4 research outputs found
Reliability and validity study of Persian modified version of MUSIC (musculoskeletal intervention center) â Norrtalje questionnaire
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are a major health problem in the world. Self-reported questionnaires are a known method for estimating the prevalence of MSDs among the population. One of the studies concerning MSDs and their relation to work-related physical and psychosocial factors, as well as non-work-related factors, is the MUSIC-Norrtalje study in Sweden. In this study, the research group developed a questionnaire, which has been validated during its development process and is now considered a well-known instrument. The aim of this study is to validate the Persian version of this questionnaire.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The first step was to establish two expert panel groups in Iran and Sweden. The Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method was used to detect questionnaire face and content validity. To detect questionnaire reliability, we used the test-retest method.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Except for two items, all other questions that respondents had problems with in the focus group (20 of 297), had unclear translations; the ambiguity was related to the stem of the questions and the predicted answers were clear for the participants. The concepts of 'household/spare time' and 'physical activity in the workplace' were not understood by the participants of FGD; this has been solved by adding further descriptions to these phrases in the translation. In the test-retest study, the reliability coefficient was relatively high in most items (only 5 items out of 297 had an ICC or kappa below 0.7).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The findings from the present study provide evidence that the Persian version of the MUSIC questionnaire is a reliable and valid instrument.</p
Occupational Safety and Health in Mining Anthology on the situation in 16 mining countries
TendĂȘncia temporal de afastamento do trabalho em servidores pĂșblicos (1995-2005) Time trends of sick leave in Brazilian civil servants (1995-2005)
OBJETIVO: Analisar a tendĂȘncia temporal das taxas de afastamento do trabalho por problemas de saĂșde de servidores pĂșblicos estaduais, das Secretarias de Estado da SaĂșde e da Administração do Estado de Santa Catarina, no perĂodo de 1995 a 2005. MĂTODOS: Estudo ecolĂłgico exploratĂłrio de sĂ©ries temporais com utilização de dados secundĂĄrios. Foram calculadas as taxas de afastamento segundo secretaria, sexo e grupos de patologias. Utilizou-se o procedimento de Prais-Winsten para a anĂĄlise de tendĂȘncia. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 40.370 afastamentos. A tendĂȘncia das taxas de afastamento foi de decrĂ©scimo para ambas as secretarias, considerando ambos os gĂȘneros. Para o gĂȘnero feminino da SEA, a tendĂȘncia foi de estabilidade. As taxas foram mais elevadas na SES. O nĂșmero mĂ©dio de dias de afastamento aumentou no decorrer do perĂodo analisado. Segundo os grupos de patologias (CID 10), as maiores taxas foram encontradas nos capĂtulos V, XIII, XXI, XIX e IX. CONCLUSĂES: A tendĂȘncia de decrĂ©scimo das taxas de afastamento e o respectivo aumento da mĂ©dia de dias de afastamento refletem mudanças no perfil de morbidade dos servidores pĂșblicos, com o predomĂnio de transtornos mentais e doenças do sistema osteomuscular, que exigem maior tempo de recuperação para o retorno ao trabalho. O estudo sugere a investigação de fatores associados ao adoecimento que fundamentem as polĂticas de saĂșde do servidor.<br>OBJECTIVE: To analyze time trends of sick leave rates among state civil servants in the State Secretariats of Health and of Administration in Santa Catarina, Brazil from 1995 to 2005. METHOD: This is an ecological study with secondary data. Rates of sick leave were calculated according to State Secretariat (Health and Administration), gender, and pathological groups. Prais-Winsten procedure was utilized to analyze trends. RESULTS: 40,370 absences were analyzed. The trend of sick leave rates was decreasing for both State Secretariats (Health and Administration), when considering both genders. Among women in the State Secretariat of Administration, the trend was that of stability. The rates were more elevated in the State Secretariat of Health. The average number of days of sick leave increased during the period analyzed. According to the pathological groups (ICD 10), the greatest rates were the chapters V, XIII, XXI, XIX, and IX. CONCLUSIONS: The decreasing trend in sick leave rates and the respective increase in the average days of sick leave taken reflect changes in the morbidity profile of state civil servants, with the predomination of mental disorders and osteo-muscular system diseases, which demand greater recovery time before returning to work. This study suggests greater investigation of the factors associated to the illness process underlying civil servants' health care policies