14 research outputs found

    Assessment of the fishing unit of effort in a coastal artisanal fishery in Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico

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    From February 1992 to April 1993 a daily sampling was carried out in the port of Manzanillo, Colima (Mexico), in order to obtain information on boats, fishing gear and fishing effort. The coastal fishing system presents a high diversification; therefore, a strategy was elaborated to determine which is the best measure of effort that could be used in the coastal fishery management. A time-series analysis was carried out to establish the appropriate temporary level and the monthly grouping was the most appropriate. Models of simple and multiple regression were adjusted, as well as analyses of residuals for three measures of fishing effort: fishing time, number of fishermen and number of trips. Of these three measures, the number of trips and the hours of fishing are the ones that best represent the fishing effort. The use of variables in a model of multiple linear regression is a better indicator; however, the increase of the explained variance is not significant and this model increases the complexity of the design and handling of the information. Although the information analyzed was obtained during an El Niño, it is considered that this phenomenon did not affect the results, because the use of total catch disguises specific effects. The use of the fishing trip is recommended as the best measure of the effort, in terms of its statistical validity and the simplicity for obtaining it. This approach is a basic requirement for the structuring of a system to study a fishery

    Fishprint of coastal fisheries in Jalisco, Mexico

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    Coastal fisheries contribute to global food security, since fish are an important source of protein for many coastal communities in the world. However, they are constrained by problems, such as weak management of fisheries and overfishing. Local communities perceive that they are fishing less, as in other fisheries in the world. The aim of this study was to evaluate the fisheries sustainability in the Jalisco coast through the fishing footprint, or fishprint (FP), based on the primary productivity required (PPR) and the appropriated surface by the activity (biocapacity). The total catch was 20,448.2 metric tons from 2002-2012, and the average footprint was calculated to be 65,458 gha/year, a figure that quadrupled in a period of 10 years; the biocapacity decreased, and the average trophic level of catches was 3.1, which implies that it has remained at average levels, resulting in a positive balance between biocapacity and ecological footprint. Therefore, under this approach, the fishing activity is sustainable along the coast of Jalisco. © 2014 by the authors

    Finite-dimensional quantum systems: Complementarity, phase space, and all that

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    Coastal fisheries contribute to global food security, since fish are an important source of protein for many coastal communities in the world. However, they are constrained by problems, such as weak management of fisheries and overfishing. Local communities perceive that they are fishing less, as in other fisheries in the world. The aim of this study was to evaluate the fisheries sustainability in the Jalisco coast through the fishing footprint, or fishprint (FP), based on the primary productivity required (PPR) and the appropriated surface by the activity (biocapacity). The total catch was 20,448.2 metric tons from 2002-2012, and the average footprint was calculated to be 65,458 gha/year, a figure that quadrupled in a period of 10 years; the biocapacity decreased, and the average trophic level of catches was 3.1, which implies that it has remained at average levels, resulting in a positive balance between biocapacity and ecological footprint. Therefore, under this approach, the fishing activity is sustainable along the coast of Jalisco. " 2014 by the authors.",,,,,,"10.3390/su6129218",,,"http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/41543","http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84920972893&partnerID=40&md5=984452b45f2546fcef6e37c59a715458",,,,,,"12",,"Sustainability (Switzerland)",,"921