24 research outputs found

    Polimorfismos genéticos del CYP2C9 y hemorragias gastrointestinales asociadas al consumo de antiinflamatorios no esteroideos: un estudio multicéntrico de casos y controles

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    Esta Tesis pretende profundizar en el estudio de las variantes polimórficas CYP2C9*2 Y CYP2C9*3 Y en su influencia en la variabilidad interindividual de las reacciones adversas gastrointestinales de los antiinflamatorios no esteroideos (AINE)

    Efeito do status socioeconômico na mortalidade em áreas urbanas: análise crítica sistemática

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    Las desigualdades socioeconómicas son una causa de mortalidad y morbilidad superior a la mayoría de factores de riesgo, especialmente en el entorno urbano. Se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática de la evidencia científica, en la que se incluyó artículos en inglés, castellano, portugués e italiano y se excluyeron estudios de baja evidencia, y en los que no se analizaba la relación entre mortalidad y nivel socioeconómico en un entorno urbano. La selección de artículos se llevó a cabo por dos revisores independientes y la extracción de datos se realizó con tablas de evidencia. Se obtuvieron 1.509 registros y se incluyeron 24. En todos los trabajos se observó mayor mortalidad en las áreas con peores indicadores de privación. Se observó asociación con patologías cardiovasculares en seis estudios, en cuatro con patologías pulmonares y en tres con SIDA, infecciones y parasitosis y cirrosis. Los estudios incluidos presentan resultados poco consistentes y limitaciones metodológicas importantes que impiden la comparación entre estudios y la extracción de conclusiones relevantes.Socioeconomic inequalities cause more disease and death than most risk factors, especially in cities. This systematic review of the scientific evidence included articles in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian and excluded studies with low levels of evidence and those that did not analyze associations between mortality and socioeconomic status in urban settings. Articles were selected by two independent reviewers, and data extraction used evidence tables. A total of 1,509 records were obtained, and 24 were included. All the studies showed higher mortality rates in poorer areas. Six studies showed an association with cardiovascular diseases, four with lung diseases, and three with AIDS, infectious and parasitic diseases, and cirrhosis. The selected studies showed low consistency in the results and important methodological limitations that prevented comparisons between studies or the extraction of relevant conclusions.As desigualdades socioeconômicas são uma causa de mortalidade e morbidade superior à maioria dos fatores de risco, especialmente no ambiente urbano. Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da evidência científica, na qual foram incluídos artigos em inglês, espanhol, português e italiano, e da qual foram excluídos estudos de baixa evidência, onde não constava análise da relação entre mortalidade e nível socioeconômico no ambiente urbano. A seleção de artigos foi efetuada por dois revisores independentes e a extração de dados foi feita através de tabelas de evidência. Foram obtidos 1.509 registros e incluídos 24. Em todos os trabalhos, foi observada maior mortalidade nas áreas com os piores indicadores de privação. Observou-se uma associação com patologias cardiovasculares em seis estudos, com patologias pulmonares, em quatro deles, e com a AIDS, infecções, parasitoses e cirrose em três. Os estudos incluídos apresentam resultados pouco consistentes e importantes limitações metodológicas, impedindo a comparação entre estudos e a inferência de conclusões relevantes.S

    Genetic variants related to nicotine dependence

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    Large-scale population studies have proved that genetic factors contribute to individual differences in smoking behavior. Genes responsible for nicotine's pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics seem mainly involved, although a significant fraction of variance remains unexplained. In this study we examined 10 SNPs from 8 candidate genes with positive previous reports of association with smoking. A total of 454 Italian unrelated subjects were genotyped by a multiplex minisequencing assay through the SNaPShot kit. Cases were chosen as current and former nicotine dependent (FTND. >. 4 and SQ. >. 15), while controls were smoking-exposed but non-dependent and never smoker individuals (FTND = 0 and SQ < 10 and FTND = 0 and SQ = 0, respectively). Preliminary results shows that the SNPs CHRNA5-rs16969968 and CHRNA3-rs1051730 could be associated with risk of developing nicotine dependence. Factors as age, sex, and exposition to smoke were also found as possible factors of risk of nicotine addiction. The identification of susceptibility loci for individual response to substance abuse is particularly motivating for medicine for the global epidemic dimension of addictions and the urgent need of effective preventive and therapeutic strategies. 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd

    People would rather see a physician than a dentist when experiencing a long-standing oral ulceration. A population-based study in Spain

