12 research outputs found

    Wingate anaerobik güç testi

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    The Wingate Anaerobic Test (WAnT) was developed during the 1970s at the Department of Research and Sport Medicine of the Wingate Institute for Physical Education and Sport in Israel. Since the introduction of its prototype, the WAnT has been accepted in laboratories around the world to assess muscle power, muscle endurance and fatigability (1). Wingate test was designed to be simple to administered without the need for particularly skilled personnel; inexpensive; used with commonly available equipment; non-invasive; feasible for administraction to a wide spectrum of the population, according young children and physically disable. The test should be applicable to the upper and lower limbs alike. WAnT is a supramaximal exercise test involves pedaling a cycle ergometer for 30 seconds at a maximal speed against a resistance which is determined according to the subject’s body weight. WAnT is proven to be valid and reliable and the most popular anaerobic performance test. The purpose of this article review was to describe WAnT in all dimensions.Wingate Anaerobik Testi (WAnT) İsrail’de, Wingate Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Enstitüsünün Araştırma ve Spor Sağlığı bölümünde 1970’lerde geliştirilmiştir. İlk prototipi sunulduğundan beri tüm dünyada birçok laboratuarda kas gücünü, kas dayanıklılığını ve yorgunluğunu belirlemekte kullanılan bir test olarak kabul görmektedir (1). WAnT uygulaması basit, özel becerili personel gerektirmeyen, ucuz ve kolay edinilebilir aletlerle yapılabilen, invaziv olmayan ve toplumun her kesimine, hatta çocuklara ve engellilere bile uygulanabilen bir test olarak geliştirilmiştir. WAnT alt ekstremitelere olduğu kadar üst ekstremitelere de uygulanabilir. WAnT 30 saniye süre ile vücut ağırlığına dayanan sabit bir yüke karşı maksimum hızla pedal çevirmeyi kapsayan supramaksimal bir testtir. Bu test geçerliği ve güvenirliği kanıtlanmış çok popüler anaerobik performans testidir. Bu yazıda da  WAnT tüm yönleriyle ele alınmştır.     &nbsp

    Türk polisinin bazi fiziksel ve somatotip özelliklerinin incelenmesi

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    The purpose of this study was to determine physical fitness and somatotype characteristics of Turkish National Police. A total of 351 male police from a Turkish General Directorate of Security participated in this study voluntarily ( :21.49±1.06 yrs). Subjects’ height, body weight, body mass index, body fat percentage and somatotype characteristics were determined. Body fat percentage was determined by Jackson & Pollock  formula and somatotype properties were determined according to Heath-Carter system. The sit and reach test was used for the determination of flexibility, the visual reaction test was used for determination of reaction time, the counter movement (CMJ) and squat jump (SJ) tests were used for the determination of anaerobic performance,10-30 meter transition (speed) times were used for the determination of sprint performance and 1-mile run test was used for determination of determined of maximal oxygen consumption capacity (VO2max). Results indicated subjects have normal body mass index (22.11 ± 2.05), low body fat percentage (8.51 ± 2.87) and ectomorphy-mesomorphy properties (2.67-4.59-2.96). Results of flexibility, visual reaction values was 30.45±5.9 cm, 420.47±43.87. Anaerobic performance; the anaerobic power of CMJ, relative CMJ, SJ and relative SJ values of subjects were 948.49±121.27 watt, 13.40±.90 watt/kg, 899.99±117.83 watt and 12.71±.89watt/kg respectively while the 10m, 30m and VO2max values was 1.75±.07, 4.35±.18 second and 52.4±2.0 respectively. As a conclusion, the findings of the present study indicated that Turkish National Police have good physical fitness and somatotype characteristics.  Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türk polisinin bazı fiziksel ve somatotip özelliklerini belirlemektir. Çalışmaya Ankara Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü’nde çalışan toplam 351 gönüllü erkek polis (:21.49±1.06yıl) katılmıştır. Çalışmaya katılan deneklerin boy uzunluğu, vücut ağırlığı, vücut kütle indeksleri, vücut yağ yüzdeleri ve somatotip özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Vücut yağ yüzdesi ile Jackson ve Pollock formülü ile hesaplanırken, somatotip özellikler Heath-Carter yöntemi kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Esneklik belirlenmesinde uzan-eriş testi, reaksiyon zamanının belirlenmesinde görsel reaksiyon testi, anaerobik performansın belirlenmesinde aktif sıçrama (AS) ve skuat sıçrama (SS) testi, sprint performansın belirlenmesinde 10-30 metre testi kullanılırken, oksijen tüketim kapasitesinin belirlenmesinde ise 1 mil koşu testi kullanılmıştır. Bulgular, çalışmaya katılan polislerin, normal vücut kitle indeksine (22.11 ± 2.05),  düşük vücut yağ yüzdesine (8.51 ± 2.87) ve ekto-mezomorf (2.67-4.59-2.96) somatotip özelliğine sahip olduklarını göstermiştir. Ayrıca esneklik ve görsel reaksiyon zamanı değerlendirme sonucunda sırasıyla 30.45±5.9cm, 420.47±43.87 ms olarak bulunmuştur. Bu sonuçların yanı sıra anaerobik performans değerlendirme sonucunda; AS, 948.49±121.27 watt; relatif AS, 13.40±.90 watt/kg; SS, 899.99±117.83 watt; relatif SS 12.71±.89watt/kg olarak bulunurken sprint değerleri ise, 10m, 1.75±.07 ve 30m, 4.35±.18 saniye olarak bulunmuştur. Tahmini VO2maks değerleri ise 59.25±2.60 ml/kg/dk olarak belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak Türk polislerinin iyi bir fiziksel uygunluğa ve somatotip özelliklerle sahip oldukları belirlenmiştir. &nbsp

