1,030 research outputs found

    Investigación, innovación y transferencia en el sector del aceite de oliva en España. Un Análisis mediante paneles presenciales de expertos

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    El trabajo tiene como primer objetivo obtener una visión consensuada de los problemas y prioridades de investigación, desarrollo, innovación y transferencia del sistema nacional de I+D+i (Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación) sobre el sector oleícola en España. Un segundo objetivo del artículo es diseñar una serie estructurada de recomendaciones estratégicas destinadas a la mejora del sistema. Se analizan los resultados de la celebración de tres paneles presenciales de expertos a los que se aplicó respectivamente una secuencia de técnicas de investigación social, basada en la metodología denominada Metaplan. Se aplicaron las técnicas de grupos de discusión y de talleres de participación estratégica para cumplir respectivamente los objetivos mencionados. Los tres paneles abordaron respectivamente las siguientes grandes áreas de conocimiento: i) olivicultura y subproductos oleícolas; ii) elayotecnia, salud y nuevos productos; iii) ciencias sociales agroalimentarias. Los expertos concluyeron en la urgencia de paliar el déficit actualmente generalizado de acciones de transferencia de innovaciones y conocimientos por parte del sistema nacional a las empresas y a los agricultores. Asimismo, se acordó la necesidad de abordar las acciones de I+D+i mediante enfoques interdisciplinares y transdisciplinares

    Eficácia antimicrobiana de hipoclorito de sódio 5,25%, clorexidina 0,12% e duas soluções comerciais de irrigação (Qmix® e MTAD®):: um estudo in vitro

