354 research outputs found

    La importancia de la transmisión de hábitos y rutinas en educación infantil

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    El objetivo de este trabajo, desarrollado como proyecto Fin de Grado, es poner de manifiesto la relevancia del aprendizaje de los hábitos y las rutinas en el contexto familiar y la posibilidad de desarrollar programas de mejora en el aula. Con este propósito, se diseñaron diferentes instrumentos (cuestionarios y hojas de registro) para medir y evaluar el modo en que los alumnos de una clase de Segundo Curso de Educación Infantil llevaban a cabo determinados hábitos (vinculados a aspectos como la alimentación, la higiene, el juego, la conducta cívica y la autonomía personal). Entre octubre de 2011 y mayo de 2012, el periodo que comprende el curso escolar, se analizó el comportamiento de los alumnos y se programaron talleres y dinámicas de trabajo en el aula para fortalecer estos hábitos. Los resultados obtenidos avalan la afirmación de que el núcleo familiar juega un papel trascendental en el aprendizaje de ciertas rutinas, hábitos y normas, que pueden y deben ser consolidados en el aula a través de acciones pedagógicas dirigidas por los equipos docentes. En definitiva, expresan la convicción de que los profesionales de la escuela colaboran en una inmensa tarea a la que son invitados los adultos progenitores.Grado en Educación Primari

    Beyond the Classical Electron-Sharing and Dative Bond Picture: Case of the Spin-Polarized Bond

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    Chemical bonds are traditionally assigned as electron‐sharing or donor‐acceptor/dative. External criteria such as the nature of the dissociation process, energy partitioning schemes, or quantum chemical topology are invoked to assess the bonding situation. However, for systems with marked multi‐reference character, this binary categorization might not be precise enough to render the bonding properties. A third scenario can be foreseen: spin polarized bonds. To illustrate this, the case of a NaBH3− cluster is presented. According to the analysis NaBH3− exhibits a strong diradical character and cannot be classified as either electron‐sharing or a dative bond. Elaborated upon are the common problems of popular bonding descriptions. Additionally, a simple model, based on the bond order and local spin indicators, which discriminates between all three bonding situations, is provided

    Significant bonding rearrangements triggered by Mg4 clusters

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in Journal of Chemical Physics 154.4 (2021): 044302 and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0038047The structure, stability, and bonding of the complexes formed by the interaction of Mg4 clusters and first row Lewis bases, namely, ammonia, water, and hydrogen fluoride, have been investigated through the use of high-level G4 single-reference and CASPT2 multireference formalisms. The adducts formed reflect the high electrophilicity of the Mg4 cluster through electron density holes in the neighborhood of each metallic center. After the adduct formation, the metallic bonding of the Mg4 moiety is not significantly altered so that the hydrogen shifts from the Lewis base toward the Mg atoms lead to new local minima with enhanced stability. For the particular case of ammonia and water, the global minima obtained when all the hydrogens of the Lewis base are shifted to the Mg4 moiety have in common a very stable scaffold with a N or an O center covalently tetracoordinated to the four Mg atoms, so the initial bonding arrangements of both reactants have completely disappeared. The reactivity features exhibited by these Mg4 clusters suggest that nanostructures of this metal might have an interesting catalytic behaviorThis work was supported by the projects PGC2018-094644-BC21, PGC2018-094644-B-C22, and PID2019-110091GB-I00 (MICINN) of the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades of Spai

    The USLE soil erodibility nomograph revisited

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    The nomograph by Wischmeier et al. (1971) for calculating the K-factor in the USLE was extremely useful when there was low access to calculators. However, the generalised calculation of this factor requires the development of analytic procedures. This paper presents a detailed analysis of the nomograph and its underlying equation, which is applicable only when the silt plus very find sand fraction does not exceed 70%. We also examined the quality of fit on the nomograph of the adaptations to the equation that have been proposed, as a means of dealing with those areas where the original equation is not applicable. All models are shown to have areas where the fit is deficient or even unacceptable. Besides, the family of curves on the nomograph for the various values taken by the organic matter are not coincident with the mathematical function from which they presumably derive. The study also identifies those areas of the textural triangle in which the soils originally used in developing the USLE are located, with a view to according a lower predictive value to the contrasting areas in which calculations of the K-factor will necessarily be extrapolations. Finally, a new equation for calculating the K-factor is presented, which accurately reproduces the different sections of the nomograph, and allows the poorly functioning graph to be dispensed with. The paper ends with a link to a tool in R for simplifying the procedure for calculating the K-factor, taking into account varying situations of data availability.Funding for Open Access charges: Universidad de Huelv

