180 research outputs found

    Maktab-e NegārgarÄ«-e Herāt. Tehrān, Farhangestān-e Honar, 1387/2008, 465 p. [L’école de peinture de HĂ©rat]

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    Ce livre de 465 pages porte sur la peinture persane sous les Timurides (1378-1507). Un sujet depuis longtemps traitĂ©, mais uniquement comme une partie des ouvrages gĂ©nĂ©raux consacrĂ©s Ă  la peinture persane, et souvent par des chercheurs europĂ©ens. Cette fois, un ouvrage entier est exclusivement dĂ©diĂ© Ă  cette pĂ©riode de l’histoire de la peinture persane. ExceptĂ© l’utilisation du mot Maktab (Ă©cole) qui apparaĂźt dans le titre et qui est aujourd’hui remis en question par plusieurs spĂ©cialistes, l’..

    Automated choroidal segmentation of 1060 nm OCT in healthy and pathologic eyes using a statistical model

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    A two stage statistical model based on texture and shape for fully automatic choroidal segmentation of normal and pathologic eyes obtained by a 1060 nm optical coherence tomography (OCT) system is developed. A novel dynamic programming approach is implemented to determine location of the retinal pigment epithelium/ Bruch’s membrane /choriocapillaris (RBC) boundary. The choroid–sclera interface (CSI) is segmented using a statistical model. The algorithm is robust even in presence of speckle noise, low signal (thick choroid), retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) detachments and atrophy, drusen, shadowing and other artifacts. Evaluation against a set of 871 manually segmented cross-sectional scans from 12 eyes achieves an average error rate of 13%, computed per tomogram as a ratio of incorrectly classified pixels and the total layer surface. For the first time a fully automatic choroidal segmentation algorithm is successfully applied to a wide range of clinical volumetric OCT data

    Yuka Kadoi (dir.). The Blue Road. Mastercrafts from Persia

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    Le musĂ©e Liang Yi Ă  Hong Kong a accueilli en 2018 l’exposition « The Blue Road. Mastercrafts from Persia », organisĂ©e par Yuka Kadoi qui a Ă©galement dirigĂ© la publication du catalogue bilingue (anglais, chinois). Cent quatre-vingt-deux objets d’art dĂ©coratif orientaux – principalement issus du monde iranien – furent rassemblĂ©s autour de la question de la couleur bleue. Le catalogue des Ɠuvres est prĂ©cĂ©dĂ© de trois articles qui abordent le thĂšme du bleu dans le monde iranien et centre asiatique..

    Evaluating the relationship between sexual function and marital satisfaction in married Kurdish women in year 2016

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    BACKGROUND: Sexual satisfaction and ultimately marital satisfaction have a significant role in couples' adaptation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between sexual function and marital satisfaction of married Kurdish women referred to health centers in Sanandaj, Iran, in 2016.METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 500 married women referred to health centers in Sanandaj City in 2016. Sexual function information was collected using the standard Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaire. In order to investigate the marital satisfaction, the ENRICH Marital Satisfaction Inventory (MSI) was also used. Data were analyzed using SPSS software. Pearson correlation test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used.RESULTS: In terms of adultery scales, the sexual satisfaction for majority of women was moderate. The average score of sexual satisfaction was 20.37 ± 8.40 from 36. Between sexual satisfaction with age (r = 0.223) and spouse's age (r = 0.26), correlation was inversely significant (P = 0.0001). Sexual function was significantly correlated with the level of adultery scales including sexual satisfaction, communication, conflict resolution, and ideal distortion (P < 0.0500).CONCLUSION: Given that sexual performance in this study was moderate and there was a relationship between sexual satisfaction and marital satisfaction, sexual education and counseling to women and men during marriage by health and social systems is recommended

    Mode-Multiplexed Transmission over Conventional Graded-Index Multimode Fibers

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    We present experimental results for combined mode-multiplexed and wavelength multiplexed transmission over conventional graded-index multimode fibers. We use mode-selective photonic lanterns as mode couplers to precisely excite a subset of the modes of the multimode fiber and additionally to compensate for the differential group delay between the excited modes. Spatial mode filters are added to suppress undesired higher order modes. We transmit 30-Gbaud QPSK signals over 60 WDM channels, 3 spatial modes, and 2 polarizations, reaching a distance of 310 km based on a 44.3 km long span. We also report about transmission experiments over 6 spatial modes for a 17-km single-span experiment. The results indicate that multimode fibers support scalable mode-division multiplexing approaches, where modes can be added over time if desired. Also the results indicate that mode-multiplexed transmission distance over 300 km are possible in conventional multimode fibers

