143 research outputs found

    El feminicidio en México. Un panorama actual del género en la ley penal

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    267 páginas. Maestría en Derecho.La importancia de esta investigación radica en el análisis teórico y metodológico de herramientas conceptuales para situar la problemática del feminicidio con respecto a los múltiples factores que lo componen. Al mismo tiempo, propone el análisis de dichas categorías como insumo conceptual en la realización de investigaciones históricas y/o empíricas enmarcadas a esta problemática. Paralelamente, busca actualizar el conocimiento acerca de la situación actual del feminicidio en México. Esta investigación utiliza los métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos para comprender el tipo de relaciones que han establecido mediante fuentes de información bibliográfica, histórica y periodística. En este sentido, el análisis de instrumentos jurídicos, documentos históricos, estadísticas y registros oficiales es lo que interesa subrayar

    Gestión Informatizada de las Fugas en una Red de Agua Potable Sectorizada con la Ayuda de un GIS y un SCADA

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    Esta tesina se plantea con la finalidad de aplicar herramientas de software para el control de las pérdidas de agua en un sistema de distribución. Dichas herramientas sirven como plataforma para ejercer un mayor control del destino final de los caudales inyectados en las redes de abastecimiento de agua, también como paso previo para aumentar la eficiencia hídrica de la red facilitando la gestión de las fugas. La misma se basa en la utilización de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) y Sistemas de Captura y análisis de Datos en Tiempo Real (SCADA), con un posterior procesamiento de la información a través del uso del software GISRed 2 Pro y SCARed, desarrollados por el grupo de investigación REDHISP de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia ¿ España. La aplicación practica se ha centrado en una zona de la red de abastecimiento de una ciudad en España, la cual ya presentaba sectorización, siendo evaluados de manera metodológica sus componentes a fin de identificarlos y caracterizarlos para la determinación de los agentes que influyen en este sistema, con miras a generar un sistema de control activo de fugas, eficaz y eficiente, con criterios de sostenibilidad del mismo.Sánchez Pineda, NE. (2009). Gestión Informatizada de las Fugas en una Red de Agua Potable Sectorizada con la Ayuda de un GIS y un SCADA. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/14498Archivo delegad

    Transcriptional Activity of the MADS Box ARLEQUIN/TOMATO AGAMOUS-LIKE1 Gene Is Required for Cuticle Development of Tomato Fruit

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    [EN] Fruit development and ripening entail key biological and agronomic events, which ensure the appropriate formation and dispersal of seeds and determine productivity and yield quality traits. The MADS box gene ARLEQUIN/TOMATO AGAMOUS-LIKE1 (hereafter referred to as TAGL1) was reported as a key regulator of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) reproductive development, mainly involved in flower development, early fruit development, and ripening. It is shown here that silencing of the TAGL1 gene (RNA interference lines) promotes significant changes affecting cuticle development, mainly a reduction of thickness and stiffness, as well as a significant decrease in the content of cuticle components (cutin, waxes, polysaccharides, and phenolic compounds). Accordingly, overexpression of TAGL1 significantly increased the amount of cuticle and most of its components while rendering a mechanically weak cuticle. Expression of the genes involved in cuticle biosynthesis agreed with the biochemical and biomechanical features of cuticles isolated from transgenic fruits; it also indicated that TAGL1 participates in the transcriptional control of cuticle development mediating the biosynthesis of cuticle components. Furthermore, cell morphology and the arrangement of epidermal cell layers, on whose activity cuticle formation depends, were altered when TAGL1 was either silenced or constitutively expressed, indicating that this transcription factor regulates cuticle development, probably through the biosynthetic activity of epidermal cells. Our results also support cuticle development as an integrated event in the fruit expansion and ripening processes that characterize fleshy-fruited species such as tomato.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (grant nos. BIO2009-11484, AGL2012-32613, AGL2012-40150-C03-01, and AGL2012-40150-C03-02) and by the European Commission through the Junta para la Ampliacion de Estudios-Doc program of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (to B.P.).Giménez Caminero, ME.; Domínguez, E.; Pineda Chaza, BJ.; Heredia, A.; Moreno Ferrero, V.; Lozano, R.; Angosto, T. (2015). Transcriptional Activity of the MADS Box ARLEQUIN/TOMATO AGAMOUS-LIKE1 Gene Is Required for Cuticle Development of Tomato Fruit. Plant Physiology. 168(3):1036-1048. doi:10.1104/pp.15.00469S10361048168

