2,451 research outputs found

    Perspectivas de la Infotecnología para la Editorial Universitaria en Cuba

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    The word "Infotecnología" defines the key discipline for reaching the training and the development of the technical-social relationships and the communications infrastructure of the Cuban Higher Education. The use of Information Technology for producing and publishing the graduation theses is highly important for the best use of TICs in Higher Education in Cuba, so, since the 2008-2009 course the decision was make that all the Cuban students should produce their graduation theses in digital format. The results of the application of a procedure to produce the graduation theses by using Free software and their publication in digital format are discussed in this paper. The paper proposes the use of the Editorial University's Websites to become the main tools for training professors and students in the intensive use of the Information Technology and for producing and publishing the academic documents. The creation of the Register of the Cuban Academic Publications is proposed to make possible the use of bibliographical references managers

    Evaluación económica de los compromises de Colombia en el marco de COP21

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    The document presents the economic impacts from the fulfillment of Colombia’s commitment of the Paris Agreement on climate change. The traditional analysis is done with marginal curves of abatement costs. However, this technique has a set of limitations, which can be solved with a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. Using the CGE for Colombia (MEG4C), the results show that growth rate of GDP would increase by 0.15% annually, for the period 2020-2040. On the other hand, the structural unemployment rate is reduced by the implementation of mitigation measures in the medium and long term. Due to the economic structure and the emissions matrix, the implementation of measures should be associated with energy efficiency in the transport, industrial and residential sectors, which will generate positive impacts on economic growth. © 2017, Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Economia. All rights reserved

    Caracterización de dos variedades de frijol fermentados con Pleurotus ostreatus.

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    Con el objetivo de suplementar biofuncionalmente frijol y mejorar su utilización nutricia mediante la fermentación sólida con Pleurotus ostreatus. Se determinó, con la metodología de AOAC, la composición química y las propiedades tecnofuncionales de harinas de frijol negro y frijol bayo sin fermentar (FN, FB) y fermentados con P. ostreatus (FNP, FBP). La cantidad de proteína (FN 21.86g ± 1.12 S.D., FNP 20.93g ± 2.8, FB 21.73g ± 1.30 S.D., FBP 22.07g ± 2.59) y grasa (FN 1.92g ± 0.32 S.D., FNP 1.77g ± 0.66, FB 1.76g ± 0.013 S.D., FBP 1.5g ± 0.16) en las harinas de frijol fermentadas, no muestran diferencia significativa en comparación con las no fermentadas. La capacidad para absorber agua (FN 2.22g ± 0.02 S.D., FNP 2.25 ± 0.19, FB 1.93gr ± 0.01 S.D., FBP 2.16g ± 0.18) y capacidad de absorción de aceite, (FN 1.40g ± 0.42 S.D., FNP 1.62 ± 0.22, FB 1.04g ± 0.47 S.D., FBP 1.59g ± 0.43) no presentan diferencia significativa entre las mismas. Así mismo disminuyó la presencia de taninos en las harinas fermentadas disminuyó (FN 0.542 ± 0.044 S.D., FNP 0.036 ± 0.003, FB 0.053 ± 0.014 S.D., FBP 0.034 ± 0.002 S.D.)

    Perspectivas de la Infotecnología para la Editorial Universitaria en Cuba

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    The word "Infotecnología" defines the key discipline for reaching the training and the development of the technical-social relationships and the communications infrastructure of the Cuban Higher Education. The use of Information Technology for producing and publishing the graduation theses is highly important for the best use of TICs in Higher Education in Cuba, so, since the 2008-2009 course the decision was make that all the Cuban students should produce their graduation theses in digital format. The results of the application of a procedure to produce the graduation theses by using Free software and their publication in digital format are discussed in this paper. The paper proposes the use of the Editorial University's Websites to become the main tools for training professors and students in the intensive use of the Information Technology and for producing and publishing the academic documents. The creation of the Register of the Cuban Academic Publications is proposed to make possible the use of bibliographical references managers

