29 research outputs found

    Proportion choosing to opt-out per choice task, stratified by respondents that started with the unforced choices (black) and respondent that were offered the opt-out in the second part of the questionnaire (grey).

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    <p>Proportion choosing to opt-out per choice task, stratified by respondents that started with the unforced choices (black) and respondent that were offered the opt-out in the second part of the questionnaire (grey).</p

    Attribute estimates (standard errors) of the MIXL model.

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    <p>**Significant at p<.05;</p><p>***significant at p<.001.</p><p>Attribute estimates (standard errors) of the MIXL model.</p

    Willingness to pay values for all tested models from table 3 and 5.

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    <p>* Significant at p<.05.</p><p>Willingness to pay values for all tested models from <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0111805#pone-0111805-t003" target="_blank">table 3</a> and <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0111805#pone-0111805-t005" target="_blank">5</a>.</p

    Effects of changing one of the attribute levels on the average probability of citizens’ protective behaviour to transport accidents involving hazardous materials on a populated waterway, as predicted by a panel error component.

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    <p>Effects of changing one of the attribute levels on the average probability of citizens’ protective behaviour to transport accidents involving hazardous materials on a populated waterway, as predicted by a panel error component.</p

    The influence of characteristics of hazardous material transport accidents on citizens’ protective behaviour based on a panel error component model (n = 881).

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    <p>Notes: (1) effect coded variables used for odour perception and smoke/vapour perception; (2) normal distribution for random coefficient used on constants (i.e. ‘type of reaction’); (3) the value of the reference levels of the categorical attributes equals the negative sum of the coefficients of the included attributes; (4) s.e. = standard error; (5) S.D. = standard deviation; and (6) 10,451 observations (881 subjects x 12 choice sets would result in 10,572 observations. However, 121 oberservations were missed because some respondents did not fill in one or more choice sets); AIC = Akaike information criterion</p><p>The influence of characteristics of hazardous material transport accidents on citizens’ protective behaviour based on a panel error component model (n = 881).</p