511 research outputs found

    Can an Ombuds Help Resolve Conflicts & Improve Labor-Management Relationships?

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    Relacion entre la formacion de glicocalix en cepas de Streptococcus mutans, y el indice copd de pacientes adultos.

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    44 p.La caries es una de las enfermedades mas prevalentes del ser humano. La destrucción que provoca a nivel oral puede medirse como prevalencia a través del índice COPD. Actualmente es posible cuantificar al Streptococcus mutans, factor etiológico causal, a través del cultivo microbiológico de muestras de saliva. El medio TYCSB es un medio altamente selectivo para Streptococcus mutans el cual no solo nos permite clasificar el riesgo del paciente, sino que además nos permite observar aquellos pacientes que presentan colonias formadoras de Glicocálix, estructura de alta virulencia que facilita la adhesión bacteriana a superficies no descamativas como las piezas dentarias. El propósito de nuestro estudio fue comparar el índice COPD de pacientes que presentan colonias de Streptococcus mutans formadoras de Glicocálix con el COPD de aquellos que presentan colonias de Streptococcus Mutans sin esta estructura. El estudio se realizó) sobre 96 pacientes entre 15-27 anos de edad, a los cuales se les realizó) un recuento microbiológico con el medio TYCSB y también se observe) si tenían por lo menos una colonia formadora de Glicocálix. Además a cada paciente se le determine su índice COPD a través del odontograma registrado en las fichas clínicas de las Clínicas Odontológicas de la U. de Talca. Los datos se analizaron a través del Test T de Student con un valor p de significancia 0.05. Los resultados demostraron que tanto para el bajo, moderado y alto riesgo microbiológico los COPD de aquellos sujetos que presentaban colonias formadoras de Glicocálix era significativamente mayor que el COPD de aquellos que no presentaban formación de Glicocálix en sus colonias, con un valor p de 0.000003, 0.0007 y 0.05 respectivamente. De los resultados se concluye que aquellos pacientes que presentan colonias con formación de Glicocálix, tienen una cepa mas virulenta, por lo que se debe considerar a esta estructura como factor de riesgo. Finalmente, los autores de este estudio recomiendan este medio de cultivo, TYCSB, como una optima herramienta para la evaluacion de riesgo microbiológico de los pacientes, lo que proporcionara al clínico una información valiosa para aplicar una adecuada terapia de prevencion

    Probing the neutron star interior and the Equation of State of cold dense matter with the SKA

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    With an average density higher than the nuclear density, neutron stars (NS) provide a unique test-ground for nuclear physics, quantum chromodynamics (QCD), and nuclear superfluidity. Determination of the fundamental interactions that govern matter under such extreme conditions is one of the major unsolved problems of modern physics, and -- since it is impossible to replicate these conditions on Earth -- a major scientific motivation for SKA. The most stringent observational constraints come from measurements of NS bulk properties: each model for the microscopic behaviour of matter predicts a specific density-pressure relation (its `Equation of state', EOS). This generates a unique mass-radius relation which predicts a characteristic radius for a large range of masses and a maximum mass above which NS collapse to black holes. It also uniquely predicts other bulk quantities, like maximum spin frequency and moment of inertia. The SKA, in Phase 1 and particularly in Phase 2 will, thanks to the exquisite timing precision enabled by its raw sensitivity, and surveys that dramatically increase the number of sources: 1) Provide many more precise NS mass measurements (high mass NS measurements are particularly important for ruling out EOS models); 2) Allow the measurement of the NS moment of inertia in highly relativistic binaries such as the Double Pulsar; 3) Greatly increase the number of fast-spinning NS, with the potential discovery of spin frequencies above those allowed by some EOS models; 4) Improve our knowledge of new classes of binary pulsars such as black widows and redbacks (which may be massive as a class) through sensitive broad-band radio observations; and 5) Improve our understanding of dense matter superfluidity and the state of matter in the interior through the study of rotational glitches, provided that an ad-hoc campaign is developed.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, to be published in: "Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array", Proceedings of Science, PoS(AASKA14)04

    Harnessing the gatekeepers of glucocorticoids for chemoprevention of non-melanoma skin cancer

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    Despite effective surgical methods for non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC), patients suffer from tissue damage, scarring, or even disfigurement; thus, there is a need for chemopreventive approaches. Because of the complex interplay between glucocorticoids (GCs), inflammation, and cancer, we sought to determine the role of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1 and 2 (11βHSD1 and 2) in regulating GCs during skin cancer development and progression. 11βHSDs modulate the activation of GCs in a tissue-specific manner and have been reported to play a role in development and progression of other types of cancer, but their role has not yet been reported in NMSC. Here, we found a significant upregulation of 11βHSD2 protein in skin cancer cells when compared to normal skin cells, suggesting a role for this enzyme in the multifactorial process of skin cancer development. In addition, inhibition of 11βHSD2 with siRNA resulted in significant reduction in colony formation in vitro. Finally, our in vivo study elucidated that inhibition of 11βHSD2 with pharmacological inhibitor, Glycyrrhetinic acid (GA) could significantly diminish tumorigenesis in a well-studied in vivo mouse model of NMSC. Overall, these studies highlight for the first time a potential novel role for 11βHSD2 in NMSC development and may allow for new GC treatment approaches capable of avoiding deactivation by the enzyme. If 11βHSD2 can be inhibited as we have done here, or circumvented using modified GCs, this may lead to more efficacious outcomes for NMSC patients by preventing deactivation of the GC and minimizing resistance