8 research outputs found

    XVI International Congress of Control Electronics and Telecommunications: "Techno-scientific considerations for a post-pandemic world intensive in knowledge, innovation and sustainable local development"

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    Este título, sugestivo por los impactos durante la situación de la Covid 19 en el mundo, y que en Colombia lastimosamente han sido muy críticos, permiten asumir la obligada superación de tensiones sociales, políticas, y económicas; pero sobre todo científicas y tecnológicas. Inicialmente, esto supone la existencia de una capacidad de la sociedad colombiana por recuperar su estado inicial después de que haya cesado la perturbación a la que fue sometida por la catastrófica pandemia, y superar ese anterior estado de cosas ya que se encontraban -y aún se encuentran- muchos problemas locales mal resueltos, medianamente resueltos, y muchos sin resolver: es decir, habrá que rediseñar y fortalecer una probada resiliencia social existente - producto del prolongado conflicto social colombiano superado parcialmente por un proceso de paz exitoso - desde la tecnociencia local; como lo indicaba Markus Brunnermeier - economista alemán y catedrático de economía de la Universidad de Princeton- en su libro The Resilient Society…La cuestión no es preveerlo todo sino poder reaccionar…aprender a recuperarse rápido.This title, suggestive of the impacts during the Covid 19 situation in the world, and which have unfortunately been very critical in Colombia, allows us to assume the obligatory overcoming of social, political, and economic tensions; but above all scientific and technological. Initially, this supposes the existence of a capacity of Colombian society to recover its initial state after the disturbance to which it was subjected by the catastrophic pandemic has ceased, and to overcome that previous state of affairs since it was found -and still is find - many local problems poorly resolved, moderately resolved, and many unresolved: that is, an existing social resilience test will have to be redesigned and strengthened - product of the prolonged Colombian social conflict partially overcome by a successful peace process - from local technoscience; As Markus Brunnermeier - German economist and professor of economics at Princeton University - indicates in his book The Resilient Society...The question is not to foresee everything but to be able to react...learn to recover quickly.Bogot

    Hand Transplantation: Current concepts and management algorithm

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    Introduction: Hand transplantation was first reported in 1964, and is currently one of the challenges that the 21st century poses to Medicine. Several related studies and advances have been achieved, thus allowing to explore new alternatives for patient management. Many reference centers have performed their own analyzes based on their experience, which has led to increase the viability of this type of transplant. Objective: This review seeks to provide an overview of hand transplantation and to propose a management algorithm. Materials and methods: Several criteria must be met to select candidates, including clinical, paraclinical and psychosocial assessment performed by a multidisciplinary team. Immunosuppression seeks to avoid rejection, while immunosuppressants must have appropriate serum levels to reduce adverse effects. Classical and atypical acute rejection cases have been reported, where the skin is the main target tissue. Chronic rejection cases are related to the blood vessels that become affected. Monitoring is performed using several tests, considering skin biopsy as the gold standard. Results: Drug therapy complications derive from drug toxicity, which are manifested as metabolic disorders, development of opportunistic infections and neoplasms. Rehabilitation and social aspects, such as patient satisfaction, should be evaluated during recovery to ensure adherence to immunosuppressive therapy. In 2011, the international registry of hand and composite tissue transplantation reported 39 cases of upper limb transplantation with multiple results. All this proves that to achieve optimal and viable results, a multidisciplinary team must conduct proper follow-up, and that the patient should have a support and motivation network, and comply with pharmacological management. Conclusion: Further research is expected to create strategies to develop tolerance and, thus, reduce management by immunosuppression

