11 research outputs found

    Serum albumin coated bone allograft (BoneAlbumin) results in faster bone formation and mechanically stronger bone in aging rats

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    Serum albumin coated bone allografts (BoneAlbumin) have successfully supported bone regeneration in various experimental models by activating endogenous progenitors. However, the effect of tissue aging, linked to declining stem cell function, has yet to be explicitly examined within the context of BoneAlbuminęž‹s regenerative capacity. Stem cell function was tested with an in vitro attachment assay, which showed that albumin coating increases stem cell attachment on demineralized bone surfaces in an aging cell population. Bone regeneration was investigated in vivo by creating critical size bone defects on the parietal bones of aging female rats. Demineralized bone matrices with and without serum albumin coating were used to fill the defects. Bone regeneration was determined by measuring the density and the size of the remaining bone defect with computed tomography. MicroCT and mechanical testing were performed on the parietal bone explants. In vivo CT and ex vivo microCT measurements showed better regeneration with albumin coated grafts. Additionally, the albumin coated group showed a two-fold increase in peak fracture force compared to uncoated allografts. In the present study, serum albumin coated demineralized bone matrices successfully supported faster and functionally superior bone regeneration in aging rats. Since stem cell function, a key contributor of bone remodeling, decreases with age and serum albumin is an effective activator of endogenous progenitor cells, this method could be an effective and safe adjuvant in bone regeneration of aging adult and osteo-compromised populations

    A protocol for gene expression analysis of chondrocytes from bovine osteochondral plugs used for biotribological applications

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    RNA isolation from human or animal cartilage tissue is necessary when performing mechanical or biotribological applications. Despite no influence on the cells and no alterations in gene expression patterns, enzymatic digestion of tissues should be avoided as it’s known that the expression of collagen 2 can be effected (Hayman et al., 2006 [1]). After mechanical or biotribological tests alternative options with an immediate disruption of the tissue should be contemplated. To obtain RNA, different tissue homogenization and disruption methods are available on the market (Yu et al., 2004 [2]), but not everyone is suitable for cartilage. Some of them neither homogenize the cartilage, while others are producing a lot of foam during disruption process. After trying some of the currently available methods, we chose the MagNA Lyser Instrument from Roche to disrupt the cartilage and further isolate RNA by using the Fibrous Tissue Kit from Qiagen. After RNA isolation, cDNA synthesis was performed by additionally adding RNA from bacteriophage MS2 for stabilization purposes. For the RTqPCR bovine primers were designed and tested for efficiency to confirm that the whole gene expression analysis is working. Our protocol explains a whole method to perform gene expression analysis from bovine cartilage, but can also be used for human or any other animal tissue

    Redifferentiation of Articular Chondrocytes by Hyperacute Serum and Platelet Rich Plasma in Collagen Type I Hydrogels

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    Matrix-assisted autologous chondrocyte transplantation (MACT) for focal articular cartilage defects often fails to produce adequate cartilage-specific extracellular matrix in vitro and upon transplantation results in fibrocartilage due to dedifferentiation during cell expansion. This study aimed to redifferentiate the chondrocytes through supplementation of blood-products, such as hyperacute serum (HAS) and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in vitro. Dedifferentiated monolayer chondrocytes embedded onto collagen type I hydrogels were redifferentiated through supplementation of 10% HAS or 10% PRP for 14 days in vitro under normoxia (20% O2) and hypoxia (4% O2). Cell proliferation was increased by supplementing HAS for 14 days (p < 0.05) or by interchanging from HAS to PRP during Days 7–14 (p < 0.05). Sulfated glycosaminoglycan (sGAG) content was deposited under both HAS, and PRP for 14 days and an interchange during Days 7–14 depleted the sGAG content to a certain extent. PRP enhanced the gene expression of anabolic markers COL2A1 and SOX9 (p < 0.05), whereas HAS enhanced COL1A1 production. An interchange led to reduction of COL1A1 and COL2A1 expression marked by increased MMP13 expression (p < 0.05). Chondrocytes secreted less IL-6 and more PDGF-BB under PRP for 14 days (p < 0.0.5). Hypoxia enhanced TGF-β1 and BMP-2 release in both HAS and PRP. Our study demonstrates a new approach for chondrocyte redifferentiation

    Platelet-Rich Plasma Supports Proliferation and Redifferentiation of Chondrocytes during In Vitro Expansion

