54 research outputs found

    Assessment and Validation of Globodera pallida as a Novel In Vivo Model for Studying Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Publication history: Accepted - 11 September 2021; Published online - 19 September 2021.Background: Whole transgenic or non-transgenic organism model systems allow the screening of pharmacological compounds for protective actions in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Aim: In this study, a plant parasitic nematode, Globodera pallida, which assimilates intact peptides from the external environment, was investigated as a new potential non-transgenic model system of AD. Methods: Fresh second-stage juveniles of G. pallida were used to measure their chemosensory, perform immunocytochemistry on their neurological structures, evaluate their survival rate, measure reactive oxygen species, and determine total oxidized glutathione to reduced glutathione ratio (GSSG/GSH) levels, before and after treatment with 100 µM of various amyloid beta (Aβ) peptides (1–40, 1–42, 17–42, 17–40, 1–28, or 1–16). Wild-type N2 C. elegans (strain N2) was cultured on Nematode Growth Medium and directly used, as control, for chemosensory assays. Results: We demonstrated that: (i) G. pallida (unlike Caenorhabditis elegans) assimilates amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides which co-localise with its neurological structures; (ii) pre-treatment with various Aβ isoforms (1–40, 1–42, 17–42, 17–40, 1–28, or 1–16) impairs G. pallida’s chemotaxis to differing extents; (iii) Aβ peptides reduced survival, increased the production of ROS, and increased GSSG/GSH levels in this model; (iv) this unique model can distinguish differences between different treatment concentrations, durations, and modalities, displaying good sensitivity; (v) clinically approved neuroprotective agents were effective in protecting G. pallida from Aβ (1–42) exposure. Taken together, the data indicate that G. pallida is an interesting in vivo model with strong potential for discovery of novel bioactive compounds with anti-AD activity.N.A.A. received a PhD studentship from Shaqra University, KSA and the Saudi Cultural Bureau in London (UKSACB). B.D.G.’s laboratory has received support for AD research from Alzheimer’s Research UK (ARUK-NC2019-NI), the Medical Research Council (MRC) (CIC-CD1718- CIC25), US-Ireland Health and Social Care NI (HSC R&DST/5460/2018) and InvestNI (RD101427 11-01-17-008). This work was also supported by Shaqra University, Saudi Arabi

    RNAi dynamics in juvenile Fasciola spp. liver flukes reveals the persistence of gene silencing in vitro

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    Fasciola spp. liver fluke cause pernicious disease in humans and animals. Whilst current control is unsustainable due to anthelmintic resistance, gene silencing (RNA interference, RNAi) has the potential to contribute to functional validation of new therapeutic targets. The susceptibility of juvenile Fasciola hepatica to double stranded (ds)RNA-induced RNAi has been reported. To exploit this we probe RNAi dynamics, penetrance and persistence with the aim of building a robust platform for reverse genetics in liver fluke. We describe development of standardised RNAi protocols for a commercially-available liver fluke strain (the US Pacific North West Wild Strain), validated via robust transcriptional silencing of seven virulence genes, with in-depth experimental optimisation of three: cathepsin L (FheCatL) and B (FheCatB) cysteine proteases, and a σ-class glutathione transferase (FheσGST).Robust transcriptional silencing of targets in both F. hepatica and Fasciola gigantica juveniles is achievable following exposure to long (200-320 nt) dsRNAs or 27 nt short interfering (si)RNAs. Although juveniles are highly RNAi-susceptible, they display slower transcript and protein knockdown dynamics than those reported previously. Knockdown was detectable following as little as 4h exposure to trigger (target-dependent) and in all cases silencing persisted for ≥25 days following long dsRNA exposure. Combinatorial silencing of three targets by mixing multiple long dsRNAs was similarly efficient. Despite profound transcriptional suppression, we found a significant time-lag before the occurrence of protein suppression; FheσGST and FheCatL protein suppression were only detectable after 9 and 21 days, respectively.In spite of marked variation in knockdown dynamics, we find that a transient exposure to long dsRNA or siRNA triggers robust RNAi penetrance and persistence in liver fluke NEJs supporting the development of multiple-throughput phenotypic screens for control target validation. RNAi persistence in fluke encourages in vivo studies on gene function using worms exposed to RNAi-triggers prior to infection

    Dataset for "Discovery of long non-coding RNAs in the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica"

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    Supporting information datasets for McVeigh et al 2023, Discovery of long non-coding RNAs in the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica; PLoS Neglected Tropical Disease

    Developmental Regulation and Functional Prediction of microRNAs in an Expanded Fasciola hepatica miRNome

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    The liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica, is a global burden on the wellbeing and productivity of farmed ruminants, and a zoonotic threat to human health. Despite the clear need for accelerated discovery of new drug and vaccine treatments for this pathogen, we still have a relatively limited understanding of liver fluke biology and host interactions. Noncoding RNAs, including micro (mi)RNAs, are key to transcriptional regulation in all eukaryotes, such that an understanding of miRNA biology can shed light on organismal function at a systems level. Four previous publications have reported up to 89 mature miRNA sequences from F. hepatica, but our data show that this does not represent a full account of this species miRNome. We have expanded on previous studies by sequencing, for the first time, miRNAs from multiple life stages (adult, newly excysted juvenile (NEJ), metacercariae and adult-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs)). These experiments detected an additional 61 high-confidence miRNAs, most of which have not been described in any other species, expanding the F. hepatica miRNome to 150 mature sequences. We used quantitative (q)PCR assays to provide the first developmental profile of miRNA expression across metacercariae, NEJ, adult and adult-derived Evs. The majority of miRNAs were expressed most highly in metacercariae, with at least six distinct expression clusters apparent across life stages. Intracellular miRNAs were functionally analyzed to identify target mRNAs with inversely correlated expression in F. hepatica tissue transcriptomes, highlighting regulatory interactions with key virulence transcripts including cathepsin proteases, and neuromuscular genes that control parasite growth, development and motility. We also linked 28 adult-derived EV miRNAs with downregulation of 397 host genes in F. hepatica-infected transcriptomes from ruminant lymph node, peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) and liver tissue transcriptomes. These included genes involved in signal transduction, immune and metabolic pathways, adding to the evidence for miRNA-based immunosuppression during fasciolosis. These data expand our understanding of the F. hepatica miRNome, provide the first data on developmental miRNA regulation in this species, and provide a set of testable hypotheses for functional genomics interrogations of liver fluke miRNA biology
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