    Trasplante de mano: conceptos actuales y algoritmo de manejo

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    Introduction: Hand transplantation was first reported in 1964, and is currently one of the challenges that the 21st century poses to Medicine. Several related studies and advances have been achieved, thus allowing to explore new alternatives for patient management. Many reference centers have performed their own analyzes based on their experience, which has led to increase the viability of this type of transplant.Objective: This review seeks to provide an overview of hand transplantation and to propose a management algorithm.Materials and methods: Several criteria must be met to select candidates, including clinical, paraclinical and psychosocial assessment performed by a multidisciplinary team. Immunosuppression seeks to avoid rejection, while immunosuppressants must have appropriate serum levels to reduce adverse effects. Classical and atypical acute rejection cases have been reported, where the skin is the main target tissue. Chronic rejection cases are related to the blood vessels that become affected. Monitoring is performed using several tests, considering skin biopsy as the gold standard.Results: Drug therapy complications derive from drug toxicity, which are manifested as metabolic disorders, development of opportunistic infections and neoplasms. Rehabilitation and social aspects, such as patient satisfaction, should be evaluated during recovery to ensure adherence to immunosuppressive therapy. In 2011, the international registry of hand and composite tissue transplantation reported 39 cases of upper limb transplantation with multiple results. All this proves that to achieve optimal and viable results, a multidisciplinary team must conduct proper follow-up, and that the patient should have a support and motivation network, and comply with pharmacological management.Conclusion: Further research is expected to create strategies to develop tolerance and, thus, reduce management by immunosuppression.Introducción. El trasplante de mano ha sido uno de los retos del siglo XXI, cuyo primer caso reportado ocurrió en 1964. En este campo se han hecho estudios y avances que permitieron explorar nuevas alternativas para el manejo del paciente con trasplante de mano, por lo que diversos centros de referencia han realizado análisis basados en sus experiencias, las cuales permitieron lograr la viabilidad de este tipo de trasplante.Objetivo. Esta revisión busca dar una visión general sobre el trasplante de mano y proponer un algoritmo de manejo.Materiales y métodos. La selección de candidatos requiere una serie de criterios, tales como evaluación clínica, paraclínica y psicosocial, desarrollados por un equipo multidisciplinario. La inmunosupresión busca evitar el rechazo y los inmunosupresores deben tener los niveles séricos apropiados para reducir sus efectos adversos. Se han reportado casos de rechazo agudo clásico y atípico, donde la piel es el principal tejido blanco, y rechazo crónico, en el cual se afectan los vasos sanguíneos. El seguimiento se realiza con varias pruebas, de modo que la de oro es la biopsia de piel.Resultados. Las complicaciones del tratamiento farmacológico derivan de la toxicidad de los medicamentos y se manifiestan como alteraciones metabólicas, infecciones oportunistas y neoplasias. La rehabilitación y los aspectos sociales, como el grado de satisfacción del paciente, deben ser evaluados durante la recuperación para asegurar adherencia al tratamiento. En 2011 el registro internacional de alotransplante compuesto de mano reportó 39 casos de trasplante de extremidades superiores con resultados variables; todo esto evidencia que para lograr un resultado óptimo y viable del trasplante debe realizarse seguimiento por un equipo multidisciplinario, red de apoyo del paciente y motivación del mismo, junto con el cumplimiento del manejo farmacológico.Conclusión. Se espera que nuevas investigaciones puedan crear estrategias para desarrollar tolerancia y, de esta forma, reducir el manejo mediante inmunosupresión

    Hand Transplantation: Current concepts and management algorithm

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    Introduction: Hand transplantation was first reported in 1964, and is currently one of the challenges that the 21st century poses to Medicine. Several related studies and advances have been achieved, thus allowing to explore new alternatives for patient management. Many reference centers have performed their own analyzes based on their experience, which has led to increase the viability of this type of transplant. Objective: This review seeks to provide an overview of hand transplantation and to propose a management algorithm. Materials and methods: Several criteria must be met to select candidates, including clinical, paraclinical and psychosocial assessment performed by a multidisciplinary team. Immunosuppression seeks to avoid rejection, while immunosuppressants must have appropriate serum levels to reduce adverse effects. Classical and atypical acute rejection cases have been reported, where the skin is the main target tissue. Chronic rejection cases are related to the blood vessels that become affected. Monitoring is performed using several tests, considering skin biopsy as the gold standard. Results: Drug therapy complications derive from drug toxicity, which are manifested as metabolic disorders, development of opportunistic infections and neoplasms. Rehabilitation and social aspects, such as patient satisfaction, should be evaluated during recovery to ensure adherence to immunosuppressive therapy. In 2011, the international registry of hand and composite tissue transplantation reported 39 cases of upper limb transplantation with multiple results. All this proves that to achieve optimal and viable results, a multidisciplinary team must conduct proper follow-up, and that the patient should have a support and motivation network, and comply with pharmacological management. Conclusion: Further research is expected to create strategies to develop tolerance and, thus, reduce management by immunosuppression

