19 research outputs found

    Características epidemiológicas y respuesta al tratamiento de los pacientes diagnosticados de sarna: estudio de las consultas de Dermatología de los ambulatorios de la OSI Ezkerraldea-Enkarterri-Cruces en 2019

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    [ES]Introducción — La escabiosis, causada por Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis, es una enfermedad epidémica, de la que cada año se notifican 455 millones de casos. Constituye un problema de salud pública, especialmente en regiones con escasos recursos económicos. Sin embargo, en los últimos años ha aumentado la prevalencia e incidencia en países con alto nivel socio-económico, considerándose el fallo al tratamiento el principal factor causante de este incremento. // Objetivos — Conocer las características epidemiológicas y la respuesta al tratamiento de los pacientes con escabiosis en nuestro entorno, identificar los factores que permitan predecir una peor respuesta al tratamiento y conocer la carga asistencial que supone en las consultas de Dermatología.[EU]Sarrera — Hazteria Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis akaroak eragindako gaixotasun epidemikoa da eta urtero 455 milioi kasu ematen dira munduan. Osasun publikorako arduratsua da, batez ere baliabide ekonomiko urriak dituzten eskualdeetan. Hala ere, azken urteotan prebalentzia eta intzidentzia areagotu egin dira maila sozioekonomiko altua duten inguruetan eta horren erantzule nagusia tratamenduak huts egitea da. // Helburuak — Gure ingurunean hazteria duten gaixoen bereizgarri epidemiologikoak antzematea, tratamenduaren eraginkortasuna ezagutzea, tratamenduaren hutsegitea aurreikustea ahalbidetzen duten faktoreak identifikatzea eta dermatologiako kontsultetako asistentzian duen impaktua ezagutzea.[EN]Introduction - Scabies, caused by Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis, is an epidemic disease affecting 455 million people each year. It constitutes a major a public health problem worldwide and developing countries account for the majority of cases. However, in the recent past, both prevalence and incidence have increased in countries with high socioeconomic status, where treatment failure is considered to be a major contributing factor. // Objectives - To find out the epidemiological features and response to treatment of patients with scabies in our environment, to identify the main predictors of treatment failure and to know the burden of care this disease entails in Dermatology practice

    Effectiveness of a Structured Group Intervention Based on Pain Neuroscience Education for Patients with Fibromyalgia in Primary Care: a Multicentre Randomized Open-Label Controlled Trial

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    Background There has been increased interest in pain neuroscience education (PNE) as a therapeutic approach for the management of fibromyalgia (FM). Methods A multicentre randomized, open-label, controlled trial was conducted to assess the effectiveness of a structured group intervention based on PNE in patients with FM. A total of 139 patients were included in the study and randomized to the intervention group (7 group sessions of education in neurobiology of pain) or to the control group (treatment as usual only). The primary outcome was the improvement of functional status and pain measured with the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ), and secondary outcomes were the reduction in the impact of pain and other symptoms (catastrophizing, anxiety and depression) and number of patients reaching no worse than moderate functional impairment (FIQ score <39). Differences between groups were calculated by linear mixed-effects (intention-to-treat approach) and mediational models through path analyses. Results At 1 year, improvements in FIQ scores were higher in the intervention group with moderate or high effect size, and decreases of >= 20% in 69.1% of patients (20.9% in the control group) and of >= 50% in 39.7% (4.5% in the control group). Also, 52.9% of patients had a FIQ <39 points (13.4% in the control group). Conclusions In this sample of patients with FM, the improvement in quality of life and control of symptoms obtained by adding a PNE intervention showed promising results, equalling or surpassing previously reported outcomes. Significance A structured group intervention based on pain neuroscience education for 1 year in patients with fibromyalgia was associated with significant amelioration of the impact of the disease on scores of the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire, the Health Assessment Questionnaire, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Pain Catastrophizing Scale and the Polysymptomatic Distress Scale as compared with only treatment as usual. These findings are clinically relevant considering the challenges posed by fibromyalgia to clinicians and patients alike.Partial reduction of routine work tasks of the principal investigator, MJ Barrenengoa-Cuadra, was supported by a grant from OSI Bilbao Basurto Osakidetza, Basque country, Spain (the grant was paid to the Health Service to substitute MJ Barrenengoa-Cuadra while research work)

    Local genetic variation of inflammatory bowel disease in Basque population and its effect in risk prediction

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    [EN] Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is characterised by chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Although its aetiology remains unknown, environmental and genetic factors are involved in its development. Regarding genetics, more than 200 loci have been associated with IBD but the transferability of those signals to the Basque population living in Northern Spain, a population with distinctive genetic background, remains unknown. We have analysed 5,411,568 SNPs in 498 IBD cases and 935 controls from the Basque population. We found 33 suggestive loci (p 0.68. In conclusion, we report on the genetic architecture of IBD in the Basque population, and explore the performance of European-descent genetic risk scores in this population.Samples and data used in the present work were provided by the Basque Biobank (http://www.biobancovasco.org).We want to thank Miguel Angel Vesga from the Basque Centre of Transfusion and Human Tissues for providing the access to control samples. This work was founded to MD by Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia/Diputacion Foral de Gipuzkoa. The project that gave rise to these results rece

