187 research outputs found

    The Effects of Power and Religiously Motivated Ingroup Preference on Social Affiliation

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    Human beings are fundamentally social animals motivated by a need to establish and maintain close social relationships. The creation of these relationships inevitably leads to the creation of groups, along with a desire for power as a method of determining how resources are to be allocated within these groups. Most groups are characterized by individuals who belong to the ingroup and those who are relegated to an outgroup, and one powerful motivator of ingroup favoritism is religious affiliation. Although research has shown that feelings of low power increase the drive to socially affiliate, research has not yet explored how religious belief influences the relationship between power and social affiliation. The current study explored how Christian participants primed with low power react to potential social partners when they belong to their religious ingroup or a differing religious outgroup. Findings indicated that when compared to a neutral control, Christian participants elected to sit farther away from both a Muslim and atheist who were ostensibly occupying a chair at the far end of a table. Despite the increased need for social affiliation when experiencing low power, the presence of a religious outgroup member may inhibit an individual’s affiliative motivation

    Kinesin-1 mechanical flexibility and motor cooperation

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    Conventional kinesin (kinesin-1) transports membrane-bounded cargos such as mitochondria and vesicles along microtubules. In vivo it is likely that several kinesins move a single organelle and it is important that they operate in a coordinated fashion so that they do not interfere with each other. Evidence for coordination comes from in vitro assays, which show that the gliding speed of a microtubule driven by many kinesins is as high as one driven by just a single kinesin molecule. Coordination is thought to be facilitated by flexible domains so that when one motor is bound another can work irrespectively of their orientations. The tail of kinesin-1 is predicted to be composed of a coiled-coil with two main breaks, the “swivel” (380-442 Dm numbering) and the hinge (560-624). The rotational Brownian motion of microtubules attached to a glass surface by single kinesin molecules was analyzed and measured the torsion elasticity constant. The deletion of the hinge and subsequent tail domains increase the stiffness of the motor (8±1 kBT/rad) compared to the full length (0.06±0.01 kBT/rad measured previously), but does not impair motor cooperation (700±16nm/s vs. full length 756±55nm/s - speed in high motor density motility assays). Removal of the swivel domain generates a stiff construct (7±1 kBT/rad), which is fully functional at single molecule (657±63nm/s), but it cannot work in large numbers (151±46nm/s). Due to the similar value of flexibility for both short construct (8±11 kBT/rad vs 7±1 1 kBT/rad) and their different behavior at high density (700±16 nm/s vs. 151±46 nm/s) a new hypothesis is presented, the swivel might have a strain dependent conformation. Using Circular Dichroism and Fluorescence the secondary structure of this tail region was studied. The central part of the swivel is dimeric α-helical and it is surrounded by random coils, thereby named helix-coil (HC) region. Furthermore, an experimental set-up is developed to exert a torque on individual kinesin molecules using hydrodynamic flow. The results obtained suggest for the first time the possibility that a structural element within the kinesin tail (HC region) has a force-dependent conformation and that this allows motor cooperation

    Tratamiento de aguas residuales en Colombia y sistemas bioelectroquímicos: usos y perspectivas

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    Context: In Colombia, the poor coverage in wastewater plants entails a complex environment issue, because water is generally used to irrigation of agricultural crops and sometimes for human consumption in rural areas. Objective: To brief about wastewater basic sanitation, the treatment systems, the use of exoelectrogenic microorganisms, as well, the progress reported about the use of bioelectrochemical system and the possible implementation in Colombia. Methodology: The capacity and coverage of treatment systems are described by region; subsequently, present the microorganisms theorical principles that interact in bioelectrochemical system; and the uses of this technology to remove pollutants is documented, for purify pollutants. Results: The use of exoelectrochemical bacteria can oxidize organic pollutants present in wastewater; the bioelectrochemical systems take advantage the capacity of microorganisms to transfer electrons through an electrical circuit by means as voltage, and obtain energy by electric current or compounds with high calorific power. Conclusions: The Implementation of that systems in Colombia required technological, human and infrastructure investment in the main wastewater plants, according to the complex and variability of the bioelectrochemical phenomes associated with the conversion of organic matter.Contexto: En Colombia, la baja cobertura de plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales conlleva a una compleja problemática ambiental, ya que estas aguas son usadas generalmente como sistemas de riego para cultivos y, en ocasiones, para el consumo humano en zonas rurales. Objetivo: Informar acerca del saneamiento básico de las aguas residuales, los sistemas de tratamiento, el uso de microorganismos exoelectrogénicos en biorreactores, así como, los avances reportados frente al uso de los sistemas bioelectroquímicos y su posible implementación en Colombia. Metodología: Se describe la capacidad y cobertura de los sistemas de tratamiento en las regiones del país; posteriormente, se presenta el fundamento teórico de los microorganismos que interactúan en los sistemas bioelectroquímicos; y se documenta el uso de esta tecnología para depurar contaminantes. Resultados: El uso de bacterias exoelectroquímicas puede degradar carga orgánica contenida en las aguas residuales; los sistemas bioelectroquímicos aprovechan la capacidad de los microorganismos para transferir electrones a través de un circuito eléctrico por medio de voltaje, y obtener energía en forma de corriente eléctrica o combustibles con alto poder calorífico. Conclusiones: La implementación de estos sistemas en Colombia requiere de inversión tecnológica, humana y de infraestructura en las principales plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales, dada la complejidad y variabilidad de los fenómenos bioelectroquímicos asociados a la conversión de materia orgánica