    Association between education about organ transplantation aimed at medical students and the acquisition of the organ donor card. A cross-sectional study

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    Background. The transplantation group of the National University of Colombia considers that education about transplants is important to raise the donation rate in this country. Objective. To find a statistical association between education about transplantation aimed at medical students and the number of students and their families bearing the organ donor card. Materials and methods. Cross-sectional analytical study. Two surveys were designed and sent to two different student populations. The first group had taken the course "Human Organ and Tissue Transplantation", and the second group was composed of students from the fifth semester of medical education. The statistical test used was difference of proportions, sample size of 50 people, statistical power of 80%, difference in proportions 20%, alpha 0.05, p <0.05. Results. The surveys were answered by 29 students from first group and 74 students from second group. First question: "Do you carry the organ donor card?", p-value of 0.03 found. Second question: "Do your family members carry the organ donor card?", p-value of 0.732 found. Affirmative answer to the first question, p=0.10 and answer to second question, p=0.0005. Conclusion. An association was found between education about transplantation focused on medical students and bearing the organ donor card and communicating their wishes to their families. Likewise, an association between education and a positive attitude toward donation was found in the families of students that participated on the course "Human Organ and Tissue Transplantation"

    Asociación entre la educación en trasplantes de órganos dirigida a estudiantes de medicina y la adquisición del carné de donantes de órganos. Estudio de corte transversal.

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    Background. The transplantation group of the National University of Colombia considers that education about transplants is important to raise the donation rate in this country.Objective. To find a statistical association between education about transplantation aimed at medical students and the number of students and their families bearing the organ donor card.Materials and methods. Cross-sectional analytical study. Two surveys were designed and sent to two different student populations. The first group had taken the course “Human Organ and Tissue Transplantation”, and the second group was composed of students from the fifth semester of medical education. The statistical test used was difference of proportions, sample size of 50 people, statistical power of 80%, difference in proportions 20%, alpha 0.05, p &lt;0.05.Results. The surveys were answered by 29 students from first group and 74 students from second group. First question: “Do you carry the organ donor card?”, p-value of 0.03 found. Second question: “Do your family members carry the organ donor card?”, p-value of 0.732 found. Affirmative answer to the first question, p=0.10 and answer to second question, p=0.0005.Conclusion. An association was found between education about transplantation focused on medical students and bearing the organ donor card and communicating their wishes to their families. Likewise, an association between education and a positive attitude toward donation was found in the families of students that participated on the course “Human Organ and Tissue Transplantation”.Antecedentes. El grupo de trasplantes de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia considera que la educación en esta área es importante para mejorar la tasa de donación en el país.Objetivo. Encontrar una asociación entre la educación en trasplante dirigida a estudiantes de pregrado y el número de estudiantes y sus familias que portan el carné de donante de órganos.Materiales y métodos. Estudio de corte transversal analítico. Se realizaron dos encuestas dirigidas a dos grupos estudiantiles. El primer grupo cursó la asignatura “Trasplante de órganos y tejidos humanos” y el segundo grupo se encuentra cursando quinto semestre. La prueba estadística usada fue diferencia de proporciones, tamaño de muestra 50 personas, poder del 80%, diferencia de proporciones 20%, alfa 0,05, valor de p &lt;0,05.Resultados. Encuestas evaluadas: 29 del primer grupo y 74 del segundo grupo. En la pregunta: “¿Porta el carné de donante de órganos?”, se encontró un valor de p de 0,03. En la pregunta: “¿Portan sus familiares el carné de donante de órganos?”, se halló un valor de p de 0,732. Respuesta afirmativa a primera pregunta p=0,10 y respuesta afirmativa a segunda pregunta p=0,0005.Conclusión. Existe una asociación entre educar en trasplantes a estudiantes de medicina en pregrado, el porte del carné de donante de órganos y la comunicación de su deseo de ser donante a su familia. Así mismo, se encontró una asociación entre la educación y una actitud positiva hacia la donación en las familias de los estudiantes que cursaron la asignatura de “Trasplante de órganos y tejidos humanos”