    Simulador para un yacimiento de gas basado en una solución numérica explícita

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    En este trabajo se presenta las ecuaciones fundamentales para desarrollar un simulador de yacimiento de gas acoplado a un pozo productor. El simulador se construye utilizando la ecuación gobernante para el pozo en estado estacionario, la cual está acoplada a la ecuación de flujo del yacimiento escrita en forma explícita. La ecuación del pozo se resuelve numéricamente utilizando un esquema de diferencias finitas hacia adelante, mientras que se usa un esquema iterativo para la ecuación explícita del yacimiento con el fin de encontrar la presión en cada bloque numérico a cada paso de tiempo. El simulador depende del tamaño del paso de tiempo para obtener soluciones numéricas estables y consistentes, por lo que el número de bloques para discretizar el yacimiento es reducido. A pesar de esta restricción, el simulador es de utilidad para estimar reservas y el influjo al pozo, realizar la interpretación de pruebas de presión y análisis nodal, etc. El simulador se aplicó en un caso base, donde se determinó las presiones a lo largo del pozo, en fondo de pozo, y en el yacimiento

    Application of Silver Nanoparticles for Water Treatment

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    In recent past development of silver nanoparticles and their application in the treatment of wastewaters is becoming a major area of research. It is mainly applicable to the removal of three major pollutants like pesticides, heavy metals, and microorganisms. Variety of synthesis techniques have been reported for preparation and characterization of silver nanoparticles. In our research, we synthesized Ag nanoparticles supported on ZrO2 and ZrO2-CeO2 by a “deposit-precipitation method” as the first step and later sequentially synthesized Ag-Au supported on ZrO2 and ZrO2-CeO2 by Redox method. Catalysts were evaluated in catalytic wet air oxidation (CWAO) of methyl tert-butyl ether and phenol. The CWAO is a liquid phase process for the treatment of organic pollutants operating at temperatures in the range of 100–325°C at 5–200 bar pressures. The selectivity and efficient of catalysts were evaluated by total organic carbon (TOC) and high-performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC). Ideally, the total mineralization of pollutants into CO2 and H2O is preferred

    Evaluation of the antioxidant activity from bovine serum albumin protein fractions

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    Objective:  Evaluate the antioxidant activity of protein fractions obtained from (bovine serum albumin) BSA protein hydrolysates. Design / methodology / approach: Bioinformatics tools, such as the NCBI database, were used to search for primary sequences of BSA proteins. The methodology included a prediction of peptides with antioxidant activity through various bioinformatics servers. The antioxidant activity was determined by different methods. Statistical analysis was performed to evaluate possible significant differences using the Student Newman Keulls test for group comparison. Results: Through in silica hydrolysis the following peptides were found: valine-alanine-phenylalanine (VAF), lysine-tryptophan (KW), phenylalanine-tyrosine (FY), alanine-proline (AP), among others that may have antioxidant activity. The results showed that the fraction <1 kDa hydrolyzed with chymotrypsin, this fraction showed 84% copper chelation, 61% iron chelation, while 75% inhibition of the DPPH radical. In the case of the fraction <1 kDa hydrolyzed with pepsin, it only showed 16% iron chelation, while in the other methods no value was detected. Study limitations / implications: The enzyme used for enzymatic hydrolysis generates low degrees of hydrolysis and generates oligopeptide dipeptides that may not be as like some of the tested methods, in addition to the protein concentration in the fraction <1 kDa with pepsin it had very low values that could not be detected by some antioxidant methods. Findings / conclusions: The antioxidant activity of the <1 kDa fraction obtained with chymotrypsin showed greater antioxidant and chelating activity, compared to the <1 kDa fraction obtained with pepsin. However, at the concentration of 2% and 5% fluctuations are observed in both fractions, because probably the composition of amino acids that is present in both fractions determines the activity in each of the tested method