13 research outputs found


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    Özet: Elodea canadensis Michaux (Hydrocharitacea: Spermatophyta) Türkiye'de ilk olarak 1980'li yıllarda Trakya'dan bildirilmiştir. Eğirdir Gölü'nde, 2005 yılında ilk kez gözlemlenen bu tür dört yıl içerisinde tüm göl alanını kaplayarak baskın konuma gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada, 2005-2008 yılları arasında Eğirdir Gölü'nden alınan E. canadensis'in bazı diagnostik özellikleri ve ilk görüldüğü yıldan günümüze değin göldeki yayılışına ilişkin tespitler ortaya konulmuştur. Anahtar kelimeler: Elodea canadensis, Eğirdir Gölü, istilacı tür, trofik düzey A STUDY ON THE FIRST RECORD OF ELODEA CANADENSIS MICHAUX AND ITS INVASION IN LAKE EĞİRDİR, TURKEY Abstract: Elodea canadensis Michaux (Hydrocharitacea: Spermatophyta) was firstly recorded in Thrace in Turkey by 1980s. Firstly observed in 2005 in Lake Eğirdir, it has become dominant in the following years spreading all the lake area. In this study, some biological features and notes on the distribution of the plant since first observation was recorded, between 2005 and 2008. Key words: Elodea canadensis, invasive species, Lake Eğirdir, trophic leve

    Risk factors, locations of the thrombus, prophylaxis, and treatment of the deep venous thrombosis patients in the İzmir City and Aegean Region: Results of a multicenter study

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    Objective: To determine whether there is a relationship between the risk factors and the locations of the thrombi, pharmacological prophylaxis, and the treatment modalities in patients with deep venous thrombosis (DVT) in the İzmir City and Aegean Region. Material and Method: We enrolled 531 consecutive patients with DVT which are confirmed by Doppler ultrasound and reviewed records of 13 hospitals in the Izmir City and Aegean Region, in this multicenteric cross-sectional study. The data of the patients were recorded on a questionnaire form and analyzed by using confidence intervals for odds ratios, Chi-square test and Student-t tests. Results: 85.3% of the patients were outpatients while 14.7% were inpatients. The most frequently encountered medical risk factors were chronic venous insufficiency-varices, immobilization and family history respectively. The most frequently seen surgical risk factors were lung cancer surgery and knee surgery, followed by gastrointestinal surgery in the surgical group. While DVT were seen more frequent in males who had lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and under chemotherapy receiving patients for a malignancy; otherwise, DVT was seen more frequently in females who were obese and had a hip fracture. Conclusion: Advanced age is a crucially important risk factor in population for DVT and be able to treat with low molecular weight heparin without hospitalization as outpatient settings especially, for pregnant or mothers in lactation period. Malignity and its related surgery are at the forefronts of DVT causes. The obese females are in danger for DVT if any surgery is planned. The population-based studies are needed to be planned to detect for the true prophylaxis rates. Copyright © 2011 by Türkiye Klinikleri

    The genetic history of the Southern Arc: a bridge between West Asia and Europe

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    By sequencing 727 ancient individuals from the Southern Arc (Anatolia and its neighbors in Southeastern Europe and West Asia) over 10,000 years, we contextualize its Chalcolithic period and Bronze Age (about 5000 to 1000 BCE), when extensive gene flow entangled it with the Eurasian steppe. Two streams of migration transmitted Caucasus and Anatolian/Levantine ancestry northward, and the Yamnaya pastoralists, formed on the steppe, then spread southward into the Balkans and across the Caucasus into Armenia, where they left numerous patrilineal descendants. Anatolia was transformed by intra?West Asian gene flow, with negligible impact of the later Yamnaya migrations. This contrasts with all other regions where Indo-European languages were spoken, suggesting that the homeland of the Indo-Anatolian language family was in West Asia, with only secondary dispersals of non-Anatolian Indo-Europeans from the steppe. Stories about the peopling?and people?of Southern Europe and West Asia have been passed down for thousands of years, and these stories have contributed to our historical understanding of populations. Genomic data provide the opportunity to truly understand these patterns independently from written history. In a trio of papers, Lazaridis et al. examined more than 700 ancient genomes from across this region, the Southern Arc, spanning 11,000 years, from the earliest farming cultures to post-Medieval times (see the Perspective by Arbuckle and Schwandt). On the basis of these results, the authors suggest that earlier reliance on modern phenotypes and ancient writings and artistic depictions provided an inaccurate picture of early Indo-Europeans, and they provide a revised history of the complex migrations and population integrations that shaped these cultures. ?SNV A web of migrations between Anatolia, its neighbors, and the Steppe suggests a West Asian origin of Indo-Anatolian languages

