87 research outputs found

    Development of an original landscape plant data base

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    Peyzaj mimarları tasarımla ilgili diger disiplinlerden canlı bitki materyallerine tasarımları içinde yer vermeleri ile ayrılırlar. Farklı bitki türlerinin yer aldıgı bir peyzaj projesinde peyzaj mimarından beklenen, bitkilerin boyutları, ısık ve su gibi yetisme istekleri, estetik ve ekolojik islevleri gibi birçok unsuru göz önünde bulundurarak o alana en uygun bitkilendirmeyi yapmasıdır. Dolayısı ile mümkün oldugu kadar çok bitkiyi bütün özellikleri ile tanımak ve gerektiginde bazı sorgulamalar yaparak bir liste olusturabilmek çok önemlidir. Bilgisayar teknolojilerinin hayatımızın her asamasına girdigi su yıllarda, bu tip sorgulamalar bilgisayar ortamında olusturulacak bir veritabanı ile daha kapsamlı, etkili ve kolay sekilde yapılabilir. En temel açıklamasıyla bir veritabanı, bilgisayarda bilgilerin belirli bir mantıksal düzen içinde saklandıgı dosyalar kümesidir. Bu çalısmanın amacı peyzaj bitkilerine özgü bilgilerin saklandıgı, gösterildigi, sorgulanabildigi ve gerektigi durumlarda yeni bilgilerin girilebildigi bir bilgisayar programı yaratmaktır Çalısma veritabanı kullanıcı arayüzü programının gelistirilmesi ve bitkilere özgü bilgilerin veritabanına konulması basamaklarından olusmaktadır. Arastırma kapsamında olusturulan veritabanı ve bunun kullanıcı arayüzü programı (BitkiVt) egitim amaçlı kullanılabilecegi gibi peyzaj mimarlıgı çalısmalarının yürütüldügü kamu ve özel sektör uygulamalarında da kullanılabilir. Buna ek olarak özel zevk anlamında peyzaj bitkilerine ilgi duyan kisiler içinde bir basvuru kaynagıdır.Landscape architects differ from the other design related disciplines by including plant materials in their design. On a landscape project with various plant materials, a landscape architect is expected to conduct the most proper planting scheme of a site by taking into account the different size, growing requirements such as light and irrigation, and aesthetic and ecological functions of plants. Accordingly, it is important to know as many plant materials as possible with their characteristics as well as to build a suitable plant list after conducting some inquiries. As computer technology involves in every aspect of our life, these types of inquiries would be done easily and more efficiently by a computer generated database. In its simplest explanation, a database is a set of files, where the information is stored with a certain rational organization,in the computer. The purpose of this work is to generate a computer program to store, display, inquire, and add new information - when necessary - about the landscape plants. This work consists of two steps: the development of database user interface program, and adding the plant information to database. The database and its user-interface program (BitkiVt) developed in this research could not only be used as an educational tool but also be utilized by public and private landscape sector. Additionally, it is also a reference material for those interested in landscape plants as a hobby

    A prospective study of hearing impairment in school going children of Ghaziabad city attending a tertiary care hospital

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    Background:Overcrowding, poor hygiene, socio-economic status, climate, lack of resources to avail medical facilities, poor medical awareness have their bearing on the incidence of hearing loss. The family of each hearing-impaired child has its own cultural, social, educational, and financial background, and its own special needs. The aim of this study is to determine the percentage of hearing impaired school going children in Ghaziabad city.Methods:The material for the present study were a representative sample constituting 1000 school children selected from various localities of Ghaziabad city within age group of 6-12 years. The children belonged to all the strata of society and children from both sexes were evaluated for hearing loss and its underlying etiological factors. Children were subjected to detailed ENT examination in our OPD.  Results:In the present study sample the incidence of hearing loss is 9.3%. The maximum cases 60.22% belonged to the low socio-economic strata. A statistically significant difference of distribution by gender was noticed with a male preponderance (61.29%) as against 38.71% for females. The hearing loss in majority of cases was of a mild degree i.e., 26 to 45 dB (34.41%) of which majority of cases (87.10%) had conductive loss. Wax was the commonest cause of hearing loss (41.94%). CSOM was found in 21.50 % of all cases. Peak prevalence of hearing loss was found at 8 years of age, again declining after that from 20.43 % to 5.38 % by 12 years of age. Also it was observed that 59.14% children were living in crowded localities of city & 40.86% were living in non- crowded/open locality which is again statistically significant (P ≤0.05).Conclusion:The inferences drawn from the present study substantiates the view point of earlier workers that school screening is the most effective method of diagnosing deafness in school going children and should be extended to all schools in all the areas. Proper assessment and diagnosis of hearing loss in children at a very early age is important because an early diagnosis determines the efficacy of methods used for the correction of the hearing loss. Also early diagnosis of hearing impairment is a key to proper rehabilitation. The cases reporting to the hospital for treatment and rehabilitation can be regarded as the tip of the ice-berg and can have more management difficulties when compared to sub-clinical cases.