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    Abstract Endodontic treatment includes mechanical therapy combined with irrigation and disinfection techniques to remove vital pulp, non-vital pulp, and infected or necrotic pulp aiming to reduce intracanal pathogens to a level compatible with endodontic health.  Infections in the root canal system are polymicrobial in which diverse microorganisms aggregated within extracellular polysaccharide matrix biofilms, therefore endodontic irrigation and mechanical debridement must need to disrupt this established microbial community and its products. Brand new clinical irrigation systems are promoted by their properties against diverse pathogenic endodontic microbiota, but their antimicrobial effectiveness is a matter of discussion. This study aimed to determine the anti-microbial properties of four common endodontic irrigation products against five ATCC strains in an in vitro test. Objective: Determine the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) and the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 5.25% NaOClâ, 0.12% Chlorhexidineâ, MTADâ and Qmixâ against reference strains including Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans – ATCC 29522, Porphyromonas gingivalis – ATCC 33277, Candida albicans – ATCC 44858,  Enteroccocus faecalis - ATCC 29212 and Enterobacter cloacae 13047. Methods and Materials: A microdilution broth test was carried out in triplicate to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration and the minimum bactericidal concentration of endodontic irrigation against specific microbial strains. Microbial viability was determined using resazurin, and microbial subcultures according to the adapted Norms of Clinical and Laboratory Standards (NCCL) - 2015. Results: C. albicans, E. faecalis and E. cloacae were the microorganisms more resistant against the microbicide action of Qmixâ and C. albicans, and E. faecalis the more resistant microorganisms against BioPure MTADâ. The BioPure MTADâ had a MIC of (1:8) against E. faecalis and C. albicans and the more susceptible bacteria were A. actinomycetemcomitans, P. gingivalis and E. cloacae, with MIC (1:8192; 1: 2048; and 1: 1024, respectively). The most resistant against QMIXâ (MIC) were E. faecalis, (1:4), followed by E. cloacae and C. albicans (1:8), and the more susceptible were P. gingivalis (1:1024), and A. actinomycetemcomitans (1:512), respectively. On the other hand, the less susceptible to Chlorhexidineâ was P. gingivalis (MIC, 75 μg/mL), followed by A. actinomycetemcomitans (MIC, 38 μg /mL), while the more susceptible were C. albicans,  MIC 19 μg /mL, E. cloacae MIC 9 μg/ mL and E. faecalis MIC 4.7 μg /mL. For NaOCLâ, C. albicans (1,563 μg /mL) was the more susceptible, followed by E. cloacae, P. gingivalis and E. faecalis (781 μg/mL) and the less susceptible was A. actinomycetemcomitans (391 μg/mL). Conclusions: C. albicans, E. cloacae and E. faecalis were the more resistant strains against the endodontic irrigation products tested. The (CIM) of BioPure MTADâ performed slightly better than QMixâ. Chlorhexidineâ (0.12%) was more effective than NaOCLâ (5.25%) in inhibiting most microbial strains used. However, P. gingivalis was the less susceptible to Chlorhexidineâ, requiring 75 μg/mL for CIM. Overall, Chlorhexidineâ showed the best antimicrobial property as endodontic irrigation product in this in vitro test, therefore, this product efficacy might be proved against the complexity of biofilms in other vitro test and also at the clinical setting.Resumen El tratamiento de endodoncia incluye terapia mecánica combinada con técnicas de irrigación y desinfección para remover pulpa vital, pulpa no vital y pulpa infectada o necrótica con el objetivo de reducir los patógenos intracanal a niveles compatibles con la salud endodóntica. Las infecciones en los sistemas de conductos radiculares son poli microbianas en las que los microorganismos tienden a agregarse dentro de las biopelículas extracelulares de la matriz de polisacáridos, por lo que la irrigación endodóntica debe interrumpir y destruir esta comunidad microbiana establecida y sus productos. Los nuevos sistemas de irrigación clínica se promueven por sus propiedades contra la microbiota endodóntica patógena diversa, pero su eficacia antimicrobiana es un tema de discusión. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar las propiedades antimicrobianas de cuatro irrigadores endodónticos comunes contra cinco cepas ATCC de patógenos microbianos in vitro. Objetivo: Determinar la concentración bactericida mínima (CBM) y la concentración inhibitoria mínima (CIM) de 5.25% NaOClâ, 0.12% Clorhexidinaâ, MTADâ y Qmixâ contra cepas de referencia ATCC seleccionadas de Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans - 29522, Porphyromonas gingivalis - 33277, Candida albicans - 44858, Enteroccocus faecalis - 29212 y Enterobacter cloacae 13047. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un ensayo en caldo de microdilución por triplicado para determinar la concentración mínima inhibitoria y la concentración mínima bactericida de cuatro irrigantes frente a cepas microbianas específicas. La viabilidad microbiana se determinó utilizando resazurina y subcultivos microbianos de acuerdo con las Normas de Estándares Clínicos y de Laboratorio (NCCL) adaptadas - 2015. Resultados: C. albicans, E. faecalis y E. cloacae fueron los microorganismos más resistentes a la acción microbicida de Qmix y C. albicans, y E. faecalis los microorganismos más resistentes a BioPure MTADâ. El BioPure MTADâ tuvo una CIM de (1: 8) contra E. faecalis y C. albicans y las bacterias más susceptibles fueron A. actinomycetemcomitans, P. gingivalis y E. cloacae, con CIM (1: 8192; 1: 2048; y 1: 1024, respectivamente). Las más resistentes a QMIXâ (CIM) fueron E. faecalis, (1 4), seguida de E. cloacae y C. albicans (1: 8), y las más susceptibles fueron P. gingivalis (1: 1024), seguida de A actinomycetemcomitans (1: 512), respectivamente. Por otro lado, el menos susceptible a la clorhexidinaâ fue P. gingivalis (CIM, 75 μg / mL), seguido de A. actinomycetemcomitans (CIM, 38 μg / mL), mientras que los más susceptibles fueron C. albicans, CIM 19 μg / mL, CIM de E. cloacae 9 μg / mL y CIM de E. faecalis 4.7 μg / mL. Para NaOCLâ, C. albicans (1563 μg / mL) fue la más susceptible, seguida de E. cloacae, P. gingivalis y E. faecalis (781 μg / mL) y la menos susceptible fue A. actinomycetemcomitans (391 μg / mL).). Conclusiones: C. albicans, E. cloacae y E. faecalis fueron las cepas más resistentes frente a los cuatro productos de riego probados. El (CIM) de BioPure MTADâ funcionó ligeramente mejor que QMixâ. La clorhexidinaâ (0,12%) fue más eficaz que el NaOCLâ (5,25%) para inhibir la mayoría de las cepas microbianas utilizadas. Sin embargo, P. gingivalis fue el menos susceptible a la clorhexidinaâ, requiriendo 75 μg / mL para CIM. En general, la clorhexidina® mostró la mejor propiedad antimicrobiana como producto de irrigación endodóntica in vitro, por lo tanto, la eficacia de este producto podría demostrarse en la práctica endodóntica.ResumoO tratamento endodôntico inclui terapia mecânica combinada com técnicas de irrigação e desinfecção para remover polpa vital, polpa não vital e polpa infectada ou necrótica com o objetivo de reduzir os patógenos intracanais a um nível compatível com a saúde endodôntica. As infecções no sistema de canais radiculares são polimicrobianas em que vários microrganismos se agregam dentro de biofilmes de matriz polissacarídica extracelular, portanto, a irrigação endodôntica e o desbridamento mecânico devem romper essa comunidade microbiana estabelecida e seus produtos. Novos sistemas de irrigação clínica são promovidos em virtude de suas propriedades contra a microbiota endodôntica patogênica, mas sua eficácia antimicrobiana é uma ques-tão de debate. Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar as propriedades antimicrobianas de quatro produtos comuns de irrigação endodôntica contra cinco cepas de ATCC em um teste in vitro

