787 research outputs found

    "The MDGs and Exit Time: The Case of the Philippines "

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    This paper evaluates whether the Philippines will be able to halve the incidence of poverty between 1990 and 2015. Using the concept of exit time and household-level data, we found that the Philippines will be unlikely to do so.

    Effects of a Peer-To-Peer Mentoring Program: Supporting First-Year College Students’ Academic and Social Integration on Campus

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    This paper presents findings from a peer-to-peer mentoring program supporting ethnically diverse first-generation students at a mid-sized university in the Southwest. Research on mentoring during the undergraduate years has placed emphasis on the quality of lived-collegiate experiences from both a peer-mentor and mentee perspective (Crisp, Baker, Griffen, Lusnford, & Pifer, 2017). Using a mixed methods approach, two survey instruments and qualitative analysis, interviews with peer-mentors and mentees suggested student development occurred through various means: (i) academics, (ii) university involvement, and (iii) the reinforcement of friendship. These findings reinforce theory first drawn from Tinto’s (1993) student integration perspectives (e.g., academic and social integration). Peer-mentors fulfilled their roles, while mentees who were actively involved in the program reported to have benefitted the most. The effectiveness of the mentoring program highlighted contributions to enhancing, at least one of the following, for all mentees: first-year experience, degree of college involvement, and overall retention rate

    Transformation of the rural economy in the Philippines, 1988-2006

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    This research explores the changing structure of the rural economy in the Philippines from 1988 to 2006. We found that the expansion and upgrade of infrastructure such as electricity and roads and investment in secondary and tertiary education are important factors that induced the economic transformation of the rural economy. The importance of higher education as an entry requirement to the nonfarm labor market has declined over time, indicating that the rural nonfarm sector has been increasingly providing employment opportunities to the unskilled and the uneducated, which form the bulk of the rural poor.Embargo Period 18 monthshttp://www.grips.ac.jp/list/jp/facultyinfo/estudillo_jonna/http://www.grips.ac.jp/list/jp/facultyinfo/otsuka_keijiro

    Especialización olivarera, cambios institucionales y desigualdad agraria en la Alta Campiña de Córdoba (siglos xviii-xx)

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    El presente escrito indaga desde varias perspectivas en la evolución de la desigualdad desde fines del Antiguo Régimen en un pueblo de la Campiña Bética. La investigación parte principalmente de fuentes fiscales, apoyadas cuando procede por cuentas de patrimonios, información registral, del servicio agronómico, etc. Estudia primero la transformación del espacio rural y de la producción agrícola local. Se adentra después en la evolución de la distribución de la propiedad, del excedente agrario y de la renta agraria en general. Por último, se interroga por los efectos que ejercieron sobre la evolución de la desigualdad, tanto las transformaciones sociales e institucionales iniciadas con la crisis del Antiguo Régimen como los procesos de intensificación y especialización olivarera y vitícola que en Aguilar y poblaciones vecinas se desarrollaron con amplia anticipación respecto de otras áreas de Córdoba.This article examines from several angles the evolution of inequality since the end of the Ancien Regime in a rural Andalusian village. Our research is mainlybased on fiscal sources, aided by data from private accounting registries, land registry documents, texts from agrarian engineers, etc. The transformation of rural spaces and of local agricultural production is discussed first. Second, the evolution of property distribution, agricultural surplus and income are addressed. Last of all, this study explains the inequality effects derived from both socio-institutional transformations begun –combined with intensification in other types of production processes– that took place in Aguilar and the surrounding area much earlier than in the rest of Cordoba Provinc

    Transformacions agràries i retard econòmic.Andalusia,1850-1935

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    Land and schooling

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    "The authors address questions such as: (1) how do parents allocate land and education between sons and daughters? (2) how do changing returns to land and human capital affect parents' investments in children? (3) what do gender differences in land and schooling mean for the welfare of men and women? (4) is gender equity compatible with efficiency and growth? The book is based on intensive household surveys in Ghana, Indonesia, and the Philippines." From TextSex discrimination against women Developing countries. ,Agricultural laborers ,