    Estudio topográfico del huerto “Conreu Sereny” en la Serralada Marina. Badalona

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    El presente proyecto nace con la idea de dotar al huerto Conreu Sereny de unas infraestructuras que permitan un mejor aprovechamiento del agua de lluvia. El objetivo es desarrollar los trabajos necesarios para el estudio del terreno y su posterior diseño. Previo al levantamiento topográfico se dota de coordenadas GPS a cuatro bases desde las que se realizará la radiación de puntos.Todo el levantamiento se lleva a cabo con estación total. Las coordenadas obtenidas son UTM huso 31N y el sistema de referencia es ETRS89. Las cotas están referidas al nivel medio del mar en Alicante. Para el diseño de los ejes en planta y alzado, perfiles y cálculo de superficies se ha utilizado el programa de Bentley, InRoads con base Microstation V8i y la presentación de planos en AutoCAD. Los planos se presentan en formato DIN A3 donde quedan representados los ejes en planta, longitudinales en alzado y varios perfiles transversales para poder observar con detalle como queda el diseño. Este estudio contempla la creación de 7 balsas para la captación y almacenaje de agua de lluvia y la construcción de 9 canales que permitirán la redistribución de agua por toda la superficie. De esta manera se mejora el aprovechamiento de agua y se incrementa la fertidilad de la tierra. Los resultados obtenidos son un gran aumento de agua almacenada, una buena distribución de ésta por toda el área, un mayor espacio de zonas de cultivo y todo ello respetando en todo lo posible, las condiciones naturales del terreno

    Use of TanDEM-X and Sentinel Products to Derive Gully Activity Maps in Kunene Region (Namibia) Based on Automatic Iterative Random Forest Approach

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    Gullies are landforms with specific patterns of shape, topography, hydrology, vegetation, and soil characteristics. Remote sensing products (TanDEM-X, Sentinel-1, and Sentinel-2) serve as inputs into an iterative algorithm, initialized using a micromapping simulation as training data, to map gullies in the northwestern of Namibia. A Random Forest Classifier examines pixels with similar characteristics in a pool of unlabeled data, and gully objects are detected where high densities of gully pixels are enclosed by an alpha shape. Gully objects are used in subsequent iterations following a mechanism where the algorithm uses the most reliable pixels as gully training samples. The gully class continuously grows until an optimal scenario in terms of accuracy is achieved. Results are benchmarked with manually tagged gullies (initial gully labeled area <0.3% of the total study area) in two different watersheds (408 and 302 km2, respectively) yielding total accuracies of >98%, with 60% in the gully class, Cohen Kappa >0.5, Matthews Correlation Coefficient >0.5, and receiver operating characteristic Area Under the Curve >0.89. Hence, our method outlines gullies keeping low false-positive rates while the classification quality has a good balance for the two classes (gully/no gully). Results show the most significant gully descriptors as the high temporal radar signal coherence (22.4%) and the low temporal variability in Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (21.8%). This research builds on previous studies to face the challenge of identifying and outlining gully-affected areas with a shortage of training data using global datasets, which are then transferable to other large (semi-) arid regions.This research is part of the DEM_HYDR2024 project sup ported by TanDEM-X Science Team, therefore the authors would like to express thanks to the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt (DLR) as the donor for the used TanDEM-X datasets. They acknowledge the financial support provided by the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) within the IRPC research funding programme and to ILMI for the sponsorship of field trips to identify suitable study areas. Finally, they would like to express gratitude toward Heidelberg University and the Kurt-Hiehle-Foundation for facilitating the suitable work conditions during this research

    Aplicación de metodologías de enseñanza-aprendizaje basadas en proyectos en Antropología Social