    Ankara Polis Koleji öğrencilerinin vücut kompozisyonlarının değerlendirilmesi

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    The aim of this study was to determine the body composition levels of Ankara Police College students and to investigate the relationship between body composition, age and sports participation. In this study, 713 volunteers studying at Ankara Police College within the age range of 15-18 years were investigated.  Skinfold thicknesses were measured from nine different anatomical regions using a Holtain skinfold caliper at the dominant side of the body. Fat mass ratio (%) was calculated from the skinfold thickness formula reported by Slaughter et al. Although significant relations (p 0.05)  has been set on pectoral, thigh, triceps, biceps skinfold measurements. From the comparison of the body composition levels of the students according to sports participation, significant relations (p 0.05) has been set on biceps and calf skinfold measurements. Consequently; the body composition levels of the students studying at Ankara Police College are indicated harmonious variation in age groups and it was assessed that the attendance to sports participation affects the body composition levels positively. Furthermore, sports participation increases fat free body weight and decreases especially trunk skinfold thicknesses.Bu çalışma 15-18 yaşları arasındaki Ankara Polis Koleji öğrencilerinin vücut kompozisyonu değerlerini tespit ederek yaş ve spora katılım durumuna göre değişim gösterip göstermediğini saptamak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışma, Ankara Polis Koleji’nde eğitimleri devam eden 15-18 yaş grubu, gönüllü 713 erkek öğrenci üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Vücudun dokuz ayrı anatomik bölgesinden holtain marka skinfold adı verilen özel kaliperle deri kıvrım kalınlıkları ölçümleri dominant taraftan alınmıştır. Vücut yağ yüzdesi, Slaughter ve arkadaşlarının skinfold kalınlıkları eşitliği aracılığıyla hesaplanmıştır. Yaş gruplarına göre öğrencilerin vücut kompozisyonu değerleri karşılaştırıldığında, gruplar arasında; boy uzunluğu, vücut ağırlığı, vücut kitle indeksi, vücut yağ yüzdesi ve abdominal, bacak mediali, subscapular, suprailiac ve orta aksillar deri altı yağ kalınlığı ölçümlerinde anlamlı bir farklılık (p<0.05) bulunmuşken; pektoral, uyluk, triceps ve biceps deri altı yağ kalınlığı ölçümlerinde anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmamıştır (p>0.05). Spor yapma durumuna göre öğrencilerin fiziksel uygunluk değerleri karşılaştırıldığında, gruplar arasında; Boy uzunluğu, vücut ağırlığı, vücut kitle indeksi, vücut yağ yüzdesi (%), triceps, pektoral, abdominal, uyluk, subscapular, suprailiac ve orta aksillar deri altı yağ kalınlığı ölçümlerinde anlamlı bir farklılık (p<0.05) bulunurken; biceps ve bacak mediali deri altı yağ kalınlığı ölçümlerinde anlamlı bir farklılık (p>0.05) bulunmamıştır. Sonuç olarak; Ankara Polis Kolejinde eğitime devam eden 15–18 yaş 713 erkek öğrencinin vücut kompozisyonu değerleri, yaşla uyumlu değişiklikler gösterdiği ve spora katılımın da bu grupta vücut komposizyonu değerlerini olumlu etkilediği saptanmıştır. Ayrıca; düzenli spora katılımın yağsız vücut kitlesinde artışa ve özellikle gövdesel bölgede bulunan derialtı yağ kalınlığında azalmaya neden olduğu saptandı


