8 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Banjir merupakan salah satu bencana alam di mana air yang berlebihan tidak mampu dialirkan ke sungai maupun saluran saluran yang ada (drainase). Kecamatan Matangkuli merupakan salah satu daerah terdampak banjir dari Krueng Keureuto. Hampir setiap tahun terjadi banjir yang merugikan aspek sosial ekonomi masyarakat. Oleh karena itusebagai studi awal terlebih dahulu perlu dilakukanperlu dilakukan analisa dampak banjir terhadap kawasan Matangkuli di sepanjang sungai Keureuto. Curah hujan rencana dianalisis dengan periode ulang 20, 50 dan 100 tahun. Analisis hidrograf banjir menggunakan persamaan Nakayasu. Untuk melakukan simulasi aliran sungai menggunakan software HEC-RAS Mapper. Hasil yang diperoleh pada lokasi tinjauan, sungai tidak dapat menampung debit banjir rencana. Selain itu, diprediksi genangan banjir sedalam 1-2 meter dengan klasifikasi bahaya banjir menengah hingga berat. Kata kunci: banjir, HEC-RAS, debit rencana Abstract Flood is one of the natural disasters where excessive water is not able to collected by existing channels (drainage). Kecamatan Matangkuli is one of the flood-prone areas around Krueng Keureuto. Almost every year there are floods that harm the community. Therefore, as a prior study, it is necessary to analyze the impact of Krueng Keureuto flood on the Matangkuli area. Planned rainfall was analyzed with return periods of 20, 50 and 100 years. Flood hydrograph analysis using the Nakayasu equation. HEC-RAS Mapper is used to perform river flow simulation. Results show that the river section cannot accommodate the planned flood discharge. In addition, hazard flood is classified medium to high with depth flood 1-2 meters. Keywords: flood, HEC-RAS, planned rainfal


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    Abstract The problem of the water availability has become a global issue so that it needs a tool for water management such as the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). This study aims to measure how far the uses and developments of the SWAT model in the Krueng Aceh watershed. This paper reviewed applications of SWAT Model in Krueng Aceh Watershed. The developments data were obtained from five publications. This study has limitations in assessing the performance of the SWAT developed in the Krueng Aceh watershed/sub-watershed because not all publications report on the calibration or validation process. From the search results, there is one modeling application that performs the calibration process with statistical parameters on a daily scale and the other three papers on monthly data. The availability of observation data has not had a long time series makes researchers face limitations in improving the model performances. Keywords: SWAT, Hydrological Model, Water, Soil  Abstrak Masalah ketersediaan air telah menjadi isu global sehingga diperlukan suatu alat untuk pengelolaan air seperti Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur sejauh mana pemanfaatan dan perkembangan model SWAT di DAS Krueng Aceh. Artikel ini mengulas penerapan Model SWAT di DAS Krueng Aceh. Data perkembangan diperoleh dari lima publikasi mengenai Model SWAT. Kajian ini memiliki keterbatasan dalam menilai kinerja SWAT yang dikembangkan di DAS/sub-DAS Krueng Aceh karena tidak semua publikasi melaporkan proses kalibrasi atau validasi. Dari hasil pencarian, terdapat satu aplikasi pemodelan yang melakukan proses kalibrasi dengan parameter statistik pada skala harian dan tiga aplikasi lainnya pada data bulanan. Ketersediaan data lapangan yang belum memiliki data time series yang panjang membuat peneliti menghadapi keterbatasan dalam meningkatkan perfoma model. Kata Kunci: SWAT, Model Hidrologi, Air, Tana

    Analisis Beban Emisi Pencemaran Udara Akibat Aktivitas Transportasi Kendaraan Bermotor di Jalan Keude Cunda, Kota Lhokseumawe