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    El proyecto tiene como primer objeto fundamental la racionalización de la actividad docente, en una doble vertiente: mejora de la coordinación entre las estrategias docentes de los profesores implicados en el mismo y distribución más equilibrada y eficiente de la carga discente. Un segundo objeto básico es la activación de metodologías de enseñanza-aprendizaje, incluyendo técnicas de evaluación novedosas en el modelo del EEES. Las técnicas de aprendizaje que se han fomentado son el uso de la acción tutorial como eje básico del proceso de aprendizaje, la rúbrica como elemento de evaluación, el uso de nuevas tecnologías para la búsqueda de fuentes documentales, desarrollando competencias en información, trabajo autónomo y desarrollo de proyectos de investigación en Antropología Social. Las actividades toman el modelo del plan de trabajo que se exige en la asignatura Métodos y Técnicas de Investigación en Antropología, asignatura troncal básica, donde se aplica el aprendizaje basado en proyectos

    Isolation, identification and characterization of natural yeasts for brewing

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    In recent years, there has been a worldwide increasing interest in craft beers and in microbreweries. Producers and consumers continuously require new beers with new aroma, flavors, alcohol or sugar content, etc. that can be in part conferred by using other yeast instead of the ones supplied by the yeast companies [1]. The objective of this study is to carry out an analysis on the Saccharomyces biodiversity in Andalusia, studying them at the genetic as well as at the phenotypic level. Thus yeasts with different properties to those currently used in the brewing industry could be found. With this, we would be able to create a catalogue of autochthonous yeasts with different features for microbreweries, so they could chose the one that suits their procedures or their beer best, taking into account the fermentation conditions and the characteristics that they can contribute to the final product [2]. For wild type yeast isolation, we have collected wine must from several wineries of Andalusia as well as fruits. Natural microbial population in these samples were incubated in grape or malt must at 16 or 22 ºC, taking samples at different times along the fermentation. Later, isolated colonies for different samples were grown and Saccharomyces strains were selected and analysed by PCR of microsatellite regions to distinguish different strains.&nbsp; At this time ninety strains of S. cerevisiae have been identified with different genetic patterns. Now we will study them phenotypically in order to analyze their growth capacity in different conditions and sugar sources. After this, beer will be produced with selected strains to evaluate their effect on the organoleptic characteristics. At this point of the project, we can conclude that the results seem promising and that there are numerous yeasts present in nature in Andalusia that we can isolate and characterize to make them available to microbreweries. This means that they could use this autochthonous yeasts to make their craft beers without the need to buy commercial yeasts from abroad, thus providing more authenticity to its product

    Estimating textural fractions of the USDA using those of the International System: A quantile approach

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    Este artículo forma parte de una trilogía centrada en la revisión de los principales problemas que tiene uno de los factores más importantes de la Ecuación Universal de Pérdidas de Suelo (USLE), en concreto el Factor K de erosionabilidad del suelo. Se plantea un enfoque para solucionar la falta de correspondencias directas entre clasificaciones texturales de suelos.In soil science, the two most frequently used classification systems for the soil particle size distribution are the schemes by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the so-called International System (IS), whose difference is the upper particle size limit of the silt fraction, namely, 0.02 mm for the IS and 0.05 mm for the USDA system. The existence of these and other systems creates a disparity that hinders and prevents the use and exchange of soil information worldwide. To solve this problem, it is necessary to devise methodologies for the conversion of textural fractions between the different classification systems. This work focuses on the estimation of the USDA silt fraction from the basic textural fractions (sand, silt and clay) in the IS. Five models are currently available for that purpose: the log-linear interpolation method, the Minasny-McBratney-Bristow regression formula, the Shirazi-Boersma-Johnson interpolation method, the Minasny-McBratney regression formula, and the Padarian-Minasny-McBratney regression formula. The accuracy of some of these methods has already been assessed, but in this work we develop a new methodology, based on a local quantile regression, which improves and enriches this evaluation, providing both the regions of the textural triangle where the predictions of the models are acceptable, and the regions where each model is most appropriate. The data used were taken from the publicly available National Cooperative Soil Survey Soil Characterization Database, from which more than 270,000 soil horizon samples were selected for having valid texture data. The analysis carried out concludes that the Padarian-Minasny-McBratney regression formula is the best model of those evaluated. In addition, the tool developed for the evaluation of the models becomes a new model that provides point estimates of the USDA silt fraction from the basic textural fractions in the IS, with further improvement, compared to the 5 models evaluated, as it also provides a prediction interval for those estimates.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva / CBU