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    The aim of this study was to analyze the menstrual status of elite Turkish female athletes from different team sports. The study universe was composed of elite female athletes playing in basketball, soccer, field hockey and handball teams in the Turkish Premier League and Turkish Super League. The study sample consisted of 133 randomly-selected female athletes playing in soccer (n=33), basketball (n=29), handball (n=27) and field hockey (n= 44) teams competing in these leagues. An 37-item questionnaire was administered to collect data on the demographic and menstrual status of participants. Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient was found 0.78 for the questionnaire. Frequency distributions of the study data were calculated on the basis of two or more variables. A chi-square test was applied to some items and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to unrelated samples. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 10.0. No significant relationship was found between menstrual disorders and sport branches (?2=3.893, p>.05). A significant relationship was detected between sports branches and changes to the menstrual cycle related to sporting activity (?2=12.165, p.05). A statistically-significant relationship was found between sports branches and the effects of menstruation on the sports activity in favor of the female athletes who stated that they were psychologically affected by menstruation (?2=15.53, p<.05) and that they experienced psychological symptoms related to menstruation (?2=15.53, p<.05). It is concluded that sports activities can affect the menstrual-cycle and that, among elite Turkish female athletes, such effects occur most commonly as psychological symptoms.

    Взаємозв'язок деяких факторів, що впливають на динамічно-статичну рівновагу та пропріоцептивний сенс у елітних борців

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    Background and Study Aim. The aim of this study is to identify and correlate some factors that are thought to affect the dynamic-static balance and proprioceptive senses of elite level wrestlers. Material and Methods. Descriptive statistics of a total of 13 volunteer elite freestyle wrestlers were determined after body weights, height, WAnT, active-squat jump tests, proprioceptive sense measurements, static and dynamic balance test measurements were taken. Then, the relationship test with the values obtained from static-dynamic balance and proprioceptive sense measurements, the Wingate anaerobic power test (WAnT) and vertical jump (active-squat) was examined. Results. As a result of Pearson Products Moment Relationship analyses, a significant relationship was found between static balance measurements and, WAnT anaerobic performance measurements, anaerobic performance measurements obtained from jumping, lower extremity isoinertial strength imbalance measurements (p&gt;0.05). In addition, a significant relationship was found between dynamic balance measurements and WAnT anaerobic performance measurements (p&gt;0.05). In addition, a significant relationship was found between proprioceptive joint angle deviation values and WAnT anaerobic performance measurements, anaerobic performance measurements obtained from jumping, and lower extremity isoinertial strength imbalance measurements (p&gt;0.05). Conclusions. In conclusion, as the findings of the study, the determining factors of the balance and angular error rates differ in the left and right legs of wrestlers. Especially, in order to minimize left leg balance and angular errors, training modules that increase proprioceptive performance should be applied to athletes.Передумови та мета дослідження. Метою цього дослідження є виявлення та співвіднесення деяких факторів, які, як вважають, впливають на динамічно-статичний баланс та пропріоцептивні відчуття борців елітного рівня.Матеріал та методи. Описову статистику загалом для 13 елітних борців вільного стилю було визначено після того, як були взяті ваги тіла, зріст, WAnT, тести стрибків в активному присіданні, вимірювання пропріоцептивного сенсу, вимірювання статичного та динамічного балансу. Потім був перевірений тест взаємозв'язку зі значеннями, отриманими при статично-динамічному балансі та вимірах пропріоцептивного сенсу, анаеробний тест сили Wingate (WAnT) та вертикальний стрибок (активний присідання).Результати. В результаті аналізу взаємозв'язку моментів продуктів Pearson було виявлено значний взаємозв'язок між вимірами статичного балансу та анаеробними показниками WAnT, анаеробними вимірами продуктивності, отриманими в результаті стрибків, вимірюваннями дисбалансу ізоінерційної міцності нижніх кінцівок (p&gt; 0,05). Крім того, знайдено значну залежність між вимірами динамічного балансу та анаеробними показниками WAnT (p&gt; 0,05). Крім того, знайдено значну взаємозв'язок між значеннями відхилення пропріоцептивного суглобового кута та вимірами анаеробних характеристик WAnT, анаеробними вимірами продуктивності, отриманими під час стрибків, та вимірюваннями дисбалансу ізоінерційної сили нижньої кінцівки (р&gt; 0,05).Висновки. На закінчення, як свідчать результати дослідження, визначальні фактори рівноваги та частоти кутових помилок відрізняються у лівої та правої ніг борців. Особливо, щоб мінімізувати рівновагу лівої ноги та кутові помилки, до спортсменів слід застосовувати тренувальні модулі, що підвищують пропріоцептивні показники

