8 research outputs found

    The Italian Draft Law on the \u2018Provisions Concerning the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage\u2019

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    Intangible cultural heritage in Italy is still in need of a unified approach, capable of providing reliable criteria for identifying its assets and for indicating timescales and means by which they should be safeguarded. In the continued absence of up-to-date, ad hoc state legislation (since the content of those laws which do implement international Conventions is too generic in nature to be sufficiently effective), the Regions have proceeded to act in a somewhat scattered manner, giving rise to an extremely fragmented and very disorderly regulatory framework. The draft law N. 4486, "Provisions Concerning the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage", presented on 12th May 2017 at the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Republic - as the result of the work of an interdisciplinary and inter-university research team coordinated by Marco Giampieretti, who has drafted the final text with the collaboration of Simona Pinton - seeks to fill the serious void that exists in Italian legal system by aligning it to the principles of international and European law, by redirecting the relevant State and Regional legislation, and by satisfying the fundamental requirements of the national community

    Karnykes a Sanzeno : dalla ri-scoperta alla ricostruzione sperimentale

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    Actes du XXXVIe colloque international de l'AFEAF ; VĂ©rone, 17 - 20 mai 2012 = I celti e l'Italia del nord ; prima e seconda etĂ  del ferroĂ  veni

    l progetto di ricerca sperimentale “Karnyx di Sanzeno”

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    Dal 2008 l’Ufficio beni archeologici è impegnato nella conduzione e promozione del progetto di ricerca multidisciplinare “Karnyx di Sanzeno”. Si tratta di un progetto di ricostruzione sperimentale e di valorizzazione di una tromba da guerra celtica rinvenuta, in stato frammentario, nell’abitato retico di Sanzeno (Val di Non). Al progetto partecipano numerosi soggetti: oltre all’Ufficio Beni archeologici (Paolo Bellintani, Rosa Roncador, Elena Silvestri), l’Università degli Studi di Genova (Paolo Piccardo), il Conservatorio “F.A. Bonporti” di Trento (Ivano Ascari) e il Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France - C2RMF (Benoit Mille), Fucina Ervas (Alessandro Ervas) e Decimarosa Video (Elena Alessia Negriolli). Tutti gli specialisti collaborano alla realizzazione di una replica il più possibile vicina all’originale, con particolare attenzione alla ricostruzione delle modalità progettuali e di realizzazione (“catena operativa”). Un aspetto relativamente nuovo è quello dell’esplorazione dell’orizzonte sonoro di questo singolare strumentoSince 2008 the Archaeological Heritage Office has been involved in carrying out and promoting the “Sanzeno Carnyx”. multidisciplinary research project. This is a project for the experimental reconstruction and enhancement of a Celtic war trumpet found in fragments in the Rhaetian settlement of Sanzeno (Val di Non). Numerous parties are participating in the project: in addition to the Archaeological Heritage Office (Paolo Bellintani, Rosa Roncador, Elena Silvestri), these are the University of Genova (Paolo Piccardo), the Conservatorio “F.A. Bonporti” in Trento (Ivano Ascari) and the Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France - C2RMF (Benoit Mille), Fucina Ervas (Alessandro Ervas) and Decimarosa Video (Elena Alessia Negriolli). All the specialists are working together to create a replica which is as close as possible to the original, paying particular attention to the reconstruction of planning and construction methods (“operational chain”). One relatively new aspect is exploration of the sound made by this singular instrumentSince 2008 the Archaeological Heritage Office has been involved in carrying out and promoting the “Sanzeno Carnyx”. multidisciplinary research project. This is a project for the experimental reconstruction and enhancement of a Celtic war trumpet found in fragments in the Rhaetian settlement of Sanzeno (Val di Non). Numerous parties are participating in the project: in addition to the Archaeological Heritage Office (Paolo Bellintani, Rosa Roncador, Elena Silvestri), these are the University of Genova (Paolo Piccardo), the Conservatorio “F.A. Bonporti” in Trento (Ivano Ascari) and the Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France - C2RMF (Benoit Mille), Fucina Ervas (Alessandro Ervas) and Decimarosa Video (Elena Alessia Negriolli). All the specialists are working together to create a replica which is as close as possible to the original, paying particular attention to the reconstruction of planning and construction methods (“operational chain”). One relatively new aspect is exploration of the sound made by this singular instrumen

