105 research outputs found

    Modeling deep ocean convection: Large eddy simulation in comparison with laboratory experiments

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    A large-eddy simulation model (LES) has been applied to study deep convective processes in a stratified ocean driven by the energetic cooling at the ocean surface. Closely related to a recent laboratory experiment, the numerical experiment deals with the inverted problem of the growth of a convective mixed layer driven by a localized source of bottom heating in a rotating, stably stratified fluid. In general, good agreement is found between numerical and laboratory results. After onset of the heating a well-mixed layer forms above the heated circular surface. Although small-scale turbulence quantities like rms velocities and length scale can be best described by the nonrotating turbulent velocity and length scales, they are also found to differ significantly from a nonrotating control run, which indicates that rotation affects but does not control the turbulence. Due to the horizontal radial temperature gradient between the mixed layer and the ambient fluid a rim current develops around the periphery of the heated surface. Its near-surface maximum can be well described by a simple thermal wind law. The strong counterrotating current also observed in the laboratory at greater heights above the surface is found to be mainly driven by surface friction and should not be observed in the ocean. As time progresses, the rim current becomes unstable, eventually generating a field of baroclinic eddies that stop the mixed layer growth by causing some horizontal exchange between the convective layer and its cooler surrounding. The wavelength of the instabilities slowly increases with time and is clearly related to the local Rossby radius

    Large-scale instabilities in a non-rotating turbulent convection

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    Formation of large-scale coherent structures in a turbulent convection via excitation of large-scale instability is studied. The redistribution of the turbulent heat flux due to non-uniform large-scale motions plays a crucial role in the formation of the coherent large-scale structures in the turbulent convection. The modification of the turbulent heat flux results in strong reduction of the critical Rayleigh number (based on the eddy viscosity and turbulent temperature diffusivity) required for the excitation of the large-scale instability. The mean-field equations which describe the large-scale instability, are solved numerically. We determine the key parameters that affect formation of the large-scale coherent structures in the turbulent convection. In particular, the degree of thermal anisotropy and the lateral background heat flux strongly modify the growth rates of the large-scale instability, the frequencies of the generated convective-shear waves and change the thresholds required for the excitation of the large-scale instability. This study elucidates the origins of the large-scale circulations and rolls in the atmospheric convective boundary layers and the meso-granular structures in the solar convection.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, Physics of Fluids, in pres

    Circling in on convective organization

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    Cold pools (CPs) contribute to convective organization. However, it is unclear by which mechanisms organization occurs. By using a particle method to track CP gust fronts in large eddy simulations, we characterize the basic collision modes between CPs. Our results show that CP interactions, where three expanding gust fronts force an updraft, are key at triggering new convection. Using this, we conceptualize CP dynamics into a parameter‐free mathematical model: circles expand from initially random points in space. Where two expanding circles collide, a stationary front is formed. However, where three expanding circles enclose a single point, a new expanding circle is seeded. This simple model supports three fundamental features of CP dynamics: precipitation cells constitute a spatially interacting system; CPs come in generations; and scales steadily increase throughout the diurnal cycle. Finally, this model provides a framework for how CPs act to cause convective self‐organization, clustering, and extremes

    Influence of helicity on scaling regimes in the extended Kraichnan model

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    We have investigated the advection of a passive scalar quantity by incompressible helical turbulent flow in the frame of extended Kraichnan model. Turbulent fluctuations of velocity field are assumed to have the Gaussian statistics with zero mean and defined noise with finite time-correlation. Actual calculations have been done up to two-loop approximation in the frame of field-theoretic renormalization group approach. It turned out that space parity violation (helicity) of turbulent environment does not affect anomalous scaling which is peculiar attribute of corresponding model without helicity. However, stability of asymptotic regimes, where anomalous scaling takes place, strongly depends on the amount of helicity. Moreover, helicity gives rise to the turbulent diffusivity, which has been calculated in one-loop approximation.Comment: 16 pages, talk given by M. Hnatich at "Renormalization Group 2005", Helsinki, Finland 30 August - 3 September 2005. To apear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Hysteresis phenomenon in turbulent convection