    Evaluation of the Effects of Menstrual Cycle on Postural Stability in Active Young Women

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    Menstruation is considered as the primary biological factor between men and women. Many studies indicate that the prevalence of injury is higher in female athletes than in male athletes. In the previous studies, an association between postural stability and injury rate has been reported. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the stability of physically active women during different phases of the menstrual cycle. Young women who exercised regularly and had a regular menstrual cycle (n = 19, age: 20.4 +/- 1.2 years; height: 164.78 +/- 4.66 cm; body weight: 54.63 +/- 3.41; BMI: 20.11 +/- 0.97 menstruation: 28.47 +/- 1.26) participated in the study. The Menstrual cycle is divided into three different phases. The stability was measured in the early menstrual phase, the follicular phase, and the middle of the luteal phase. Postural stability index (PSI) and Limit of stability (LOS), tests were performed with the Biodex SD System (Biodex, Shirley, NY). During the ovulation phase, according to LOS test results (p=0.016), a statistical difference was found between the three phases. According to this result, LOS values decreased in the ovulation phase compared to other phases. No difference was determined between anterior-posterior oscillation, mediolateral oscillation, and postural stability index scores and menstrual phases (p=0.34). It is observed that stability in women who perform active sports is affected by different menstrual phases. It can be said that the deterioration in stability is caused by the increase in sex hormones muscle and joint laxity during the ovulation phase

    Relationship between efficiency of pistol shooting and selected physical-physiological parameters of police

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between selected physical-physiological parameters and efficiency of pistol shooting. Design/methodology/approach: In all, 237 male volunteers, studying at a tur Police Academy within the age range of 19-20 years old were investigated. The physical fitness levels were evaluated by valid and reliable test batteries. The efficiency of pistol shooting was evaluated by the total points of the bullets which hit the target from 10 m. Findings: Significant differences were found between the sets of students according to shot accuracy groups for wrist circumference, biceps circumference, femur diameter, hand grip strength, flexibility, aerobic capacity, reaction time, balance, coordination, state anxiety level, anxiety variability, average heart rate, maximal heart rate and heart rate changes. The correlation coefficient between the pistol shooting result and change in heart rate, anxiety variability, mean heart rate during shooting, coordination, state anxiety, maximal heart rate during shooting, balance, hand-grip strength, biceps circumference, femur diameter, wrist circumference and flexibility was significant. Practical implications: This research identified parameters which were important in profiling a good shooter. In addition, this result could be used for choosing marksmen and guiding shooting training for athletes and police in which shooting skills are important. It was reported that joining simple field physical fitness tests and simple devices such as heart rate polar meters may have an advantage in selecting good shooters. These would save police departments both time and money. Originality value: This is the most comprehensive study to date which has evaluated physical fitness in relation to shooting efficiency. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited

    The role of leg volume and leg mass in determining the anaerobic performance and isokinetic knee strength in male soccer players

