491 research outputs found

    Comparative Ultrastructure Of Digestive Diverticulae In Bathymodiolin Mussels: Discovery Of An Unknown Spherical Inclusion (Six) In Digestive Cells Of A Seep Mussel

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    Mussels in the genus Bathymodiolus host endosymbiotic bacteria in their gills, from which the mussel derives much of its nutrition. Bathymodiolin mussels also have functional digestive systems and, as in shallow-water mytilid mussels, cells of the digestive diverticulae are of two types: basophilic secretory cells and columnar digestive cells. Cellular contents of secretory and digestive cells of Bathymodiolus thermophilus and Bathymodiolus brevior from deep-sea hydrothermal vents are comparable to cellular contents of these cell types observed in shallow-water mytilids. In the seep mussel Bathymodiolus heckerae, cellular contents of columnar cells were anomalous, being dominated by an unknown cellular inclusion herein called spherical inclusion unknown or SIX. SIX was observed in all digestive cells and some basophilic cells of B. heckerae examined with TEM. It is a large (2-10-mu m diameter) and abundant (7 +/- 1.5 inclusions per epithelial cell section) inclusion, with a double external membrane and stacked internal lamellae. No microbial DNA was detected in digestive tubules of B. heckerae using molecular probes, preferential DNA amplification techniques, or DAPI staining, suggesting that SIX is not a unicellular parasite or symbiont. The ubiquity and abundance of SIX within cells of the digestive diverticula suggest that it has an important cellular function (positive or negative), yet to be determined

    An Examination of Commercial Aviation Accidents and Incidents Related to Integrated Vehicle Health Management

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    The Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) Project is one of the four projects within the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Aviation Safety Program (AvSafe). The IVHM Project conducts research to develop validated tools and technologies for automated detection, diagnosis, and prognosis that enable mitigation of adverse events during flight. Adverse events include those that arise from system, subsystem, or component failure, faults, and malfunctions due to damage, degradation, or environmental hazards that occur during flight. Determining the causal factors and adverse events related to IVHM technologies will help in the formulation of research requirements and establish a list of example adverse conditions against which IVHM technologies can be evaluated. This paper documents the results of an examination of the most recent statistical/prognostic accident and incident data that is available from the Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS) System to determine the causal factors of system/component failures and/or malfunctions in U.S. commercial aviation accidents and incidents

    Commercial Aircraft Integrated Vehicle Health Management Study

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    Statistical data and literature from academia, industry, and other government agencies were reviewed and analyzed to establish requirements for fixture work in detection, diagnosis, prognosis, and mitigation for IVHM related hardware and software. Around 15 to 20 percent of commercial aircraft accidents between 1988 and 2003 involved inalftfnctions or failures of some aircraft system or component. Engine and landing gear failures/malfunctions dominate both accidents and incidents. The IVI vl Project research technologies were found to map to the Joint Planning and Development Office's National Research and Development Plan (RDP) as well as the Safety Working Group's National Aviation Safety Strategic. Plan (NASSP). Future directions in Aviation Technology as related to IVHlvl were identified by reviewing papers from three conferences across a five year time span. A total of twenty-one trend groups in propulsion, aeronautics and aircraft categories were compiled. Current and ftiture directions of IVHM related technologies were gathered and classified according to eight categories: measurement and inspection, sensors, sensor management, detection, component and subsystem monitoring, diagnosis, prognosis, and mitigation

    Slow dynamics, aging, and glassy rheology in soft and living matter

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    We explore the origins of slow dynamics, aging and glassy rheology in soft and living matter. Non-diffusive slow dynamics and aging in materials characterised by crowding of the constituents can be explained in terms of structural rearrangement or remodelling events that occur within the jammed state. In this context, we introduce the jamming phase diagram proposed by Liu and Nagel to understand the ergodic-nonergodic transition in these systems, and discuss recent theoretical attempts to explain the unusual, faster-than-exponential dynamical structure factors observed in jammed soft materials. We next focus on the anomalous rheology (flow and deformation behaviour) ubiquitous in soft matter characterised by metastability and structural disorder, and refer to the Soft Glassy Rheology (SGR) model that quantifies the mechanical response of these systems and predicts aging under suitable conditions. As part of a survey of experimental work related to these issues, we present x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS) results of the aging of laponite clay suspensions following rejuvenation. We conclude by exploring the scientific literature for recent theoretical advances in the understanding of these models and for experimental investigations aimed at testing their predictions.Comment: 22 pages, 5 postscript figures; invited review aricle, to appear in special issue on soft matter in Solid State Communication

