351 research outputs found
El siguiente art\uedculo presenta las principales razones que llevaron a la Orga\uadnizaci\uf3n de las Naciones Unidas a desarrollar el acuerdo suscrito en el a\uf1o 2015 para combatir el calentamiento global a partir de la implementaci\uf3n de la Agenda 2030 de Desarrollo Sostenible. Entre los pa\uedses firmantes se encuentra Costa Rica, quien para cumplir con el plan propuesto desarroll\uf3 un \uedndice de progreso social el cual mide el progreso social, humano y ambiental de todas las comunidades en miras de ser un pa\ueds con desarrollo sostenible para el a\uf1o 2030. Conociendo los objetivos que conforman la Agenda 2030 de Desarrollo Soste\uadnible, se identifica el grado de implementaci\uf3n que est\ue1 realizando Costa Rica. Utilizando una metodolog\ueda cualitativa se hace una revisi\uf3n bibliogr\ue1fica de la tem\ue1tica relacionada para recopilar qu\ue9 avances tiene el pa\ueds. Los principales resultados demuestran que el Gobierno de Costa Rica, en tem\ue1tica ambiental, ha creado leyes nuevas para minimizar el da\uf1o ambiental. Preocupa las altas brechas en diferentes lugares del pa\ueds, en donde ciudades de la zona central tienen altos \uedndices de progreso social mientras que algunas ciudades cerca de la frontera de Nicaragua, Panam\ue1 y de las costas del Pac\uedfico y Atl\ue1ntico tienen resultados muy bajos. Conocer esas brechas permitir\ue1 mejorar los planes de acci\uf3n a seguir para Costa Rica y deja el camino abierto a nuevas investigacio\uadnes sobre c\uf3mo hacer m\ue1s equitativos los recursos disponibles para todos sus habitantes, uno de los principales objetivos del desarrollo sostenible.
Palabras claves: desarrollo, econom\ueda, objetivos, social, sostenible.
The following article presents the main reasons that led the United Nations to develop the agreement signed in the year 2015 to counteract the global warming since the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Costa Rica is among the signing countries which in order to achieve with the proposed plan, developed an index of social progress that measures the social, human and environment progress in all the communities, in order to be a country with a sustainable development by the year 2030. Knowing the objectives that constitute the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is identified the level of implementation that Costa Rica is doing. Applying a qualitative methodology and making a literature review of the thematic related, to compile the advances the country has. The main results show that Costa Rica's Government, in the environment subject, has created new laws to minimize the environmental damage. It worries the high gaps in different parts of the country, where cities of the central zone have high indexes of social progress, while some cities near the border to Nicaragua, Panama and the Pacific and Atlantic coasts have very low results. Knowing those gaps will permit to improve the action plans to follow by Costa Rica, and opens the way to new investigations about how to make more equitable the resources available for all its inhabitants, one of the main objectives of the sustainable development.
Keywords: Development, economy, goals, social, sustainable.
O seguinte artigo apresenta as principais raz\uf5es que levaram \ue0 Organiza\ue7\ue3o das Na\ue7\uf5es Unidas a desenvolver o acordo subscrito no ano 2015 para combater o aquecimento global a partir da implementa\ue7\ue3o da agenda 2030 de Desenvolvimento Sustent\ue1vel. Entre os pa\uedses assinantes encontra-se Costa Rica, quem para cumprir com o plano proposto desenvolveu um \uedndice de progresso social o qual mede o progresso social, humano e ambiental de todas as comunidades em olhas de ser um pa\ueds com desenvolvimento sustent\ue1vel para o ano 2030. Conhecendo os objectivos que conformam a Agenda 2030 de Desenvolvimento Sustent\ue1vel, se identifica o grau de implementa\ue7\ue3o que est\ue1 a realizar Costa Rica. Utilizando uma metodologia qualitativa faz-se uma revis\ue3o bibliogr\ue1fica da tem\ue1tica relacionada para recopilar que avan\ue7os tem o pa\ueds. Os principais resultados demonstram que o Governo de Costa Rica, em tem\ue1tica ambiental, tem criado leis novas para minimizar o dano ambiental. Preocupa as altas brechas em diferentes lugares do pa\ueds, em onde cidades da zona central t\ueam altos \uedndices de progresso social enquanto algumas cidades perto da fronteira de Nicar\ue1gua, Panam\ue1 e da costa do Pac\uedfico e Atl\ue1ntico t\ueam resultados muito baixos. Conhecer essas brechas permitir\ue1 melhorar os planos de ac\ue7\ue3o a seguir para Costa Rica e deixa o caminho aberto a novas investiga\ue7\uf5es sobre como fazer mais equitativos os recursos dispon\uedveis para todos seus habitantes, um do principais objectivo do desenvolvimento sustent\ue1vel.
