1,011 research outputs found
Markbaserade sensorer för insamling av skogliga data : en förstudie
En förutsÀttning för skoglig planering pÄ alla nivÄer Àr att man har en god uppfattning
om tillstÄndet i den stÄende skogen. K
valiten pÄ de beslut som fattas kommer dÀrför
att vara direkt beroende av mÀngden och kvaliten pÄ den information som samlats in.
Sensorer som radar, lidar och olika typer av digitala kameror anvÀnds idag med
framgÄng för fjÀrranalys dÀr skogen avbildas frÄn ovan. Föreliggande arbete syftar till
att belysa de tekniska förutsÀttningarna för att utnyttja modem sensorteknik Àven för
markbaserade mÀtningar. Detta skulle i sÄ fall öppna möjligheter att automatisera
fÄngsten av skogliga data som dÀrmed skulle bli kostnadseffektivare samtidigt som
nya typer av data skulle bli tillgÀngliga.
PÄ ett tidigt stadium valdes följande tekniker ut för att nÀrmare studeras med avseende
pÄ lÀmplighet att ingÄ i ett inventeringskoncept:
Lidar. Lidar Àr en laserbaserad teknik för att mÀta avstÄnd och riktning till
objekt. Laserns fördelar gentemot andra typer av sensorer Àr att mycket hög
vinkelupplösning kan erhÄllas pÄ signalen. Laser baserade sensorer framstÄr dÀrför
som mycket lÀmpliga för olika typer av scanning eller avstÄndsmÀtning.
Nackdelen Àr att laserstrÄlen mÄste ha fri sikt för att kunna registrera ett objekt
samt att det i dagslÀget handlar om dyr och avancerad teknik.
Fotogrammetri i digitala bilder. Om avstÄndet till objektet i en bild och
kamerans inre geometri Àr kÀnda kan geometriska mÀtningar av exempelvis
stamdiametrar göras i bilden. Genom att anvÀnda digitala bilder och bildanalys
borde det vara möjligt att skapa program som mer eller mindre automatiskt
detekterar och mÀter diametrar pÄ de stammar som Àr synliga i en bild.
ObjektavstÄnden tas lÀmpligen ut genom separat avstÄndsmÀtning med lidar eller
genom stereomatchning av tvÄ eller flera bilder.
Radar. Radarsignalen anvÀnder betydligt lÀgre frekvenser Àn laser, vilket ger
den intressanta egenskaper i skogsuppskatt
ningssammanhang dÄ man kan se
igenom objekt mindre Àn halva vÄglÀngden. Nackdelen med lÄgfrekventa signaler
Àr att man fÄr en för dÄlig vinkelupplösning om man försöker att genom scanning
ta ut vinkel och avstÄnd till de enskilda stammarna. Radar verkar dÀremot vara en
mer framkomlig vÀg om man avser att hÀmta information ur den totala
retursignalen. En viss uppfattning om diameter fördelningen skulle i sÄ fall kunna
fÄs genom att studera skillnaden i retursignalen frÄn olika vÄglÀngder.
Ultraljud. Ultraljud kan anvÀndas enligt samma principer som radar. Fördelarna
med ultraljudssensorer Àr att det finns enkla och billiga standardkomponenter.