    Prevalence of Cannabis Lifetime Use in Iranian High School and College Students: A Systematic Review, Meta-Analyses,and Meta-Regression

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    Cannabis is the most widely used substance in the world. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of cannabis lifetime use (CLU) in high school and college students of Iran and also to determine factors related to changes in prevalence. A systematic review of literature on cannabis use in Iran was conducted according to MOOSE guideline. Domestic scientific databases, PubMed/Medline, ISI Web of Knowledge, and Google Scholar, relevant reference lists, and relevant journals were searched up to April, 2014. Prevalences were calculated using the variance stabilizing double arcsine transformation and confidence intervals (CIs) estimated using the Wilson method. Heterogeneity was assessed by Cochran's Q statistic and I-2 index and causes of heterogeneity were evaluated using meta-regression model. In electronic database search, 4,000 citations were retrieved, producing a total of 33 studies. CLU was reported with a random effects pooled prevalence of 4.0 (95 CI = 3.0 to 5.0). In subgroups of high school and college students, prevalences were 5.0 (95 CI = 3.0 to -7.0) and 2.0 (95 CI = 2.0 to -3.0), respectively. Meta-regression model indicated that prevalence is higher in college students (beta = 0.089, p < .001), male gender (beta = 0.017, p < .001), and is lower in studies with sampling versus census studies (beta = -0.096, p < .001). This study reported that prevalence of CLU in Iranian students are lower than industrialized countries. In addition, gender, level of education, and methods of sampling are highly associated with changes in the prevalence of CLU across provinces

    Choroidal Haller's and Sattler's Layer Thickness Measurement Using 3-Dimensional 1060-nm Optical Coherence Tomography

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    Objectives: To examine the feasibility of automatically segmented choroidal vessels in three-dimensional (3D) 1060-nmOCT by testing repeatability in healthy and AMD eyes and by mapping Haller's and Sattler's layer thickness in healthy eyes Methods: Fifty-five eyes (from 45 healthy subjects and 10 with non-neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) subjects) were imaged by 3D-1060-nmOCT over a 36°x36° field of view. Haller's and Sattler's layer were automatically segmented, mapped and averaged across the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study grid. For ten AMD eyes and ten healthy eyes, imaging was repeated within the same session and on another day. Outcomes were the repeatability agreement of Haller's and Sattler's layer thicknesses in healthy and AMD eyes, the validation with ICGA and the statistical analysis of the effect of age and axial eye length (AL) on both healthy choroidalsublayers. Results: The coefficients of repeatability for Sattler's and Haller's layers were 35% and 21% in healthy eyes and 44% and 31% in AMD eyes, respectively. The mean±SD healthy central submacular field thickness for Sattler's and Haller's was 87±56 ”m and 141±50 ”m, respectively, with a significant relationship for AL (P<.001). Conclusions: Automated Sattler's and Haller's thickness segmentation generates rapid 3D measurements with a repeatability correspondingto reported manual segmentation. Sublayers in healthy eyes thinnedsignificantly with increasing AL. In the presence of the thinned Sattler's layer in AMD, careful measurement interpretation is needed. Automatic choroidal vascular layer mapping may help to explain if pathological choroidal thinning affects medium and large choroidal vasculature in addition to choriocapillaris loss.Macular Vision Research FoundationMedical University of ViennaEuropean Union (project FUN OCT (FP7 HEALTH, contract no. 201880))European Union (FAMOS (FP7 ICT 317744))European Union (FWF-NFN ‘Photoacoustic imaging in biology and Medicine’, Oesterreichische Nationalbank Jubilaumsfonds projekt (14294))National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH R01-EY011289-27)Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG-GSC80-SAOT)Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG-GSC80-SAOT, DFG-HO-1791/11-1)Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.FEMTOLASERS (Firm)Christian Doppler Societ