    Fabrication of microporous coatings on titanium implants with improved mechanical, antibacterial and cell-interactive properties

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    The success of an orthopedic implant therapy depends on successful bone integration and the prevention of microbial infections. In this work, plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) was performed to deposit TiO2 coatings enriched with Ca, P, and Ag on titanium to improve its surface properties and antibacterial blasts efficacy while maintaining normal biological functions and thus to enhance the performance of orthopedic implants. After PEO treatment, the surface of Ti was converted to anatase and rutile TiO2, hydroxyapatite, and calcium titanate phases. The presence of these crystalline phases was further increased with an increased Ag content in the coatings. The developed coatings also exhibited a more porous morphology with an improved surface wettability, roughness, microhardness, and frictional coefficient. In vitro antibacterial assays indicated that the Ag-doped coatings can significantly prevent the growth of both Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli by releasing Ag+ ions, and the ability to prevent these bacteria was enhanced by increasing the Ag content in the coatings, resulting in a maximal 6-log reduction of E. coli and a maximal 5-log reduction of S. aureus after 24 h of incubation. Moreover, the in vitro cytocompatibility evaluation of the coatings showed that the osteoblast (MC3T3) cell integration on the PEO-based coatings was greatly improved compared to untreated Ti and no notable impact on their cytocompatibility was observed on increasing the amount of Ag in the coating. In conclusion, the coating with favorable physicochemical and mechanical properties along with controlled silver ion release can offer an excellent antibacterial performance and osteocompatibility and can thus become a prospective coating strategy to face current challenges in orthopedics

    Duzce University Medical Oncology Practice in COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The available data about the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV2) pandemic, which emerged in Wuhan, China, and influenced the whole world, has shown that people with chronic diseases such as active cancer, diabetes,chronic respiratory tract, kidney or cardiovascular diseases have higher risk. Cancer patients have suppressed immune systems and are more prone to infections depending on the treatments such as the disease itself, surgery and chemotherapy. Therefore, they are at a higher risk for COVID-19. In this article, we wanted to explain our own practice in the pandemic process, as Diizce University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Oncology.WOS:00058856330001

    Type and Level of Anxiety Affects the Perception of Pain During Bone Marrow Biopsy

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    Objective: Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy (BMAB) is an essential tool for diagnosis of hematological disorders. The most frequent complaint after BMAB is pain but the severity of this pain is described very different among patients. We investigated factors predicting this pain focusing on the role of state and trait anxiety. Methods: One hundred and ten adult patients undergoing BMAB, were informed adequately and assessed with The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) before the procedure. In this Likert-type inventory, State Anxiety Scale evaluates the current state of anxiety, asking how respondents feel at that moment. The Trait Anxiety Scale evaluates relatively stable aspects of anxiety proneness, including general states of confidence, calmness, and security. After the biopsy, pain was measured with visual analog scale. Results: Most of the patients (71.8%) described mild pain but moderate to severe pain were significantly more frequent in both high state and trait anxiety groups. Pain severity had a positive but weak correlation with trait anxiety but not with state anxiety. The described pain level was associated with older age but was not with indication of biopsy, performance status, comorbidities or previous BMAB experiences. Conclusions: Results of our study made us thought that a good communication with the patient and talking about possible outcomes days before procedure might play a role reducing his or her anxiety but because age and trait anxiety cannot be changed by using fast acting anxiolytic drugs, advantage of premedication with anxiolytics in order of reducing pain, would be limited.WOS:00068972950000

    Prognostic & predictive factors for planning adjuvant chemotherapy of early-stage breast cancer

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    Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease and may present with different clinical and biological characteristics. At present, breast cancer is divided into molecular subgroups besides its histopathological classification. Decision for adjuvant chemotherapy is made based on not only histopathological characteristics but also molecular and genomic characteristics using indices, guidelines and calculators in early-stage breast cancer. Making a treatment plan through all these prognostic and predictive methods according to risk categories aims at preventing unnecessary or useless treatments. In this review, an attempt to make a general assessment of prognostic and predictive methods is made which may be used for planning individualized therapy and also the comments of the guidelines used by the oncologists worldwide on these methods