137 research outputs found

    Manuel Culebra (Manuel Andújar) sobre Ramón J. Sender : tres artículos juveniles (1936-1938)

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    Se revisa la valoración que hizo Manuel Andújar de la obra narrativa de Ramón J. Sender. Se ha procedido siguiendo un orden inverso: desde los años setenta hasta el último texto de Andújar (1988); el período mexicano, en el que predominan las publicaciones de Sender en Las Españas y la colección Aquelarre, en cuya dirección estaba Andújar; y los años treinta, cuando comienza a seguir la obra de Sender desde la publicación de Imán (1930), etapa que halla su expresión en los tres artículos que se reproducen en el apéndice II. Todo ello se resume en su valoración general: Sender es el novelista «más representativo del exilio», como lo había sido de los años treinta, según Andújar.Manuel Andújar's appraisal of the narrative work of Ramón J. Sender is reviewed in reverse order: from the seventies to Andújar's last text (1988); the Mexicanperiod, with a predominance of Sender's publications in Las Españas, along with the Aquelarre collection, in whose management Andújar participated; and the thirties, when he began to follow Sender's work, from the publication of Imán (1930), a stage that is reflected in the three articles reproduced in appendix II. All of this can be summed up by his general appraisal: Sender is the "most representative novelist of the exile" as, in the opinion of Andújar, he had been of the nineteen thirties.L'évaluation de l'œuvre narrative de Ramón J. Sender que Manuel Andújar réalisa est soumise à révision. À cet effet, on a procédé dans l'ordre inverse: des années soixante-dix jusqu'au dernier texte d'Andújar (1988); la période mexicaine, durant laquelle les publications de Sender dans Las Españas et la collection Aquelarre, dont Andújar était l'un des directeurs, sont les plus importantes; et dans les années trente, lorsqu'il commença à suivre l'œuvre de Sender depuis la publication de L'aimant (1930), étape dont l'expression réside dans les trois articles reproduits dans l'appendice II. Tout est résumé dans son évaluation générale: Sender est le romancier « le plus représentatif de l'exil », comme il l'avait été des années trente, d'après Andújar

    Effects of sport practice on bone characteristics of the lower extremities in athletes

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    Los objetivosde la presente revisión son, por un lado, dar a conocer el estado actual de la investigación realizada sobre las diferentes adaptaciones óseas derivadas de la práctica deportiva en los miembros inferiores y, por otro, determinar qué tipo de actividades o especialidades deportivas son las más indicadas para evitar o frenar el desarrollo de la osteoporosis en estas estructuras óseas.The aims of this review are to give to know the actual status of investigation developed on different bone adaptations in lower extremities related to sport practice, and to determine what kind of physical activities or sport practice are the most indicated to avoid or to contain the development of osteoporosis in this bone structures

    Induction of auxin biosynthesis and WOX5 repression mediate changes in root development in Arabidopsis exposed to chitosan