Nackdelen Àr att signalen dÀmpas under fÄrden genom luften och mÄste dÀrför
kalibreras för förÀndringar i luftens temperatur och fuktighet. Inventeringens upplÀggning har ocksÄ betydelse för de olika teknikernas
anvÀndbarhet. Om man inventerar enligt principen för tvÄfassampling stÀlls olika krav
pÄ utrustningen beroende pÄ om det Àr det stora primÀra samplet eller det mer
noggranna sekundÀra samplet man samlar in. Vid insamlingen av det primÀra samplet
försöker man samla in stora mÀngder data som Àr korrelerat med den variabel som
man önskar mÀta för att fÄ ett sÄ lÄgt representativt fel som möjligt. Generellt kan man
dÀrför sÀga att kvantiteten data Àr viktigare Àn kvaliteten pÄ det samma vid insamling
av det primÀra samplet. Detta gör att tekniker som samlar in data kostnadseffektivt
men med lÄg precision blir intressanta, exempelvis radar och ultraljuds sensorer som
registrerar ekon kontinuerligt medan utrustningen förs lÀngs en linje. Om man
dÀremot vill mÀta in det sekundÀra samplet med sensorer krÀvs utrustning som mÀter
med hög precision pÄ den enskilda provytan, vilket talar för tekniker som lidar och
fotogrammetri i digitala bilder. Ett kanske mer realistiskt alternativ Àr annars att
inventera det primÀra samplet med automatiska kostnadseffektiva metoder medan det
sekundÀra samplet mÀts in med traditionella manuella metoder.This MSc thesis was done at the Department of Forest Resources and Geomatics SLU,
UmeÄ during the fall 1996 and spring 1997.
A requirement for accurate forestry planning at all levels is knowledge about the
condition of the forests today. The quality of the decisions made will therefore be
proportional to the quality and amount of information collected.
Sensors like radar, lidar and different types of digital cameras are today used quite
successfully for remote sensing from aircraft or satellites. The purp ose of the thesis is
to make a feasibility-study about ground-based use of these kinds of sensors in order
to rationalise and improve forest inventory work.
Following techniques where selected for a closer study oftheir qualities as ingredients
in an inventory concept:
Lidar. Lidar is an abbreviation for light detection and ranging and is a laserÂ
hased technique to measure distance and reflection of an object. Compared to
other kinds of sensors the lidar has a very high angular resolution. Therefor it is
well suited for scanning and ranging where high accuracy is required. The
disadvantage of the method isthat a clear sight to the object is needed and that the
technique must still be considered advanced and expensive.
Photogrammetry in digital images. If the distance to the object and the
intemal geometry of the camera is known for an image, measurements of for
example tree diameters or the shape of the whole trunk can be made. By using
digital pietmes and image processing it seerus possible to develop programs that
more or less automatically detects and measure the desired variables.
Radar. The radar-based sensors are using much lower frequencies than the
laser. This gives radar the characteristic of being able to see through objects half
the size of the wavelength or less. This could be very valuable if radar are
supposed to be used for forest inventory work since there will be a problem with
undergrowth covering stems if methods that demands visual sight will be used.
The disadvantage with using the appropriate wavelengths is that the angular
resolution will be to low for scanning where the purpose is to measure each stem
individually. If on the other hand the total sum of the signals in a seanned sector is
analysed in order to extract information about the standing volume, radar seems
like a very feasible technique for developing an effective forest inventory concept.
o nie. Ultrasonic can be used by the same theories as for radar. The
advantage for ultrasonic compared to radar is that there is a supply of
comparatively cheap and simple standard components. The disadvantage is that
how much the signal will be reduced while transmitting through the air depends to
a high grade of the atmospheric humidity and temperature, which means that
calibration must be made. Another negative characteristic of ultrasonic is that the
signal is sensitive for wind. The methods of in
ventory used al so have an effect on the feasibility of the techniques.