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    Primary care physicians have been reported to be the first choice for patients with oral ulcerations. This study investigates the health-seeking behaviour of lay public in Galicia (North-western Spain) if experiencing a long-standing oral ulceration. Cross-sectional population-based survey of randomly selected respondents conducted from March 1, 2015 to 30 June 2016. A total of 5,727 pedestrians entered the study (response rate: 53%), mostly in the 45-64 age group (30.2%; n=1,728), 47.7% of them (n=2,729) were males. Most participants (42.1%; n=2,411) reported to visit their dentist once a year and had secondary or compulsory education as their highest educational achievement (28.18%, n=1,614; 28%, n=1,600 respectively). When questioned what they would do if they had a wound/ulceration lasting longer than 3 weeks, most participants answered they would go to see their primary care physician (62.8%; n=3,597) and less than one quarter of the sample (23.8%; n=1,371) would seek consultation with their dentist. General Galician population would seek professional consultation about a long-standing oral ulceration, relying mostly on primary care physicians. Those neglecting these lesions are elderly, less-schooled people and unaware of oral cancer

    Oral cancer awareness in North-Western Spain:a population-based study

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    An early diagnosis depends greatly on patient awareness. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate general awareness of oral cancer and knowledge about its risk factors, signs and symptoms. Cross-sectional population-based survey of randomly selected respondents conducted from March 1, 2015 to 30 June 2016. A total of 5,727 people entered the survey (response rate: 53%). When asked what cancers participants had heard about, 20.3% mentioned oral cancer. Regarding risk factors, tobacco was mentioned by 55.3% of the sample (n=3,169), followed by alcohol (12.5%; n=708), poor oral hygiene (10.8%; n=618), diet (6.5%; n=377), and genetics (4.5%; n=248). General population has low awareness of oral cancer with poor knowledge of risk factors and main alarm signs. In addition, individuals in the risk group scored lower values in the main variables analysed; even those highly educated showed insufficient awareness and knowledge of oral cancer. In these circumstances, there is clear need for educational interventions tailored to the target audience and aimed at increasing knowledge and awareness of oral cancer to promote primary prevention of oral cancer and minimising the time interval of patients with symptomatic oral cancer in their path to treatment

    Daily self-care in the prevention of diabetic foot

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    Autocuidados diarios en la prevención del pie diabético en imágenesAutocoidados diarios na prevención do pé diabético en imaxe

    Effectiveness of an educational intervention in pressure ulcer prevention in a sugical intensive care unit: a quasi experimental study

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    Uno de los indicadores más relevantes para evaluar la seguridad del paciente es la incidencia de eventos adversos (EA). Las úlceras por presión (UPP) son un EA con una incidencia muy elevada en las unidades de cuidados intensivos. El objetivo de este estudio es valorar la efectividad de una intervención formativa en prevención de UPP a través de la valoración de la incidencia y la gravedad de las lesiones en una unidad de cuidados intensivos quirúrgicos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio cuasi experimental de controles antes-después. Los resultados muestran que la incidencia de UPP disminuye tras la intervención formativa.One of the most relevant indicators to assess patient safety is the incidence of adverse events (AE). Pressure Ulcers (PU) are an AE with a high incidence in intensive care units. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a formative intervention on prevention of PU through the assessment of the incidence and the severity of PU in the pre and the post intervention periods, in an intensive care surgical unit. We have carried out a quasi experimental study of pre and post controls. The results show that the incidence of PU is lower after the formative intervention