    TOMATO AGAMOUS1 and ARLEQUIN/TOMATO AGAMOUS-LIKE1 MADS-box genes have redundant and divergent functions required for tomato reproductive development

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    [EN] Within the tomato MADS-box gene family, TOMATO AGAMOUS1 (TAG1) and ARLEQUIN/TOMATO AGAMOUS LIKE1 (hereafter referred to as TAGL1) are, respectively, members of the euAG and PLE lineages of the AGAMOUS clade. They perform crucial functions specifying stamen and carpel development in the flower and controlling late fruit development. To gain insight into the roles of TAG1 and TAGL1 genes and to better understand their functional redundancy and diversification, we characterized single and double RNAi silencing lines of these genes and analyzed expression profiles of regulatory genes involved in reproductive development. Double RNAi lines did show cell abnormalities in stamens and carpels and produced extremely small fruit-like organs displaying some sepaloid features. Expression analyses indicated that TAG1 and TAGL1 act together to repress fourth whorl sepal development, most likely through the MACROCALYX gene. Results also proved that TAG1 and TAGL1 have diversified their functions in fruit development: while TAG1 controls placenta and seed formation, TAGL1 participates in cuticle development and lignin biosynthesis inhibition. It is noteworthy that both TAG1 and double RNAi plants lacked seed development due to abnormalities in pollen formation. This seedless phenotype was not associated with changes in the expression of B-class stamen identity genes Tomato MADS-box 6 and Tomato PISTILLATA observed in silencing lines, suggesting that other regulatory factors should participate in pollen formation. Taken together, results here reported support the idea that both redundant and divergent functions of TAG1 and TAGL1 genes are needed to control tomato reproductive development.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Grant Numbers AGL2012-40150-C03-01, AGL2012-40150-C03-02 and AGL2015-64991-C3-1-R); and the European Commission through the JAE-Doc Program of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (Grant Number AGL2012-40150-C03-01 to B.P.).Giménez Caminero, ME.; Castañeda, L.; Pineda Chaza, BJ.; Pan, IL.; Moreno Ferrero, V.; Angosto, T.; Lozano, R. (2016). TOMATO AGAMOUS1 and ARLEQUIN/TOMATO AGAMOUS-LIKE1 MADS-box genes have redundant and divergent functions required for tomato reproductive development. Plant Molecular Biology. 91(4-5):513-531. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11103-016-0485-4S513531914-

    Evaluación comparativa de los algoritmos de aprendizaje automático Support Vector Machine y Random Forest

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    En el presente estudio se examinó el rendimiento de los algoritmos Support Vector Machine (SVM) y Random Forest (RF) utilizando un modelo de segmentación de imágenes basado en objetos (OBIA) en la zona metropolitana de Barranquilla, Colombia. El propósito fue investigar de qué manera los cambios en el tamaño de los conjuntos de entrenamiento y el desequilibrio en las clases de cobertura terrestre influyen en la precisión de los modelos clasificadores. Los valores del coeficiente Kappa y la precisión general revelaron que svm superó consistentemente a RF. Además, la imposibilidad de calibrar ciertos parámetros de SVM en ArcGIS Pro planteó desafíos. La elección del número de árboles en RF mostró ser fundamental, con un número limitado de árboles (50) que afectó la adaptabilidad del modelo, especialmente en conjuntos de datos desequilibrados. Este estudio resalta la complejidad de elegir y configurar modelos de aprendizaje automático, que acentúan la importancia de considerar cuidadosamente las proporciones de clases y la homogeneidad en las distribuciones de datos para lograr predicciones precisas en la clasificación de uso del suelo y cobertura terrestre. Según los hallazgos, alcanzar precisiones de usuario superiores al 90 % en las clases de pastos limpios, bosques, red vial y agua continental, mediante el modelo svm en ArcGIS Pro, requiere asignar muestras de entrenamiento que cubran respectivamente el 2 %, 1 %, 3 % y 8 % del área clasificada