If double sampling is used there will be different requirements for the equipment
depending on if it is data from the large primary sample or the more accurate
secondary sample being collected. When collecting the primary sample i
t' s necessary
to collect a large amount of data to prevent errors that originates from the
representation of the population. The quality of the collected data will therefore be
less important. This means that techniques that collects large arnounts of data with
high cost-efficiency but lacks in precision will be interesting, for example radar or
ultra-sonie sensors that collects data continuously while moving. On the other hand if
the purpose is to collect the secondary sample, equipment that measures with high
accuracy, like lidar or photogrammetry in digital pictures will be required. Another,
maybe more realistic alternative, is to use a cost-efficient sensor-hased technique to
collect data from the primary sample and then use traditional manual circular plot
sampling for the secondary sample
The hiphive package for the extraction of high-order force constants by machine learning
The efficient extraction of force constants (FCs) is crucial for the analysis
of many thermodynamic materials properties. Approaches based on the systematic
enumeration of finite differences scale poorly with system size and can rarely
extend beyond third order when input data is obtained from first-principles
calculations. Methods based on parameter fitting in the spirit of interatomic
potentials, on the other hand, can extract FC parameters from semi-random
configurations of high information density and advanced regularized regression
methods can recover physical solutions from a limited amount of data. Here, we
present the hiPhive Python package, that enables the construction of force
constant models up to arbitrary order. hiPhive exploits crystal symmetries to
reduce the number of free parameters and then employs advanced machine learning
algorithms to extract the force constants. Depending on the problem at hand
both over and underdetermined systems are handled efficiently. The FCs can be
subsequently analyzed directly and or be used to carry out e.g., molecular
dynamics simulations. The utility of this approach is demonstrated via several
examples including ideal and defective monolayers of MoS as well as bulk
Cooja TimeLine: A Power Visualizer for Sensor Network Simulation
Power consumption is one of the most important factors
in wireless sensor network research, but most simulators do
not provide support for visualizing the power consumption
of an entire sensor network. This makes it hard to develop,
debug, and understand mechanisms and protocols based on
power-saving mechanisms. We present Cooja TimeLine, an
extension to Contikiâs Cooja network simulator, that visualizes
radio traffic and radio usage of sensor networks. Cooja
TimeLine makes is possible to visually see the behavior of
low-power protocols and mechanisms thereby increasing the
understanding of the behavior of sensor networks. We see
this as an important tool for the field moving forward
Efficient construction of linear models in materials modeling and applications to force constant expansions
Linear models, such as force constant (FC) and cluster expansions, play a key
role in physics and materials science. While they can in principle be
parametrized using regression and feature selection approaches, the convergence
behavior of these techniques, in particular with respect to thermodynamic
properties is not well understood. Here, we therefore analyze the efficacy and
efficiency of several state-of-the-art regression and feature selection
methods, in particular in the context of FC extraction and the prediction of
different thermodynamic properties. Generic feature selection algorithms such
as recursive feature elimination with ordinary least-squares (OLS), automatic
relevance determination regression, and the adaptive least absolute shrinkage
and selection operator can yield physically sound models for systems with a
modest number of degrees of freedom. For large unit cells with low symmetry
and/or high-order expansions they come, however, with a non-negligible
computational cost that can be more than two orders of magnitude higher than
that of OLS. In such cases, OLS with cutoff selection provides a viable route
as demonstrated here for both second-order FCs in large low-symmetry unit cells
and high-order FCs in low-symmetry systems. While regression techniques are
thus very powerful, they require well-tuned protocols. Here, the present work
establishes guidelines for the design of protocols that are readily usable,
e.g., in high-throughput and materials discovery schemes. Since the underlying
algorithms are not specific to FC construction, the general conclusions drawn
here also have a bearing on the construction of other linear models in physics
and materials science.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure
Constructive Alignment as a Means to Establish Information Literacy in the Curriculum
Constructive alignment is the pedagogical principal which connects learning goals and learning activities with assessment. Learning goals should inform the student about what theyâll know once they finish the course. Learning activities is what the student needs to do to fulfill the goals. The assessment measures to what degree the student reaches the learning goals. The principal of constructive alignment permeates Swedish higher education. Regulatory documents at both national and local level talk about the importance of having a logical connection between the three parts that make out the principle of constructive alignment. But can we use Constructive Alignment as a means to establish courses in information literacy? I think we can if we align the structure of IL-courses with existing syllabus and formalize this connection.