    Geophotopedia, an open repository of photographs with geographic elements, Pictures of coastal geomorphology

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    Recoge datos de las VII Jornadas de Geomorfología litoralLa Geophotopedia es un repositorio con acceso libre de fotografías clasificadas y georreferenciadas. En este repositorio, cada usuario puede subir imágenes con información geográfica, que serán clasificadas por especialistas teniendo en cuenta lo que se muestra en ellas. Toda la colección de fotografías geolocalizadas está alojada en el portal gratuito flickr.com y bajo una licencia Creative Commons). Con respecto a las áreas costeras, actualmente se incluyen 258 fotos de 12 países diferentes: 68% de formaciones arenosas, 14% de marismas, 7% de morfologías rocosas y el resto de infraestructuras.Geophotopedia is a repository of classified and georeferenced photographs with free access. In this repository any user can upload images (with geographical information), where geographers and people from of other related sciences will classify them according to what is shown in the picture. Moreover, each photograph will be geolocated. All this collection is hosted at the free portal flickr.com and under a Creative Commons license. Regarding the coastal area, it currently includes 258 photos from 12 different countries: 48% of coastal sand formations, 14% of marshes and 7% of rocky morphologies and other infrastructures

    Registros de mamíferos (mammalia: didelphimorphia, artiodactyla, carnivora, cingulata, lagomorpha, pilosa y rodentia) en reservas naturales privadas de Guatemala

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    We documented 25 species of mammals in private natural reserves in Guatemala, mainly through camera traps, from May 2010 to October 2015. Species belong to the orders Carnivora (13), Rodentia (3), Didelphimorphia (3), Artiodactyla (2), Lagomorpha (2), Cingulata (1) and Pilosa (1). Of the species reported, 21 were found in locations not documented in the literature or on databases available online, which reflects the importance of doing research in private natural reserves.RESUMEN. Se documentan 25 especies de mamíferos en las reservas naturales privadas de Guatemala, principalmente usando cámara trampa, desde mayo 2010 a octubre 2015. Las especies pertenecen a los órdenes Carnivora (13), Rodentia (3), Didelphimorphia (3), Artiodactyla (2), Lagomorpha (2), Cingulata (1) y Pilosa (1). De las especies registradas, 21 se encontraron en localidades no documentadas en la literatura o en base de datos disponibles en línea, lo que refleja la  importancia de hacer investigaciones en las reservas naturales privadas

    Synthesis and Characterization of Multilayered CrAlN/Al₂O₃ Tandem Coating Using HiPIMS for Solar Selective Applications at High Temperature

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    The effect of applying a negative bias during deposition of a previously designed multilayer solar selective absorber coating was studied on two types of substrates (316L stainless steel and Inconel 625). The solar selective coating is composed of different chromium aluminum nitride layers deposited using a combination of radiofrequency (RF), direct current (DC), and high-power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) technologies. The chemical composition is varied to generate an infrared reflective/absorber layer (with low Al addition and N vacancies) and two CrAlN intermediate layers with medium and high aluminum content (Al/Cr = 0.6 and 1.2). A top aluminum oxide layer (Al₂O₃) is deposited as an antireflective layer. In this work, a simultaneous DC-pulsed bias (−100 V, 250 kHz) was applied to the substrates in order to increase the film density. The optical performance, thermal stability, and oxidation resistance was evaluated and compared with the performance obtained with similar unbiased coating and a commercial Pyromark paint reference at 600, 700, and 800 °C. The coating remained stable after 200 h of annealing at 600 °C, with solar absorptance (α) values of 93% and 92% for samples deposited on stainless steel and Inconel, respectively, and a thermal emittance ε25°C of 18%. The introduction of additional ion bombardment during film growth through bias assistance resulted in increased durability, thermal stability, and working temperature limits compared with unbiased coatings. The solar-to-mechanical energy conversion efficiency at 800 °C was found to be up to 2 times higher than Pyromark at C = 100 and comparable at C = 1000