    Chocó bio-innovador y sustentable

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    La formulación del Plan Estratégico Regional en Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación del departamento del Chocó (PERCTI) tiene como propósito central señalar el camino para fortalecer el desarrollo propio e intercambio de mejores prácticas en sectores claves; reconocer la formación de expertos en áreas temáticas priorizadas; fortalecer la capacitación del talento humano mediante el aprovechamiento de capacidades instaladas en el territorio; coadyuvar a la transferencia de tecnologías necesarias para impulsar el desarrollo endógeno sustentable y, por supuesto, incentivar la incorporación de conocimiento científico y tecnológico en la cotidianidad de las personas para mejorar su calidad de vida

    XV International Congress of Control Electronics and Telecommunications: "The role of technology in times of pandemic and post-pandemic: innovation and development for strategic social and productive sectors"

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    La anterior selección, motivados por la aseveración de Manuel Castells -hace casi 20 años ya- que la innovación y la difusión de la tecnología parecía ser la herramienta apropiada para el desarrollo en la era de la información. Este 2020, sin embargo, ante la situación disruptiva que aquejó y aqueja a la sociedad red como una estructura social emergente de la Era de la Información basada en redes de producción, energizadas por el poder y la experiencia; falló y debe reencontrar su rumbo. Es así que los problemas acuciantes, ahora, fueron: la atención sanitaria y la superación de la epidemia de Sars Cov 2; tomó forma la, hasta entonces, visión irrealista de Castells que … no podemos avanzar con nuestros modelos de desarrollo actual, destruyendo nuestro entorno y excluyendo a la mayor parte de la humanidad de los beneficios de la revolución tecnológica más extraordinaria de la historia, sin sufrir una devastadora reacción por parte de la sociedad y la naturaleza. Fue así que el Cuarto Mundo, específicamente, donde la suficiencia de recurso humano, de capital, trabajo, información y mercado -vinculados todos a través de la tecnología- supuso que atendería eficazmente a través de la población que podía por su capacidad hacer uso racional y profesional del conocimiento, las necesidades de la mayoritaria población vulnerable y vulnerada. Por lo anterior, poner en el centro a las personas, en entornos de tarea y trabajo globales hiperconectados combinando espacios físicos, corrientes de información con canales de conexión expeditos, y formando profesionales del conocimiento que asuman y afronten los retos derivados de la transformación digital de empresas, universidades, y organizaciones, pero en condiciones de equidad y sujetos de prosperidad, será el desafío en los escenarios presentes y futuros inmediatos.The previous selection, motivated by the assertion of Manuel Castells -almost 20 years ago- that innovation and diffusion of technology seemed to be the appropriate tool for development in the information age. This 2020, however, in the face of the disruptive situation that afflicted and continues to afflict the network society as an emerging social structure of the Information Age based on production networks, energized by power and experience; He failed and must find his way again. Thus, the pressing problems now were: health care and overcoming the Sars Cov 2 epidemic; Castells' until then unrealistic vision took shape that... we cannot advance with our current development models, destroying our environment and excluding the majority of humanity from the benefits of the most extraordinary technological revolution in history, without suffering a devastating reaction from society and nature. It was thus that the Fourth World, specifically, where the sufficiency of human resources, capital, work, information and market - all linked through technology - meant that it would serve effectively through the population that could, due to its capacity, make rational use. and knowledge professional, the needs of the majority vulnerable and vulnerable population. Therefore, putting people at the center, in hyperconnected global task and work environments, combining physical spaces, information flows with expedited connection channels, and training knowledge professionals who assume and face the challenges derived from the digital transformation of companies, universities, and organizations, but in conditions of equality and subject to prosperity, will be the challenge in the present and immediate future scenarios.Bogot