4 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico prenatal de tumor de células de la granulosa de tipo juvenil

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    Presentamos un caso clínico de diagnóstico prenatal de una masa testicular. Tras el nacimiento, se realizó la exéresis del tumor y el análisis anatomopatológico determinó que se trataba de un tumor de células de la granulosa juvenil. Los tumores testiculares son raros y deben considerarse en el diagnóstico diferencial de las masas escrotales en los neonatos. El tumor de células de la granulosa juvenil es una entidad clínico-patológica poco frecuente, que representa el 5% de los tumores testiculares prepuberales. Se considera una neoplasia benigna y la orquiectomía es una técnica quirúrgica curativa. We report a case of a prenatally diagnosed testis tumor. After delivery, it was decided to perform right radical orchiectomy which was subsequently diagnosed as a juvenile granulosa cell tumor. Neonatal testicular tumors are rare and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of newborn scrotal masses. Juvenile granulosa cell tumor is a rare benign neoplasm of the testicular stroma that accounts for 5% of all prepuberal testis tumors. As a benign neoplasm, orchiectomy is sufficient for treatment

    Double-balloon catheter for induction of labour in women with a previous cesarean section, could it be the best choice?

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    INTRODUCTION: We analysed the efficacy and safety of double-balloon catheter for cervical ripening in women with a previous cesarean section and which were the most important variables associated with an increased risk of repeated cesarean delivery. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We designed an observational retrospective study of 418 women with unfavourable cervices (Bishop Score <5), a prior cesarean delivery, and induction of labour with a double-balloon catheter. Baseline maternal data and perinatal outcomes were recorded for a descriptive, bivariate, and multivariate analysis. A p value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS: Most women improved their initial Bishop Score (89.5%) although only a 20.8% of them went into spontaneous active labour. Finally, 51.4% of the women achieved a vaginal delivery. Five cases of intrapartum uterine rupture (1.2%) occurred. After multivariate analysis, main risk factors for repeated cesarean section were dystocia in the previous pregnancy (OR 1.744; CI 95% 1.066–2.846), the absence of previous vaginal delivery (OR 2.590; CI 95% 1.066–6.290), suspected fetal macrosomia (OR 2.410; CI 95% 0.959–6.054), and duration of oxytocin induction period (OR 1.005; CI 95% 1.004–1.006). The area under the curve was 0.789 (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Double-balloon catheter seems to be safe and effective for cervical ripening in women with a previous cesarean delivery and unfavourable cervix. In our study, most women could have a vaginal delivery in spite of their risk factors for cesarean delivery. A multivariate model based on some clinical variables has moderate predictive value for intrapartum cesarean section


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    El embarazo cervical es una forma infrecuente de gestación ectópica. El examen ecográfico permite el diagnóstico precoz, y una actuación conservadora. Se describe el caso clínico de una gestación ectópica cervical diagnosticada en el Servicio de Urgencias de Obstetricia y Ginecología del Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet (Zaragoza, España). Paciente nulípara de 31 años que consultó por sangrado genital. El diagnóstico se realizó mediante ecografía transvaginal, objetivándose un embarazo ectópico cervical con embrión vivo acorde a 8 semanas de edad gestacional. Se realizó tratamiento conservador con metotrexato mediante inyección local intrasacular asociado a administración sistémica. Seguimiento con determinaciones seriadas de gonodotrópica coriónica humana, objetivándose un descenso progresivo de ésta. Se efectuaron controles ecográfcos periódicos, evidenciando la reabsorción de la gestación confirmándose el éxito del tratamiento.Cervical ectopic pregnancy is an unusual form of ectopic pregnancy. Ultrasound examination makes early diagnosis possible and permits to perform conservative treatment. We describe a case of cervical ectopic pregnancy diagnosed in the Emergency Section of Miguel Servet University Hospital (Zaragoza, Spain). A 31 year-old nullipara pregnant woman came to our Hospital because of genital bleeding. Ultrasound trans-vaginal examination demonstrated a cervical pregnancy with an 8 weeks embryo. Conservative treatment was prescribed using US-guided injection and systemic methotrexate. After treatment, weekly quantitative human chorionic gonadotrophin levels were determined and decreased progressively. Serial ultrasound exams were performed demonstrating how pregnancy products underwent resorption and confirming therapy success