    Synthesis and Characterisation of ASA-PEEK Composites for Fused Filament Fabrication

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    In this paper, a series of polymer composites made from acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylate (ASA) and poly (ether ether ketone) (PEEK) were manufactured. ASA acts as a polymer matrix while PEEK is loaded in the form of micro-particles that act as a reinforcing filler. The composites were compounded by single screw extrusion and then, different specimens were manufactured either via injection moulding (IM) or fused filament fabrication (FFF). Two different types of PEEK (commercial and reused) in different concentrations (3 and 6 wt.%) were tested and their influence in the mechanical, structural, and thermal properties were studied. It was observed that reused PEEK enhanced the stiffness and tensile strength and thermal stability of the composites both, for injected and printed specimens. This evidences the suitability of these composites as potential candidates as novel materials with enhanced properties following an approach of circular economy

    Dynamics of Neospora caninum-Associated Abortions in a Dairy Sheep Flock and Results of a Test-and-Cull Control Programme

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    [EN] Neospora caninum is an apicomplexan parasite that can cause abortions and perinatal mortality in sheep. Although ovine neosporosis has been described worldwide, there is a lack of information about the relationship between N. caninum serostatus and the reproductive performance. In this study, we described the infection dynamics in a dairy sheep flock with an abortion rate up to 25% and a N. caninum seroprevalence of 32%. Abortions were recorded in 36% and 9% of seropositive and seronegative sheep, respectively. Seropositive sheep were more likely to abort twice (OR = 4.44) or three or more times (OR = 10.13) than seronegative sheep. Endogenous transplacental transmission was the main route of transmission since 86% of seropositive sheep had seropositive offspring. Within dams that had any abortion, seropositive sheep were more likely than seronegative ones to have female descendants that aborted (OR = 8.12). The slight increase in seropositivity with the age, the low percentage of animals with postnatal seroconversion or with low avidity antibodies, and the seropositivity of one flock dog, indicated that horizontal transmission might have some relevance in this flock. A control programme based on selective culling of seropositive sheep and replacement with seronegative animals was effective in reducing the abortion rate to 7.2%SIThis study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019- 104713RB-C21). R.S.-S. was funded by the Community of Madrid, Spain (PLATESA2, S2018/BAA- 4370) and M.F.-E. by UCM-Santander/2017 predoctoral grants. L.M. Ortega-Mora and G. Alvarez- Garcia are part of the TOXOSOURCES consortium, supported by funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 773830: One Health European Joint Programme

    Vascular disease in COPD: systemic and pulmonary expression of PARC (Pulmonary and Activation-Regulated Chemokine)

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    Introduction: The role of Pulmonary and Activation-Regulated Chemokine (PARC) in the physiopathology of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is not fully understood. The aim of the present study is to analyze the expression of PARC in lung tissue and its relationship with the vascular remodeling of the systemic and pulmonary arteries of COPD subjects. Methods: To achieve this objective, protein and gene expression experiments, together with ELISA assays, were performed on the lung tissue, intercostal arteries and serum samples from COPD patients, non-obstructed smokers (NOS) and never-smokers (NS). Results: A total of 57 subjects were included in the analysis (23 COPD, 18 NOS and 16 NS). In the comparisons between groups, a significantly increased lung protein expression of PARC was observed in the COPD group compared to the NOS group (1.96±0.22 vs. 1.29±0.27, P-adjusted = 0.038). PARC was located predominantly in the smooth muscle cells of the remodeled pulmonary muscular arteries and the macrophage-rich area of the alveolar parenchyma. No differences were detected in PARC gene expression analyses. The protein content of PARC in the intercostal arteries were similar between groups, though little remodeling was observed in these arteries. Circulating levels of PARC were numerically higher in patients with COPD compared to NOS and NS. Conclusion: The results of the present study suggest an increased lung protein expression of PARC in COPD subjects. This protein was mainly localized in the smooth muscle cells of the pulmonary muscular arteries and was associated with the severity of intimal thickening, indicating its possible role in this remodeling process