2,994 research outputs found

    Pure bargaining problems with a coalition structure

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s41412-016-0007-2We consider here pure bargaining problems endowed with a coalition structure such that each union is given its own utility. In this context we use the Shapley rule in order to assess the main options available to the agents: individual behavior, cooperative behavior, isolated unions behavior, and bargaining unions behavior. The latter two respectively recall the treatment given by Aumann–Drèze and Owen to cooperative games with a coalition structure. A numerical example illustrates the procedure. We provide criteria to compare any pair of behaviors for each agent, introduce and axiomatically characterize a modified Shapley rule, and determine its natural domain, that is, the set of problems where the bargaining unions behavior is the best option for all agents.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Humour in the post-war press: short stories of Gloria Fuertes in the falangist magazine Maravillas

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    The Spanish civil war entailed an impasse in the development of press as a communication platform. In fact, its instrumentalization for propaganda purposes explains its role in the consolidation of the new State. So, in the newspaper network created around the Movimiento Nacional (National Movement), the children’s press occupied a predominant place due to its contribution to the education of future generations. So much so, that the strategical-ideological aims imposed by the regime coexisted in these platforms together with the collaboration of artists of prominent aesthetical level. Such is the case of Gloria Fuertes (1917-1998), who gave life in the magazine Maravillas, to very popular characters such as Coleta and Pelines to disseminate their short stories once more, back in the eighties, in three monographic books: Coleta, la poeta (1982), Coleta, payasa ¿qué pasa? (1983) and Pelines (1986). However, such protagonists, beyond constituting aesthetical projections of the writer as heteronyms, would end up becoming authentic icons of children’s imagery

    The Logical and Epistemological Foundations of Sociology in the Philosophy of F.S.C Northrop

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    The University of Kansas has long historical connections with Central America and the many Central Americans who have earned graduate degrees at KU. This work is part of the Central American Theses and Dissertations collection in KU ScholarWorks and is being made freely available with permission of the author through the efforts of Professor Emeritus Charles Stansifer of the History department and the staff of the Scholarly Communications program at the University of Kansas Libraries’ Center for Digital Scholarship.Filmer S. C. Northrop was born in 1883* Studied at Beloit, Yale and the University of London Imperial College of Science and Technology. He was professor of Law and Philosophy at Yale. Published The Logic of the Sciences and the Humanities and The Meeting of East and West* among many books and articles. An expert in epistemology, his method of analysis is a search for the discovery of the first principles of knowledge and the rigorous logical relationship between those principles and the whole body of doctrine. It provides a method of thinking as much as it provides a system of thoughts. This dissertation explores those elements of Northrop's philosophy which deserve the attention of sociologists. His philosophical ideas about the logical and epistemological categories of knowledge provide the social scientist with the training to think deductively and to avoid the misunderstandings derived from the use of common sense language, disregarding logical and conceptual distinctions. This systematic study offers the opportunity to gain a fertile system of thought, and consider the new theory of the social sciences as a portion of it

    Social Structure and Process of a Banana Plantation on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica

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    The University of Kansas has long historical connections with Central America and the many Central Americans who have earned graduate degrees at KU. This work is part of the Central American Theses and Dissertations collection in KU ScholarWorks and is being made freely available with permission of the author through the efforts of Professor Emeritus Charles Stansifer of the History department and the staff of the Scholarly Communications program at the University of Kansas Libraries’ Center for Digital Scholarship. http://kuscholarworks.ku.ed

    Textos preliminares y posliminares de la traslación del Asinus aureus por Diego López de Cortegana: sobre el planteamiento de la traducción.

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    Las piezas paratextuales que acompañan a la traslación del Asinus aureus por Diego López de Cortegana (Sevilla, Jacobo Cromberger, ca. 1513), realizadas por el propio Cortegana y por Juan Partenio Tovar, resultan de gran interés para entender el planteamiento de dicha traducción. El presente trabajo ofrece el estudio y edición de tales piezas con la identif icación de sus fuentes

    Juan de la Cueva, artifex exclusus: un poeta en los “márgenes” del Parnaso sevillano, a propósito del Viage de Sannio