    Il progetto di ricerca sperimentale \u201cKarnyx di Sanzeno\u201d

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    Dal 2008 l\u2019Ufficio beni archeologici \ue8 impegnato nella conduzione e promozione del progetto di ricerca multidisciplinare \u201cKarnyx di Sanzeno\u201d. Si tratta di un progetto di ricostruzione sperimentale e di valorizzazione di una tromba da guerra celtica rinvenuta, in stato frammentario, nell\u2019abitato retico di Sanzeno (Val di Non). Al progetto partecipano numerosi soggetti: oltre all\u2019Ufficio Beni archeologici (Paolo Bellintani, Rosa Roncador, Elena Silvestri), l\u2019Universit\ue0 degli Studi di Genova (Paolo Piccardo), il Conservatorio \u201cF.A. Bonporti\u201d di Trento (Ivano Ascari) e il Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Mus\ue9es de France - C2RMF (Benoit Mille), Fucina Ervas (Alessandro Ervas) e Decimarosa Video (Elena Alessia Negriolli). Tutti gli specialisti collaborano alla realizzazione di una replica il pi\uf9 possibile vicina all\u2019originale, con particolare attenzione alla ricostruzione delle modalit\ue0 progettuali e di realizzazione (\u201ccatena operativa\u201d). Un aspetto relativamente nuovo \ue8 quello dell\u2019esplorazione dell\u2019orizzonte sonoro di questo singolare strumentoSince 2008 the Archaeological Heritage Office has been involved in carrying out and promoting the \u201cSanzeno Carnyx\u201d. multidisciplinary research project. This is a project for the experimental reconstruction and enhancement of a Celtic war trumpet found in fragments in the Rhaetian settlement of Sanzeno (Val di Non). Numerous parties are participating in the project: in addition to the Archaeological Heritage Office (Paolo Bellintani, Rosa Roncador, Elena Silvestri), these are the University of Genova (Paolo Piccardo), the Conservatorio \u201cF.A. Bonporti\u201d in Trento (Ivano Ascari) and the Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Mus\ue9es de France - C2RMF (Benoit Mille), Fucina Ervas (Alessandro Ervas) and Decimarosa Video (Elena Alessia Negriolli). All the specialists are working together to create a replica which is as close as possible to the original, paying particular attention to the reconstruction of planning and construction methods (\u201coperational chain\u201d). One relatively new aspect is exploration of the sound made by this singular instrumentSince 2008 the Archaeological Heritage Office has been involved in carrying out and promoting the \u201cSanzeno Carnyx\u201d. multidisciplinary research project. This is a project for the experimental reconstruction and enhancement of a Celtic war trumpet found in fragments in the Rhaetian settlement of Sanzeno (Val di Non). Numerous parties are participating in the project: in addition to the Archaeological Heritage Office (Paolo Bellintani, Rosa Roncador, Elena Silvestri), these are the University of Genova (Paolo Piccardo), the Conservatorio \u201cF.A. Bonporti\u201d in Trento (Ivano Ascari) and the Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Mus\ue9es de France - C2RMF (Benoit Mille), Fucina Ervas (Alessandro Ervas) and Decimarosa Video (Elena Alessia Negriolli). All the specialists are working together to create a replica which is as close as possible to the original, paying particular attention to the reconstruction of planning and construction methods (\u201coperational chain\u201d). One relatively new aspect is exploration of the sound made by this singular instrumen


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    Actes du XXXVIe colloque international de l'AFEAF ; VĂ©rone, 17 - 20 mai 2012 = I celti e l'Italia del nord ; prima e seconda etĂ  del ferroĂ  veni