77 research outputs found

    Aislamiento e identificación de bacterias en el ambiente y superficies de las salas de operaciones del Hospital Nacional de Santa Rosa de Lima, departamento de La Unión en el período de junio a julio de 2015

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    La presencia de bacterias en el ambiente hospitalario causa infecciones que constituyen un problema de salud que afecta la calidad y la eficiencia de los servicios médicos y son de gran transcendencia económica y social. El objetivo de la investigación es identificar bacterias en el ambiente y superficies de las salas de operaciones del Hospital Nacional de Santa Rosa de Lima en el período de junio a julio del presente año. La Metodología utilizada en el estudio es prospectiva, de corte transversal, descriptiva, y de laboratorio. El estudio se realizó en las salas de operaciones 1 y 2, de las cuales se muestrearon ambiente y superficies Resultados Obtenidos: En la sala de operaciones 1 se aisló Pseudomonas aeruginosa en un 16.0%, Proteus mirabilis 12.0%, Escherichia coli 4.0%, Staphylococcus epidermidis 16.0% y Staphylococcus aureus 8.0%. En la sala de operaciones 2 se aisló Pseudomonas aeruginosa en un 16.7%, Proteus mirabilis 4.2%, Staphylococcus epidermidis 8.3%, Staphylococcus aureus 8.3%. Conclusiónes: Estadísticamente se acepta la hipótesis de trabajo que se enuncia: Se aíslan e identifican bacterias en el ambiente de las salas de operaciones del Hospital Nacional de Santa Rosa de Lima, Departamento de La Unión y se aíslan e identifican bacterias en las superficies de las salas de operaciones del Hospital Nacional de Santa Rosa de Lima, Departamento de la Unió

    Relación del comportamiento organizacional y la productividad laboral del personal de la Botica Raiza, Santa Anita 2022

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    La tesis tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre el comportamiento organizacional y la productividad laboral del personal de la Botica Raiza, Santa Anita, 2022. Para lo cual, se empleó una metodología de tipo aplicada, el enfoque fue cuantitativo, diseño no experimental de corte transversal, de nivel correlacional. El estudio contempló una población de 30 colaboradores y para la muestra también se contemplaron 30 colaboradores. La tesis tuvo un muestreo censal. Asimismo, se empleó como técnica de recolección de datos la encuesta y como instrumento 2 cuestionarios con escala Likert. En los resultados se observó que el 66.7% de los sondeados expresa que el comportamiento organizacional se halla en un grado regular y un 63.3% indicó que la productividad laboral también se halla en un grado regular. El índice de correlación entre las dos variables es de 0.590, comprobándose una correlación favorable moderada. Por otra parte, observamos que Sig. = 0.000 < 0.05, descartamos la Ho y aprobamos la Ha. Concluyendo que existe relación entre el comportamiento organizacional y la productividad laboral del personal de la Botica


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    Cyto-genotoxicity and oxidative stress in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) exposed to a mixture of ibuprofen and diclofenac

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    Thirty million people worldwide consume each day nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), a heterogeneous group of pharmaceuticals used for its analgesic, antipyretic, and anti- inflammatory properties. Recent studies report high NSAID concentrations in wastewater treat- ment plant effluents, in surface, ground, and drinking water, and in sediments. NSAIDs are also known to induce toxicity on aquatic organisms. However, toxicity in natural ecosystems is not usu- ally the result of exposure to a single substance but to a mixture of toxic agents, yet only a few studies have evaluated the toxicity of mixtures. The aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicity induced by diclofenac (DCF), ibuprofen (IBP), and their mixture on a species of commercial inter- est, the common carp Cyprinus carpio. The median lethal concentration of IBP and DCF was determined, and oxidative stress was evaluated using the following biomarkers: lipid peroxidation and activity of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxi- dase. Cyto-genotoxicity was evaluated by micronucleus test, comet assay, and the specific activity of caspase-3. Results show that DCF, IBP, and a mixture of these pharmaceuticals induced free radical production, oxidative stress and cyto-genotoxicity in tissues of C. carpio. However, a greater effect was elicited by the mixture than by either pharmaceutical alone in some biomarkers evaluated, particularly in gill.Secretaria de Investigacion y Estudios Avanzados de la UAEM (Project 3722/ 2014CID)

    Use of Plectranthus amboinicus in Feeding Fattening Pigs

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    [EN] This research was developed at the Hacienda "Los Hermanos" belonging to the company Super Mac, located in Balao canton, Guayas province, coastal region of Ecuador, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of ground dehydrated P. amboinicus in the feed of fattening pigs on their productive parameters and antibacsterial response. Four treatments were distributed, each one with 20 animals, regardless of sex for a total of 80 pigs, starting at 49 days of age and ending the experiment at 105 days, considering each pig as an experimental unit. A Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was used, with the following treatments: Treatment 1, control (T1), to which a commercial diet was administered, T2, T3, T4 to which 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75% of the dehydrated P. amboinicus was added to the commercial diet, respectively. For data analysis, the statistical program Statgraphics Centurion XV.I ® was used, applying a one factor Analysis (ANOVA) and to establish the differences between the means obtained, the procedure of the multiple comparison of Bonferroni was used with a 95% level of confidence, the variables evaluated were: Live weight gain and accumulated feed consumption in kg, feed conversion, mortality in percentage, total microbial flora and total coliforms in CFU. The results showed that, for the variables of productive parameters, there is no statistically significant difference, although there is a difference for the variables of total coliforms and total microbial flora when compared with T1, especially at the end of the experiment. As a conclusion there is an effect at the level of the antibacterial response, showing a positive correlation, the higher the percentage of dehydrated P. amboinicus included the greater efficacy in the control of CFUs. No mortality was found during this experiment.Sanchez-Quinche, A.; Vega Tinoco, MM.; Pimbosa Ortiz, ED.; Cordovilla Loaiza, JD.; Jordán Romero, MM.; Pérez Baena, I. (2021). Use of Plectranthus amboinicus in Feeding Fattening Pigs. American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences. 16(4):303-311. https://doi.org/10.3844/ajavsp.2021.303.311S30331116