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    aim. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of leg volume and leg mass in the anaerobic performance and isokinetic knee strength of 21 (20.3±1.08 years) male soccer players. Methods. In order to determine body composition, subjects' height, body weight and skinfold thicknesses were taken. Body fat percentage was determined by the Jackson and Pollock formula (1978). Circumferential measurements were used to determine leg volume (LV) by the Frustum Method and then, a regression formula was used. For this formula, the R square (R2) value was 0.95 and the standard error value was 0.057. Leg mass (LM) was determined by the Hanavan Method. Wingate Anaerobic Power Test (WAnT), squat jump (SJ) and counter movement jump (CMJ) were used to determine anaerobic performance and peak isokinetic knee extension. Flexion torques were measured at 60, 150, 180 and 240°/s. Results. LV and LM were significantly correlated with peak power (PP), mean power (MP), CMJ and SJ (r=0.50 to 0.59;P&lt;0.05-R2=%24.9 to 35.5). Conclusion. The findings of the present study indicate that LV and LM play an important role in anaerobic performance in soccer players. The coach who wishes to improve performance over such short distance sprints, jumping, shooting, turns and dribbles should seek to increase leg volume and mass. In addition, the implication is that specific lower strength training to increase leg volume and mass will enhance anaerobic and strength performance

    Multi-instrument assessment of physical activity in female office workers

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the multi-instrument assessment of physical activity in female office workers. Material and Methods: Fifty healthy women (age (mean ± standard deviation): 34.8±5.9 years, body height: 158±0.4 cm, body weight: 61.8±7.5 kg, body mass index: 24.6±2.7 kg/m2) workers from the same workplace volunteered to participate in the study. Physical activity was measured with the 7-day Physical Activity Assessment Questionnaire (7-d PAAQ), an objective multi-sensor armband tool, and also a waist-mounted pedometer, which were both worn for 7 days. Results: A significant correlation between step numbers measured by armband and pedometer was observed (r = 0.735), but the step numbers measured by these 2 methods were significantly different (10 941±2236 steps/ day and 9170±2377 steps/day, respectively; p < 0.001). There was a weak correlation between the value of 7-d PAAQ total energy expenditure and the value of armband total energy expenditure (r = 0.394, p = 0.005). However, total energy expenditure values measured by armband and 7-d PAAQ were not significantly different (2081±370 kcal/ day and 2084±197 kcal/day, respectively; p = 0.96). In addition, physical activity levels (average daily metabolic equivalents (MET)) measured by armband and 7-d PAAQ were not significantly different (1.45±0.12 MET/day and 1.47±0.24 MET/day, respectively; p = 0.44). Conclusions: The results of this study showed that the correlation between pedometer and armband measurements was higher than that between armband measurements and 7-d PAAQ selfreports. Our results suggest that none of the assessment methods examined here, 7-d PAAQ, pedometer, or armband, is sufficient when used as a single tool for physical activity level determination. Therefore, multi-instrument assessment methods are preferable. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2016;29(6):937–94

    Multi-instrument assessment of physical activity in female office workers

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the multi-instrument assessment of physical activity in female office workers. Material and Methods: Fifty healthy women (age (mean ± standard deviation): 34.8±5.9 years, body height: 158±0.4 cm, body weight: 61.8±7.5 kg, body mass index: 24.6±2.7 kg/m2) workers from the same workplace volunteered to participate in the study. Physical activity was measured with the 7-day Physical Activity Assessment Questionnaire (7-d PAAQ), an objective multi-sensor armband tool, and also a waist-mounted pedometer, which were both worn for 7 days. Results: A significant correlation between step numbers measured by armband and pedometer was observed (r = 0.735), but the step numbers measured by these 2 methods were significantly different (10 941±2236 steps/ day and 9170±2377 steps/day, respectively; p < 0.001). There was a weak correlation between the value of 7-d PAAQ total energy expenditure and the value of armband total energy expenditure (r = 0.394, p = 0.005). However, total energy expenditure values measured by armband and 7-d PAAQ were not significantly different (2081±370 kcal/ day and 2084±197 kcal/day, respectively; p = 0.96). In addition, physical activity levels (average daily metabolic equivalents (MET)) measured by armband and 7-d PAAQ were not significantly different (1.45±0.12 MET/day and 1.47±0.24 MET/day, respectively; p = 0.44). Conclusions: The results of this study showed that the correlation between pedometer and armband measurements was higher than that between armband measurements and 7-d PAAQ selfreports. Our results suggest that none of the assessment methods examined here, 7-d PAAQ, pedometer, or armband, is sufficient when used as a single tool for physical activity level determination. Therefore, multi-instrument assessment methods are preferable. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2016;29(6):937–94