Development and application of techniques for predicting and analysing phonon-derived materials properties
The thermodynamic properties of materials are of great interest for both scientists and engineers. A large contribution to many properties stems from the vibrational motion of the atoms in the material. An understanding of the dynamics of the vibrating atoms is therefore important for many other areas as well, including, e.g., electronic and optical properties. Since many materials of particular technological interest are crystalline, the vibrations can be studied in the framework of lattice dynamics. One of the main challenges in lattice dynamics is to acquire the force constants that describe the atomic interactions. Using crystal symmetries it is possible to reduce and cast this problem to a linear regression problem. This approach has been implemented in the present work in the hiphive package. The force constants (an interatomic potential) can be fitted to forces obtained from, e.g., density functional theory calculations.Although the problem of linear regression is well studied from a theoretical point of view the number of unknown coefficients in the force constant expansion is typically very large. Obtaining good models from limited data is possible via regularized regression, which has been successfully applied in many areas of physics. However, how well these techniques work in general for practical problems involving force constants is not well understood. By interfacing with the scikit-learn package, here, the hiphive package has been used to explore how well these techniques work in practice. It is found that many concepts from machine (or statistical) learning can be useful in order to predict macroscopic properties and quantify model uncertainties.Moving beyond the domain of pure lattice dynamics we also studied the thermal conductivity of rotationally disordered layered materials, which feature weak van-der-Waals interactions between the layers. These structures exhibit a remarkably low through-plane thermal conductivity and their dynamic properties can be described as one-dimensional glasses (a property worth further studies). By performing molecular dynamics simulations on state-of-the-art graphical processing units using the Green-Kubo formalism excellent agreement with experiments could be achieved
Rotation Averaging and Strong Duality
In this paper we explore the role of duality principles within the problem of
rotation averaging, a fundamental task in a wide range of computer vision
applications. In its conventional form, rotation averaging is stated as a
minimization over multiple rotation constraints. As these constraints are
non-convex, this problem is generally considered challenging to solve globally.
We show how to circumvent this difficulty through the use of Lagrangian
duality. While such an approach is well-known it is normally not guaranteed to
provide a tight relaxation. Based on spectral graph theory, we analytically
prove that in many cases there is no duality gap unless the noise levels are
severe. This allows us to obtain certifiably global solutions to a class of
important non-convex problems in polynomial time.
We also propose an efficient, scalable algorithm that out-performs general
purpose numerical solvers and is able to handle the large problem instances
commonly occurring in structure from motion settings. The potential of this
proposed method is demonstrated on a number of different problems, consisting
of both synthetic and real-world data
Haptic Interface for a Contact Force Controlled Robot
The use of haptics in teleoperation and robotics can help the human operator to greatly improve the performance. This master thesis presents a haptic interface between a haptic device, a Phantom Premium A, and an industrial robot, an IRB140B, on which a force sensor was mounted. This will enable a human operator controlling the Phantom to get information about the environment surrounding the IRB140B through the sense of touch. An impedance controller is also introduced in order to avoid too large contact forces in the robot-environment interaction and to obtain a good behavior of the Phantom. The haptic interface was achieved by deriving a general mathematical mapping from the states of a haptic device to these of an industrial robot and by implementing that mapping for the Phantom and the IRB140B. To handle the Phantom e.g., the force feedback, a C++ program was developed. The program also features a virtual representation of the IRB140B. The impedance controller for the robot-environment interaction was implemented in Matlab's Simulink. That controller was translated into C code and downloaded to the axis computer of the IRB140B. Everything was connected via a TCP/IP network. Tuning the impedance controller resulted in a stable teleoperation system with haptic feedback to the human operator for the materials touched by the IRB140B
Cross-level sensor network simulation with COOJA
Simulators for wireless sensor networks are a valuable tool for
system development. However, current simulators
can only simulate a single level of a system at once. This makes
system development and evolution difficult since developers
cannot use the same simulator for both high-level algorithm
development and low-level development such as device-driver implementations.
We propose cross-level simulation, a novel type of wireless
sensor network simulation that enables holistic simultaneous
simulation at different levels. We present an implementation of such a
simulator, COOJA, a simulator for the Contiki sensor node operating
system. COOJA allows for simultaneous simulation at the
network level, the operating system level, and the machine code
instruction set level. With COOJA, we show the feasibility of the
cross-level simulation approach
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