    Los eslóganes de la revolución libanesa de octubre de 2019

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    L'objectiu d'aquest treball és explicar els eslògans utilitzats durant la revolució libanesa d'octubre de 2019. Per fer-ho, s'explica la situació del Líban en diferents àmbits, els motius de la revolució i s'exposen els eslògans, icones i cançons. Finalment, gràcies a les enquestes es fa un estudi sobre els eslògans en dialecte libanès i l'eslògan principal de la Primavera Àrab, així com s'adjunta material fotogràfic i un vídeo.El objetivo de este trabajo es explicar los eslóganes utilizados durante la revolución libanesa de octubre de 2019. Para llevarlo a cabo, se explica la situación del Líbano sobre diferentes ámbitos, los motivos de la revolución y se exponen los eslóganes, iconos y canciones. Por último, a través de las encuestas se hace un estudio sobre los eslóganes en dialecto libanés y el eslogan principal de la Primavera Árabe, así como se adjunta material fotográfico y un vídeo.The main purpose of this research is explaining the slogans used during the Lebanese revolution of October 2019. To achieve this target, the situation in Lebanon about different areas is explained, as well as the reasons for the revolution and the slogans, icons and songs are showed. Finally, through surveys, a study is made of both the slogans in Lebanese dialect and the main slogan of the Arab Spring. Also, photographic material and a video are attached

    Guardar/romper el silencio sobre la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo : narrativas de mujeres mexicanas

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    Esta investigación narrativo feminista aborda la tensión entre guardar o romper el silencio en 14 mujeres mexicanas habitantes de la Ciudad de México y de otros estados, que interrumpieron sus embarazos en el primer trimestre. Las razones para guardar silencio estaban relacionadas con la sanción social sobre el aborto o por la actividad sexual previa al matrimonio, por posibles afectaciones en sus proyectos de vida y para proteger sus decisiones; las motivaciones para hablar de esta experiencia estuvieron vinculadas con la necesidad de obtener servicios seguros y de contar con apoyo emocional, en algunos casos tuvieron un fin político y de sororidad, encaminado a disminuir el estigma y apoyar a otras mujeres. Se observó en algunos casos la ruptura del círculo vicioso entre el silencio, el estigma y la creencia de que se trata de una experiencia poco frecuente, lo que contribuye a aminorar la penalización social del aborto.This feminist narrative research addresses the tension between keeping or breaking silence in 14 women, from Mexico City and other Mexican entities, who interrupted their pregnancies in the first trimester. The reasons for remaining silent related to the social sanction on abortion or on sexual activity prior to marriage; to possible effects on their life projects and to the aim of protecting their decisions; the motivations to talk about this experience, were linked to the need to obtain safe services and to have emotional support. In some cases, breaking the silence had a political and sorority purpose, aimed at reducing stigma and supporting other women. In some cases, the breaking of the vicious circle between silence, stigma and the belief that it is a rare experience was observed, which helps to reduce the social penalization of abortion


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    Las instituciones públicas de educación superior, tienen el compromiso de formar profesionistas, comprometidos, con un alto sentido humano y de competencia, capaces de crear, desarrollar e innovar; con visión hacia el desarrollo sustentable, tecnológico, social y económico que demanda el entorno globalizado

    Imaging the Kirkendall effect in pyrite (FeS2) thin films: cross-sectional microstructure and chemical features

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    This investigation provides novel data on the structure and chemical composition of pyrite thin films and new hints concerning their formation mechanism. From TEM-HAADF data, it has been found that the films are composed of two different layers: one is very compact and the other one is quite porous with many voids separating a few groups of grains. This porous layer is always in direct contact with the substrate, and its thickness is quite similar to that of the original Fe film. The average size of pyrite grains is equal in both layers, what suggests that the same process is responsible for their formation. Concentration profiles of sulfur, iron and some impurities (mainly sodium and oxygen from the glass substrate) through both layers are given in this work, and thus chemical inhomogeneities of the films are proved by the obtained stoichiometric ratios (S/Fe). Moreover, Na from sodalime glass substrates mainly accumulates at the pyrite grain boundaries and barely dopes them. The obtained results support the hypothesis that the iron sulfuration process essentially induces the diffusion of iron atoms, what leads to the porous layer formation as a manifestation of the Kirkendall Effect. Therefore, it seems that the same mechanisms that operate in the synthesis of surface hollow structures at the nanoscale are also active in the formation of pyrite thin films ranging from several tens to hundreds of nanometersMembers of MIRE Group acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish MICINN under project RTI2018-099794-B-I00. E. Flores acknowledges the intramural CSIC project 2D-MeSes funding and the service from the MiNa Laboratory at IMN, and funding from CM (project SpaceTec, S2013/ICE2822), MINECO (project CSIC13-4E1794) and EU (FEDER,FSE). Financial support through the project UMA18-FEDERJA-041 is gratefully acknowledge