1,682 research outputs found

    Assessment of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions from the tallow biodiesel production chain including land use change (LUC).

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    Economic uncertainties and environmental constraints regarding fossil fuels have encouraged initiatives for renewable energy sources and assessment of their life cycle impacts. Brazil ranks second worldwide in biodiesel production, despite the relatively recent organization of its national chain, marked by the creation of the National Program for Biodiesel Production and Use (PNPB). The Central-West region is responsible for the largest share of biodiesel production (44.4%) and the largest cattle slaughter (37.5%). In this scenario, beef tallow has great potential for expansion of biodiesel production, since it is a byproduct of the chain that, when not properly disposed, presents a considerable environmental burden. This work presents a method for assessing environmental performance that integrates life cycle assessment (LCA) with land use change (LUC) for analysis of the tallow biodiesel production chain. The results are given in terms of increment in annual greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions per hectare related to local tallow biodiesel. The system's boundary covers a representative major cattle farming area in Central-West Brazil. For the LCA segment of the method, five inventory allocations were considered: (i) without allocation, (ii) mass, (iii) market value, (iv) energy and (v) an ?average allocation?, calculated as the mean of mass, market value and energy. The last one is a novel approach proposed in this work, aggregating all the others, which separately result in under or over estimation of impacts. Using the ?average allocation?, the increment in annual GHG emission per hectare from tallow biodiesel production, is 43.2 kg CO2eq ha-1 y-1. This value is 17% less than the emission increment due to soybean biodiesel (50.2 kg CO2eq ha-1 y-1). LUC is responsible for 96% of the emission assessed, which demonstrates the importance of including LUC assessment in life cycle assessment of tallow biodiesel. According to the sensitivity analyses performed, changes from crop to pasture have superior environmental performance among the investigated options. Land use management is essential to preserve the remaining natural areas, making tallow biodiesel more sustainabl

    Proteção vacinal contra desafio com variante de bronquite infecciosa das galinhas.

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    A bronquite infecciosa das galinhas (BI) continua sendo uma das principais enfermidades com perdas econômicas na produção industrial de aves. Esta enfermidade manifesta-se nas formas respiratória, renal, e reprodutiva e é controlada com vacinas vivas atenuadas e inativadas. A elevada frequência de mutações no genoma do vírus da BI (RNA não segmentado, fita simples) incide no surgimento de novos sorotipos ou genótipos virais (variantes) e em diferentes manifestações clínicas da doença. A ocorrência de surtos de BI em lotes imunizados tem sido frequentemente associada à ausência de proteção cruzada conferida pela vacina utilizada (H120) frente a variantes e discute-se a necessidade de introdução de novas estirpes virais na formulação de vacinas (3;5). O agrupamento das estirpes virais em protectotipos apresenta-se extremamente útil, do ponto de vista prático, uma vez que providencia informações diretas sobre a eficácia de uma vacina: estirpes que induzem proteção entre si pertencem ao mesmo protectotipo. A Embrapa Suínos e Aves têm realizado estudos de protectotipagem e até o momento, quatro estirpes previamente classificadas como variantes foram agrupadas no mesmo protectotipo da estirpe vacinal sorotipo Massachusetts (3;4). Neste estudo, uma nova variante do VBI foi avaliada frente à estirpe vacinal Massachusetts, único sorotipo disponível para uso no Brasil, como vacina viva atenuada

    Kinetics of Eucalypt Lignosulfonate Oxidation to Aromatic Aldehydes by Oxygen in Alkaline Medium

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    The oxidation kinetics of lignosulfonates (LS) from acidic magnesium-based sulfite pulping of Eucalyptus globulus wood with oxygen under alkaline conditions was studied. The analysis of oxidation products in the reaction system O(2)/NaOH revealed a predominance of aromatic aldehydes (vanillin and syringic aldehyde) though small amounts of vanillic and syringic acids and acetophenone/phenylacetaldehyde derivatives have also been detected. The rate constant of syringic aldehyde formation was roughly twice of that for vanillin. The effective activation energies for the oxidation of LS to aromatic aldehydes (ca. 60-70 kJ/mol) were rather different to those found for the formation of aromatic acids (ca. 110 kJ/mol) indicating different mechanisms involved in the rate-determining reaction step. The addition of catalyst (copper salt, 20% w/w) promoted the LS oxidation with increments of aromatic aldehyde yields by 25-50%. The maximum yields of syringic aldehyde and vanillin upon LS oxidation were 16.1 and 4.5%, respectively (150 degrees C, 20 min, P(O2) = 10 bar, 0.9 M NaOH solution). The highly negative effect of concomitant sugars in sulfite liquor to the yield of aromatic aldehydes was highlighted