    Transcription Factor Binding Site Enrichment Analysis In Co-Expression Modules In Celiac Disease

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    The aim of this study was to construct celiac co-expression patterns at a whole genome level and to identify transcription factors (TFs) that could drive the gliadin-related changes in coordination of gene expression observed in celiac disease (CD). Differential co-expression modules were identified in the acute and chronic responses to gliadin using expression data from a previous microarray study in duodenal biopsies. Transcription factor binding site (TFBS) and Gene Ontology (GO) annotation enrichment analyses were performed in differentially co-expressed genes (DCGs) and selection of candidate regulators was performed. Expression of candidates was measured in clinical samples and the activation of the TFs was further characterized in C2BBe1 cells upon gliadin challenge. Enrichment analyses of the DCGs identified 10 TFs and five were selected for further investigation. Expression changes related to active CD were detected in four TFs, as well as in several of their in silico predicted targets. The activation of TFs was further characterized in C2BBe1 cells upon gliadin challenge, and an increase in nuclear translocation of CAMP Responsive Element Binding Protein 1 (CREB1) and IFN regulatory factor-1 (IRF1) in response to gliadin was observed. Using transcriptome-wide co-expression analyses we are able to propose novel genes involved in CD pathogenesis that respond upon gliadin stimulation, also in non-celiac models.The authors thank the technical and human support provided by SGIker of the UPV/EHU. The work was funded by ISCIII Research Project Grants PI13/01201 and PI16/00258, cofunded by the European Union ERDF/ESF "A way to make Europe" and by Basque Department of Health project 2011/111034 to JRB and Basque Department of Health project 2015/111068 to I.S., N.F.-J. was supported by an IARC Postodctoral Fellowship (FP7 Marie Curie Actions-People-COFUND) and a Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Basque Department of Education. I.R.-G. and A.J.-M. are supported by predoctoral fellowship grants from the UPV/EHU and the Basque Department of Education, respectively

    MAGI2 Gene Region and Celiac Disease

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    Celiac disease (CD) patients present a loss of intestinal barrier function due to structural alterations in the tight junction (TJ) network, the most apical unions between epithelial cells. The association of TJ-related gene variants points to an implication of this network in disease susceptibility. This work aims to characterize the functional implication of TJ-related, disease-associated loci in CD pathogenesis. We performed an association study of 8 TJ-related gene variants in a cohort of 270 CD and 91 non-CD controls. The expression level of transcripts located in the associated SNP region was analyzed by RT-PCR in several human tissues and in duodenal biopsies of celiac patients and non-CD controls. (si)RNA-driven silencing combined with gliadin in the Caco2 intestinal cell line was used to analyze the implication of transcripts from the associated region in the regulation of TJ genes. We replicated the association of rs6962966*A variant [p = 0.0029; OR = 1.88 (95%1.24-2.87)], located in an intron of TJ-related MAGI2 coding gene and upstream of RP4-587D13.2 transcript, bioinformatically classified as a long non-coding RNA (lncRNA). The expression of both genes is correlated and constitutively downregulated in CD intestine. Silencing of lncRNA decreases the levels of MAGI2 protein. At the same time, silencing of MAGI2 affects the expression of several TJ-related genes. The associated region is functionally altered in disease, probably affecting CD-related TJ genes.This work was partially funded by the Basque Department of Education grant IT1281-19 and ISCIII Research Project PI16/00258, cofunded by the European Union ERDF, A way to make Europe to JB. AC-R is supported by an Ikerbasque Fellowship and funded by a research project grant 2017111082 from the Basque Goverment. IS was funded by a research project grant 2015111068 from the Basque Department of Health. AJ-M and AO-G are predoctoral fellows funded by FPI grants from the Basque Department of Education, Universities and Research and IR-G and MS are predoctoral fellows funded by the University of Basque Country

    Profesorado : revista de curriculum y formación del profesorado

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónMonográfico con el título: "¿De nuevo con el abandono escolar? : un análisis de políticas, prácticas y subjetividades"En el contexto de las políticas educativas contra el abandono escolar prematuro y la exclusión social, la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca puso en marcha, desde finales de los años noventa, el Programa de Escolarización Complementaria (PEC) como una medida extrema, temporal y excepcional. Este programa escolariza en unidades externas al centro a alumnado de entre 14 y 16 años con necesidades educativas especiales ligadas a la inadaptación escolar. Se aplica una vez agotadas todas las vías ordinarias y extraordinarias de respuesta a sus necesidades. El objetivo del programa es facilitar a este alumnado aquellos aprendizajes que puedan resultar más útiles para su crecimiento y ajuste socio-personal y su readaptación al sistema educativo. Se presenta y analiza este Programa desde las voces expresadas por sus protagonistas. Presenta además conclusiones que permitan reorientar el programa hacia la educación formal ordinaria e inclusiva.ES