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    Recordaba Cervantes, en el “Canto de Calíope” de La Galatea (IV, 57), la necesidad de librar del “eterno olvido” la obra de Juan de la Cueva (1543-1612)1. De tales versos –que insisten en una palmaria reivindicación canónica–, se deduce que ya, por esos años, un lector tan avisado como el autor del Quijote consideraba que Cueva no había gozado del lugar merecido. Las razones que hicieron posible esta rémora son, según veremos, variadas. Pero a ello debió contribuir, de entrada, el complejo carácter de Cueva2 y su obsesión a la hora de reclamar un puesto en el Parnaso sevillano así como en los círculos académicos de la ciudad. Sorprende, por otra parte, el hecho de que Cueva no rece en los proyectos más notorios de este círculo elitista, como el Recibimiento de Mal Lara o las Anotaciones de Herrera. De esta suerte, da la impresión de que nuestro poeta sufrió un “desplazamiento” canónico quedando relegado a los márgenes del Parnaso

    A Multiple Objective Formulation and Algorithm for the Layout Design of Food Processing Facilities.

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    A multiple objective formulation, which incorporates robustness and constraint enforcement as design criteria, is utilized to model the layout of food processing facilities. These facilities are subject to the compliance with guidelines dictated by public health agencies, changes in product mix, and variation in production levels due to seasonality, which render existing layout design algorithms unsuitable for their design. The solution of the robust multiple objective formulation is implemented using a construction heuristic algorithm, MORCH, and an improvement heuristics, MOLAD. The MORCH/MOLAD hybrid algorithm performs comparably to well known heuristic algorithms where materials handling cost is used as the only design criterion. Also, the MORCH/MOLAD solutions are more robust than those of robust heuristic algorithms. Moreover, through the use of a qualitative constraint matrix, the hybrid algorithm generates layouts that conform to guidelines imposed by U.S. regulatory agencies without significantly penalizing materials handling cost. As a qualitative constraint matrix in conjunction with materials handling cost are present in the model, a multicriteria decision making aid that deals with qualitative and quantitative factors, the Analytic Hierarchy Process, is used to select the most suitable layout and to guide the generation of and search for good alternative layout solutions by the hybrid algorithm

    La forja del canon épico en la Academia de Juan de Mal Lara (con unos versos desconocidos de Fernando de Herrera)

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    En el marco de su Academia, el humanista hispalense Juan de Mal Lara (1526-1571) reflexiona, de forma meditada, sobre la naturaleza genérica y directrices esenciales que, a su entender, debía ostentar el poema épico. De hecho, en la praxis compositiva de sus obras mitográficas -La Psyche y el Hércules animoso-, se vale, en aras de llevar a cabo tal proyecto de calado y aliento, de un amplio conocimiento de las fuentes grecolatinas y vernáculas así como de un ingente caudal de materia mítica, enriquecido, por lo general, en virtud de una lectura ético-moral bajo los parámetros del Humanismo cristiano. Precisamente en la forja del Hércules -revestido, al tiempo, de variados elementos temáticos entre la realidad y la ficción, la historia y la literatura-, participó, con diversas composiciones, su amigo Fernando de Herrera (1534-1597). Una de ellas, circunscrita al epitafio de Gerión, ha permanecido hasta hoy olvidada, cuya edición se ofrece en este estudio

    De la imitación de los modelos a la aemulatio: la revisión del canon en las ninfas de Francisco Umbral

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    El joven escritor-protagonista de Las ninfas (1976) de Francisco Umbral (Madrid, 1935), en el arduo sendero a fin de buscar su plena identidad, ofrece una interesante relación de auctores canónicos, a modo de atractivo Parnaso, desde la Antigüedad grecolatina (Anacreonte, Platón, Virgilio, Ovidio ...) hasta los clásicos españoles (Garcilaso, Góngora, Quevedo ...). De esta forma, en virtud de una continua revisión de tales modelos en diferentes planos, acaba abogando, finalmente, por el criterio emulativo en aras de adquirir su propio estilo literario y forma de vida.The young writer-protagonist of Las ninfas (1976) by Francisco Umbral (Madrid, 1935), in the hard way to search his complete identity, offers an interesting list of the canonical auctores, as an attractive Parnassus, from the Ancient Roman-Greek (Anacreon, Plato, Virgil, Ovid ...) up to the Spanish classics (Garcilaso, Góngora, Quevedo ...). Thus, with the help of an incessant re-examination of those models in diverse livels, he pleads for the emulation to eventually achieve his own literary-style and way of life