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    Articular cartilage regeneration is insufficient to restore sports injuries or defects that can occur from trauma. Treatment options for cartilage repair include autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) by isolation, expansion, and reimplantation of healthy donor chondrocytes. Chondrocyte expansion onto 2D substrates leads to dedifferentiation and loss of the cellular phenotype. We aimed to overcome the state of dedifferentiation by biochemical stimuli with platelet derivatives such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and hyperacute serum (HAS) to achieve sufficient cell numbers in combination with variable oxygen tension. Human articular chondrocytes from osteoarthritic (OA) cartilage chondrocytes were switched from 10% FCS supplementation to either 10% PRP or 10% HAS after initial passaging for further experiments under normoxic (20% O2) or hypoxic (1% O2) conditions. An XTT assay measured the effect of PRP or HAS on the cell proliferation at 3, 6, and 9 days. The chondrogenic redifferentiation potential of dedifferentiated chondrocytes was determined with reverse transcriptase quantitative real-time PCR for markers of expression for type II collagen (COL2A1), type I collagen (COL1A1), and matrix metalloproteinases MMP3, matrix metalloproteinase 13 (MMP13) at 24 and 72 h. Measured protein levels of 100% PRP or HAS by multiplex quantification revealed basic fibroblast growth factor, G-CSF, and PDGF were significantly higher in PRP than in HAS (p < 0.05) but LEPTIN levels did not differ. The quantified protein levels did not differ when isolated from same donors at a different time. Chondrocyte proliferation indicated that supplementation of 10% HAS enhanced the proliferation rate compared to 10% PRP or 10% FCS at 6 and 9 days significantly (p < 0.05). mRNA levels for expression of COL1A1 were significantly downregulated (p < 0.05) when cultured with 10% PRP than 10% HAS or 10% FCS under normoxic/hypoxic conditions. COL2A1 was significantly upregulated (p < 0.05) in PRP than 10% HAS or 10% FCS. MMP3 expression was downregulated after 72 h under all conditions. MMP13 was upregulated with 10% PRP at both 24 and 72 h but significantly downregulated under hypoxia (1% O2) for all circumstances. While HAS has its effect on chondrocyte proliferation, PRP enhances both proliferation and redifferentiation of dedifferentiated chondrocytes. PRP can replace standard usage of FCS for chondrogenic priming and expansion as implications for clinical use such as ACI procedures

    Hyaluronan thiomer gel/matrix mediated healing of articular cartilage defects in New Zealand White rabbits—a pilot study

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    Abstract Background Articular cartilage defects are limited to their regenerative potential in human adults. Our current study evaluates tissue regeneration in a surgically induced empty defect site with hyaluronan thiomer as a provisional scaffold in a gel/matrix combination without cells on rabbit models to restore tissue formation. Methods An osteochondral defect of 4 mm in diameter and 5 mm in depth was induced by mechanical drilling in the femoral center of the trochlea in 18 New Zealand White rabbits. Previously evaluated from an in vitro study hyaluronan thiomer matrix, and a hyaluronan thiomer gel was used to treat the defect. As a control, the defect was left untreated. During the whole study, rabbits were clinically examined and after 4 (n = 3) or 12 (n = 3) weeks, the rabbits were sacrificed. Joints were evaluated macroscopically (Brittberg score) and by histology (O’Driscoll score). Synovial cells from the synovial fluid smear were histopathologically evaluated. Results The healing of the defects varied intra-group wise at the first observation period. After 12 weeks the results concerning the cartilage repair score were inhomogeneous within each group, while the macroscopic analysis was more homogenous. In the synovial fluid smear, the mean score of infiltrated synovial and non-synovial cells was slightly increased after 4 weeks and slightly decreased after 12 weeks in both the treatment groups in comparison to the untreated control. Conclusions Taken together with results from the in vivo study indicated that implantation of hyaluronan thiomer as a combination of gel and matrix might enhance articular cartilage regeneration in an empty defect. Despite their benefits, the intrinsic healing capacity of New Zealand rabbits is a limitation for comparative test subject in pre-clinical models of cartilage defects

    Increased Chondroprotective Effect of Combining Hyaluronic Acid with a Glucocorticoid Compared to Separate Administration on Cytokine-Treated Osteoarthritic Chondrocytes in a 2D Culture

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    Intra-articular injections of glucocorticoids (GC) or hyaluronic acid (HA) are commonly used interventions for patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis (OA). Both substances are combined to achieve a chondroprotective and anti-inflammatory effect. Clinical studies have shown benefits, but data on the cellular level are still lacking. This study aimed to investigate the effect of the GC triamcinolone hexacetonide, HA, and a mix of both substances on cytokine-treated chondrocytes in vitro. Chondrocytes isolated from human articular cartilage were seeded on 6- and 24-well plates. Mimicking OA’s inflammatory state, cells were treated with IL-1β and IL-17 for six days, whereby, after three days, test substances (10%) were added to the culture medium. Chondrocytes were analyzed on days three and six concerning their actin polymerization, expression of anabolic and catabolic genes, metabolic activity, cytokine release, and reactive oxygen species (ROS). Adding HA or GC/HA to the inflammatory culture medium increased the metabolic activity of chondrocytes, while groups containing GC reduced catabolic gene expression and the release of TNF-α. In addition, enhanced F-actin content was shown supplementing HA or GC/HA to the culture medium. Supplementing GC with HA leads to an anti-inflammatory and chondroprotective effect by diminishing the side effects of GC supplementation alone