16 research outputs found

    Dissociation of brain activation in autism and schizotypal personality disorder during social judgements

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    Background There are overlaps between autism and schizophrenia but these are particularly pronounced, especially in social domains, for higher functioning individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) or schizotypal personality disorder (SPD). It is not known whether these overlapping social deficits result from shared or distinct brain mechanisms. We therefore compared social cognition in ASD and SPD using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Methods Twenty-one individuals with SPD, 28 with ASD and 33 controls were compared with respect to clinical symptoms using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale; social cognition, using a social judgment task and Ekman 60 faces task; and brain activation using an fMRI task of social judgment. Results The ASD and SPD groups showed few differences in symptoms or social cognition. However, fMRI showed that, compared to ASD, the SPD group showed significantly greater activation during social compared to gender judgments in the amygdala and 3 clusters: right posterior cerebellum, extending into fusiform and inferior temporal gyri; left posterior cerebellum; and left intraparietal sulcus extending through medial portions of the temporal gyri into the fusiform gyrus (all P < .05 family-wise error corrected). Control activations lay between the ASD and SPD groups. Conclusions Although social cognitive deficits in ASD and SPD appear superficially similar they are the result of different brain mechanisms. These findings have implications for therapeutic interventions targeted at social dysfunction in these conditions

    Data_Sheet_1_Transforming adversity into an ally: A qualitative study of “feeding your demons” meditation.PDF

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    Contemplative science has made great strides in the empirical investigation of meditation practices, such as how mindfulness, compassion, and mantra practices impact health and well-being. However, meditation practices from the Vajrayana Buddhist tradition that use mental imagery to transform distressing beliefs and emotions have been little explored. We examined the “Feeding Your Demons” meditation, a secular adaptation of the traditional Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhist meditation practice of Chöd (“Severance”) in a pilot, randomized controlled trial in which 61 community adults from the U.S. with prior meditation experience and moderate levels of depressive and anxiety symptoms (70% female)were randomly assigned to one month (15 meditation sessions) of “Feeding Your Demons” practice or a waitlist control group. Written diary entries were collected immediately after each meditation session. We used an Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis approach to examine qualitative responses to two questions which probed (1) how participants made meaning of each meditation session and (2) how they thought it may impact their future thoughts and intentions for action. Five major themes were identified based on 20 codes developed through an inductive review of written responses across all participants. The themes included an enhanced sense of self-worth and confidence, empathy for the “demon” or rejected parts of oneself, increased self-awareness, an active-oriented “fierce” self-compassion, and an acceptance form of self-compassion. Overall, participants expressed an ability to reframe, or transform, their relationship to distressing thoughts, emotions, and experiences as they gained personal insights, self-compassion, and acceptance through the meditation process which in turn shaped their future intentions for action in the world. This research suggests that a secular form of a Vajrayana Buddhist practice may be beneficial for Western meditation practitioners with no prior training in Vajrayana Buddhism. Future research is warranted to understand its longer-term impacts on health and well-being.</p

    Data_Sheet_1_Baseline emotional state influences on the response to animated short films: A randomized online experiment.DOCX

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    IntroductionConsidering the relevance of the emotional state, it is necessary to understand how daily stimuli can modulate the emotions. Animated short films are common stimuli, but it is unknown how they can modulate the emotional state. The study aimed to evaluate: how participants’ emotional state changed after watching animated short films with positive or negative emotional valence in an online experiment; the relationship between participants’ baseline score on an Emotional Intensity Scale and their potential change in the main emotion after watching the films; and the association between the initial main emotion valence and the potential change in this emotion with participants’ sociodemographic information.MethodsA sample of 2,269 participants recruited during COVID-19 pandemic were randomly assigned to either watch a negative or positive animated short film.ResultsThe results showed that, after watching a film with negative valence, participants were in a more negative emotional state than at baseline and compared with those who watched the film with positive valence. Also, individuals who had a negative baseline emotion and maintained the same emotion after the film had presented higher baseline emotional state scores (more negative emotion) than those who changed their emotions. In addition, the individuals who kept the baseline emotion had an association with age, marital status, level of education and psychiatric disorders, use of medication, and emotional awareness, while the individuals who changed the baseline emotion had an association with age, gender, and following or not social distancing recommendations.ConclusionBaseline emotional state may influence the response to animated short films and sociodemographic characteristics are associated with the initial main emotion valence and its potential change in this emotion.</p

    Table_1_Baseline emotional state influences on the response to animated short films: A randomized online experiment.DOCX

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    IntroductionConsidering the relevance of the emotional state, it is necessary to understand how daily stimuli can modulate the emotions. Animated short films are common stimuli, but it is unknown how they can modulate the emotional state. The study aimed to evaluate: how participants’ emotional state changed after watching animated short films with positive or negative emotional valence in an online experiment; the relationship between participants’ baseline score on an Emotional Intensity Scale and their potential change in the main emotion after watching the films; and the association between the initial main emotion valence and the potential change in this emotion with participants’ sociodemographic information.MethodsA sample of 2,269 participants recruited during COVID-19 pandemic were randomly assigned to either watch a negative or positive animated short film.ResultsThe results showed that, after watching a film with negative valence, participants were in a more negative emotional state than at baseline and compared with those who watched the film with positive valence. Also, individuals who had a negative baseline emotion and maintained the same emotion after the film had presented higher baseline emotional state scores (more negative emotion) than those who changed their emotions. In addition, the individuals who kept the baseline emotion had an association with age, marital status, level of education and psychiatric disorders, use of medication, and emotional awareness, while the individuals who changed the baseline emotion had an association with age, gender, and following or not social distancing recommendations.ConclusionBaseline emotional state may influence the response to animated short films and sociodemographic characteristics are associated with the initial main emotion valence and its potential change in this emotion.</p

    Data_Sheet_2_Baseline emotional state influences on the response to animated short films: A randomized online experiment.PDF

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    IntroductionConsidering the relevance of the emotional state, it is necessary to understand how daily stimuli can modulate the emotions. Animated short films are common stimuli, but it is unknown how they can modulate the emotional state. The study aimed to evaluate: how participants’ emotional state changed after watching animated short films with positive or negative emotional valence in an online experiment; the relationship between participants’ baseline score on an Emotional Intensity Scale and their potential change in the main emotion after watching the films; and the association between the initial main emotion valence and the potential change in this emotion with participants’ sociodemographic information.MethodsA sample of 2,269 participants recruited during COVID-19 pandemic were randomly assigned to either watch a negative or positive animated short film.ResultsThe results showed that, after watching a film with negative valence, participants were in a more negative emotional state than at baseline and compared with those who watched the film with positive valence. Also, individuals who had a negative baseline emotion and maintained the same emotion after the film had presented higher baseline emotional state scores (more negative emotion) than those who changed their emotions. In addition, the individuals who kept the baseline emotion had an association with age, marital status, level of education and psychiatric disorders, use of medication, and emotional awareness, while the individuals who changed the baseline emotion had an association with age, gender, and following or not social distancing recommendations.ConclusionBaseline emotional state may influence the response to animated short films and sociodemographic characteristics are associated with the initial main emotion valence and its potential change in this emotion.</p