    Infancia y aprendizaje

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    Resumen tomado de la revistaEl estudio analizó las diferencias de género en diversas variables emocionales y de conducta social en 257 niños y niñas de 7 a 9 años. Las niñas presentaron puntuaciones más altas que los niños en las escalas de tristeza y focalización atencional. Además, fueron evaluadas por su maestro o maestra como más prosociales y menos agresivas con sus compañeros y compañeras y más cooperativas con el profesorado. Con la edad, el control inhibitorio aumentaba en las niñas y disminuía en los niños, mientras que la conducta agresiva (evaluada por los progenitores) aumentaba en los niños y disminuía en las niñas. No se encontraron diferencias de género en intensidad emocional, ira y comprensión de la ambivalencia emocional. Por otra parte, el estudio puso a prueba una hipótesis evolutiva, que resultó confirmada: los niños y niñas de 9 años mostraron una mejor comprensión de la ambivalencia emocional que los de 7. Además, se encontraron otros efectos relacionados con la edad: los niños y niñas mayores se mostraban -según su maestro o maestra- más agresivos con sus iguales y menos cooperativos con el profesorado.CataluñaES

    Conducta prosocial-altruista : teoría, investigación e intervención educativa

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    Se destacan tres objetivos (dos de ellos suponen una reelaboración y ampliación teórica de una investigación anterior ya entregada): revisar las teorías e investigaciones sobre la conducta personal; investigar los elementos predictores de la conducta prosocial que cumple los requisitos externos de la conducta altruista (empatía, toma de perspectiva, imagen del ser humano, apego, disciplina y modelos parentales); llevar a cabo un modelo de intervención educativa para promover conductas prosociales, evaluando los resultados obtenidos. Para los 2 trabajos de investigacion correlacional: 224 y 165 alumnos respectivamente de entre 10 y 12 años de edad. Para la intervención educativa: 101 alumnos de quinto y sexto de EGB, sin representatividad estadística. La descripción metodológica es completa y adecuada a los objetivos perseguidos (hipótesis, descripción de variables, métodos empleados, etc.). Para el primer objetivo, se realiza una amplia revisión bibliográfica referente a la conducta social. El resto incluye 2 trabajos de investigación correlacional para cumplir con el segundo objetivo. La intervención educativa se realiza con alumnos de EGB. Se emplea un modelo de evaluación del programa del tipo proceso-producto, a partir de pruebas específicamente elaboradas a tal fin y que figuran en los anexos. Prueba t de Student. Análisis discriminante. Existen dos grandes líneas de pensamiento que se han mantenido a lo largo de la historia como interpretación de la causa última de las conductas altruistas. Los factores considerados como posibles predictores de la conducta prosocial han demostrado su efectividad, siendo los mas importantes la 'empatía' y el 'apego'. También la 'concepción positiva del ser humano' y la 'inducción como técnica disciplinaria en el marco familiar' destacan como predictores relevantes. En cuanto a la intervención educativa, los resultados centrados tanto en el producto como en el proceso resultan positivos, aunque limitados por el propio modelo de evaluación. En general, los autores concluyen que la intervención educativa produjo mejora significativa en las conductas altruistas producidas en el aula, así como en el clima de la misma.Ministerio Educación CIDEBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5 - 3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; Fax +34917748026; [email protected]

    Incluir sin límites: Participación del alumnado con pluridiscapacidad en las actividades físico-deportivas comunitarias

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    This article synthesizes a pioneering experience in the field of inclusion without limits, related to extracurricular physical activity, framed in a conventional school, in which two students with multiple disabilities participate together with other children without disabilities. This innovative experience, known as JUGUEM!, is a physical activity program that, under the principles of Universal Design for Learning, is carried out through cooperative learning and sensory stimulation. JUGUEM! is a program designed for everyone which does not discriminate by abilities, attending the individual characteristics of each participant and meeting the educational needs of the whole group in a space of total coexistence. By the results obtained, we can assure that an inclusive education without limits is possible, and furthermore it adds abilities in the natural environment of class.El presente artículo sintetiza una experiencia pionera e innovadora en inclusión sin límites en las actividades físico-deportivas fuera del horario lectivo, en un centro escolar convencional, en la que participan dos alumnos que presentan pluridiscapacidad junto a compañeros y compañeras sin discapacidad. Se trata del programa de actividad físico-deportiva JUGUEM! (¡JUGUEMOS!) que, bajo los principios del Diseño Universal para el Aprendizaje, tiene como protagonistas al aprendizaje cooperativo y a la estimulación sensorial. Responde a un diseño de programa abierto a todos y a todas, que no caracteriza a nadie y que no limita la participación en función de las capacidades y habilidades, abordando las características individuales de cada participante y atendiendo las necesidades educativas de todo el grupo en un espacio de total convivencia. Por los resultados obtenidos, podemos asegurar que es posible una educación inclusiva sin límites, que sume capacidades en el ambiente natural de clase