    A genetic probe into the ancient and medieval history of Southern Europe and West Asia

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    Literary and archaeological sources have preserved a rich history of Southern Europe and West Asia since the Bronze Age that can be complemented by genetics. Mycenaean period elites in Greece did not differ from the general population and included both people with some steppe ancestry and others, like the Griffin Warrior, without it. Similarly, people in the central area of the Urartian Kingdom around Lake Van lacked the steppe ancestry characteristic of the kingdom’s northern provinces. Anatolia exhibited extraordinary continuity down to the Roman and Byzantine periods, with its people serving as the demographic core of much of the Roman Empire, including the city of Rome itself. During medieval times, migrations associated with Slavic and Turkic speakers profoundly affected the region

    Ancient DNA from Mesopotamia suggests distinct Pre-Pottery and Pottery Neolithic migrations into Anatolia

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    We present the first ancient DNA data from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic of Mesopotamia (Southeastern Turkey and Northern Iraq), Cyprus, and the Northwestern Zagros, along with the first data from Neolithic Armenia. We show that these and neighboring populations were formed through admixture of pre-Neolithic sources related to Anatolian, Caucasus, and Levantine hunter-gatherers, forming a Neolithic continuum of ancestry mirroring the geography of West Asia. By analyzing Pre-Pottery and Pottery Neolithic populations of Anatolia, we show that the former were derived from admixture between Mesopotamian-related and local Epipaleolithic-related sources, but the latter experienced additional Levantine-related gene flow, thus documenting at least two pulses of migration from the Fertile Crescent heartland to the early farmers of Anatolia

    Ancient DNA from Mesopotamia suggests distinct Pre-Pottery and Pottery Neolithic migrations into Anatolia

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    We present the first ancient DNA data from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic of Mesopotamia (Southeastern Turkey and Northern Iraq), Cyprus, and the Northwestern Zagros, along with the first data from Neolithic Armenia. We show that these and neighboring populations were formed through admixture of pre-Neolithic sources related to Anatolian, Caucasus, and Levantine hunter-gatherers, forming a Neolithic continuum of ancestry mirroring the geography of West Asia. By analyzing Pre-Pottery and Pottery Neolithic populations of Anatolia, we show that the former were derived from admixture between Mesopotamian-related and local Epipaleolithic-related sources, but the latter experienced additional Levantine-related gene flow, thus documenting at least two pulses of migration from the Fertile Crescent heartland to the early farmers of Anatolia

    The genetic history of the Southern Arc. A bridge between West Asia and Europe

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    By sequencing 727 ancient individuals from the Southern Arc (Anatolia and its neighbors in Southeastern Europe and West Asia) over 10,000 years, we contextualize its Chalcolithic period and Bronze Age (about 5000 to 1000 BCE), when extensive gene flow entangled it with the Eurasian steppe. Two streams of migration transmitted Caucasus and Anatolian/Levantine ancestry northward, and the Yamnaya pastoralists, formed on the steppe, then spread southward into the Balkans and across the Caucasus into Armenia, where they left numerous patrilineal descendants. Anatolia was transformed by intra-West Asian gene flow, with negligible impact of the later Yamnaya migrations. This contrasts with all other regions where Indo-European languages were spoken, suggesting that the homeland of the IndoAnatolian language family was in West Asia, with only secondary dispersals of non-Anatolian IndoEuropeans from the steppe