    Clinical implications of the intrinsic molecular subtypes of breast cancer

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    AbstractGene-expression profiling has had a considerable impact on our understanding of breast cancer biology. During the last 15 years, 5 intrinsic molecular subtypes of breast cancer (Luminal A, Luminal B, HER2-enriched, Basal-like and Claudin-low) have been identified and intensively studied. In this review, we will focus on the current and future clinical implications of the intrinsic molecular subtypes beyond the current pathological-based classification endorsed by the 2013 St. Gallen Consensus Recommendations. Within hormone receptor-positive and HER2-negative early breast cancer, the Luminal A and B subtypes predict 10-year outcome regardless of systemic treatment administered as well as residual risk of distant recurrence after 5 years of endocrine therapy. Within clinically HER2-positive disease, the 4 main intrinsic subtypes can be identified and dominate the biological and clinical phenotype. From a clinical perspective, patients with HER2+/HER2-enriched disease seem to benefit the most from neoadjuvant trastuzumab, or dual HER2 blockade with trastuzumab/lapatinib, in combination with chemotherapy, and patients with HER2+/Luminal A disease seem to have a relative better outcome compared to the other subtypes. Finally, within triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), the Basal-like disease predominates (70–80%) and, from a biological perspective, should be considered a cancer-type by itself. Importantly, the distinction between Basal-like versus non-Basal-like within TNBC might predict survival following (neo)adjvuvant multi-agent chemotherapy, bevacizumab benefit in the neoadjuvant setting (CALGB40603), and docetaxel vs. carboplatin benefit in first-line metastatic disease (TNT study). Overall, this data suggests that intrinsic molecular profiling provides clinically relevant information beyond current pathology-based classifications

    Prediction of psychosocial risks in teachers using data mining

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    Integrated management systems aim to improve these everyday situations that are inherent to work and cause for concern. In search for continuous improvement, it is necessary to innovate with techniques in areas that are not yet explored and that contribute to strategic decision-making processes, such as machine learning techniques or machine learning. In occupational safety and health management systems, it is important to carry out the proper follow-ups and process controls in any type of industry and organization whose relationship is direct. This paper presents the application of three methods related to data mining: Support Vector Machine algorithms, Naïve Bayes, and Genetic Algorithms to identify the degree of psychosocial risk in university teachers of the Mumbai University in India. The use of SVM easily recognizes physiological variables and the best prediction performance was achieved with 96.34% accuracy efficiency

    Tomato CRABS CLAW paralogues interact with chromatin remodelling factors to mediate carpel development and floral determinacy

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    CRABS CLAW (CRC) orthologues play a crucial role in floral meristem (FM) determinacy and gynoecium formation across angiosperms, the key developmental processes for ensuring successful plant reproduction and crop production. However, the mechanisms behind CRC mediated FM termination are far from fully understood. Here, we addressed the functional characterization of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) paralogous CRC genes. Using mapping-by-sequencing, RNA interference and CRISPR/Cas9 techniques, expression analyses, protein-protein interaction assays and Arabidopsis complementation experiments, we examined their potential roles in FM determinacy and carpel formation. We revealed that the incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity of the indeterminate carpel-inside-carpel phenotype observed in fruit iterative growth (fig) mutant plants are due to the lack of function of the S. lycopersicum CRC homologue SlCRCa. Furthermore, a detailed functional analysis of tomato CRC paralogues, SlCRCa and SlCRCb, allowed us to propose that they operate as positive regulators of FM determinacy by acting in a compensatory and partially redundant manner to safeguard the proper formation of flowers and fruits. Our results uncover for the first time the physical interaction of putative CRC orthologues with members of the chromatin remodelling complex that epigenetically represses WUSCHEL expression through histone deacetylation to ensure the proper termination of floral stem cell activity.Peer reviewe