    Aplicación de la Programación Entera Binaria para Resolver el Problema Simple de Balanceo de Línea de Ensamble: Un Caso de Estudio

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    Este documento presenta en forma reducida la aplicación de la programación lineal para solucionar un problema simple de balanceo de línea de ensamble. El tipo de programación utilizada es la programación entera binaria, se muestran los pasos de la aplicación de este método para resolver problemas de tipo combinatorio

    Aplicación de la Programación Entera Binaria para Resolver el Problema Simple de Balanceo de Línea de Ensamble: Un Caso de Estudio

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    Este documento presenta en forma reducida la aplicación de la programación lineal para solucionar un problema simple de balanceo de línea de ensamble. El tipo de programación utilizada es la programación entera binaria, se muestran los pasos de la aplicación de este método para resolver problemas de tipo combinatorio

    La Imagen y la Narrativa como Herramientas para el Abordaje Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia. Departamento Valle del Cauca

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    En el siguiente trabajo se abordan contextos de hechos violentos a causa del conflicto sociopolítico interno en Colombia, desde un enfoque narrativo, cuya finalidad es analizar los eventos psicosociales traumáticos desde una postura psicológica. Además de ser un ejercicio educativo también nos permite acercarnos desde diferentes puntos de vista al conflicto armado que vivió nuestro país y del cual todavía quedan algunos focos de violencia así mismo consecuencias presentes en buena parte de la sociedad. El enfoque narrativo se presenta como un marco integrador, que tiene como objeto la comprensión de las experiencias humanas, re expresadas por medio de la exposición de los hechos relatados por algunas víctimas del conflicto armado. Por tanto, para el desarrollo de esta actividad, se realizara un análisis a los relatos y vivencias de víctimas de la violencia y el conflicto armado, desde una mirada psicológica teniendo en cuenta los impactos psicosociales por este flagelo y resaltando el sentido de fortaleza, resistencia y el esfuerzo de cada individuo, familia y comunidad para enfrentar de manera positiva las situaciones adversas, así como la superación y el rompimiento de ciclos de dolor desde una postura de empoderamiento y Resiliencia.The following paper deals with contexts of violent events due to the internal socio-political conflict in Colombia, from a narrative approach, which aims to analyze traumatic psychosocial events from a psychological perspective. In addition to being an educational exercise, it also allows us to approach the armed conflict that our country experienced from different points of view, and from which there are still some pockets of violence, as well as consequences present in a large part of society. The narrative approach is presented as an integrative framework, which aims at understanding human experiences, expressed through the exposure of the facts reported by some victims of the armed conflict. Therefore, for the development of this activity, an analysis will be made of the stories and experiences of victims of violence and armed conflict, from a psychological perspective taking into account the psychosocial impacts of this scourge and highlighting the sense of strength, resistance and the effort of each individual, family and community to positively face adverse situations, as well as overcoming and breaking cycles of pain from a position of empowerment and resilience

    Counting the bodies: Estimating the numbers and spatial variation of Australian reptiles, birds and mammals killed by two invasive mesopredators