    The Physical Properties of High-Mass Star-Forming Clumps: A Systematic Comparison of Molecular Tracers

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    We present observations of HCO+ and H^13CO+, N2H+, HCS+, HCN and HN^13C, SO and ^34SO, CCH, SO_2, and CH_3OH-E towards a sample of 27 high-mass clumps coincident with water maser emission. All transitions are observed with or convolved to nearly identical resolution (30"), allowing for inter-comparison of the clump properties derived from the mapped transitions. We find N2H+ emission is spatially differentiated compared to the dust and the other molecules towards a few very luminous cores (10 of 27) and the N2H+ integrated intensity does not correlate well with dust continuum flux. We calculate the effective excitation density, n_eff, the density required to excite a 1 K line in T_kin=20 K gas for each molecular tracer. The intensity of molecular tracers with larger effective excitation densities (n_eff > 10^5 cm^-3) appear to correlate more strongly with the submillimeter dust continuum intensity. The median sizes of the clumps are anti-correlated with the n_eff of the tracers (which span more than three orders of magnitude). Virial mass is not correlated with n_eff, especially where the lines are optically thick as the linewidths may be broadened significantly by non-virial motions. The median mass surface density and median volume density of the clumps is correlated with n_eff indicating the importance of understanding the excitation conditions of the molecular tracer when deriving the average properties of an ensemble of cores.Comment: 75 pages, 38 figure

    Targeted Physical Therapy Combined with Spasticity Management Changes Motor Development Trajectory for a 2- Year-Old with Cerebral Palsy

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    Therapies for children with cerebral palsy (CP) often fail to address essential components of early rehabilitation: intensity, child initiation, and an embodied approach. Sitting Together And Reaching To Play (START-Play) addresses these issues while incorporating intensive family involvement to maximize therapeutic dosage. While START-Play was developed and tested on children aged 7–16 months with motor delays, the theoretical construct can be applied to intervention in children of broader ages and skills levels. This study quantifies the impact of a broader STARTPlay intervention combined with Botulinum toxin-A (BoNT-A) and phenol on the developmental trajectory of a 24 month-old child with bilateral spastic CP. In this AB +1 study, A consisted of multiple baseline assessments with the Gross Motor Function Measure-66 and the Assessment of Problem Solving in Play. The research participant demonstrated a stable baseline during A and changes in response to the combination of BoNT-A/phenol and 12 START-Play sessions during B, surpassing the minimal clinically important difference on the Gross Motor Function Measure-66. The followup data point (+1) was completed after a second round of BoNT-A/phenol injections. While the findings suggest the participant improved his gross motor skills with BoNT-A/phenol and STARTPlay, further research is needed to generalize these findings

    Adaptations in a hierarchical food web of southeastern Lake Michigan

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    Two issues in ecological network theory are: (1) how to construct an ecological network model and (2) how do entire networks (as opposed to individual species) adapt to changing conditions? We present a novel method for constructing an ecological network model for the food web of southeastern Lake Michigan (USA) and we identify changes in key system properties that are large relative to their uncertainty as this ecological network adapts fromone time point to a second time point in response to multiple perturbations. To construct our foodweb for southeastern Lake Michigan,we followed the list of seven recommendations outlined in Cohen et al. [Cohen, J.E., et al., 1993.Improving foodwebs. Ecology 74, 252–258] for improving food webs. We explored two inter-related extensions of hierarchical system theory with our food web; the first one was that subsystems react to perturbations independently in the short-term and the second onewas that a system’s properties change at a slower rate than its subsystems’ properties. We used Shannon’s equations to provide quantitative versions of the basic food web properties: number of prey, number of predators, number of feeding links, and connectance (or density).We then compared these properties between the two time-periods by developing distributions of each property for each time period that took uncertainty about the property into account.We compared these distributions, and concluded that non-overlapping distributions indicated changes in these properties that were large relative to their uncertainty. Two subsystems were identified within our food web system structure (p \u3c 0.001). One subsystem had more non-overlapping distributions in food web properties between Time 1 and Time 2 than the other subsystem. The overall system had all overlapping distributions in food web properties between Time 1 and Time 2. These results supported both extensions of hierarchical systems theory. Interestingly, the subsystemwithmore non-overlapping distributions in foodweb propertieswas the subsystemthat contained primarily benthic taxa, contrary to expectations that the identifiedmajor perturbations (lower phosphorous inputs and invasive species) would more greatly affect the subsystem containing primarily pelagic taxa. Future food-web research shouldemploy rigorous statistical analysis and incorporate uncertainty in food web properties for a better understanding of how ecological networks adapt