    Planeamiento estratégico para la Provincia de Chota al 2027

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    El Plan Estratégico de la provincia de Chota tiene como objetivo principal establecer estrategias que permitan a la provincia de Chota posicionarse como una provincia competitiva, sustentada en el desarrollo de una producción agropecuaria para la exportación, el desarrollo de la actividad turística y enfocada en la reducción de la pobreza para una mejora de la calidad de vida de los pobladores. Este plan toma como base el Modelo Secuencial del Proceso Estratégico desarrollado por el Dr. Fernando D’Alessio Ipinza, partiendo de un análisis de la situación actual para llegar a una situación futura deseada, por medio del establecimiento de la visión, misión, valores, objetivos de corto y largo plazo, y estrategias asociadas al entorno y sus fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas. La provincia de Chota está conformada por 19 distritos, es predominantemente rural y tiene un alto grado de pobreza. Según el último censo nacional realizado en 2007, su población asciende a 160,447 habitantes, lo que la convierte en la tercera provincia con más habitantes en el departamento de Cajamarca. Asimismo, existe casi la misma proporción de varones y mujeres: 49% y 51% respectivamente, quienes viven mayoritariamente en el ámbito rural, y está ubicada entre los últimos lugares de competitividad del país, pese a ser una provincia con abundantes recursos que podrían permitirle mejorar su posición. Chota ha desarrollado actividades económicas en su mayoría de subsistencia; la falta de educación es un factor crítico, que deberá ser tomado como prioritario, así como el desarrollo de infraestructura para la correcta prestación de servicios básicos a la comunidad. Ante ello, la propuesta del plan considera que la provincia de Chota obtendrá un creciente y sostenible desarrollo económico una vez que logre el bienestar personal, económico y social de sus pobladoresThe Strategic Plan of the Province of Chota has as its main objective to establish strategies that allow Chota to position itself as a competitive province, based on the development of an export agroindustry, the development of rural tourism and focusing on improving the quality of life of its population. This Plan was based on the Sequential Model of the Strategic Process developed by Dr. Fernando D’Alessio Ipinza, based on an analysis of the current circumstances, to reach a desired future situation, through the establishment of vision, mission, values, short and long-term objectives, and strategies associated with the environment and its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The province of Chota comprises 19 districts, is predominantly rural and has a high level of poverty. According to the latest national census carried out in 2007, the population in the province of Chota amounts to 160,447 people, being the third most populated province in the department of Cajamarca. There is the same proportion of men and women, 49% and 51% respectively, who live mainly in rural areas; the province is located among the last places of competitiveness in the country, despite being a province with abundant resources that could allow it to improve its position. The province of Chota has developed some economic activities, most of which of subsistence; the lack of education is a critical element, which should be taken as a priority as well as the development of infrastructure for the correct provision of basic services to the community. In view of this, the proposal of the plan considers that the province of Chota will obtain a growing and sustainable economic development once it achieves the personal, economic and social well-being of the residentsTesi

    Nuevo cultivar con frutos y sépalos convertidos en frutos de alto interés para su consumo fresco y procesado industrial

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    Número de publicación: 2 341 527 21 Número de solicitud: 200900003 51 Int. Cl.: C12N 15/82 (2006.01) A01H 5/00 (2006.01Nuevo cultivar con frutos y sépalos convertidos en frutos de alto interés para su consumo fresco y procesado industrial. En la presente invención se describen secuencias de nucleótidos capaces de incrementar la expresión de un gen de desarrollo reproductivo lo que tiene como resultado la generación de cultivares con un fruto de alto interés para su consumo fresco y procesado industrial caracterizado por poseer características mejoradas respecto de los cultivares conocidos de variedades comerciales. Estos nuevos cultivares tienen el cáliz de la flor carnoso y convertido en fruto. El fruto verdadero y el cáliz tienen mayores niveles de azúcares y licopeno y un mayor contenido en grados Brix. Además, exhiben una mayor tasa de cuajado de fruto y tienen inhibida la zona de abscisión del fruto, lo que facilita la recolección mecánica.Universidad de Almerí
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