Palavras - chave: desenvolvimento, economia, objectivos, social, sustent\ue1vel. <br
SABATÉ, Flocel (ed.), The Crown of Aragon. A Singular Mediterranean Empire, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2017, 563 págs.
The Crown of Aragon. A Singular Mediterranean Empire recovers the history of an empire which was of great importance in the late medieval Mediterranean, but which has since been relegated almost to oblivion by the course of history. The Crown of Aragon was a Mediterranean crossroads: between west and east for the economy, and between north and south for culture and religion, drawing in many different peoples, covering Iberia to Greece. A new vision of the Crown of Aragon as a framework of overlapping identities facilitates its historiographical recovery, showcased in the chapters of this volume which analyse the economy, institutions, social evolution, political strategy and cultural expression in literature and art of the Crown of Aragon
Silk Road Museums: Design of Inclusive Heritage and Cross-Cultural Education
This work is the result of a study on the characteristics that define some of the museums created on the Silk Road. The approach to these museums has focused especially on the observation of the educational and heritage aspects that define these institutions. Since 1988, numerous actions related to the Silk Road have been promoted by UNESCO. This old trade route has now become a route of dialogue between cultures. Each museum studied is characterized by promoting local and national issues that define it. Educational issues stand out, since the tradition of silk production is very important in each place. Another aspect observed is that heritage issues manage to strengthen the characteristic features of each community. I have interviewed those responsible and personally observed their facilities and collections. Each museum has chosen to highlight local differential factors, enhancing the aesthetic arguments of cultural identity. Finally, I examine the specific case of the Valencia Silk Museum, the most recent creation museum but also the oldest institution. In the conclusions, I highlight the importance of education in most of these institutions
El arte de la seda en el Mediterráneo medieval
Detallado estudio sobre las técnicas y ritmos de trabajo en la manufactura de seda en los talleres mediterráneos, con especial atención a Valencia en el siglo XV. Exposición bibliográfica sobre el estado de las investigaciones. Análisis sistemático de documentación valenciana sobre crÃa de gusano de seda, procesos de hilar, torcer y teñir la seda, tipos de tejidos y costes de producción.A detail study of techniques and rhythms of silk manufacture in Mediterranean workshops, with particular attention to fifteenth-century Valencia. Bibliographic exposition of the state of research. Sytematic analysis of Valencian documentation regarding the cultuvation of silkworms, processes of spinning, twisting, and dying silk, types of cloth and production costs
Chapter The colour of Valencian silk fabrics in the European market (1475-1513)
Our research compares guild ordinances, judicial proceedings, technical manuals of dyeing and especially fiscal sources in the Valencian archives to check the fashion trends on the colour of silks fabrics during the 15th-16th centuries in relation to what was happening in the European market at that time. The silk declarations in Valencia city from 1475 to 1513 makes it possible to establish a database of 3,871 fiscal registers with more than 90,000 meters of Valencian textiles (100,220 varas or alnes). The 73.47 percent of them was in black. This colour was also fashionable in the silk industry of Genoa, from where there was an important technological transfer to Valencia through the immigration of technical masters, workers and specialized businessmen
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