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    [EN] Chitosan is a natural polymer with applications in agriculture, which causes plasma membrane permeabilisation and induction of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) in plants. Chitosan has been mostly applied in the phylloplane to control plant diseases and to enhance plant defences, but has also been considered for controlling root pests. However, the effect of chitosan on roots is virtually unknown. In this work, we show that chitosan interfered with auxin homeostasis in Arabidopsis roots, promoting a 2-3 fold accumulation of indole acetic acid (IAA). We observed chitosan dose-dependent alterations of auxin synthesis, transport and signalling in Arabidopsis roots. As a consequence, high doses of chitosan reduce WOX5 expression in the root apical meristem and arrest root growth. Chitosan also propitiates accumulation of salicylic (SA) and jasmonic (JA) acids in Arabidopsis roots by induction of genes involved in their biosynthesis and signalling. In addition, high-dose chitosan irrigation of tomato and barley plants also arrests root development. Tomato root apices treated with chitosan showed isodiametric cells respect to rectangular cells in the controls. We found that chitosan causes strong alterations in root cell morphology. Our results highlight the importance of considering chitosan dose during agronomical applications to the rhizosphere.This work was supported by AGL 2015 66833-R Grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Grant AGL 2015. We would like to thank Drs Isabel Lopez-Diaz and Esther Carrera for plant hormone quantitation (IBMCP, Valencia, Spain). Part of this work was filed for a patent (P201431399) by L. V. Lopez-Llorca, F. Lopez-Moya and N. Escudero as inventors. We would like to thank Dr Michael Kershaw (University of Exeter) for his English revision and critical comments of the manuscript. We also thank Ms Marta Suarez-Fernandez (University of Alicante) and Mr Alfonso Prieto for their technical support. All the authors reviewed and approved the manuscript.Lopez-Moya, F.; Escudero, N.; Zavala-Gonzalez, EA.; Esteve-Bruna, D.; Blazquez Rodriguez, MA.; Alabadí Diego, D.; Lopez-Llorca, LV. (2017). Induction of auxin biosynthesis and WOX5 repression mediate changes in root development in Arabidopsis exposed to chitosan. Scientific Reports. 7:1-14. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-16874-5S1147Savary, S., Ficke, A., Aubertot, J.-N. & Hollier, C. Crop losses due to diseases and their implications for global food production losses and food security. Food Sec. 4(4), 519–37 (2012).Pimentel, D., Zuniga, R. & Morrison, D. Update on the environmental and economic costs associated with alien-invasive species in the United States. Ecol. Econ. 52(3), 273–88 (2005).El-Hadrami, A. & Adam, L. R. Hadrami El, I. & Daayf, F. Chitosan in plant protection. Mar. 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Behaviour of tomato plants as affected by spraying with chitosan and aminofort as natural stimulator substances under application of soil organic amendments. Pak. J. Biol. Sci. 12(17), 1164–73 (2009).Sharp, R. G. 2013. A review of the applications of chitin and its derivatives in agriculture to modify plant-microbial interactions and improve crop yields. Agronomy. 3, 757–793 (2013).Aranega-Bou, P., de la O Leyva, M., Finiti, I., García-Agustín, P. & González-Bosch, C. Priming of plant resistance by natural compounds. Hexanoic acid as a model. Front. Plant Sci. 1(5), 488 (2014).Kwak, J. M., Nguyen, V. & Schroeder, J. I. The role of reactive oxygen species in hormonal responses. Plant Physiol. 141(2), 323–9 (2006).Lopez-Moya, F. & Lopez-Llorca, L. V. Omics for investigating chitosan as an antifungal and gene modulator. J. Fungi. 2(1), 1–11 (2016).Issak, M. et al. Neither endogenous abscisic acid nor endogenous jasmonate is involved in salicylic acid-, yeast elicitor-, orchitosan-induced stomatal closure in Arabidopsis thaliana. Biosc. Biotechnol. Biochem. 77(5), 1111–3 (2013).Vidhyasekaran, P. Switching on Plant Innate Immunity Signaling Systems: Bioengineering and Molecular Manipulation Of PAMP PIMP PRR Signaling Complex. Signaling and Communication In Plants. Chapt. 3. Switching on Plant Immune Signaling Systems using Microbe-Associated Molecular Patterns/section 3.6 Manipulation of Plant Immune System using Chitosan 144–148, (Springer, 2016).Baque, Md. A., Shiragi, Md. H. K., Lee, E. J. & Paek, K.-Y. Elicitor effect of chitosan and pectin on the biosynthesis of anthraquinones, phenolics and flavonoids in adventitious root suspension cultures of Morinda citrifolia (L.). Aust. J. Crop Sci. 6(9), 1349–1355 (2012).Khalil, M. S. & Badawy, M. E. I. Nematicidal activity of a biopolymer chitosan at different molecular weights against root-knot nematode. Meloidogyne incognita. Plant Prot. Sci. 48(4), 170–178 (2012).Sarkar, A. K. et al. Conserved factors regulate signalling in Arabidopsis thaliana shoot and root stem cell organizers. Nature. 446(7137), 811–4 (2007).Ding, Z. & Friml, J. Auxin regulates distal stem cell differentiation in Arabidopsis roots. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 107(26), 12046–12051 (2010).Tian, H. et al. WOX5-IAA17 feedback circuit-mediated cellular auxin response is crucial for the patterning of root stem cell niches in Arabidopsis. Mol. Plant. 7(2), 277–89 (2014).Tiwari, S. B., Hagen, G. & Guilfoyle, T. The roles of auxin response factor domains in auxin-responsive transcription. Plant Cell. 15(2), 533–43 (2003).Doares, S. H., Syrovets, T., Weiler, E. W. & Ryan, C. A. Oligogalacturonides and chitosan activate plant defensive genes through the octadecanoid pathway. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 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    Impact of boat anchoring on the Mediterranean endemic bivalve Pinna nobilis: An experimental approach

