16 research outputs found

    Control integrado de babosa y Mustía Hilachosa en el sistema relevo maíz y frijol

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    El estudio se realizó en los ciclos de cultivo de postrera 1991 y 1992 en tres localidades comprendidas en el valle de Jamastrán, ubicado a 450 msnm con temperaturas y precipitación promedios de 24 C y 1,200 mm anuales respectivamente, los objetivos del proyecto se conciben como una estrategia para transferir tecnología sobre el control de Babosa en primera, que permita realizar a su vez un adecuado control de Mustia hilachosa, aprovechando la cobertura de suelo provocada por los residuos de cosecha y por el deshoje y despunte que resulta de la preparación de suelo, los tratamientos evaluados fueron 0, 1, y 2 aplicaciones de Benomil en dosis de 0.5 kg/ha a 20 y 30 días después de siembra, los resultados sobre muestreos y control de Babosa en primera fueron en un 90% positivos, confirmándose que el control de babosa en primera es imprescindible para regiones problemas, la evaluación de severidad permitió estimar diferencias significativas a favor de los tratamientos con una y dos aplicaciones, las diferencias promedios fueron de 300 kg/ha a favor de los tratamientos con dos aplicaciones de Benomil, en cambio al comparar los tratamientos con una aplicación y cero aplicación los primeros resultaron ser superiores en un 80% con diferencias significativas, esto permite puntualizar que una o dos aplicaciones dependiendo de la presión de la enfermedad en la zona, resultan ser económicamente rentables en lotes con antecedentes de daños severos de mustia hilachosa.Programa Cooperativo Regional de Frijol para Centroamérica, México y el Caribe (PROFRIJOL)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Estación Experimental Agrícola Fabio Baudrit Moreno (EEAFBM


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    Since the mid-1980s, bean research in Honduras has focused on the development of improved varieties resistant to key diseases, principally Bean Golden Yellow Mosaic Virus (BGYMV), one of the main constraints to bean production in the country. This paper presents evidence of recent adoption rates of improved bean varieties, the farm-level economic impact of adoption, and the ex post rate of return to bean research in Honduras from 1982-2010. Results from a 2001 farm-level survey in the two principal bean-producing regions in Honduras show that 46 to 51% of bean farmers (depending upon the season) have adopted an improved variety, and that adoption is scale-neutral with respect to farm-size and market orientation. Due to the potential problem of sample selection bias in the adoption of disease-resistant varieties, the farm-level impact of the new varieties was estimated using experimental data to approximate the yield differential between resistant and non-resistant varieties under disease pressure, and survey data was used to approximate the frequency of disease incidence in farmers' fields. An expected utility framework assuming risk neutrality demonstrates that adopters gain an average of 20% in bean income from increased yield stability under disease pressure, although these gains are reduced by 7 to 16% due to market price discounts for the resistant varieties. Under base-level assumptions, the economic rate of return bean research in Honduras during the period 1982-2010 is 40 %.Crop Production/Industries, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Importancia del frijol en Honduras

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    Programa Cooperativo Regional de Frijol para Centroamérica, México y el Caribe (PROFRIJOL)Cooperación Suiza para el Desarrollo (COSUDE)Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Estación Experimental Agrícola Fabio Baudrit Moreno (EEAFBM

    Association of seventeen definitions of remission with functional status in a large clinical practice cohort of patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Objective: To compare the association between different remission criteria and physical function in rheumatoid arthritis patients followed in clinical practice. Methods: Longitudinal data from the METEOR database were used. Seventeen definitions of remission were tested: ACR/EULAR Boolean-based; Simplified/Clinical Disease Activity Index (SDAI/CDAI); and fourteen Disease Activity Score (DAS)-based definitions. Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ)≤0.5 was defined as good functional status. Associations were investigated using generalised estimating equations (GEE). Potential confounders were tested and sensitivity analyses performed. Results: Data from 32,915 patients (157,899 visits) were available. The most stringent definition of remission was the ACR/EULAR Boolean-based definition (1.9%). The proportion of patients with HAQ≤0.5 was higher for the most stringent definitions, although it never reached 100%. However, this also meant that, for the most stringent criteria, many patients in non-remission had HAQ≤0.5. All remission definitions were associated with better function, with the strongest degree of association observed for the SDAI (adjusted OR (95% CI): 3.36 (3.01-3.74)). However, only minor differences were noted between definitions (range of adjusted OR 1.99 to 3.36). Sensitivity analyses yield similar results. Conclusions: The seventeen definitions of remission confirmed their validity against physical function in a large international clinical practice setting. Achievement of remission, according to any of the indices may be more important than the use of a specific index. A multidimensional approach, targeted at wider goals than disease control, is necessary to help all patients achieve the best possible functional status

    Dirección de ciencia y tecnología agropecuaria: Honduras

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    Programa Cooperativo Regional de Frijol para Centroamérica, México y el Caribe (PROFRIJOL)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Estación Experimental Agrícola Fabio Baudrit Moreno (EEAFBM

    Historia y situación actual de la producción de frijol en los países latinoamericanos afectados por geminivirus transmitidos por mosca blanca: Honduras

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    América Central, Honduras.Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Estación Experimental Agrícola Fabio Baudrit Moreno (EEAFBM