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    Aim Introduced predators negatively impact biodiversity globally, with insular fauna often most severely affected. Here, we assess spatial variation in the number of terrestrial vertebrates (excluding amphibians) killed by two mammalian mesopredators introduced to Australia, the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and feral cat (Felis catus). We aim to identify prey groups that suffer especially high rates of predation, and regions where losses to foxes and/or cats are most substantial. Location Australia. Methods We draw information on the spatial variation in tallies of reptiles, birds and mammals killed by cats in Australia from published studies. We derive tallies for fox predation by (i) modelling continental-scale spatial variation in fox density, (ii) modelling spatial variation in the frequency of occurrence of prey groups in fox diet, (iii) analysing the number of prey individuals within dietary samples and (iv) discounting animals taken as carrion. We derive point estimates of the numbers of individuals killed annually by foxes and by cats and map spatial variation in these tallies. Results Foxes kill more reptiles, birds and mammals (peaking at 1071 km−2 year−1) than cats (55 km−2 year−1) across most of the unmodified temperate and forested areas of mainland Australia, reflecting the generally higher density of foxes than cats in these environments. However, across most of the continent – mainly the arid central and tropical northern regions (and on most Australian islands) – cats kill more animals than foxes. We estimate that foxes and cats together kill 697 million reptiles annually in Australia, 510 million birds and 1435 million mammals. Main conclusions This continental-scale analysis demonstrates that predation by two introduced species takes a substantial and ongoing toll on Australian reptiles, birds and mammals. Continuing population declines and potential extinctions of some of these species threatens to further compound Australia's poor contemporary conservation record

    Guidelines for diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of Fabry disease.

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    La enfermedad de Fabry es un trastorno de almacenamiento lisosomal hereditario ligado al cromosoma X, ocasionado por el déficit de la enzima alfa galactosidasa A. El conocimiento sobre esta patología, y en particular su manejo médico, ha progresado notablemente en la última década, incluyendo el desarrollo de su tratamiento específico. La presente guía fue desarrollada por profesionales médicos de diversas especialidades involucrados en la atención de pacientes con enfermedad de Fabry. La discusión y análisis de las evidencias científicas disponibles, sumado a la experiencia de cada uno de los participantes, ha permitido desarrollar los conceptos vertidos en esta guía con el objetivo de brindar una herramienta útil para todos los profesionales que asisten a pacientes con enfermedad de Fabry.Fabry disease is an X-linked hereditary lysosomal storage disorder caused by deficiency of the enzyme alpha-galactosidase A. Knowledge about this disease, and its medical management, has made remarkable progress in the last decade, including the development of its specific treatment. This guide was developed by medical professionals from various specialties involved in the care of patients with Fabry disease. The discussion and analysis of the available scientific evidence, coupled with the experience of each of the participants, has allowed us to develop the concepts included in this guide in order to provide a useful tool for all professionals who care for patients with Fabry disease.Fil: Neumann, Pablo. Hospital Italiano de la Plata; ArgentinaFil: Antongiovanni, Norberto. Instituto de Nefrología. Pergamino; ArgentinaFil: Fainboim, Alejandro. Hospital de Niños Ricardo Gutiérrez. Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Kisinovsky, Isaac. Sanatorio Urquiza. Quilmes; ArgentinaFil: Amartino, Hernan. Hospital Universitario Austral. Pilar; ArgentinaFil: Cabrera, Gustavo Javier. Grupo Médico Del Viso. Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Carmona, Sergio. Instituto de Neurociencias Buenos Aires S. A.; ArgentinaFil: Ceci, Romina. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Departamento de Ciencias Biologicas. Laboratorio de Investigaciones del Sistema Inmune; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Ciceran, Alberto. Hospital General de Agudos Juan A. Fernandez. Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Choua, Martin. Centro de Nefrología. Tucumán; ArgentinaFil: Doxastakis, Griselda. Instituto de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular. Posadas; ArgentinaFil: De Maio, Sonia. Hospital General de Agudos Juan A. Fernandez. Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Ebner, Roberto. Hospital Británico de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Escobar, Ana Maria. Hospital Británico de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Ferrari, Gustavo. Hospital Británico de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Forrester, Mariano. Hospital Británico de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Guelbert, Norberto Bernardo. Hospital de Niños. CEMECO. Cordóba; ArgentinaFil: Luna, Paula. Hospital Aleman; ArgentinaFil: Marchesoni, Cinthia. Hospital Británico de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Masllorens, Francisca. Hospital Posadas. Haedo; ArgentinaFil: Politei, Juan. Hospital General de Agudos Juan A. Fernandez. Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Reisin, Ricardo. Hospital Británico de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Ripeau, Diego. Hospital Posadas. Haedo; ArgentinaFil: Rozenfeld, Paula Adriana. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Departamento de Ciencias Biologicas. Laboratorio de Investigaciones del Sistema Inmune; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Serebrinsky, Graciela. Laboratorio de Biología y Patología Molecular. Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Tarabuso, Ana Lia. Centro de Especialistas En Audición y Lenguaje. Trelew; ArgentinaFil: Tripoli, Juan. Hospital de Niños Ricardo Gutiérrez. Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Consenso de médicos de Asociación de Estudios y Difusión de las Enfermedades Lisosomales.Fil: Grupo Argentino de Diagnóstico y Tratamiento de la enfermedad de Fabry