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    Coherent large-scale circulations of turbulent thermal convection in air have been studied experimentally in a rectangular box heated from below and cooled from above using Particle Image Velocimetry. The hysteresis phenomenon in turbulent convection was found by varying the temperature difference between the bottom and the top walls of the chamber (the Rayleigh number was changed within the range of 10710810^7 - 10^8). The hysteresis loop comprises the one-cell and two-cells flow patterns while the aspect ratio is kept constant (A=22.23A=2 - 2.23). We found that the change of the sign of the degree of the anisotropy of turbulence was accompanied by the change of the flow pattern. The developed theory of coherent structures in turbulent convection (Elperin et al. 2002; 2005) is in agreement with the experimental observations. The observed coherent structures are superimposed on a small-scale turbulent convection. The redistribution of the turbulent heat flux plays a crucial role in the formation of coherent large-scale circulations in turbulent convection.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, REVTEX4, Experiments in Fluids, 2006, in pres

    Effect of large-scale coherent structures on turbulent convection

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    We study an effect of large-scale coherent structures on global properties of turbulent convection in laboratory experiments in air flow in a rectangular chamber with aspect ratios A2A \approx 2 and A4A\approx 4 (with the Rayleigh numbers varying in the range from 5×1065 \times 10^6 to 10810^8). The large-scale coherent structures comprise the one-cell and two-cell flow patterns. We found that a main contribution to the turbulence kinetic energy production in turbulent convection with large-scale coherent structures is due to the non-uniform large-scale motions. Turbulence in large Rayleigh number convection with coherent structures is produced by shear, rather than by buoyancy. We determined the scalings of global parameters (e.g., the production and dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy, the turbulent velocity and integral turbulent scale, the large-scale shear, etc.) of turbulent convection versus the temperature difference between the bottom and the top walls of the chamber. These scalings are in an agreement with our theoretical predictions. We demonstrated that the degree of inhomogeneity of the turbulent convection with large-scale coherent structures is small.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, REVTEX

    Formation of Large-Scale Semi-Organized Structures in Turbulent Convection

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    A new mean-field theory of turbulent convection is developed. This theory predicts the convective wind instability in a shear-free turbulent convection which causes formation of large-scale semi-organized fluid motions in the form of cells or rolls. Spatial characteristics of these motions, such as the minimum size of the growing perturbations and the size of perturbations with the maximum growth rate, are determined. This study predicts also the existence of the convective shear instability in a sheared turbulent convection which results in generation of convective shear waves with a nonzero hydrodynamic helicity. Increase of shear promotes excitation of the convective shear instability. Applications of the obtained results to the atmospheric turbulent convection and the laboratory experiments on turbulent convection are discussed. This theory can be applied also for the describing a mesogranular turbulent convection in astrophysics.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, REVTEX4, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v. 67, in press (2003

    Sialylation of MUC4β N-glycans by ST6GAL1 orchestrates human airway epithelial cell differentiation associated with type-2 inflammation

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    Although type-2-induced (T2-induced) epithelial dysfunction is likely to profoundly alter epithelial differentiation and repair in asthma, the mechanisms for these effects are poorly understood. A role for specific mucins, heavily N-glycosylated epithelial glycoproteins, in orchestrating epithelial cell fate in response to T2 stimuli has not previously been investigated. Levels of a sialylated MUC4 beta isoform were found to be increased in airway specimens from asthmatic patients in association with T2 inflammation. We hypothesized that IL-13 would increase sialylation of MUC4 beta, thereby altering its function and that the beta-galactoside alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 1 (ST6GAL1) would regulate the sialylation. Using human biologic specimens and cultured primary human airway epithelial cells (HAECs), we demonstrated that IL-13 increases ST6GAL1-mediated sialylation of MUC4 beta and that both were increased in asthma, particularly in sputum supernatant and/or fresh isolated HAECs with elevated T2 biomarkers. ST6GAL1-induced sialylation of MUC4 beta altered its lectin binding and secretion. Both ST6GAL1 and MUC4 beta inhibited epithelial cell proliferation while promoting goblet cell differentiation. These in vivo and in vitro data provide strong evidence for a critical role for ST6GAL1-induced sialylation of MUC4 beta in epithelial dysfunction associated with T2-high asthma, thereby identifying specific sialylation pathways as potential targets in asthma.NIH [R01 HL069174]; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute [R01 HL064937, R01 HL069116, P01 HL103453, R01 HL69167, U01 HL109086, U10 HL109152, R21 AI122071]; National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases [P01 AI106684]; Nikon A1 [NIH 1S10OD019973-01]This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]