    Moyen phrases: un argument pour la structure conceptuelle

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    Middle sentences in English are only partly described within the Government and Binding theory. Some semantic and discourse generalizations which are integral to the meaning of these constructions are just set aside, if they are mentioned at all. The theory of conceptual semantics developed by Ray Jackendoff (1983, 1987, 1990) presents the first viable alternative to the syntactic strategies descending from Chomsky’s theory. In this paper I will examine the middle voice and show how several Government and Binding analyses of these constructions fail to account for important parts of the data. I hope to persuade the reader that a conceptual structure analysis of this phenomenon provides a more appealing solution which fully integrates the syntactic and semantic generalizations.Las oraciones medias en inglés sólo han sido descritas parcialmente en la teoría de la Rección y el Ligamiento. Algunas generalizaciones semánticas y pragmáticas esenciales al significado de estas construcciones han sido ignoradas, a veces ni siquiera mencionadas. La teoría semántico-conceptual desarrollada por Ray Jackendoff (1983, 1987, 1990) presenta la primera alternativa factible a las estrategias sintácticas descendientes de la teoría de Chomsky. En este trabajo examinaré la voz media y mostraré cómo diversos análisis de estas construcciones desde la perspectiva de la teoría de la Rección y el Ligamiento no consiguen explicar gran parte importante de los datos. Espero convencer al lector de que el análisis de este fenómeno desde una perspectiva semántico-conceptual puede proporcionar una solución más atractiva que integra completamente las generalizaciones tanto sintácticas como semánticas.Notre hypothèse est que dans l'identification des référents des expressions nominales contenues dans les énoncés exige le traitement parallèle de la structure morphosyntaxique, basée sur un ensemble de mécanismes inférentiels impliqués principalement dans la catégorie de procédure, comme défini par la théorie de la pertinence (Sperber & Wilson, 1996 et 2004). La représentation sémantique provient de l´interaction entre la dérivation de la représentation syntaxique sémantique et pragmatique des mécanismes d'interprétation par lequel vous obtenez une pleine forme propositionnelle, proposée par l´obtention des implications contextuelles (explicatures), cette forme complète propositionnel peut être attribué conditions de vérité. Nous cherchons à établir les catégories de procédure liées à la allocation de référence et comment agir sur les expressions de base nominale et D (eterminante). Nous essayons de démontrer que le montant de référence d'une expression nominale ne dépend pas seulement de contenant si ou non un D ou des traits contenues dans cet élément linguistique

    Can Africa replicate Asia's green revolution in rice ?

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    Asia's green revolution in rice was transformational and improved the lives of millions of poor households. Rice has become an increasingly important part of African diets and imports of rice have grown. Agronomists point out that large areas in Africa are well suited for rice and are encouraged by the field tests of new rice varieties. So is Africa poised for its own green revolution in rice? This study reviews the recent literature on rice technologies and their impact on productivity, incomes, and poverty, and compares current conditions in Africa with the conditions that prevailed in Asia as its rice revolution got under way. An important conclusion is that, to a degree, a rice revolution has already begun in Africa. Moreover, many of the same practices that have proved successful in Asia and in Africa can be applied where yields are currently low. At the same time, for many reasons, Africa's rice revolution has been, and will continue to be, characterized by a mosaic of successes, situated where the conditions are right for new technologies to take hold. This can have profound effects in some places. But because diets, markets, and geography are heterogeneous in Africa, the successful transformation of the Africa's rice sector must be matched by productivity gains in other crops to fully launch Africa's Green Revolution.Agricultural Research,Crops&Crop Management Systems,Climate Change and Agriculture,Food&Beverage Industry,Agricultural Knowledge&Information Systems

    Undergraduate Research: An Essential Piece for Underrepresented Students\u27 College Success

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    Undergraduate research represents a high impact practice for higher education institutions to improve the college experience of underrepresented students. The integrative and mentoring aspects of undergraduate research can help to enhance the academic and social participation of underrepresented students. Undergraduate students provide opportunities for students to develop valuable skills for personal and professional growth. Specifically, participation in undergraduate research can foster work-related skills for underrepresented students for future career and interpersonal relationships. In this literature review, the benefits and perceived challenges for underrepresented students as well as institutional investment in undergraduate research are explored to potentially offer valuable information to increase the college success for historically marginalized college students

    The Development of a Strategic Leadership Model for Teacher Instructional Competencies at the Private Higher Education Institutions in Mindanao, Philippines

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    The purpose of the study was to develop a strategic leadership model for teacher instructional competencies at the private higher education institutions in Mindanao, Philippines. To achieve the six objectives of the study, the researcher employed the exploratory mixed-method research design by collecting substantial qualitative data from sources such as books, journals, online sources, and an interview. While the quantitative research design by collecting data using the survey questionnaire. There were 229 teachers and seven school leaders from private higher education institutions in Mindanao, Philippines, who participated in the study.   Frequency counts, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, and Multiple Regression were used to analyze quantitative data, while a content (thematic) analysis used for qualitative data or interviews. The findings of the current strategic leadership practices of school leaders, as perceived by teachers are interpreted as high.  Teachers find the Instructional Practices of the school leaders as high, while school leaders revealed most of their strategic leadership practices focused on Human Resource Management Practice. The current instructional competencies, as perceived by teachers, are interpreted as high. Among the three themes, teachers find their Personal Competence as high. While school leaders give priority to the development of teachers' Professional Competence.  The seven factors affecting the strategic leadership practices of school leaders perceived by teachers as high. The top three factors include Organizational Culture, Organizational Values, and Leadership Competence. While, in the interview with school leaders, essential factors affecting strategic leadership practices include Resource Allocation, Teacher Satisfaction, and Teacher Commitment. A substantial positive relationship revealed between strategic leadership practices and teachers' instructional competencies of private higher education institutions. The researcher developed the strategic leadership model for teacher instructional competencies and validated by 12 experts. The model comprises of two major levels derived from the Multiple Regression test results as Leadership Competence with a p-value of 0.000 and Organizational Values with a p-value of 0.014 as significant factors.&nbsp