    Random Forest-Based Prediction of Stroke Outcome

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    [Abstract] We research into the clinical, biochemical and neuroimaging factors associated with the outcome of stroke patients to generate a predictive model using machine learning techniques for prediction of mortality and morbidity 3-months after admission. The dataset consisted of patients with ischemic stroke (IS) and non-traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) admitted to Stroke Unit of a European Tertiary Hospital prospectively registered. We identified the main variables for machine learning Random Forest (RF), generating a predictive model that can estimate patient mortality/morbidity according to the following groups: (1) IS + ICH, (2) IS, and (3) ICH. A total of 6022 patients were included: 4922 (mean age 71.9 ± 13.8 years) with IS and 1100 (mean age 73.3 ± 13.1 years) with ICH. NIHSS at 24, 48 h and axillary temperature at admission were the most important variables to consider for evolution of patients at 3-months. IS + ICH group was the most stable for mortality prediction [0.904 ± 0.025 of area under the receiver operating characteristics curve (AUC)]. IS group presented similar results, although variability between experiments was slightly higher (0.909 ± 0.032 of AUC). ICH group was the one in which RF had more problems to make adequate predictions (0.9837 vs. 0.7104 of AUC). There were no major differences between IS and IS + ICH groups according to morbidity prediction (0.738 and 0.755 of AUC) but, after checking normality with a Shapiro Wilk test with the null hypothesis that the data follow a normal distribution, it was rejected with W = 0.93546 (p-value < 2.2e−16). Conditions required for a parametric test do not hold, and we performed a paired Wilcoxon Test assuming the null hypothesis that all the groups have the same performance. The null hypothesis was rejected with a value < 2.2e−16, so there are statistical differences between IS and ICH groups. In conclusion, machine learning algorithms RF can be effectively used in stroke patients for long-term outcome prediction of mortality and morbidity.This study was partially supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (SAF2017-84267-R), Xunta de Galicia (Axencia Galega de Innovación (GAIN): IN607A2018/3), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (PI17/00540, PI17/01103), Spanish Research Network on Cerebrovascular Diseases RETICS-INVICTUS PLUS (RD16/0019) and by the European Union FEDER program. T. Sobrino (CPII17/00027), F. Campos (CPII19/00020) are recipients of research contracts from the Miguel Servet Program (Instituto de Salud Carlos III). General Directorate of Culture, Education and University Management of Xunta de Galicia (ED431G/01,252 ED431D 2017/16), “Galician Network for Colorectal Cancer Research" (Ref. ED431D 2017/23), Competitive Reference Groups (ED431C 2018/49), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness via funding of the unique installation BIOCAI (UNLC08-1E-002, UNLC13-13–3503), European Regional Development Funds (FEDER).Xunta de Galicia; IN607A2018/3Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/01,252Xunta de Galicia; ED431D 2017/1

    Pharmaceutical companies information and antibiotic prescription patterns: A follow-up study in Spanish primary care

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess the impact of sources of drug information on antibiotic prescribing patterns (quantity and quality) among primary care physicians. METHODS: We conducted a cohort study on primary care physicians who were actively engaged in medical practice in 2010 in a region in north-west Spain (Galicia), fulfilling inclusion criteria (n = 2100). As the independent variable, we took the perceived utility of 6 sources of information on antibiotics, as measured by the validated KAAR-11 questionnaire. As dependent variables, we used: (1) a quality indicator (appropriate quality, defined as any case where 6 of the 12 indicators proposed by the European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption Network [ESAC-Net] were better than the mean values for Spain); and, (2) a quantity indicator (high prescribing), defined as any case where defined daily doses (DDD) per 1 000 inhabitants per day of antibacterials for systemic use were higher than the mean values for Spain. The adjusted odds ratio for a change in the interquartile range (IqOR) for each sources of information on antibiotics was calculated using Generalized Linear Mixed Models. RESULTS: The questionnaire response rate was 68%. Greater perceived utility of pharmaceutical sales representatives increases the risk of having high prescribing (1/IqOR = 2.50 [95%CI: 1.63-3.66]) and reduces the probability of having appropriate quality (1/IqOR = 2.28 [95%CI: 1.77-3.01]). Greater perceived utility of clinical guidelines increases the probability of having appropriate quality (1/IqOR = 1.25 [95%CI: 1.02-1.54]) and reduces the probability of high prescribing (1/IqOR = 1.25 [95%CI: 1.02-1.54]). CONCLUSIONS: Sources of information on antibiotics are an important determinant of the quantity and quality of antibiotic prescribing in primary care. Commercial sources of information influence prescribing negatively, and clinical guidelines are associated with better indicators.Instituto de Salud Carlos IIIThe European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)Mutua Madrileñ

    Intra- and extra-hospital improvement in ischemic stroke patients: influence of reperfusion therapy and molecular mechanisms

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    Neuroprotective treatments in ischemic stroke are focused to reduce the pernicious effect of excitotoxicity, oxidative stress and inflammation. However, those cellular and molecular mechanisms may also have beneficial effects, especially during the late stages of the ischemic stroke. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between the clinical improvement of ischemic stroke patients and the time-dependent excitotoxicity and inflammation. We included 4295 ischemic stroke patients in a retrospective study. The main outcomes were intra and extra-hospital improvement. High glutamate and IL-6 levels at 24 hours were associated with a worse intra-hospital improvement (OR:0.993, 95%CI: 0.990-0.996 and OR:0.990, 95%CI: 0.985-0.995). High glutamate and IL-6 levels at 24 hours were associated with better extra-hospital improvement (OR:1.13 95%CI, 1.07-1.12 and OR:1.14, 95%CI, 1.09-1.18). Effective reperfusion after recanalization showed the best clinical outcome. However, the long term recovery is less marked in patients with an effective reperfusion. The variations of glutamate and IL6 levels in the first 24 hours clearly showed a relationship between the molecular components of the ischemic cascade and the clinical outcome of patients. Our findings suggest that the rapid reperfusion after recanalization treatment blocks the molecular response to ischemia that is associated with restorative processes