1,204 research outputs found

    Mojave remote sensing field experiment

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    The Mojave Remote Sensing Field Experiment (MFE), conducted in June 1988, involved acquisition of Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner (TIMS); C, L, and P-band polarimetric radar (AIRSAR) data; and simultaneous field observations at the Pisgah and Cima volcanic fields, and Lavic and Silver Lake Playas, Mojave Desert, California. A LANDSAT Thematic Mapper (TM) scene is also included in the MFE archive. TM-based reflectance and TIMS-based emissivity surface spectra were extracted for selected surfaces. Radiative transfer procedures were used to model the atmosphere and surface simultaneously, with the constraint that the spectra must be consistent with field-based spectral observations. AIRSAR data were calibrated to backscatter cross sections using corner reflectors deployed at target sites. Analyses of MFE data focus on extraction of reflectance, emissivity, and cross section for lava flows of various ages and degradation states. Results have relevance for the evolution of volcanic plains on Venus and Mars

    A New Class of Inhibitors of the AraC Family Virulence Regulator Vibrio Cholerae ToxT

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    Vibrio cholerae is responsible for the diarrheal disease cholera that infects millions of people worldwide. While vaccines protecting against cholera exist, and oral rehydration therapy is an effective treatment method, the disease will remain a global health threat until long-term solutions such as improved sanitation and access to clean water become widely available. Because of this, there is a pressing need for potent therapeutics that can either mitigate cholera symptoms, or act prophylactically to prevent the virulent effects of a cholera infection. Here we report the design, synthesis, and characterization of a set of compounds that bind and inhibit ToxT, the transcription factor that directly regulates the two primary V. cholerae virulence factors. Using the folded structure of the monounsaturated fatty acid observed in the X-ray structure of ToxT as a template, we designed ten novel compounds that inhibit the virulence cascade to a greater degree than any known inhibitor. Our findings provide a structural and functional basis for the development of viable antivirulence therapeutics that combat cholera and, potentially, other forms of bacterial pathogenic disease

    Theory of the NO+CO surface reaction model

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    We derive a pair approximation (PA) for the NO+CO model with instantaneous reactions. For both the triangular and square lattices, the PA, derived here using a simpler approach, yields a phase diagram with an active state for CO-fractions y in the interval y_1 < y < y_2, with a continuous (discontinuous) phase transition to a poisoned state at y_1 (y_2). This is in qualitative agreement with simulation for the triangular lattice, where our theory gives a rather accurate prediction for y_2. To obtain the correct phase diagram for the square lattice, i.e., no active state, we reformulate the PA using sublattices. The (formerly) active regime is then replaced by a poisoned state with broken symmetry (unequal sub- lattice coverages), as observed recently by Kortluke et al. [Chem. Phys. Lett. 275, 85 (1997)]. In contrast with their approach, in which the active state persists, although reduced in extent, we report here the first qualitatively correct theory of the NO+CO model on the square lattice. Surface diffusion of nitrogen can lead to an active state in this case. In one dimension, the PA predicts that diffusion is required for the existence of an active state.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Increased C-reactive protein is associated with the severity of thoracic radiotherapy-induced cardiomyopathy

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    Background: Irradiation of the heart during cancer radiotherapy is associated with a dose-dependent risk of heart failure. Animal studies have demonstrated that irradiation leads to an inflammatory response within the heart as well as a reduction in cardiac reserve. In the current study we aimed to evaluate whether inflammatory biomarkers correlated with changes in cardiac function and reserve after radiotherapy for breast or lung cancer. Methods and results: We studied 25 subjects with a history of breast or lung cancer without a prior diagnosis of cardiovascular disease or heart failure, 1.8 years [0.4–3.6] post-radiotherapy involving at least 5 Gray (Gy) to at least 10% of the heart. High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP) was abnormal (≥2 mg/L) in 16 (64%) subjects. Cardiac function and reserve was measured with Doppler echocardiography before and after exercise and defined as left-ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), early diastolic mitral annulus velocity (e’), and increase in LV outflow tract velocity time integral cardiac output (cardiac reserve) with exercise. Subjects with abnormal CRP had significantly lower LVEF (51 [44–59] % vs 61 [52–64] %, P = 0.039), lower e’ (7.4 [6.6–7.9] cm/sec vs 9.9 [8.3–12.0] cm/sec, P = 0.010), and smaller cardiac reserve (+ 1.5 [1.2–1.7] L/min vs + 1.9 [1.7–2.2] L/min, P = 0.024). Conclusion: Elevated systemic inflammation is associated with impaired left-ventricular systolic and diastolic function both at rest and during exercise in subjects who have received radiotherapy with significant incidental heart dose for the treatment of cancer

    Regulation of muscle fiber type and running endurance by PPARdelta

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    Endurance exercise training can promote an adaptive muscle fiber transformation and an increase of mitochondrial biogenesis by triggering scripted changes in gene expression. However, no transcription factor has yet been identified that can direct this process. We describe the engineering of a mouse capable of continuous running of up to twice the distance of a wild-type littermate. This was achieved by targeted expression of an activated form of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta (PPARdelta) in skeletal muscle, which induces a switch to form increased numbers of type I muscle fibers. Treatment of wild-type mice with PPARdelta agonist elicits a similar type I fiber gene expression profile in muscle. Moreover, these genetically generated fibers confer resistance to obesity with improved metabolic profiles, even in the absence of exercise. These results demonstrate that complex physiologic properties such as fatigue, endurance, and running capacity can be molecularly analyzed and manipulated

    Detail-oriented cognitive style and social communicative deficits, within and beyond the autism spectrum: independent traits that grow into developmental interdependence

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    At the heart of debates over underlying causes of autism is the "Kanner hypothesis" that autistic deficits in social reciprocity, and a cognitive/perceptual 'style' favouring detail-oriented cognition, co-vary in autistic individuals. A separate line of work indicates these two domains are normally distributed throughout the population, with autism representing an extremity. This realisation brings the Kanner debate into the realm of normative co-variation, providing more ways to test the hypothesis, and insights into typical development; for instance, in the context of normative functioning, the Kanner hypothesis implies social costs to spatial/numerical prowess