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    Abstrak Sektor transportasi salah satu penyumbang emisi udara terbesar di Indonesia. Selain berkontribusi terhadap pemanasan global, pencemaran udara juga dapat menurunkan kualitas kesehatan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengestimasi beban pencemaran udara dari aktivitas transportasi di ruas Jalan Keude Cunda, Kota Lhokseumawe. Penelitian diawali dengan survey lapangan untuk menentukan jumlah kendaraan yang melintas pada jam puncak selama 7 hari sepanjang 400 meter. Kendaraan diklasifikasikan menjadi sepeda motor, mobil pertalite dan mobil solar. Selanjutnya, dilakukan estimasi beban emisi pencemaran dengan metode Tier-1 dan Tier-2. Melalui metode Tier-1, untuk jenis BBM pertalite dan solar diestimasi menghasilkan beban emisi CO2 sebesar 99.178 ton/tahun, CH4 28,8 ton/tahun dan N2O 9,2 ton/tahun. Sedangkan dengan metode Tier-2, beban emisi CO sebesar 13,8 ton/tahun, HC 4 ton/tahun, NOx 0,7 ton/tahun, PM10 0,2 ton/tahun dan SO2 0,04 ton/tahun. Aksi mitigasi dengan program Car Free Day diestimasi dapat menurunkan beban emisi sebesar 6% setiap tahunnya. Kata kunci: Bahan bakar, beban emisi, jumlah kendaraan, pencemaran udara Abstract The transportation sector is one of the largest contributors to air emissions in Indonesia. Besides contributing to global warming, air pollution can also reduce the public health quality. This study aims to estimate the air pollution load from transportation activities on Jalan Keude Cunda, Lhokseumawe City. First, a field survey was conducted to determine the number of vehicles passing during peak hours for 7 days with mileage 400 meters. Vehicles are classified into motorcycles, gasoline cars and diesel cars. Secondly, estimation of pollution emission loads is carried out using the Tier-1 and Tier-2 methods. Lastly, emission load reduction is predicted through a program mitigation, namely the Car Free Day. Through the Tier-1 method, gasoline and diesel fuel are estimated to produce a CO2 emission load of 99,178 tons/year, CH4 28.8 tons/year and N2O 9.2 tons/year. Whereas with the Tier-2 method, the CO emission load is 13.8 tons/year, HC 4 tons/year, NOx 0.7 tons/year, PM10 0.2 tons/year and SO2 0.04 tons/year. The Car Free Day mitigation actions will contribute to reducing the emission load by 6% annually. Keywords: fuel, emission load, vehicle number, air pollutio


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    D.I. Reje Guru is an open system irrigation network located in Bukit District, Bener Meriah Regency, Aceh Province. Various problems were identified such as cracked lining and wild vegetation around the network. These issues have impact on water losses along the channels’ conveyances  through evaporation, seepage, operational factors and leakage. The input – output discharge measurement is used to determine the water loss and the value of the efficiency of water distribution in the Irrigation network. In addition, the evaporation and seepage loss are also calculated to find out the percentage of the loss from these two factors. The results shown that the maximum and minimum loss is from BS3RG and BS4RG which are 0,027 m3/sec and 0,004 m3/sec, respectively. The values are correlated to the efficiency values which are the highest 84,23% from BS4RG and 36,908% from BS3RG. It is confirmed that the two factors of evaporation and seepage are not the significant factor to the conveyance water loss

    Waste bank to improve sanitation community awareness in Ceubrek Pirak Village, North Aceh

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    Some of the problems due to mismanaged waste include the potential of disease caused by bad sanitation and the risk of flooding when waste is thrown away to waterways or rivers. Therefore, it is necessary to sort and manage waste in a good manner to prevent disaster. One of the efforts to foster culture and change people's mindsets can be done by establishing Unimal Waste Bank. The main objective this activity is to develop a system in managing waste, especially inorganic waste through Unimal Waste Bank. The Unimal Waste Bank program is carried out in Ceubrek Pirak village, North Aceh Province for 6 weeks from September to October 2021. It was performed in some stages: location observation, socialization, collecting waste, and selling it. Community awareness and understanding about waste and environmental management is performed before waste bank is develop.  The results showed that Unimal Waste Bank is promising to develop in this area due to good community enthusiasm and awareness. Several benefits can be obtained from this activity, for instance they receive profit from selling inorganic waste to Unimal Waste Bank. Moreover, they also have a chance to receive rewards at the end of each month during this program.  The waste bank is expected to run well and develop various services to improve people's welfare and quality of life

    Efforts of Community Adaptation to Deal with Rob Floods on The Meulaboh Coastline

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    Most of Indonesia's territory is geographically located in the coastal area. One of the areas located in the coastal area is the city of Meulaboh, West Aceh Regency. The coastal area of Meulaboh often experiences tidal flooding, especially the coastal area of Gampong Pasir and has a quite severe impact compared to other areas on the coast of Meulaboh. Based on this background, this study aims to identify community adaptation to the tidal flood event based on community responses in the coastal area and identify efforts to mitigate the impact of tidal floods that have been carried out by the community and the government. The analytical methods used are descriptive quantitative and qualitative analysis methods, as well as cross-tabulation analysis related to community adaptation variables, which include community characteristics, the impact of tidal floods on the residential environment, identification of tidal flood conditions and efforts to mitigate the impact of tidal floods, carried out by the community and the government. The results showed that the people of the coastal area of Meulaboh were able to make efforts to deal with tidal floods in the form of repairing road networks, residential houses, drainage channels, places of worship (mosques), village offices, and clean water and sanitation systems. The government's efforts to deal with tidal floods are carried out by making barriers to protect the coast through tetrapod. These results are important to take future action to deal with tidal floods