society through which rights could be ensured and democracy deepened