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    The impact of boat anchoring on the Mediterranean endemic bivalve Pinna nobilis Linnaeus (1758) was assessed experimentally in the field by installing non-biological mimic units of the bivalve in the islands of Mallorca and Malta. In each of these two Mediterranean localities, two study areas having different levels of boat anchoring activities: ‘control’ (no anchoring allowed) and ‘impacted’ (anchoring allowed), were used for the field experiment. A significant number of P. nobilis mimic bivalves were affected by boat anchoring in the impacted areas; the impact was 3 times higher in impacted areas compared to control areas. Boat anchoring also had an adverse impact on Posidonia oceanica meadows, since seagrass cover was lower in the impacted areas.peer-reviewe

    Aproximación al teatro completo de Manuel Andújar

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    Estudio de la obra dramática de Manuel Andújar dividido en tres partes. En la primera se revisa el estado de la cuestión y se establece el repertorio de textos. La segunda, con el criterio ordenador de fecha de publicación, es el análisis de cada obra, destacando los aspectos más notables. La tercera expone algunos rasgos generales: manejo de constituyentes: tiempo, lugar..., y las acotaciones. En las Consideraciones Finales se subraya su sentido ético; se revisa su adscripción a un "realismo simbólico" y afirmaciones anteriores, como la periodización en dos épocas, y su calificación de teatro para leerEstudi de l'obra dramàtica de Manuel Andújar dividit en tres parts. A la primera s'examina l'estat dela qüestió i s'en extableix el corpus textual. La segona, utilitzant com a criteri ordenador les dates de publicació, consisteix en l'anàlisi de cadascuna de les obres, destacant-ne els aspectes més notables. A la tercera s'exposen alguns generals: utilització dels constituents: temps, lloc...; i les acotacions. A les Consideracions Finals es subratlla el seu sentit ètic; es revisa la seva adscripció a un "realisme simbòlic" i afirmacions anteriors, com la periodització en dues èpoques, i la seva qualificació com a teatre per llegi

    Coping strategies and postpartum depressive symptoms: A structural equation modelling approach

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    BACKGROUND: Variables such as the mother's personality, social support, coping strategies and stressful events have been described as risk factors for postpartum depression. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) analysis was used to examine whether neuroticism, perceived social support, perceived life events, and coping strategies are associated with postpartum depressive symptoms at the 8th and 32nd weeks. METHODS: A total of 1626 pregnant women participated in a longitudinal study. Different evaluations were performed 8 and 32weeks after delivery. Several measures were used: the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), the Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies (DIGS), the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ-RS), the St. Paul Ramsey life events scale and the Duke-UNC Functional Social Support Questionnaire. The brief COPE scale was used to measure coping strategies. SEM analysis was conducted for all women and in those women with a clinical diagnosis of postpartum depression. RESULTS: Passive coping strategies were associated with postpartum depressive symptoms at both visits (8th and 32nd weeks). Neuroticism was associated with more passive coping strategies and less active coping strategies. Neuroticism and life stress were positively correlated, and social support was negatively correlated with life stress and neuroticism. CONCLUSIONS: Early identification of potential risk for symptomatology of depression postpartum should include assessment of neuroticism, life events, social support and coping strategies.Gobierno de España. Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)Spanish Psychiatric Genetics and Genotyping networkRTAGeneralitat de Cataluny