    Tumor lysis syndrome in premature infant prompting early resection of a large sacrococcygeal teratoma: a case report

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    Abstract Background Sacrococcygeal teratomas (SCTs) are the most common congenital neoplasm and often require resection soon after birth. There are rare reports of cardiac arrest during surgery due to manipulation of the tumor triggering secondary necrosis and hyperkalemia. Case presentation This case describes a very preterm infant with a SCT who develops spontaneous preoperative tumor lysis syndrome (TLS). The medical team utilized rasburicase and the patient underwent total gross resection at 40 h of life. Conclusions We emphasize the importance of the early recognition and management of tumor lysis syndrome in SCT with rasburicase, aggressive management of hyperkalemia and consideration of early resection of SCTs even in the case of a very premature infant


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    Since the mid-1980s, bean research in Honduras has focused on the development of improved varieties resistant to key diseases, principally Bean Golden Yellow Mosaic Virus (BGYMV), one of the main constraints to bean production in the country. This paper presents evidence of recent adoption rates of improved bean varieties, the farm-level economic impact of adoption, and the ex post rate of return to bean research in Honduras from 1982-2010. Results from a 2001 farm-level survey in the two principal bean-producing regions in Honduras show that 46 to 51% of bean farmers (depending upon the season) have adopted an improved variety, and that adoption is scale-neutral with respect to farm-size and market orientation. Due to the potential problem of sample selection bias in the adoption of disease-resistant varieties, the farm-level impact of the new varieties was estimated using experimental data to approximate the yield differential between resistant and non-resistant varieties under disease pressure, and survey data was used to approximate the frequency of disease incidence in farmers' fields. An expected utility framework assuming risk neutrality demonstrates that adopters gain an average of 20% in bean income from increased yield stability under disease pressure, although these gains are reduced by 7 to 16% due to market price discounts for the resistant varieties. Under base-level assumptions, the economic rate of return bean research in Honduras during the period 1982-2010 is 40 %

    “Comportamiento de los Sorgos Híbridos para Grano Dentro de los Ensayos Uniformes del PCCMCA 2010” = “Performance of the Hybrid Sorghums for Grain in the Uniform Trials of PCCMCA 2010”

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    Los ensayos uniformes de sorgo del PCCMCA, son el medio regionalizado para evaluar y seleccionar los mejores sorgos híbridos comerciales y pre-comerciales de las empresas productoras de semillas y programas nacionales de la región. Esta actividad ha sido la base para que los agricultores reciban las mejores semillas que les aseguren buena rentabilidad y estabilidad del cultivo. En el 2010 este ensayo fue formado por un total de 8 híbridos, de los cuales el DKS-46, MSH-551 y MSI-560 son de la empresa MONSANTO; 85P-20 y 85P-36 de PINEER y ESHG-3 del INTA Nicaragua; como testigo común se utilizó el AMBAR y un testigo local que se incluía en cada localidad. El diseño utilizado fue de bloques completos al azar, con 4 repeticiones, la parcela experimental fue de 4 surcos de 5 m. de largo y 0.70 m. entre surco (14 m2); la parcela útil de 2 surcos de 4 m. de largo (5.6 m2). Los datos a tomar fueron, días al 50% de floración, altura de planta (cm), rendimiento de grano (kg ha-1), largo de panoja (cm), aspecto de planta (escala 1-5), tolerancia a plagas y enfermedades (escala 1-5), donde 1=bueno y 5= malo. El ensayo fue sembrado en 10 localidades de Centroamérica y al momento de escriturar este informe solo se habían recibido datos de 8 localidades, con los cuales se realizó un análisis de varianza por localidad, un combinado para cada país y un análisis tipo AMMI-Biplot. También se hizo un análisis químico para detectar el contenido de taninos del grano de cada híbrido. Los híbridos estables en rendimiento de grano a través de las ocho localidades fueron MS1- 560 y MSH-551. Ninguno de los híbridos mostró taninos perceptibles en el grano. English: The uniform trials of sorghum of the PCCMCA, are the way regional to evaluate and to select the best hybrid commercial and pre-commercial sorghums of the producing seeds companies and national programs of the region. This activity has been the base so that the farmers receive the best seeds that assure to them good profitability and stability of the farming. In 2010 this essay was formed by a whole of 8 hybrids, of which the DKS-46, MSH-551 and MSI-560 they are of MONSANTO company; 85P-20 and 85P-36 of PINEER and ESHG-3 of the INTA Nicaragua; as common check used the AMBAR and a local check who was included in every locality. The used design was of randomizing block, with 4 repetitions, the experimental plot was 4 rows of 5 m. of length and 0.70 m. between row (14 m2); the useful plot of 2 ruts of 4 m. of length (5.6 m2). The information to take was, days to 50 % of flowering, plant height (cm), grain yield (kg ha 1), length of panicle (cm), plant aspect (scale 1-5), tolerance to pest and diseases (scale 1-5), where 1=good and 5 = poor. The trials was sowed in 10 localities of Central America and to the moment to register this alone report there had been received information of 8 localities, with which an analysis of variance was realized by locality, a combined for country, a regional combined and an AMMI biplot of 8 localities. Also a chemical analysis was done to identify the stable hybrids in yield of grain across eight localities were MS1-560 and MSH-551. None of the hybrids showed perceptible tannins in the grain