249 research outputs found

    Pedagogía del poder imperial en el espacio rural bético a través de los miliarios

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    Desde los estudios de Pierre Salama se vienen considerado los miliarios como inscripciones que emanan y expresan el poder imperial. No obstante, el estudio de estos epígrafes viarios ha supuesto, por lo general, un interés epigráfico y por otro, un uso como prueba para completar lagunas en los trazados viarios. El objetivo de esta investigación es unir su información geográfica aproximada con su carácter como elemento de poder para poder dibujar en el mapa bético los marcados espacios de poder y las implicaciones administrativas que tuvieron este tipo de inscripciones con el fin de proponer una función principal propagandística que supera incluso la informativa, como tradicionalmente se ha venido indicando.Since the studies of Pierre Salama, milestones have been considered as inscriptions which exude and express the imperial power. Notwithstanding, the studies on the Epigraphy of this road have been generally seen firstly from an epigraphical view and secondly, as a proof to fill in the gap for road system. The aim of this research is linking the geographical information with their characteristic as element of power. This allows me to draw the spaces of power in the province of Baetica and to delve into administrative implications of these inscriptions. It also allows me to propose propaganda as their main function, more than their traditional consideration as an informative element

    Roman Provincial Boundaries: A Multidisciplinary approach to the specific case of Baetica

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    Roman limits have been an important topic in the bibliography, but mostly in the frontiers of the Roman Empire. The Limes Congresses are a good proof, but not for the provincial boundaries. These, however, have not received desired attention. Currently, this topic is getting more important,but it is still not a completely developed field of study. Sometimes the overlay of boundaries, their fuzzy appearance and other complications make this job difficult. A multidisciplinary approach combining traditional perspectives,such as reviewing the Classics, with the study of archaeological remains, such as milestones, onomastic epigraphy, numismatic, “tituli picti” (amphoric epigraphy),pottery, ect., can sketch it out more clearly. Moreover, it will define provincial territories more accurately. Boundaries are not about a simple line, but there are more socio-economic factors influenced by Roman provincial policies, as well as identity, or other factors. In this paper are shown different methods, concepts of limit in Antiquity, problems of different regions, and a preliminary approach to Roman Provincial Boundaries in southern Spain (Provincia Baeticae)

    The OpenESEA Modeling Language and Tool for Ethical, Social, and Environmental Accounting

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    Assessing business operations’ ethical, social, and environmental impacts is a key practice for establishing sustainable development. There is a multitude of methods that describes how to perform such assessments. Often these methods are supported by an ICT tool. In most cases, the tools are developed to support a single method only and do not allow any tailoring. Therefore, they are rigid and inflexible. In this article, we present a novel model-driven approach for alleviating managerial issues that arise as a consequence of the complex landscape of ethical, social, and environmental accounting methods and tools. We have developed an open-source, model-driven tool, called openESEA. OpenESEA parses and interprets textual models, that are specified according to a domain-specific language (DSL). We have performed another iteration of the DSL engineering process, which is in line with the design science paradigm. We have validated the new DSL version by means of a user study. As a result, we present a new version of the openESEA modeling language and interpreter. The results of the user study with regards to performance, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use of modeling language are encouraging and provide us with a basis to continue developing new versions with more functionalities. The contributions of this work include a new version of the modeling language, a new version of the interpreter, knowledge surrounding the development of these artifacts, and a protocol for evaluating the quality of textual DSLs. The modeling language and interpreter are relevant for sustainability practitioners and consultants since our tool support has the potential to reduce redundancy in ethical, social, and environmental accounting. Our work is valuable to researchers that aim to assess and reduce the complexity of their modeling languages

    The openESEA Modelling Language for Ethical, Social and Environmental Accounting: Technical Report

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    Over the years ethical, social and environmental accounting (ESEA) has become a common practice among responsible organisations. ESEA entails assessing and reporting organisations" performance on environmental, social and governance topics. In this report, we present a textual grammar for specifying ESEA methods. With the grammar ESEA models can be created. Such models can be interpreted by our open-source, model-driven tool, called openESEA. The report presents the metamodel of the grammar, the grammar itself, and explanations of each grammar primitive