563 research outputs found

    United Kingdom Minerals Yearbook 2021

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    United Kingdom Minerals Yearbook 2022

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    Effect of cow replacement strategy on cow and calf performance in the beef herd

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    peer-reviewedTwo contrasting replacement strategies are used by Irish beef farmers to select replacement females – animals sourced from within the suckler beef herd and sourced from the dairy herd. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of replacement strategy (i.e. beef v. beef×dairy (BDX)) on cow and calf performance using data from the national beef database across a range of beef and dairy breeds. The association between replacement strategy and calving difficulty score, calving interval, weaning weight, weaning price and all carcass traits was investigated using a mixed model. The effect of replacement strategy on cow survival, calving dystocia and calf perinatal mortality was quantified using logistic regression. Beef cows were older (10.92 days; P<0.001) at their first calving, but were 1.15 times (P<0.01) more likely to survive to a subsequent lactation compared with BDX cows. Calving interval was 1.53 days shorter (P<0.001) for BDX compared with beef cows. Greater calving difficulty and calving dystocia was associated with beef cows (P<0.001) relative to BDX. However, BDX were 1.36 times (P<0.001) more likely to have a dead calf at birth relative to beef cows. Calves weaned from BDX were heavier (18.49 kg; P<0.001) at weaning, reached slaughter 12.8 days earlier (P<0.001), had 7.99 kg heavier carcass (P<0.001) and a greater fat score (P<0.001) compared with the progeny of beef cows. Beef cow progeny had a superior conformation score (0.5; P<0.001) and achieved a greater price per kilogram (P<0.001) compared with progeny from BDX. Beef cull cows had a heavier carcass (5.58 kg), superior carcass conformation, greater carcass price per kilogram and greater overall carcass value (P<0.001) than BDX. Results from this study show that replacement strategy is of fundamental importance depending on the type of system implemented by farmers and consideration must be given to the traits of importance within the context of the individual production system

    Quantum Mechanics and Black Holes in Four-Dimensional String Theory

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    In previous papers we have shown how strings in a two-dimensional target space reconcile quantum mechanics with general relativity, thanks to an infinite set of conserved quantum numbers, ``W-hair'', associated with topological soliton-like states. In this paper we extend these arguments to four dimensions, by considering explicitly the case of string black holes with radial symmetry. The key infinite-dimensional W-symmetry is associated with the SU(1,1)U(1)\frac{SU(1,1)}{U(1)} coset structure of the dilaton-graviton sector that is a model-independent feature of spherically symmetric four-dimensional strings. Arguments are also given that the enormous number of string {\it discrete (topological)} states account for the maintenance of quantum coherence during the (non-thermal) stringy evaporation process, as well as quenching the large Hawking-Bekenstein entropy associated with the black hole. Defining the latter as the measure of the loss of information for an observer at infinity, who - ignoring the higher string quantum numbers - keeps track only of the classical mass,angular momentum and charge of the black hole, one recovers the familiar a quadratic dependence on the black-hole mass by simple counting arguments on the asymptotic density of string states in a linear-dilaton background.Comment: 18 page

    On the connection between Quantum Mechanics and the geometry of two-dimensional strings

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    On the basis of an area-preserving symmetry in the phase space of a one-dimensional matrix model - believed to describe two-dimensional string theory in a black-hole background which also allows for space-time foam - we give a geometric interpretation of the fact that two-dimensional stringy black holes are consistent with conventional quantum mechanics due to the infinite gauged `W-hair' property that characterises them.Comment: 19 page

    The Origin of Space-Time as WW Symmetry Breaking in String Theory

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    Physics in the neighbourhood of a space-time metric singularity is described by a world-sheet topological gauge field theory which can be represented as a twisted N=2N=2 superconformal Wess-Zumino model with a W1+W1+W_{1+\infty} \otimes W_{1+\infty} bosonic symmetry. The measurable WW-hair associated with the singularity is associated with Wilson loop integrals around gauge defects. The breaking of W1+W_{1+\infty} \otimes W1+W_{1+\infty} \rightarrow W1+W_{1+\infty} is associated with expectation values for open Wilson lines that make the metric non-singular away from the singularity. This symmetry breaking is accompanied by massless discrete `tachyon' states that appear as leg poles in SS-matrix elements. The triviality of the SS-matrix in the high-energy limit of the c=1c=1 string model, after renormalisation by the leg pole factors, is due to the restoration of double WW-symmetry at the singularity.Comment: 13 page

    Phase diagrams of classical spin fluids: the influence of an external magnetic field on the liquid-gas transition

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    The influence of an external magnetic field on the liquid-gas phase transition in Ising, XY, and Heisenberg spin fluid models is studied using a modified mean field theory and Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo simulations. It is demonstrated that the theory is able to reproduce quantitatively all characteristic features of the field dependence of the critical temperature T_c(H) for all the three models. These features include a monotonic decrease of T_c with rising H in the case of the Ising fluid as well as a more complicated nonmonotonic behavior for the XY and Heisenberg models. The nonmonotonicity consists in a decrease of T_c with increasing H at weak external fields, an increase of T_c with rising H in the strong field regime, and the existence of a minimum in T_c(H) at intermediate values of H. Analytical expressions for T_c(H) in the large field limit are presented as well. The magnetic para-ferro phase transition is also considered in simulations and described within the mean field theory.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures (to be submitted to Phys. Rev. E

    World mineral production 2018-2022

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    Welcome to the latest edition of World Mineral Production which includes global mineral production data for 2022. It is a continuation of the dataset that began in 1913. This publication is compiled from a comprehensive database, maintained by the British Geological Survey (BGS), through which we aim to provide a reliable and continuous set of data covering most of the minerals that enter international trade. In this volume we set out the production figures by country for more than 70 mineral commodities over the five-year period from 2018 to 2022. The objective of this series remains to present the latest production information obtained from official bodies in individual countries, although other sources are also used to ensure completeness and accuracy. The cooperation afforded to the BGS by numerous organisations is gratefully acknowledged